HomeMy WebLinkAboutNo Address - Right-of-Way - Friendswood Lakes Homeowners Association 2008 0 0 PGS NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY RIGHTS: IF YOU ARE A NATURAL PERSON� YOU MAY REMOVE OR STRJKE ANY OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FR0114 ANY INSTRUMENT THAT TRANSFERS AN INTEREST IN REAL PROPERTY BEFOREfT IS FILED FOR RECORD IN TIRE PUBLIC RECORDS: YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NIMBER OR YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER. ROADWAY RJGHT-OF-WAY AND DRAINAGE AND*1 JTILITY EASEMENT TT-1E STATE OF TEXAS § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: C.--','0*U N'T Y OF Gj-A. Friendswood Lakes ffoi-Tieowners Association, Inc., ("FL NOA"), a Texas not for profit corporation,Hereinafter"Grantor",for and in consideration ofthesurnof$10.00 a.-nd other goad and valLiable consideration. in hand paid to Grantor., the receipt and sufl.Jciency ol7which is hereby at.knowledged and confessed, has GRANTED, SOLD AN111) CONVEYED, and by these presents does hereby GRANT, SELL AND CONVEY, Linto LinGo FL-WEST Land., Ltd., a Texas limited partnership, City of Friendswood, a. body corporate and politic in the state of Texas, and to the public,collectively,"Grantee",aper.petual easement and right-of"way in,over,upon and across that certain reat property described as, 1'' x ract 11 on Ehbit"A"attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference for the purpose of constructing, reconstructi.og, altering, and maintaining a public roadway and drainage and taility facilities easement") therel"n., -under, -over and -upoii, collectively"Easement Property". Grantee may do and perfornn all acts necessary to eonstrurt, reconstnictrepair,relocate,or maintain public roadway and drainage and utflity facilities within said Easement Property and to 0 operate thereon all tiecessary machinery and equipment to prosecute the work efficiently. This conveyanc c,,is expressly tiaade subjed to any and allres-11-A-i coons,in ineral and/or.T_,,oyaj1f:y reservations,,covenants,easen,ients,encumbrances and other matters appearing of record relative to the Easement .11roperty, but only to the exteiif that the same are still in force. and of-feet and cnforceable aprainst the same. TO f-[AVEANDTO HOLD the above desc..ri.bed easenwnt., together with all and singular fj" 'glng C 5 L11 I►I alqy v!e�kc-J 0 t1l.i%,LD ilL I%-I. its A4 d appuirteinlaml.. %") Ll i to I q1 t_ elf" its SJCCeS as ss gris-1-brever as ,Sor,t t and. _set-forth aboveand G- antor binds I.s k WId assigtS,to warran forever defiend all and singular the said easement unto Gnantee and Grantee's,successors and.assigns against every porson whomsoever lawfully chd as to the reservat'ons f _m..mg or to claim the same or any part thereof,ex t cep I ron, and exceptions to conveyance and. warranty, -vvhen. tl,).e claim is by, throtigh, or under(3rantor, but not otherwise, Pyre 1 0 f . I.N�WITNI ESS"E:I�.EOF,this instru ent is executed this .4�:A d�v off` ,� ��s ;W.�+ � �)x 'ice 1 tw V" j 8. FRIENDSWOOD 1,4KES HOMEOWNERS {IDS ASSOC✓IA.T�:IINC. .r COUNTY OF GALVESTON STATE OF TEXAS This instrument was (Icknowledged be-fore zee on the 7 day of J �.���� , 2008 b of and on behalf of Fri endswood Lakes Homeowners Association, Me. kkjr Notary Public in and for the Mate of Texas Mir Qo misslon Expires 044-08 s i AFTF1R.Ri aC OR.I),I.N G -.E'l'tJR.I rI"'0. Ashby C;rinion Up 1.7040 El C an-fino Real, Sul.te 200 Houston,Texas 77058 Page of 2 i Description of a 0.36 acre tract of land si-ftiated in the Mary Fabreau Survey, Abstract No. 69, Gal-veston Cowity,Texas; said().3 6 acre tract of land being grit of and'a part of-Reserve "T" located fii.Frienctswood Lakes, Section .1 subdi.vision as.recorded at volt mio- 18,Map No. 1176 of the Map Records of(Jalvestm County.,Texas;said 0,36 acre tract of hand being more particularly described by-tnetes and bounds as follows: NOTE:Bearing basis for this description is the Southerly Imie of said Fri.endswood Lakes., Sectioti I subdivision; said Southerly line being S 45'00"00"FI. BECTINNING at the Northerly corner of t1ii.5 description and a-ISO being the Easterly comer of Reserve"C"of said Frien L dswood akes, Section I.;said point alsoi being n the Northerly'line of said Resurve"'T", TIJEWE S 510277 34"E with the Northeasterly line of this _is desani.ption and across said Reserve "T"a distance.of 158.87 feet:to the Easterly corner of this description and also be-M'lg in the Southerly line of said Reserve "I"; .said point being the beg.in.ning of a non-tangei.it clurve to the left, concave Saathe.Ay. TH.E,NCJ'�in a Westerly directiort with the SoutIvasterly tine of tb,-.i.s description.,the Southerly .Line of said Restrve, "T" and said not:i-tanget t curve to the left h,,aving a central angle,of 51)56;47`% ki radi-tis of'1.80.00 fea., an arc lengfh of 19,68feat and a., chord beani.ngan.d distance of 68"58'38"WP 18.67 feet to the end of this curve. 11-I.ENCE S 66"00"12"' W with die Southem-'te-fly fine of this description and the Soifflierly line o-t* said Reserve"I"a distance.of 94,56feet to the Southerly canner-of this deisieription, THENCE N 51.(27'34"*W with the Southwestorly line ofthi-s(i.escription and across said Reserve"I"a distatice of 15 8,15-feet to the Westerly corner of this description and also being the So-utherly corner of said Reserve"C"; said point being j.ii,the Northerly line of"Sai(I Reserve I I f Northerly. and also being the beginnijag of ca,non-Urnigent otirve to the.rigbt, concave, 't e r I N -f+h'c destc,ription.,theNortherly y dixection with the Norflawe,.,sterly 11.1le IS in, a Eas FV uth fly line o: -said'.1 1--Pqe,,.rve and said non-tangent curve to the line ofsaiO Reserve theS In ,o ..e right having a.central angft-�.of'3`11.7'32",arF.)x1jAis of 1(80.00 ai.).arc le.-tigth of 10,87 feet and.a chord beaiihg and distance of"N 67"43"55"1`113 of fzt:t.is doscviption,the,N'��)--vtherjv line of N*66"O(YU21"E wi.th the*Norflrwesteily 1-1 11t . I I� 2,% 1 !---r?, sa.1a V,4 feet to the Sou h ny 1.11le 0 .rv,- of sa.dRese a P11i.M"1,1O 1.,o)-ataii,. n.g within sari-1 boundarles r- CaI ul.La l,e d ca oO.36 fasrf-D 15 84,90(wft.') o 'an(l, F I LIU!ED 6ND RECOF?[ OFFICIAL PUBLrC RECORDS lie JAu-ne., 2008 01,40:46 PM FEE:,, $24,010 Mar,v Ann _Oaiple, County Clerk Galveston County, TEXA1-1j