HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 2006-03 (Title: An Ordinance adopting Budget Amendment II to the Original General Budget of
the City for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 to provide for supplemental appropriation and/or
transfer of certain funds.)
* � � � * � � � * *
WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2004-17, the City Council of the City of Friendswood,
Texas, adopted its"Original General Budget for Fiscal Year 2004-2005";
WHEREAS,the City Council has determined that revenues and/or reserves are available
for supplemental appropriation and/or transfer of certain funds interdepartmentally is
economically feasible and in the best interest of prudent budgeting; and
WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend said Original General Budget to reflect
such supplemental appropriation and/or transfer in the fiscal year 2004-2005; now,therefore,
Section 1. The facts and matters set forth in the preamble of this Ordinance are
hereby found to be true and correct.
Section 2. The "Original General Budget of the City of Friendswood, Texas, for the
Fiscal Year 2004-2005," is hereby amended as shown on "Budget Amendment II to the Original
Budget of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Far the Fiscal year 2004-2005" attached hereto. Said
Budget Amendment II shall be attached to and made a part of such Original General Budget by
the City Secretary and shall be filed as required by state law, a true and correct copy of which is
attached hereto as Exhibits "A"and"B"and made a part hereof for all purposes.
Section 3. In the event any clause, phrase, provision, sentence, or part of this ordinance
or the application of the same to any person or circumstance shall for any reason be adjudged
invalid or held unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect, impair, or
invalidate this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other than the part declared to be
invalid or unconstitutional; and the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, declares that it
would have passed each and every part of the same notwithstanding the omission of any such part
thus declared to be invalid or unconstitutional,whether there be one or more parts.
PASSED AND APPROVED on final reading this 20t�day of Februarv,2006.
Kimball W. Brizendine
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Deloris McKenzie, T C * *
City Secretary
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Ord.2006-03 2
Attachment A
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City of Friendswood
Budget Amendment Summary
Fiscal Year 2004 — 2005
Budget Amendment II
February 6, 2005
1 Laserfiche Indexing Software, $9,484. This is primarily an accounting amendment to
adjust the final payment far Laserfiche Indexing software from City Secretary's
office (CSO) to Administrative Services (ASO.) The software was budgeted in 2004
by the CSO and added to the CSO department budget. A purchase order was
processed by CSO to begin implementation and a down payment was made in fiscal
year 2004. The final payment was made in fiscal year 2005. All hardware and
software purchases should be budgeted in ASO, IT (Information Technology)
division; therefore, the final payment was moved from CSO to ASO. This budget
amendment transfers the budget for that payment from CSO to ASO. (7, 5961)
2 Citation Software and Hardware. $12,222. The City Council approved on October
20, 2004, consent agenda item 12-E, the purchase of SunGard OSSI and SunGard
HTE Citation software and hardware from the Court Technology Fund. The software
enables officers to quickly create traf�c citations and download the data from the
mobile data computers to the Court computer,system. The initial software and
hardware was appropriated on Budget Amendment I dated Apri14, 2005 in the
amount of$82,512. Additional hardware (vehicle mounts) and installation, $4,322
and software, $7,900, was needed during implementation. (23-4549)
3 Delete E99Cent Grant, ($30,000�. City council approved a grant to 99Cent Only
Store under Chapter 380 of the Local Government Code for Economic Development
on January 3, 2005, agenda item 7. The grant was to have been paid upon issuance of
certificate of occupancy with funding to come from the $120,000 set aside for these
grants in General Fund reserves. The budget was amended for this expenditure on
Apri14, 2005, ordinance 2005-11. Subsequently, the company did not acquire a lease
to the property and did not proceed with the grant. This amendment reverses the
appropriation on ordinance 2005-11. (62, 3953)
4 Utilitv Improvements on Public Safety Buildin�Land Parcels $288 513. Follow up
amendment to City Council action item approved on September 12, 2005, consent
agenda item 14-A. Contract amount is $279,272.50; $178,826 for the public safety
building(PSB) site; $77,151 for FM 528 Frontage three acre site; and $7,176 and
$16,120 for water and sewer lines, respectively, in the right-of-way. Change order
number one, in the amount of$9,240, for general site work on the PSB site, is also
included bringing the amended contract total to $288,513. The PSB site work is
funded with 2003 Bonds. The FM 528 Frontage site work is funded with General
Fund Reserves. The water and sewer lines in the right-of-way are funded with Water
and Sewer Working Capital. Costs associated with the FM 528 Frontage site
improvements will be recovered in the future sale of the site. For further information,
reference the September 12, 2005 agenda item attachments. (69, 6052)
2005 BA II-Attachment A#9
Attachment A
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FY 2004-2005 Budget Amendment II Summary
February 6, 2005
5 Relocate Exxon Pipeline, $29,941. Relocate inactive Exxon pipeline running across
the location for the new outfall for the drainage improvements in Sunmeadow
Subdivision. The outfall is actually located in Windsong Subdivision, and is
commonly referred to as the Windsong Outfall. The original estimate of$44.137
approved by City Council February 7, 2005, agenda item 11-G,has been reduced to
the actual cost of$29,941. Fund from General Fund reserves. (71, 6058)
6 Friendswood Crime Prevention Program Donations, $4 125. Appropriate FY 2005
Safe Neighborhood Heroes grants by Wal-Mart Corporation($3,000 received
October 12, 2004, cash receipt (CR) 2296 and Sam's Club ($1,125 received January
12, 2005, CR 19281) as donations to the Friendswood Police Crime Prevention
Program for crime prevention supplies and staff training. (83, 2582)
7 Public Safetv Buildin� Generator, $76,306. Transfer funds budgeted for three sirens
in Emergency Management to purchase a generator for the new Public Safety
Building. Installation costs will be included in the building construction contract
funded with 2003 bonds. (88, 6023)
8 Dispatch Console Radio Equipment for New Public Safetv Buildin� $228 941.
Housekeeping amendment to transfer three dispatch console budgets for the new
Public Safety Building(PSB) from Emergency Management department to the PSB
building Capital Project department. The consoles were included in the adopted
budget and funded with the Emergency Management 2004 Urban Areas Security
Initiative grant,project number G00041. (91, 2939)
9 Lon,�n�e Financial Plan Phase II, $8 600. The Long Range Financial Plan funded
in the adopted budget is a baseline plan(Phase I) that will provide a forecast of the
City's financial status at the time of its projected build out, somewhere between 2015
—2020. Council approved, on April 18, 2005, agenda item 10-H, increasing the scope
of this project to include a couple of additional development scenarios incorporated
into the project scope (Phase II.) (94, 6057)
10 Galveston Countv Consolidated Drainage District De-Sna ing Project $100 000.
2004 budget for the City's contribution to the drainage district proj ect was not
expended in fiscal year 2004 and the budget lapsed into General Fund Balance.
Reappropriate the lapsed funds. Reference council approval on June 6, 2005, agenda
item 15-G. (101, 6059)
11 Additional Concrete Street Repairs on Blackhawk $53 651. Increase the budget for
Concrete Street Repair project to complete all of the known failures on Blackhawk.
Fund with remaining 2004 Asphalt Street Improvement budget, $26,435, and Street
Operations budget, $27,216. (102, 6080)
2005 BA II-Attachment A#9
Attachment A
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FY 2004-2005 Budget Amendment II Summary
February 6,2005
12 En ineerin f�y Area Boulevard 14"Waterline Crossing Clear Creek $39 610.
Follow up amendment to City Council action item on June 6, 2005, consent agenda
item 15-B, to enter into an agreement with SCL Engineering for design of waterline
extension from Bay Area Boulevard across Clear Creek to West Ranch. These costs
will be funded from Water & Sewer Reserves and paid back by the 2006 W&S Bond
funds, scheduled to be issued in 2006. For further information, reference the June 6,
2005 agenda item attachments. (110, 3889)
13 Prairie Wilde at FM 2351 Draina�e Improvements, $15,100. Follow up amendment
to City Council action item approved on August 15, 2005, consent agenda item 7, to
enter into a contract amendment with Claunch&Miller in the amount of$15,100, to
design drainage improvements in the FM 2351/Prairie Wild area and authorize the
project to be advertised for bid. Funding far the engineering, design, and construction
is to come from General Fund Reserves. For further information, reference August
15, 2005 agenda item attachments. (114, 6015)
14 Architectural and En ineering Services for New Fire Stations $24 487. Follow up
amendment to City Council action item approved on July 11, 2005, agenda item 12-
A, authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract with Joiner Partnership, Inc. in the
amount of$25,900, for RFQ 2005-01 for architectural and engineering services for
phase one programming design of Fire Station#4 with funding to come from the
2003 Bond Funds. Amendment amount reduced to $24,487 to refliect actual cost of
services. For further information, reference July 11, 2005 agenda item attachments.
(115, 6070)
15 En�ineering Services on Deepwood Lift Station Expansion $110 450. Follow up
amendment to City Council action item approved on June 20, 2005, consent agenda
item 15-E, to enter into an agreement with SCL Engineering, in the amount of
$110,450, for design, surveying and bidding of the Deepwood Lift Station and force
main. Funding is to come from water and sewer bonds to be issued in 2006. For
further information, reference August 15, 2005 agenda item attachments. (116, 6068)
16 Election Equipment, $4,000. Follow up amendment to City Council action item
approved on September 26, 2005, consent agenda item 8-B, authorizing expenditures
in the amount of$54,000 for the purchase of electronic voting equipment for the
disabled as required by state law. Funding to be provided from as follows: $50,000
from the current FY 2005 City Budget, and$4,000 from General Fund Reserves.
Also, move $5,000 of the $50,000 budget from City Secretary-Election Services to
Administrative Services-Information Technology(IT)budget. The remaining
$45,000 is already budgeted in IT. The additional $4,000 authorized by City Council
will also be added to the IT budget for a total of$54,000. All dollars are IT related
and should be budgeted in the IT division. (120, 6017)
2005 BA II-Attachment A#9
Attachment A
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FY 2004-2005 Budget Amendment II Summary
February 6,2005
17 Summer Brochure Advertisement Revenues, $2,300. Appropriate advertisement
revenues received for the Community Services department summer brochure by local
vendors. Total cost of the brochure was $6,130. In addition to the $2,300, additional
advertisement revenues of$1,925 were received resulting in a total saving of$4,225
in tax dollars for the printing of the brochure. (112, 6060)
18 Purchase Propertv at 904 W. Ed�ewood for Clover Acres Detention, $201,899.
Follow up amendment to City Council action item on August 15, 2005, consent
agenda item 6, authorizing the mayor to execute a contract with Wallace and Shannon
Trochesset to purchase 904 W. Edgewood for a detention area for the Clover Acres
Drainage project with funding to come from the 2005 Clover Acres bond funds. For
further information, reference the August 15, 2005 agenda item attachments. (123,
19 Reduce Public Safety Building Desi n�, (,$20,000�. Follow up amendment to City
Council action item on June 6, 2005, consent agenda item 12-A, approving change
order#1 to reduce the amount of the contract by$20,000 and end the agreement with
Vaughn Construction for Part 2 (approved on September 4, 2004, agenda item 7)of
the design-build process for the construction of the Public Safety Building.. For
further information, reference the June 6, 2005 agenda item attachments. (124, 6086)
20 Additional Public Safety Buildin�Architectural and En�ineerin Design, $105,744.
Follow up amendment to City Council action item on June 6, 2005, consent agenda
item 12-B, authorizing the mayor to execute a standard architectural agreement with
Perkins and Will Architects for completion of the plans for the PSB, the bidding of
the project by competitive sealed bids and the construction management services
during the construction phase. For further information, reference the June 6, 2005
agenda item attachments. (125, 6087)
21 Transfer ponations and Insurance Proceeds to FVFD. $323 478. Appropriate the
transfer of donations to the FVFD received from water, sewer and sanitation
customers in the amount of$278,430 ($130,133 for 2005 and $148,297 for prior
years). Also appropriate the transfer of insurance proceeds received for ambulance
A46 in the amount of$45,048. All funds to be added to the FVFD equipment
replacement fund as specified in the contract with FVFD.(138, 6077)
22 Reduce Transfers to Water and Sewer Revenue Debt Service Fund ($923 725�.
Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds were to have been issued in the fall of 2004;
therefore, debt payments were budgeted in 2005. Due to a delay by City of Houston
on the Southeast Water Purification Plant additional capacity project, the funds were
not sold as scheduled. Release the funds budgeted for the debt interest payment and
return them to water and sewer working capital. The bonds are now scheduled to be
sold in 2006. (130, 6079)
2005 BA II-Attachment A#9
Attachment A
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FY 2004-2005 Budget Amendment II Summary
February 6, 2005
23 Reimburse FVFD for Rental of Ambulance. $7,500. Follow up amendment to City
Council action item on August 15, 2005, consent agenda item 12-G, authorizing
reimbursement to FVFD for rental of an ambulance unit for up to 100 days, in an
amount not to exceed$7,500, to be funded by General Fund Reserves, and authorize
the sale of the wrecked Ambulance, Unit#46. (127, 6076)
24 Topo -g�raphic Survevin�on Land Purchase Adiacent to Fire Station#4, $2,248.
Surveying costs for the total land purchase are to be prorated based on acreage for the
new 2 acre Fire Station#4, , and the additional 1.6019 acres at Woodlawn and FM
2351, or 56% for the fire station and 44% for the additional acreage. Fire station
funding is to come from the 2003 bond fund and the additional acreage funding is to
come from General Fund reserves. This amendment appropriates the additional land
purchase funding from General Fund reserves. (133, 6047)
25 Topo�raphic Surve �i�ng, Environmental Assessment and Clearing on Two Parcels of
Land Purchase Adj acent to New Public Safety Building, $7,179. Total surveying,
environmental assessment and clearing of land on 10 acre site purchased for the new
public safety building are to be prorated based on acreage. Funding for the future fire
station and FM 528 frontage tracts is to come from General Fund reserves. This
amendment appropriates these additional land purchase costs from General Fund
reserves. (134, 6051)
26 Reduce Homeland Securitv Equipment Grant Bud e�($116,536�. Reduce budget
for that portion of the grant for equipment paid ordered by the City but paid for by the
state. The equipment grants are not recorded as City transactions. (137, 6073)
27 2005 Permanent Improvement and Refund Bond Sale, $7,900,000. Follow up
amendment to City Council action item on August 15, 2005, consent agenda item
10-C, adopting ordinance 2005-23 authorizing issuance of Permanent Improvement
and Refunding Bonds, Series 2005 to fund the following projects: (135, 5911)
Public Safety Building $2,567,160
Fire Station#4 $1,030,000
Total Public Safety Bonds $3,597,160
Annalea/Whitehall Drainage $ 94,002
Glen Shannon Drainage $1,152 490
Clover Acres Drainage $1,000,000
Mission Estates Outfall 161 474
Total Drainage Bonds $2,407,966
Undesignated Street Bonds $ 101,784
Centennial Park Bonds $1,793,090
Total Permanent Improvement Bonds 7 900 000
2005 BA II-Attachment A#9
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FI'2004-2005 Budget Amendment II Summary
February 6, 2005
28 Retirin�Emplovee Benefit Accrual, $7,672. Appropriate benefit pay to Linda
Thornton upon her retirement March 31, 2005. Accumulated vacation and benefits
for retiring employees are paid in the current fiscal year. If necessary, fund balance
which has been previously designated for this purpose is appropriated.
2005 BA II-Attachment A#9
City of Friendswood ATTACHMENT B
Budget Amendment II Detail Page 1 of 4
Fiscal Year 2004-2005
February 6,2005
No Account Number Account Description Amount Explanation
� 001-0201-411.58-00 OPERATING EQUIPMENT<$5000 (2,134) Lasefiche Indexing Software
� 001-0201-411.75-10 TRAINING (1,725) Laserfiche Indexing Software
� 001-0201-411.77-10 SOFTWARE LICENSE FEES (4,218) Laserfiche Indexing Software
� 001-0201-411.77-20 SOFTWARE SUPPORT SERVICES (1,407) Laserfiche Indexing Software
� 001-0416-419.58-00 OPERATING EQUIPMENT<$5000 2,134 Laserfiche Indexing Software
� 001-0416-419.75-10 TRAINING 1,725 Lasefiche Indexing Software
� 001-0416-419.77-10 SOFTWARE LICENSE FEES 4,218 Lasefiche Indexing Software
� 001-0416-419.77-20 SOFTWARE SUPPORT SERVICES 1,407 Laserfiche Indexing Software
2 001-0000-351.10-75 COURT FINES AND FEES (12,222) Citation Software&Hardware
2 001-0416-419.58-00 OPERATING EQUIPMENT<$5000 4,322 Citation Software&Hardware
2 001-0416-419.77-10 SOFTWARE LICENSE FEES 7,900 Citation Software&Hardware
3 001-0000-305.00-00 GENERAL FUND RESERVES 30,000 Delete 99Cent Grant
3 001-0303-419.79-21 PRGM 380 ECON DEV GRANTS (30,000) Delete 99Cent Grant
4 001-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE (77,151) Utility Improvements at PSB Sites
4 001-7001-460.85-91 CONSTRUCTION (CONTRACTED) 62,498 Utility Improvements at PSB Sites
4 001-7001-460.85-91 CONSTRUCTION (CONTRACTED) 9,401 Utility Improvements at PSB Sites
4 001-7001-460.85-91 CONSTRUCTION (CONTRACTED) 5,252 Utility Improvements at PSB Sites
4 250-7001-421.81-00 LAND AND BUILDINGS (188,066) Utility Improvements at PSB Sites
4 250-7001-421.85-91 CONSTRUCTION (CONTRACTED) 164,173 Utility Improvements at PSB Sites
4 250-7001-421.85-91 CONSTRUCTION (CONTRACTED) 9,401 Utility Improvements at PSB Sites
4 250-7001-421.85-91 CONSTRUCTION (CONTRACTED) 5,252 Utility Improvements at PSB Sites
4 250-7001-421.85-91 CONSTRUCTION (CONTRACTED) 9,240 Utility Improvements at PSB Sites
4 401-0000-306.00-00 WORKING CAPITAL (23,296) Utility Improvements at PSB Sites
4 401-7001-433.85-51 COLLECTION LINES 16,120 Utility Improvements at PSB Sites
4 401-7001-434.85-41 DISTRIBUTION LINES 7,176 Utility Improvements at PSB Sites
5 001-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE (29,941) Relocate Exxon Pipeline-SM Drainage
5 001-7001-431.85-98 MISC CONSTRUCTION COSTS 29,941 Relocate Exxon Pipeline-SM Drainage
g 001-0000-386.00-00 DONATIONS (3,000) Crime Prevention Program Donations
g 001-0000-386.00-00 DONATIONS (1,125) Crime Prevention Program Donations
g 001-2120-421.54-00 OPERATING SUPPLIES 125 Crime Prevention Program Donations
g 001-2120-421.58-00 OPERATING EQUIPMENT<$5000 170 Crime Prevention Program Donations
6 001-2120-421.74-00 OPERATING SERVICES 2,100 Crime Prevention Program Donations
g 001-2120-421.75-10 TRAINING 340 Crime Prevention Program Donations
g 001-2120-421.75-20 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENTS 1,390 Crime Prevention Program Donations
� 001-2510-422.76-11 ELECTRICITY (1,306) PSB Generator
7 001-2510-422.88-00 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (75,000) PSB Generator
7 001-7001-421.88-00 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 76,306 PSB Generator
g 001-2510-422.58-00 OPERATING EQUIPMENT<$5000 171,059 Dispatch Radio Console Grantfor PSB
g 001-2510-422.88-00 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (228,941) Dispatch Radio Console Grant for PSB
Budget Amendment Transactions 2005-II-Formatted
City of Friendswood ATTACHMENT B
Budget Amendment II Detail Page 2 of 4
Fiscal Year 2004-2005
February 6,2005
No Account Number Account Description Amount Explanation
g 001-2510-422.88-00 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (171,059) Dispatch Radio Console Grant for PSB
g 001-7001-421.88-00 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 228,941 Dispatch Radio Console Grant for PSB
g 001-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE (8.600) Long Range Financial Plan Phase II
g 001-0401-415.78-00 CONTRACT SERVICES 8,600 Long Range Financial Plan Phase II
10 001-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE (100,000) GCCDD Desnagging 2004 Budget
10 001-3620-431.78-00 CONTRACT SERVICES 100,000 GCCDD Desnagging 2004 Budget
11 001-3610-431.65-10 STREET MAINTENANCE (10,000) Additional Street Repairs-Blackhawk
11 001-3610-431.65-12 ASPHALT STREET MAINT (17,216) Additional Street Repairs-Blackhawk
11 001-7001-431.65-10 STREET MAINTENANCE 26,435 Additional Street Repairs-Blackhawk
11 001-7001-431.65-10 STREET MAINTENANCE 10,000 Additional Street Repairs-Blackhawk
11 001-7001-431.65-10 STREET MAINTENANCE 17,216 Additional Street Repairs-Blackhawk
11 001-7001-431.85-12 ASPHALT STREETS (26,435) Additional Street Repairs-Blackhawk
12 418-7001-434.85-41 DISTRIBUTION LINES (39,610) Engineering-Bay Area Blvd 14"Waterline
12 418-7001-434.85-82 DESIGN ENGINEERING 15,750 Engineering-Bay Area Blvd 14"Waterline
12 418-7001-434.85-82 DESIGN ENGINEERING 1,500 Engineering-Bay Area Blvd 14"Waterline
12 418-7001-434.85-82 DESIGN ENGINEERING 200 Engineering-Bay Area Blvd 14"Waterline
12 418-7001-434.85-84 CONSTR ADMINISTRAITON 2,500 Engineering-Bay Area Blvd 14"Waterline
12 418-7001-434.85-84 CONSTRADMINISTRAITON 1,650 Engineering-BayAreaBlvd14"Waterline
12 418-7001-434.85-84 CONSTR ADMINISTRAITON 3,960 Engineering-Bay Area Blvd 14"Waterline
12 418-7001-434.85-96 SURVEYING 9,790 Engineering-Bay Area Blvd 14"Waterline
12 418-7001-434.85-96 SURVEYING 4,260 Engineering-Bay Area Blvd 14"Waterline
13 001-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE (15,100) Prairie Wilde at FM 2351 Drainage
13 001-7001-431.85-82 DESIGN ENGINEERING 7,500 Prairie Wilde at FM 2351 Drainage
13 001-7001-431.85-84 CONSTR ADMINISTRAITON 1,200 Prairie Wilde at FM 2351 Drainage
13 001-7001-431.85-96 SURVEYING 6,400 Prairie Wilde at FM 2351 Drainage
14 250-7001-422.81-00 LAND AND BUILDINGS (24,487) Architectural&Engr Program Fees-FS 4
14 250-7001-422.85-83 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES 24,487 Architectural&Engr Program Fees-FS 4
15 418-7001-433.85-52 LIFT STATION IMPROVEMENTS (110,450) Deepwood LS Engineering
15 418-7001-433.85-82 DESIGN ENGINEERING 90,200 Deepwood LS Engineering
15 418-7001-433.85-82 DESIGN ENGINEERING 1,700 Deepwood LS Engineering
15 418-7001-433.85-82 DESIGN ENGINEERING 2,500 Deepwood LS Engineering
15 418-7001-433.85-82 DESIGN ENGINEERING 1,000 Deepwood LS Engineering
15 418-7001-433.85-82 DESIGN ENGINEERING 500 Deepwood LS Engineering
15 418-7001-433.85-82 DESIGN ENGINEERING 200 Deepwood LS Engineering
15 418-7001-433.85-84 CONSTR ADMINISTRAITON 4,500 Deepwood LS Engineering
15 418-7001-433.85-96 SURVEYING 5,050 Deepwood LS Engineering
15 418-7001-433.85-99 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES 4,800 Deepwood LS Engineering
16 001-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE (4,000) Election Equipment
16 001-0202-414.78-30 RENTAL (5,000) Election Equipment
Budget Amendment Transactions 2005-II-Formatted
City of Friendswood ATTACHMENT B
Budget Amendment II Detail Page 3 of 4
Fiscal Year 2004-2005
February 6,2005
No Account Number Account Description Amount Explanation
16 001-0416-419.88-00 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 4,000 Election Equipment
16 001-0416-419.88-00 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 5,000 Election Equipment
�� 001-0000-386.00-00 DONATIONS (2,300) Summer Brochure Advertisements
�� 001-6401-451.74-00 OPERATING SERVICES 2,300 Summer Brochure Advertisements
�g 251-7001-431.81-15 STORM WATER DETENTION 201,899 CloverAcres Detention Property
�g 251-7001-431.85-30 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS (201,899) CloverAcres Detention Property
�g 250-7001-421.81-00 �,qND AND BUILDINGS 20,000 Reduce Vaughn Contract for PSB Design
�g 250-7001-421.85-83 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES (20,000) Reduce Vaughn Contract for PSB Design
20 250-7001-421.81-00 LAND AND BUILDINGS (105,744) Perkins&Will PSB Design
20 250-7001-421.85-83 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES 105,744 Perkins&Will PSB Design
21 131-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE (130,133) Transfer ponations&Insur to FVFD
21 131-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE (148,297) Transfer ponations& Insur to FVFD
21 131-0000-383.10-00 �NSURANCE (45,048) Transfer ponations& Insur to FVFD
21 131-2201-422.78-64 FVFD Donations 130,133 Transfer ponations&Insur to FVFD
21 131-2201-422.78-64 FVFD Donations 148,297 Transfer ponations&insur to FVFD
21 131-2207-422.78-63 INS PROCEEDS TO FVFD 45,048 Transfer ponations&Insur to FVFD
22 401-9002-491.91-49 WATER REVENUE DEBT FUND (100,000) Reduce W/S Debt Payment
22 401-9002-491.91-49 WATER REVENUE DEBT FUND (823,725) Reduce W/S Debt Payment
22 490-0000-391.91-40 TRANS FROM W/S OPER FUND 100,000 Reduce W/S Debt Payment
22 490-0000-391.91-40 TRANS FROM W/S OPER FUND $23,725 Reduce W/S Debt Payment
22 490-8101-471.93-47 pRINCiPAL-04 W/S BONDS (100,000) Reduce W/S Debt Payment
22 490-8101-473.93-47 INTEREST-04 W/S BONDS (823,725) Reduce W/S Debt Payment
23 001-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE (7,500) Reimb FVFD for Rental of Ambulance
2g 001-2201-422.78-61 FIRE/EMS SERVICES 7,500 Rental ofAmbulance until
24, 001-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE (2,248) Surveying on Additional Land at FS 4 Site
24 001-7001-460.85-96 SURVEYING 2,248 Surveying on Additionai Land at FS 4 Site
25 001-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE (4,348) Surveying, EA&Clearing Land at PSB Site
25 001-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE (2,831) Surveying, EA&Clearing Land at PSB Site
25 001-7001-460.81-12 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 510 Surveying, EA&Clearing Land at PSB Site
25 001-7001-460.81-12 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 578 Surveying, EA&Clearing Land at PSB Site
25 001-7001-460.85-86 SURVEYING 2,057 Surveying, EA&Clearing Land at PSB Site
25 001-7001-460.85-96 SURVEYING 3,665 Surveying, EA&Clearing Land at PSB Site
25 001-7001-460.85-98 MISC CONSTRUCTION COSTS 173 Surveying, EA&Clearing Land at PSB Site
25 001-7001-460.85-98 MISC CONSTRUCTION COSTS 196 Surveying, EA&Clearing Land at PSB Site
26 001-0000-331.30-60 HOMELAND SECURITY GRANTS 57,081 Reduce 2004 Homeland Security Equip Grants
26 001-0000-331.30-60 HOMELAND SECURITY GRANTS 20,889 Reduce 2003 Homeland Security Equip Grants
2g 001-0000-331.30-60 HOMELAND SECURITY GRANTS 38,566 Reduce 2003 Homeland Security Equip Grants
26 001-2510-422.58-00 OPERATING EQUIPMENT<$5000 (38,566) Reduce 2003 Homeland Security Equip Grants
26 001-2510-422.88-00 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (57,081) Reduce 2004 Homeland Security Equip Grants
Budget Amendment Transactions 2005-II-Formatted
City of Friendswood ATTACHMENT B
Budget Amendment II Detail Page 4 of 4
Fiscal Year 2004-2005
February 6,2005
No Account Number Account Description Amount Explanation
26 001-2510-422.88-00 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (20,889) Reduce 2003 Homeland Security Equip Grants
2� 251-0000-393.80-00 gOND PROCEEDS (7,900,000) 2005 PI Bonds Authorized by CC 8/15/05
27 251-7001-421.85-91 CONSTRUCTION (CONTRACTED) 2,582,543 2005 PI Bonds Authorized by CC 8/15/05
2� 251-7001-421.85-91 CONSTRUCTION (CONTRACTED) (15,383) 2005 PI Bonds Authorized by CC 8/15/05
2� 251-7001-422.85-91 CONSTRUCTION (CONTRACTED) 1,030,000 2005 PI Bonds Authorized by CC 8/15/05
27 251-7001-431.85-11 CONCRETE STREETS 101,783 2005 PI Bonds Authorized by CC 8/15/05
27 251-7001-431.85-30 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 94,002 2005 PI Bonds Authorized by CC 8/15/05
27 251-7001-431.85-30 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 1,348,898 2005 PI Bonds Authorized by CC 8/15/05
2� 251-7001-431.85-30 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS (196,407) 2005 PI Bonds Authorized by CC 8/15/05
27 251-7001-431.85-30 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 1,000,000 2005 PI Bonds Authorized by CC 8/15/05
2� 251-7001-431.85-30 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 161,474 2005 PI Bonds Authorized by CC 8/15/05
2� 251-7001-456.85-60 PARKS IMPROVEMENTS 1,793,090 2005 PI Bonds Authorized by CC 8/15/05
28 001-0000-301.00-00 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE (7,672) Retiring Employee Benefit Accrual
28 001-0201-411.41-90 ACCRUED PAYROLL 6,304 Retiring Employee Benefit Accrual
28 001-0201-411.47-10 SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE 489 Retiring Employee Benefit Accrual
28 001-0201-411.47-20 TMRS RETIREMENT FUND 857 Retiring Employee Benefit Accrual
28 001-0201-411.48-40 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE 22 Retiring Employee Benefit Accrual
Budget Amendment Transactions 2005-II-Formatted