HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2021-03-01 Regular03/01/21 5226
MARCH 1, 2021
Mayor Foreman called the meeting to order.
2. Invocation -- Pastor Justin Baldwin, The Harbor
The invocation was given by Pastor Justin Baldwin with The Harbor.
3. Pledge of Allegiance --- United States and Texas
Mayor Foreman led the Pledge of Allegiance of the United States and to the State of Texas.
4. Communications from the Public
Communications from the Public (To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act,
the City Council may not deliberate on items discussed under this agenda item. The
Council may refer this item to the City Manager or direct this item to be placed on the
next regular Council agenda. Out of respect for those speaking during public comment,
please refrain from any outbursts or interjections to include, but not limited to, applause
and/or disparaging noises from the audience. Doing so discourages others from voicing
their thoughts and opinions, and disrupts the meeting. Furthermore, any personnel
complaints against a City employee aside from the City Manager, City Secretary, City
Attorney or Municipal Judge cannot be discussed under this section. Please contact the
City Manager's office for concerns involving a City employee.)
Brady Maura, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated on the way to the council
meeting there was an estimated 60 beautiful live oak trees in Friendswood and stated that League
City has three times that many. Both Pearland and Alvin have many beautiful live oak trees. The
trees in Friendswood have zero chance of surviving with what the developer would like to do and
suggested that if the developer were to stay to the footprint, or even enlarged the footprint by double
to 5,000 square feet, the trees would have a good chance of surviving. The trees have two strikes
against them due to the construction and lack of maintenance. The mitigation that has to follow up
on a project like this is long lasting and it will be at least 20 years before they are in the safe zone.
These trees have value beyond what can be bought and hopes there is a newfound understanding
that they are important and that there is still a way to preserve them.
Robin Hall, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and introduced Friendswood Rotarians Derek
Brown and Judy Wiggins. Ms. Hall stated COVID-19 began at the end of her tenure as President
of the Friendswood Rotary Club from July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2020. COVID-19 began and cities
went on lockdown, there were many things affected and everyone felt like there was no control.
Being a part of Rotary, several of the Rotarians wanted to do something to help the community. The
Friendswood Rotary Foundation is not equipped to give money to businesses, but are able to help
those individuals in need. At the time, there was a need to help both and needed to figure out a way
to make that happen. Local restaurants needed business, as restaurants were not allowed to have
dine -in but able to serve take-out. There was also a need for those that lost their jobs suddenly due
to the government shut down and could use a hot me -al. Rotarian David Smith and Robin Hall talked
with City Manager Morad Kabiri to see what Rotary could do. At the same time, Friendswood Youth
Baseball also reached out to Rotary and a meeting was quickly put together with City Manager
Kabiri, Assistant City Manager Steven Rhea, David Smith, Friendswood Youth Baseball board
members Justin Estopinal and Alyssa Tjaden. The three organizations made a plan to help provide
meals to those in need. Over $60,000 was spent on 6,100 meals which were purchased from
Friendswood's local restaurants, and the meals were given out three times a week. The purpose of
being at this Council meeting is to share an award that was presented to the Rotary Club of
Friendswood by the Friendswood Chamber of Commerce for the meals efforts The restaurants
stated it helped to keep the restaurants afloat during those trying times. Rotarians took applications,
vetted applications, made referrals for extra needs that could not be met and were onsite passing
out meals. Ms. Hall stated she would like to thank Rotarians Dave Smith, Chris Turner, Gerry Stacy,
Judy Wiggins, Scott Dayton, Craig Hall, and Justin Estopinal. Friendswood Youth Baseball
volunteers that showed up each and every day to pass out meals were Alyssa Tjaden, Justin
Estopinal, and Jill Carver. Ms. Tjaden organized a number of baseball parents that delivered meals.
Everyone that needed a meal were not always able to pick it up and volunteers were needed to
deliver meals. The Parks & Recreation Department Assistant Director Michael Boyett helped
facilitate the drivers to deliver meals to the senior citizens that usually had meals at the senior facility
which was closed so was no longer an option. Senior Program Manager Genie Balderaz and
Assistant Senior Program Manager Shadey Caraveo-SaIdana drove the city bus to each of the
seniors residences to make sure that they had a good, hot meal. These two women were great
during this process. There was one meal pickup that was shorted a meal by accident and instead
of coming all the way back to the park to get another meal, Ms. Balderaz and Ms. Caraveo-SaIdana
went through one of the open drive-thrus and paid for a meal with their own money to insure that
anyone that needed a meal did not go without one. The purpose here today is to share the award
with the City of Friendswood and the Friendswood Youth Baseball because it could have not been
done without the great partnership that the three organizations formed together. Ms. Hall stated she
would like to nominate Genie Balderaz and Shadey Caraveo-SaIdana for the Five Star Award.
Don Johnson, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he is a member of the
Harris -Galveston Subsidence District and thanked Mayor and Council for approving his
appointment to the Subsidence District. This is something that is near and dear to his heart.
The Subsidence District is an organization that most people do not know a whole lot about, was
created by the legislature in 1975 and is closely related to flood control. When there is too much
pumping of fluids on high surface areas, the land sinks. There was a problem in Baytown over
by Goose Creek oil field where oil was close to the surface, and between the water pumping
and the oil pumping the estimate was that the ground had been subsiding about one inch a year
all the way back to 1925. There were areas that had about a four -foot subsidence. It got so
bad in Baytown that they had to create sirens when the tide was unusually high, which would
sound to notify residents to leave because the water was coming in. That is when the legislature
took action and created the Subsidence District across a wide area of Harris and Galveston
Counties to have representation there as much as possible to create a 19-member Board of
Representatives. The General Manager has done a good job, particularly in Galveston County
where the subsidence is under control. Mr. Johnson stated he will make sure that subsidence
is under control and that it is done in a cost-effective manner without any international trips to
the Netherlands, Japan, or any other countries. Mr. Johnson reported that he was not part of
the board during the two-year period where a trip to the Netherlands was approved, and wants
to make sure that does not happen again. He thanked Council and stated that he really
appreciates the opportunity, and will do his very best.
A. Capital Improvement Projects Update
Mayor Foreman opened the discussion regarding the Capital Improvement Projects Update.
Director of Engineering/City Engineer Jildardo Arias provided a PowerPoint presentation. Mr. Arias
reported that Lift Station 23 is 80% complete, a standby generator is in place, a control building is
to be installed soon, the majority of the work remaining is electrical, and city staff were trained on
February 9 to use the new scrubber/odor control system. The city, Friendswood Volunteer Fire
Department, PGAL and the Construction Manager At Risk (CMAR) Christensen Building Group held
a kickoff meeting the morning of March 1 to discuss Fire Station No. 2. The programming is
completed on the $4.1 million project and PGAL will present the results at the April Council meeting.
Councilmember Hanks asked if the picture presented will be what the fagade will look like and Mr.
Arias stated no, it may be slightly different. The fagade was part of the discussion held at the
meeting. This is just the starting point and will look at other city building facades to match. One of
the biggest challenges that CMAR has right now is the cost of steel. There has been an increase
every two weeks and hopes it stabilizes. Mr. Arias stated he plans on pushing for a maximum
guarantee price lock down and get everyone locked into place of that cost. A contract for design
work from PGAL is to be presented to Council in April. A meeting was also held the morning of
March 1 with PGAL and CMAR Core Construction regarding the Public Safety Building (PSB)
expansion. The programming results for the PSB expansion will also be given at the April Council
meeting along with the design contract with PGAL.
The next update provided was the Blackhawk Facility Renovation and Shelter with five Request for
Qualifications (RFQ) for A & E Services for the Blackhawk Emergency Shelter. The city would like
to have an architect selected for the shelter component and ready for approval at the April Council
meeting, and is depending on the completion of Harris County's review of Section 3 paperwork
before the RFQ can be graded and awarded. City Manager Morad Kabiri stated the shelter
component of the project is being paid for through the Community Development Block Grant Funds
administered through Harris County. Therefore, Harris County has to review and approve
everything associated with it. Staff is working with a local designer for a layout for the rest of the
building to be used by Public Works, Engineering, and Parks & Recreation. The next update was
Friendswood Lakes Boulevard which is 34.2% complete. The recent Winter Freeze Storm slowed
it down but it is picking back up again. The contractors finished the installation of the sanitary sewer
main. The installation of an 8-inch waterline and storm sewer is still ongoing. The first concrete
pour was February 9, 2021, of approximately 900 linear ft. with a current scheduled completion date
of June 10, 2021. Mr. Arias provided an update on the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
projects with the FM 518 Curb and Ramp Project. The project has been awarded by TxDOT in
February. A concrete start date has not been given since a pre -construction meeting has not been
held. It will possibly be the next couple of months before they kick-off the project. Mr. Arias
mentioned a Friendswood Downtown Economic Development Corporation (FDEDC) Advanced
Funding agreement on the Consent Agenda with TxDOT. The agreement is to pay for the cost
associated with adjusting city utilities because of this project. The majority of the adjustments will
be in the manholes and water valve to get in line with the grade of the sidewalks. Franchise utilities
will be taking care of their own adjustments. In addition, TxDOT stated the traffic signal designs for
Leisure Lane at FM 518 have been completed, the plans were sent to a fabricator in December
2020, and signals are expected to be fabricated and delivered to TxDOT by June 2021. Mayor
Foreman asked about a contribution the city offered for expediting this project and Mr. Arias stated
TxDOT has not been definitive with that necessity or amount. The next update provided was the
2020 Street Maintenance Program with $3.8 million billed to date, city is currently holding retainage
plus a portion of billed work until quality issues are addressed, longitudinal cracking at the edge of
asphalt streets will be sealed unless deemed in need of patching (cracking caused by lack of a
shoulder), driveways on N. Clear Creek have been re -sloped to no more than 10%, and a change
order is anticipated at the April Council meeting to reconcile differences in quantities, assuming all
quality issues have been addressed. Mayor and Council discussed 2021 projects and quality control
issues. The next update provided was regarding Chester Drive with core samples revealing a
combination of underlying causes of visible cracking and washboarding, cause was base failure and
subgrade expansion, contractor made base repairs to sections of the street, contractor to seal coat
street to seal any remaining cracks, joints where street patched, seal coat will extend expected
maintenance, and future work must be full -depth reconstruction due to expansive soils underneath.
Mayor and Council discussed the possibility of a total rebuild of this road. The next update was the
2021 Street Maintenance Program with a review of streets for the 2021 program ongoing, streets
will be selected largely based on score on city's IMS Study, other selection factors include frequent
repair tickets, effects on drainage, rideability, traffic volume, and professional judgment and
experience, 2021 will be split in two of concrete repairs and asphalt repairs, contract for concrete
repairs anticipated to be presented to Council at the April meeting for consideration with a $500,000
starting point. Mayor and Council discussed asphalt streets versus concrete streets, have to see
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how far the city can stretch its dollars, and cannot do core samples on every street before
A. Communications from the public regarding Executive Session topics.
Mayor Foreman asked if anyone would like to speak regarding the Executive Session. No one
B. Council may convene into Executive Session in accordance with Texas Government Code,
pursuant to Section 551.087: Deliberation regarding economic development negotiations;
to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect with possible
discussion and action related thereto in open session.
Council convened into Executive Session at 6:54 PM in accordance with the Texas Government
Code, pursuant to Section 551.087 - Deliberation regarding economic development negotiations; to
deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect.
Council reconvened into Open Session at 7:11 PM with no action taken later in the meeting.
Communications from the Public (To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act,
the City Council may not deliberate on items discussed under this agenda item. The
Council may refer this item to the City Manager or direct this item to be placed on the
next regular Council agenda. Out of respect for those speaking during public comment,
please refrain from any outbursts or interjections to include, but not limited to, applause
and/or disparaging noises from the audience. Doing so discourages others from voicing
their thoughts and opinions, and disrupts the meeting. Furthermore, any personnel
complaints against a City employee aside from the City Manager, City Secretary, City
Attorney or Municipal Judge cannot be discussed under this section. Please contact the
City Manager's office for concerns involving a City employee.)
Phil Ratisseau, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and recognized his neighbor, Dave
Yelovich, as an example of the outstanding members the community has living in Friendswood. The
Governor appointed Mr. Yelovich to the State Board of Plumbing Examiners. In the past couple of
weeks, Mr. Yelovich has helped many neighbors with plumbing questions and issues. Whether
contacted through social media, phone, or a knock at the door, Mr. Yelovich was there to help
anyone that needed it. Mr. Yelovich is a great asset to the Friendswood community.
David Allen, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated last month he spoke about former
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director John Brennan who was going to mobilize the intelligence
agencies and law enforcement to root out nativists, religious extremists and Libertarians. Mr. Allen
expressed additional concerns regarding a general assault on the country, race wars, ANTIFA, false
flags being funded from outside sources, and numerous other ways society is being blasted. Mr.
Allen wanted to remind everyone to stay calm, we are an American family. God bless.
9. City Manager's Report
- A. Hurricane Harvey Update
City Manager Morad Kabiri reported a brief update on Hurricane Harvey regarding Hazard Mitigation
Grant Program (HMGP) - Buyout and Acquisitions where 24 properties were included in the initial
application, 4 properties have closed, awaiting settlement on 3 remaining properties, 17 properties
declined offers, and demolition services are complete for 3 of the 4 properties. Under the Texas
Water Development Board — Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant there are 4 properties included in
the initial application, 3 properties closed, 1 property has declined offer, and demolition services are
complete. Under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)-Disaster Recovery for Harris
County, the Blackhawk Facility (old Food Lion) has been closed upon, soliciting services for
emergency shelter renovations and engineering and environmental services continue for the Forest
Bend Detention Project. Under the CDBG-Disaster Recovery for Galveston County, engineering
services continue for the utility line burial, and internal project management acquisition services
continue (Deepwood and Frenchman's Creek) with appraisals being scheduled. Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Disaster Assistance is complete, and awaiting final
reimbursement. CDBG Mitigation applications are awaiting response from the General Land Office
(GLO) on the city's application submitted last October. Following an audit with Community Rating
System (CRS), upgraded from a Class 7 to Class 6, with lower insurance premiums for policy
holders in the special Flood Hazard areas.
B. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Update
The City Manager reported that Staff continues to implement and follow the Continuity of Operations
and Pandemic Plans. The city continues to monitor the pandemic, city facilities reopened to the
public, no businesses have been closed by the City of Friendswood due to COVID, no citations have
been issued by the City of Friendswood relative to compliance with Governor Abbott's Executive
Orders, disinfecting workspaces and vehicles continue, extended screening protocols for public
meetings, previously applicable only to staff, now to all participants, submitted for the reimbursement
of eligible expenditures under the CARES Act; Harris County Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF)
reimbursement received, participating in State and County level calls for vaccine distribution and a
Public Health Event Declaration has been made in accordance with the Pandemic Plan.
C. Friendswood Named One of the Safest Cities in Texas
The City Manager reported that Alarms.org named Friendswood one of the Safest Cities in Texas-
2021 with Friendswood being ranked 15th out of 154 cities surveyed. Alarms.org reviewed the most
recent FBI Uniform Crime Report statistics from 2018. Any cities that failed to submit a complete
crime report to the FBI and cities with populations under 10,000 were eliminated. There are two
broad classifications of crimes: violent crimes and non-violent crimes. According to the FBI, violent
crime is composed of four offenses, murder and non -negligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, and
aggravated assault. Violent crimes are defined in the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program as
those offenses that involve force or threat of force. Property crime includes the offenses of burglary,
larceny -theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. The object of the theft -type offenses is the taking of
money or property, but there is no force or threat of force against the victims. It was computed by
the total number of crimes reported by each city by adding violent crimes and property crimes. Then
a crime rate was created as the number of crimes per 1,000 population. That transformed the total
crime rate variable so that the skewness was reduced and normalized. Data from 2,831 law
enforcement agencies was then collected to determine police adequacy (Total Crimes/Number of
police employees). It was considered that the smaller the police adequacy statistic is, the safer the
city is. This variable was also transformed and normalized. Finally, the two variables were
combined to create a safety score for each city. The City Manager thanked the outstanding Police
Department for keeping the City of Friendswood safe!
D. Winter Storm 2021 Update
The City Manager reported on the extremely low temperatures across the state and hazardous
conditions that occurred last month. The city issued a Disaster Declaration on Sunday, February
147 2021, and commenced emergency operations. Early Monday morning, more than half the city
experienced a power outage, and for some the outage lasted multiple days. A number of critical
city facilities, with backup generators, were rendered inoperable due to a disruption in natural gas.
Staff responded quickly and decisively to ensure critical resources were provided. In addition to city
facilities, five senior living/assisted living facilities lost access to power and some water. City staff
worked quickly to secure backup power for those facilities for heat and delivered bottled water during
the boil water period. Crews worked 24/7 to address both public and private waterline breaks, and
to ensure the integrity of the city's utility system. Unfortunately, a boil water notice had to be put in
place due to Houston's system experiencing a loss in pressure as a result of widespread breaks.
The vast majority of Friendswood and other neighboring cities' water comes from Houston's
Southeast Water Purification Plant. Included with this item are some analytics related to the city's
communication efforts before, during, and after the event.
Councilmember Scott stated that the city should be reimbursed for the for -profit senior facilities that
it had to help. These are privately for -profit funded companies, and as someone responsible for the
government dollars, the city needs to go back to those facilities and get refunded for the
expenditures that the city put in to power them during the outage. It is admirable what was done,
but the senior living facilities are a for -profit organization and the city should get the money back.
The City Manager stated the city will communicate with those agencies. The expenses that the city
incurred during this event are reimbursable through the State of Texas, will be reimbursable through
the privately held for -profit company that benefited from it. Staff will reach out to those facilities in
hopes of getting some reimbursement but are still going to submit for reimbursement from the state,
in case the for -profits do not make us whole. City Manager Kabiri stated he does not want the
citizens to be left holding the bag when there are eligible dollars there.
10. Communications from Committees and Special Reports
A. Annual Report from Planning and Zoning Commission Chair Joe Matranga
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair Joe Matranga presented the annual report from the
Planning and Zoning Commission. Mayor and Council thanked the Planning and Zoning
Commission Chair for the report, the great job the Commission is doing, and on the Commission's
11. Discussion and Possible Action
A. Discussion and possible action regarding approving an interlocal agreement between Harris
County and the City of Friendswood to receive a donation of non -capital assets.
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve action regarding approving an interlocal agreement
between Harris County and the City of Friendswood to receive a donation of non -capital assets.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
12. Resolution
Consideration and possible action regarding the following:
A. Resolution No. R2021-07: A resolution of the City Council of Friendswood, Texas, in support
of Greater Harris County 9-1-1 legislation.
**Councilmember Rockey moved to approve Resolution No. R2021-07 — A resolution of the City
Council of Friendswood, Texas, in support of Greater Harris County 9-1-1 legislation.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
13. Ordinances
Consideration and possible action regarding the following:
A. Ordinance No. T2021-04: Second and Final reading of an ordinance amending Appendix
C Zoning Ordinance "Section 7.P.6. Permitted Use Table" to allow less dense residential
uses in higher dense residential districts by defining residential uses in the table and
amending "Section 7. B. (R-2 and R-3) MFR-L, residential, general purpose and
description," "Section 7.C.(R-4) MFR-M, residential, general purpose and description," and
"Section 7.D.(R-5) MFR-H, residential, general purpose and description" to require the
less dense residential use located in higher dense residential districts to meet the district
regulations of the less dense district; providing a penalty for violation in an amount not to
exceed $2000, or as otherwise provided by law; repealing all ordinances or parts of
ordinances inconsistent or in conflict herewith; and providing for severability.
**Councilmember Branson moved to approve the Second and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2021 -
04 — An ordinance amending Appendix C Zoning Ordinance "Section 7.P.6. Permitted Use Table"
to allow less dense residential uses in higher dense residential districts by defining residential uses
in the table and amending "Section 7. B. (R-2 and R-3) MFR-L, residential, general purpose and
description," "Section 7.C.(R-4) MFR-M, residential, general purpose and description," and "Section
7.D.(R-5) MFR-H, residential, general purpose and description" to require the less dense residential
use located in higher dense residential districts to meet the district regulations of the less dense
district; providing a penalty for violation in an amount not to exceed $2000, or as otherwise provided
by law; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or in conflict herewith; and
providing for severability.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
B. Ordinance No. T2021-05: Second and Final reading of an ordinance amending Appendix
C Zoning Ordinance "Section 7.Q.2. Residential Regulation Matrix" to amend sub note F
to allow lots in existence that are zoned Single Family Residential (SFR) and are less than
90 feet wide to continue with the setbacks that were established when the lot was platted
or created; providing a penalty for violation in an amount not to exceed $2000, or as
otherwise provided by law; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or
in conflict herewith; and providing for severability.
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve the Second and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2021-05
— An ordinance amending Appendix C Zoning Ordinance "Section 7.Q.2. Residential Regulation
Matrix" to amend sub note F to allow lots in existence that are zoned Single Family Residential
(SFR) and are less than 90 feet wide to continue with the setbacks that were established when the
lot was platted or created; providing a penalty for violation in an amount not to exceed $2000, or as
otherwise provided by law; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or in conflict
herewith; and providing for severability.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
C. Ordinance No. T2021-08: First and Final reading of an ordinance of the City of
Friendswood, Texas, declaring the unopposed candidates for Mayor, Mike Foreman, City
Council Position 1, Steve Rockey, and City Council Position 3, Trish Hanks, elected;
cancelling the May 01, 2021, General Election, for such positions; providing for
severability; and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or in conflict
**Councilmember Rockey moved to approve the First and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2021-08
— An ordinance of the City of Friendswood, Texas, declaring the unopposed candidates for Mayor,
Mike Foreman, City Council Position 1, Steve Rockey, and City Council Position 3, Trish Hanks,
elected; cancelling the May 01, 2021, General Election, for such positions; providing for severability;
and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or in conflict herewith. The motion
was seconded and approved unanimously.
D. Ordinance No. T2021-09: First and Final reading of an ordinance amending City of
Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 2020-35, passed and approved September 14, 2020,
same being an ordinance approving and adopting the City's General Budget for Fiscal
Year 2020-2021 by approving "Budget Amendment V to the "Original General Budget of
the City of Friendswood, Texas, for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 "; providing for supplemental
appropriation and/or transfer of certain funds; providing for severability; and providing
other matters related to the subject.
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve the First and Final Ordinance No. 2021-09 — An
ordinance amending City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 2020-35, passed and approved
September 14, 2020, same being an ordinance approving and adopting the City's General Budget
for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 by approving "Budget Amendment V to the "Original General Budget of
the City of Friendswood, Texas, for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021"; providing for supplemental
appropriation and/or transfer of certain funds; providing for severability; and providing other matters
related to the subject.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
E. Ordinance No. E2021-10: First and Final reading of an ordinance providing for the
suspension or modification of certain ordinances and regulations as an emergency
measure in response to a state of disaster due to Winter Storm 2021; requiring registration
and licensing of providers of building and repair services per Chapter 14 Buildings and
Building Regulations; providing for a penalty in an amount not to exceed $2,000 per day
of violation hereof; declaring an emergency and providing for severability and providing
that this ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and adoption.
**Councilmember Hanks moved to approve the First and Final reading of Ordinance No. E2021-10
— An ordinance providing for the suspension or modification of certain ordinances and regulations
as an emergency measure in response to a state of disaster due to Winter Storm 2021; requiring
registration and licensing of providers of building and repair services per Chapter 14 Buildings and
Building Regulations; providing for a penalty in an amount not to exceed $2,000 per day of violation
hereof; declaring an emergency and providing for severability and providing that this ordinance shall
become effective from and after its passage and adoption.
The motion, was seconded and approved unanimously.
14. Communications from the Mayor and Councilmembers
Councilmember Rockey stated he just wanted to tell everybody that he is feeling much better since
last month. He had another brief period in the hospital with a secondary infection but has been
home more than a week and can walk a quarter mile now. Is getting along pretty good and has
been working. He thank everyone who has expressed concern and is playing it day by day.
Councilmember Branson stated she would like to thank the city for stepping up during the cold snap,
appreciates what everyone did and knows that the senior facilities really appreciate what the city did
and their family members do as well. She congratulated Councilmember Trish Hanks, Mayor Mike
Foreman and Councilmember Steve Rockey on their re-election. Councilmember Branson
congratulated City Secretary Melinda Welsh on her upcoming retirement and to enjoy this next
chapter of her life. Melinda is going to be missed and has done a fantastic job. She asked Melinda
not to be a stranger and to come back, but enjoy the time away.
Mayor Pro -Tern Hanks stated she would like to echo everything that Councilmember Branson just
said. Thanks to the community for giving her an opportunity to serve another three years. The staff
did a yeoman's job with this storm and it just seems like it is one thing after another, the city is
getting used to emergencies but it would be nice to go back to some semblance of normalcy. She
congratulated City Secretary Melinda Welsh and thanked her for everything she did to make this
city run smoothly, for Council to run smoothly and the support Melinda gives to each one of the
councilmembers and wished her the best.
Councilmember Griffon congratulated Councilmember Rockey, Hanks and Honorable Mayor
Foreman on the three-year term coming up, it is awesome and the best way to run is unopposed, it
does not happen that often but when it does it sure makes it easier. He also congratulated City
Secretary Melinda Welsh on her retirement and stated he really enjoyed working with Melinda and
that it has been awesome and thanked her for holding his hand through several situations and with
helping his wife and her duties as treasurer during his last campaign. Councilmember Griffon stated
in regards to the arctic freeze, the criticism that the Governor has had of the Utility Commission of
Texas and the legislature has gotten on social media, email and on the radio is warranted. The
Governor was not prepared and the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT)was not prepared.
He does not believe people should be running around trying to get participation trophies for 25% air
and solar and wind and solar when all of the grids and everything else needs new transformers, and
new upgrading for freezes. It is disappointing as a citizen of Friendswood, should have never been
subjected to the unpreparedness that was experienced through ERCOT, the legislation, and
especially from the Governor of Texas. Councilmember Griffon stated that is the way he felt about
it and that is where he will leave it.
Councilmember Scott echoed everybody else and stated to City Secretary Melinda Welsh that he
has been working with her longer than anybody else on Council and thanked her very much for her
service to the community and stated the city is better having had Melinda serve and wished her
nothing but the best in retirement.
Councilmember Erenwert congratulated Mayor Foreman, Councilmember Rockey and Councilmember
Hanks on the next three years. He congratulated City Secretary Melinda Welsh on her retirement.
Councilmember Erenwert thanked the Friendswood police for continuing to make the lists and keep
moving Friendswood up on being safe. He stated the Parks and Recreation Department had the Daddy
Daughter Movie in the Park this weekend His kids seem to be getting a little old to go to these and it is
kind of sad missing those but encouraged those that have not gone to go, they are pretty neat events
for the kids and Parks did a really great job from all the reviews hr heard it was a real neat event for the
kids. Councilmember Erenwert stated many know he is in the logistics business and that last week of
the Artic Freeze was probably one of the toughest weeks he has ever dealt with, floods are pretty
isolated, hurricanes are isolated but the freeze was so widespread and saw a lot of things we did not
know the city navigated The city kept the roads safe and everything around here flowing and somewhat
back to normal within a couple days and like Councilmember Hanks stated that we just keep finding
ways to get through this, excel, and told everyone good job.
City Secretary Melinda Welsh thanked Mayor and Council for the opportunity to be the City
Secretary, has worked every role in the City Secretary's Office but definitely being City Secretary
has gotten her a little closer to Council. The experience has been rewarding and would not trade it
for anything but is ready to have a life again. She stated that most of the current Council were not
on City Council at the time when Ms. Welsh was appointed City Secretary but thanked them for their
continued support, and stated Council has been wonderful to work with and appreciates it. Ms.
Welsh stated she values her years at the city and thanked City Council.
Mayor Foreman thanked City Secretary Melinda Welsh for training him first as a councilmember and
now as a mayor, could not have done this all without Ms. Welsh's help so Council definitely
appreciates her and everybody in Friendswood should know that today was proclaimed Melinda
Welsh Day in the City of Friendswood.
15. Consent Agenda
Consideration and possible action regarding the following:
A. Ratification of the Director of Engineering's signature on an Advance Funding Agreement
for Voluntary Utility Relocation Contributions on a State Highway Improvement
Project generally described as: The construction of curb ramps and signal improvements
on FM 518, from FM 2351 to South of Whispering Pines Avenue
B. Authorizing the Friendswood Downtown Economic Development Corporation (FDEDC) to
pay for the cost of relocations and adjustments of water and sewer line facilities owned
and operated by the City of Friendswood along FM 518 from FM 2351 to South of
Whispering Pines by reimbursing the City of Friendswood for the advance funding the
City paid to the State of Texas for cost of relocations and adjustments of said water and
sewer line facilities
C. Approve and ratify the Mayor's appointment of Darrell Morrison to the Gulf Coast
Authority Board
D. Approving an agreement to provide the City of Friendswood water for a fire supply line
located outside of the city limits
E. Approving $10,000 in matching funds with the Rotary Club of Friendswood donation for
Movies in the Park equipment
F. Accepting the January 2021 Tax Report
G. Approving the minutes of the January 11 and February 1, 20217 City Council Meetings
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve the Consent Agenda.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
A. Communications from the public regarding Executive Session topics.
Mayor Foreman asked if anyone would like to speak regarding the Executive Session. No one
B. Council may convene into Executive Session in accordance with Texas Government
Code, pursuant to Section 551.074: Personnel Matters; to deliberate the appointment,
employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer
or employee with possible discussion and action related thereto in open session.
(Appointment of the City Secretary)
Council convened into Executive Session at 7:59 PM in accordance with the Texas Government
Code, pursuant to Section 551.074 — Personnel Matters; to deliberate the appointment,
employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or
employee (Appointment of the City Secretary)
Council reconvened into Open Session at 9:12 PM with action taken later in the meeting.
18. Consideration and possible action regarding the appointment of the City Secretary
**Councilmember Hanks moved to approve action regarding the appointment of the City Secretary
and for the City Manager to negotiate an offer with the top candidate.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
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The meeting was adjourned at 9:16 PM.
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