HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 2020-24RESOLUTION NO R2020 24
s • r + s . � «
WHEREAS, the City ofFriendswood, Texas (hereinafter referred to as "City") has
been awarded a Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery (CDBG DR) grant
from the Texas General Land Office (hereinafter referred to as GLO") and
WHEREAS the City in accordance with Section 109 of the Title I of the Housing
and Community Development Act. (24 CFR 6) the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42
U.S.0 6101 6107) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.0 794) and
for construction contracts greater than $10,000 must take actionsto ensurethat no person or
group is denied benefits such as employment, training, housing and contracts generated by
the CDBG-DR activity, on the basis of race color, religion, sex national origin, age, or
disability, and
WHEREAS the City in consideration for the receipt and acceptance of federal
funding for the Contract agrees to comply with all federal rules and regulations including those
rules and regulations governing citizen participation and civil rights protections and
WHEREAS, the City in accordance with Section 3 of the Housing and Urban
Development Act of 1968, as amended and 24 CFR Part 135 is required to the greatest extent
feasible to provide training and employment opportunities to lower income residents and
contract opportunities to businesses in the CDBG-DR project area and
WHEREAS the City in accordance with Section 104(1) of the Housing and
Community Development Act, as amended and State's certification requirements at 24 CFR
91.325(b)(6) must adopt an excessive force policy that prohibits the use of excessive force
against non-violent civil rights demonstrations, and
WHEREAS the City in accordance with Executive Order 13166 must take
reasonable steps to ensure meaningful access to services in federally assisted programs and
activities by persons with limited English proficiency (LEP) and must have an LEP plan in place
specific to the locality and beneficiaries for each CDBG-DR project, and
WHEREAS, the City in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
of 1973 does not discriminate on the bans of disability and agrees to ensure that qualified
individuals with disabilities have access to programs and activities that receive federal funds
WHEREAS, the City, in accordance with Section 808(e)(5) of the Fair
Housing Act (42 USC 3608(e)(5)) that requires HUD programs and activities be
administered in a manner affirmatively to further the policies of the Fair Housing Act, agrees
to conduct at least one activity during the contract period, to affirmatively further fair housing
WHEREAS, the City. has designated an overseer and will maintain written
R2020-24 2
standards of conduct covering conflicts of interest and governing the actions of its employees
engaged in the selection award and administration of contracts
Section 1. That the facts and matters set forth in the Preamble of this Resolution are
hereby found to be true and correct
Section 2 That the City Council of the City of Fnendswood, Texas approves and
adopts a Section 3 Policy an Excessive Force Policy a Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan,
a Section 504 Policy and Grievance Procedure a Code of Conduct Policy and a Fair Housing
Policy, attached hereto in Exhibit' A" and made a part hereof for all purposes, pursuant to the
requirements established by the Texas General Land Office as they relate to Community
Development Block Grant — Disaster Recovery Grants
Section 3 That the City appoints the Chief Budding Official as the section 3
coordinator civil rights officer fair housing officer, equal employment opportunity officer and
section 504 officer
Section 4. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage
PASSED APPROVED, AND RESOLVED, this the 2"d day of November, 2020
Melinda Welsh, TRMC 0
City Secretary (P'. : CO
9rF OF le�P
R2020-24 3
Exhibit A
• Section 3 Policy
• Excessive Force Policy
• Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan
o LEP for Contract Number 20-066-045 C444
o LEP for Contract Number 20-065 134-C451
• Section 504 Policy and Grievance Procedure
• Code of Conduct Policy
• Fair Housing Policy
City of Friendswood
Section 3 Plan
Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Act of 1968, (12U.S.0 1701 u) (Section3) and
regulations at 24 CFR 135 were mandated in efforts to achieve a national objective Implementing this
act and regulations ensures employment and other economic opportunities generated by certain HUD
financial assistance shall to the greatest extent feasible be directed to low and very low income persons
particularly those who are recipients of government assistance for housing and business concerns
which provide economic opportunities This implementation is consistent with existing Federal State
and local laws and regulations
General Policy Statement
The City of Friendswood adopts the below Economic Opportunities Policy for section 3 covered
contracts Friendswood will implement this policy that will provide better economic opportunities for low
and very low-income persons residing in the Friendswood area and businesses that provide these
opportunities for low and very low income persons Opportunities will be provided in the form of training
contracting and employment
The rule that triggers implementation of Section 3 requirements is new employment Federally funded
protects in excess of $200,000 and contracts in excess of $100,000 are required to follow the policy and
procedures of Section 3 once the need for new" employment is established The Section 3 requirements
only apply to construction contractors who install materials and or equipment (see the definition of
Section 3 Covered Contracts") Therefore contractors who only furnish materials or supplies through
Section 3 covered assistance are exempt
The Policy does not require the employment of Section 3 residents or contractors who do not meet the
qualifications for the position(s) to be filled or who cannot fulfill the contract requirements
Policy Definitions
The City of Friendswood incorporates into this policy the definitions contained in § 135.5 of 24 CFR Part
Section 3 — means the section 3 provision of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968
Section 3 Recipient means any entity which receives Section 3 covered assistance directly from HUD
or from another recipient and includes but is not limited to any State unit of local government PHA
IHA Indian tribe or other public body public or private nonprofit organization private agency or
institution mortgagor developer limited dividend sponsor builder property manager community
housing development organization resident management corporation resident council or cooperative
association Recipient also includes any successor assignee or transferees of any such entity but does
not include any ultimate beneficiary under the HUD program to which Section 3 applies and does not
include contractors
Section 3 Residents A section 3 resident is (1) a public housing resident or 2) a low- and very low
income person residing in the metropolitan area or Non -metropolitan County in which the Section 3
covered assistance is expended
Section 3 Business Concerns Section 3 Business Concerns are businesses that can provide evidence
that they meet one of the following a) 51 % or more owned by Section 3 residents, or b) at least 30% of
its full time permanent employees include persons that are currently Section 3 residents or within three
R2020-24 5
years of the date of first employment with the business concern were Section 3 residents or c) provides
evidence as required of a commitment to subcontract in excess of 25% of the dollar award of all
subcontracts to be awarded to business concerns that meet the qualifications as stated above
Section 3 Covered Assistance Public and Indian housing development operating or capital funds, or
other housing assistance and community development assistance expended for housing rehabilitation
housing construction or other public construction projects such as CDBG HOME 202/811 Lead -Based
Paint Abatement etc
Assistance provided under any HUD housing or community development program that is expended for
work arising in connection with
1 Housing rehabilitation (including reduction and abatement of lead -based paint hazards but excluding
routine maintenance repair and replacement)
2 Housing construction or
3 Other public construction project (which includes other buildings or improvements regardless of
Section 3 Covered Contract means a contractor subcontract (including a professional service contract)
awarded by a recipient or contractor for work generated by the expenditure of Section 3 Covered
Assistance or for work arising in connection with a Section 3 Covered Project Section 3 Covered
Contracts do not include contracts awarded under HUD procurement program which are governed by
the Federal Acquisition Regulation System (see 48 CFR Chapter 1) Section 3 Covered Contracts also
do not include contracts for the purchase of supplies and materials However whenever a contract for
materials includes the installation of the materials the contract constitutes a Section 3 Covered Contract
For example a contract for the purchase and installation of a furnace would be a Section 3 Covered
Contract because the contract is for work (i.e. the installation of the furnace) and thus is covered by
Section 3
Section 3 Covered Proiect — means the construction or rehabilitation of housing (including reduction of
lead -based paint hazards) or other public construction such as street repair sewage line repair or
installation, updates to building facades etc
Section 3 Covered Community Planning and Development Funding Community Development Block
Grants (CDBG). Home Investment Partnership Assistance (HOME) Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG)
Neighborhood Stabilization Programs (NSP) and certain grants awarded under HUD Notices of Funding
Availability (NOFAs) The requirements for Section 3 only apply to the portion(s) of covered funding that
were used for project/activities involving housing construction rehabilitation demolition or other public
HUD and Texas General Land Office (GLO) hold local jurisdictions accountable for the monitoring and
enforcement of Section 3 compliance requirements Therefore the Section 3 requirements remain as a
part of the agreements with each recipient/contractor
Responsibilities. (Recipient)
1 A Recipient that receives community development or housing assistance covered federal funding
bears the responsibility to comply with Section 3 in its own operations
Responsibilities include
a) Notifying Section 3 residents about employment & training opportunities and businesses
about contracts generated by Section 3 covered assistance
R2020-24 6
b) Facilitating the training and employment of Section 3 residents and the award of contracts
to Section 3 business concerns
c) Notifying potential contractors of the Section 3 objectives and ways in which each
contractor can assist the sub -recipient to meet its numerical goal and
d) Documenting the action that the sub -recipient takes to comply with the Section 3
requirements the results of the actions and impediments if any
Recipients bear the responsibility to ensure compliance of contractors and subcontractors This
means that a sub -recipient must:
a Incorporate the Section 3 Clause into contract documents
to Meets and discusses the section 3 requirements, and responsibilities with potential
developer/contractor prior to commencement of work providing additional technical
assistance when needed
c Conduct compliance reviews consisting of detailed analysis and evaluation of the
contractors compliance with section 3 requirements
d Notify contractor of non-compliance and cooperate with HUD in directing instruction to
obtaining compliance of regulation 24 CFR Part 135
e Refrain from entering into contracts with contractors that are in violation of the regulations
in 24 CFR Part 135
f Respond to complaints made to the recipient by Section 3 residents or business concerns
that the sub -recipient a contractor or subcontractor is not in compliance with 24 CFR Part
The performance of each recipient(s) is evaluated during and at the completion of construction work
High performance is expected for future funding consideration
Numerical Goals
All contractors who undertake Section 3 covered projects and activities are expected to meet or exceed
the Section 3 numerical goal requirements
Outreach Requirements
Contractors and Subcontractors must post all new hire opportunities with local Workforce Solutions
Center and WorkmTexas.com
When projects in excess of $200,000 and contracts in excess of $100,000 are triggered and the need
for new" employment becomes necessary contractors and subcontractors must complete at least two
(2) calendar weeks of outreach/advertisement prior to bid closing date Efforts include
1 Post local advertisements in local media outlets, Houston Chronicle, and with labor unions
2 Send Electronic Bid to the City of Friendswood Section 3 Coordinator for all contracts in excess
of $100,000 to allow electronic bid distribution to Section 3 individuals and businesses
3 Post signage containing preference' number of job title & training positions available and the
qualifications of each on work site for duration of construction
4 Communicate with the Certified Residents and Business Concerns in order to solicit bids from the
Section 3 preference groups (See database on Section 3 website)
5 Select qualified Section 3 Resident/Business concerns and award contracts according to the
preference rules expressed in section 3 policies
6 Provide copies to the City of Friendswood of above outreach executed (1 5) in regard to your
solicitation (Recipients must document all outreach efforts Records must be available upon
7 Once bid date is due, complete detailed bid tabulation and submit to the City of Friendswood to
evaluate bids according to contract requirements and propose your selections
8 Complete a Utilization Plan containing approved contractors and contract amounts for analysis of
numerical goals obtain City of Friendswood approval
9 Submit start of work notice
No Contract/Purchase Orders should be executed /awarded without the steps listed above
Documentation Requirements
All subcontractors with a contract of $100,000 or more are required to submit a completed Section 3
Compliance Packet to the Prime Contractor who in turn will submit the entire package to the City of
Friendswood Section 3 Coordinator for review and approval Review comments will be made available to
both the developer and contractor within 10 days of the receipt of the documents In completing the
Compliance Packet the contractor and subcontractor will have provided the following information
1 Identification of the project area
2 Certification of compliance to the Section 3 policy and regulations (24 CFR part 135)
3 Agreement to following preference rules and complete competitive bidding and to meet the
numerical goals by providing training employment and contracting opportunities to Section 3
individuals and businesses
4 Specific information about the current workforce
5 Firm commitment to include as part of all bids the Bid Tabulation and Section 3 Utilization Plan
(once approved by the City)
6 Provide the Permanent Employee List and Request for Contractor Clearance for each contractor
and subcontractor
7 Firm commitment to conduct aggressive outreach and notification to potential Section 3 residents
and businesses of hiring opportunities using site signage flyers etc
The City of Friendswood requests speck workforce plan analysis for hiring & training Section 3 eligible
residents and for engaging Section 3 certified business concerns
The City of Friendswood also requests a firm commitment to provide identified area employment
agencies of job availabilities from the established job pool of section 3 residents
Section 3 signage should be posted at the construction sites Signage must be at least 4 feet by 4 feet
and it must be large enough to be visible from the street The sign must (a) identify the name of the
project (b) states the facility is a HUD Section 3 Protect and (c) includes contact information (name
telephone number fax, & e-mail, if any)
Record Maintenance and Documentation
All Section 3 protects are required to maintain comprehensive documentation of their Section 3 outreach
efforts and implementation activities and must be able to have all documents available for review by City
and/or HUD officials
Preference for Section 3 Business Concerns
Preference shall be awarded to Section 3 Business Concerns according to the following system
1 Where the Section 3 Covered Contract is to be awarded based upon the lowest price the
contract shall be awarded to the qualified Section 3 Business Concern with the lowest responsive
quotation if it is reasonable and no more than 10 percent higher than the quotation of the lowest
responsive quotation from any qualified source If no responsive quotation by a qualified Section
3 Business Concern is within 10 percent of the lowest responsive quotation from any qualified
R2020-24 8
source the award shall be made to the source with the lowest quotation If it is reasonable and
no more than 10 percent higher than the quotation of the lowest responsive quotation from any
qualified source
Where the Section 3 Covered Contract is to be awarded based on factors other than price a
request for quotations shall be issued by developing the particulars of the solicitation including a
rating system for the assignment of points to evaluate the merits of each quotation The
solicitation shall identify all factors to be considered including price or cost The rating system
shall provide for a range of 15 to 25 percent of the total number of available rating points to be set
aside for the provision of preference for Section 3 Business Concerns The purchase order shall
be awarded to the responsible firm whose quotation is the most advantageous, considering price
and all other factors specified in the rating system
Competitive Bids
Procurement by Sealed Bids (Invitations for Bids)
Preference in the award of Section 3 Covered Contracts that are awarded under a sealed bid process
may be provided as follows
Bids shall be solicited from all businesses (Section 3 Business Concerns and non -Section 3 Business
Concerns) An award shall be made to the qualified Section 3 Business Concern with the highest priority
ranking and with the lowest responsive bid
1 Bids shall be solicited from all businesses (i.e Section 3 Business Concerns and non -Section 3
Business Concerns) An award shall be made to the qualified Section 3 Business Concern with
the highest priority ranking (as defined in 24 CFR Part 135) and with the lowest responsive bid if
that bid
a is within the maximum total contract price established in City of Friendswood's budget for
the specific project for which bids are being taken and
b is not more than X higher than the total bid price of the lowest responsive bid from any
responsible bidder X is determined as follows
X = lesser of
When the lowest responsive bid is less than $100,000.
10% of that bid or $9,000
When the lowest responsive bid is
At least $100,000 but less than $200,000.
9% of that bid or $16,000
At least $200,000 but less than $300,000.
8% of that bid or $21,000
At least $300,000 but less than $400,000.
7% of that bid or $24,000
At least $400,000, but less than $500,000.
6% of that bid or $25,000
At least $500,000 but less than $1 million
5% of that bid or $40,000
At least $1 million but less than $2 million
4% of that bid or $60,000
At least $2 million but less than $4 million
3% of that bid or $80,000
At least $4 million but less than $7 million
2% of that bid or $105,000
$7 million or more, 5% of the lowest responsive
bid with no dollar limit
2 If no responsive bid by a Section 3 Business Concern meets the requirements of paragraph 1 of
this section the contract shall be awarded to a responsible bidder with the lowest responsive bid
3 In both paragraph 1 and 2 above a bidder to be considered as responsible must demonstrate
compliance with the greatest extent feasible requirement of Section 3
Safe Harbor and Compliance Determinations
In the absence of evidence to the contrary (i.e. evidence that efforts to the greatest extent feasible
were not expended) if a recipient or contractor meets the minimum numerical goals shown above the
recipient or contractor is considered to have complied with Section 3 preference requirements
In evaluating compliance if the recipient has not met the numerical requirements the recipient will be
expected to demonstrate why it was not feasible to meet the goals Ultimately HUD will evaluate the City
based on its ability to describe the efforts taken to meet the training hiring and contracting requirements
and the impediments incurred despite actions taken
At a minimum if recipients of Section 3 Assistance are unable to meet their Section 3 training hiring
and contracting goals they should sponsor or participate in upward mobility programs, hire eligible
residents in trainee positions with regard to training and employment or form Section 3 joint ventures
with various local employment agencies
Data Collection and Reporting
Monthly and annual reports are collected, processed and distributed by the Section 3 Coordinator Data
collection and reports can be emailed to the designated Section 3 Coordinator or mailed/hand delivered
to City of Friendswood Section 3 910 S Friendswood Dr Friendswood TX 77546
Monthly Reporting
1 The City of Friendswood requires the submittal of utilization reports due on the loth day of the
month during the construction cycle
2 If a project is funded by GLO it is policy of the City of Friendswood to secure a copy of the
Section 3 monthly utilization reports from each contractor by the tat of each month The reports
are due to the State on the 10th of each month
Annual Reporting
1 Once a project is completed protects should submit a final Section 3 cumulative report for the
program year
2 At project completion City of Friendswood staff will conduct a final review of the project's overall
performance and compliance
3 The City of Friendswood will submit annually to HUD (Form HUD-4010) Section 3 data is also
captured on the Section 3 Summary Report of the Consolidated Annual Performance and
Evaluation Report (CAPER) form 60002
Grievance Procedure for Section 3 Non -Compliance
Written complaint must contain
1 Valid name address and contact information of the person filing the complaint
2 Valid name address and contact information of the contractor/subcontractor the concern is
levied against
3 Dates and description of acts or omissions in alleged violation of Section 3 and
4 Statement of corrective action(s) sought i.e training employment or contracts
When a complaint is filed the City of Friendswood will be responsible to investigate the issue internally
or may refer the concern to the HUD Field Office if necessary
Enforcement of the Section 3 Requirements
Projects overall compliance is tracked in Section 3's compliance database The Section 3 Coordinator
and staff as assigned provides regular assessments of project's status and compliance, allowing
opportunity for correction pending moments of non-compliance However continuous violations and
R2020-24 10
failure to comply with the Section 3 requirements (24 CFR § 135.38 Section 3 clauses Part F) will result
1 Sanction and Debarment or
2 Suspension or
3 Limited denial of participation
When initial review of potential new HUD funded projects commence record and reports of continuous
violators will be submitted as recommendation of NO future HUD funding
!l9 �zo Mike Foreman
Sign a a Date Mayor — City of Friendswood
R2020-24 11
Excessive Force Policy
In accordance with 24 CFR 91.325(b)(6) the City of Friendswood hereby adopts and will enforce the
following policy with respect to the use of excessive force
1 It is the policy of the City of Friendswood to prohibit the use of excessive force by the law
enforcement agencies within its jurisdiction against any individual engaged in non violent civil
rights demonstrations
2 It is also the policy of the City of Friendswood to enforce applicable State and local laws against
physically barring entrance to or exit from a facility or location that is the subject of such non
violent civil rights demonstrations within its jurisdiction
3 The City of Friendswood will introduce and pass a resolution adopting this policy
As officers and representatives of City of Friendswood we the undersigned have read and fully agree to
this plan and become a party to the full implementation of this program
1 f f ZOZO Mike Foreman
gnat a Date Mayor — City of Friendswood
R2020-24 12
City of Friendswood
Under 5% Limited English Proficiency Plan
Community Development Block Grant -Disaster Recovery
Contract Number, 20-066-045-C444
Grant Subreci lent
City of
Beneficiary Population
Estimated 25 residents
LEP Population
Estimated 25
No known LEP persons
Languages spoken by
1,000 or more in the eligible
Translated vital documents
population in the market area or
among current beneficiaries
More than 5% of the eligible
Translated vital documents
population or beneficiaries and more
than 50 in number
More than 5% of the eligible
Translated written notice of right to receive
population or beneficiaries and 50 or
free oral interpretation of documents
less in number
5% or less of the eligible
No written translation is required
population or beneficiaries and
less than 1 000 in number.
Pro ram activities to be accessible
LEP Persons
Public Notices and hearings regarding applications for grant funding amendments to
project activities, and communication of rant -funded proiect
Publications regarding CDBG-DR application grievance procedures complaint
procedures answers to competitive notices notices of rights and disciplinary action
and other vital hearings, documents, and program requirements
Other program documents
Resources available
to Grant Recipient
Translation services translations services will be made available upon request
Interpreter services Interpreter services will be made available upon request
Other resources
Lan ua a Assistance to be provided
Translation (oral and / or written) of advertised notices and vital documents for
Referrals to community liaisons proficient in the language of LEP persons
Public meetings conducted in multiple languages
Other services
/ l 9 J.o7.0
Mike Foreman
Mayor— City of Friendswood
City of Friendswood
Under 5% Limited English Proficiency Plan
:ommunity Development Block Grant -Disaster Recovery
Contract Number 20-065-134-C451
Grant Subreci ient
City of Friendswood
Beneficiary Population
LEP Population
Estimated 307
2.5% of population
Languages spoken by
1,000 or more in the eligible
Translated vital documents
population in the market area or
among current beneficiaries
More than 5% of the eligible
Translated vital documents
population or beneficiaries and more
than 50 in number
More than 5% of the eligible
Translated written notice of right to receive
population or beneficiaries and 50 or
free oral interpretation of documents
less in number
5% or less of the eligible
No written translation is required
population or beneficiaries and
less than 1 000 in number
Pro ram activities to be accessible
LEP persons
Public Notices and hearings regarding applications for grant funding amendments to
project activities, and communication of rant -funded project
Publications regarding CDBG-DR application grievance procedures complaint
procedures answers to competitive notices notices of rights and disciplinary action
and other vital hearings, documents, and program requirements
Other program documents
available to Grant Recipient
Translation services
Interpreter services Interpreter services will be made available upon request
Other resources
Lan ua a Assistance to be provided.
Translation (oral and / or written) of advertised notices and vital documents for
Referrals to community liaisons proficient in the language of LEP persons
Public meetings conducted in multiple languages
Other services
fl 'i u zo Mike Foreman
i at e D t� Mayor — City of Friendswood
R2020-24 14
Section 504 Policy against Discrimination based on Handicap and Grievance Procedures
In accordance with 24 CFR Section 8 Nondiscrimination based on Handicap in federally assisted
programs and activities of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended (29 U.S.0 794) and Section 109 of the Housing and
Community Development Act of 1974, as amended (42 U.S.0 5309) City of Friendswood hereby adopts
the following policy and grievance procedures
1 Discrimination prohibited No otherwise qualified individual with handicaps in the United States
shall solely by reason of his or her handicap be excluded from the participation in be denied the
benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal
financial assistance from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
2 The City of Friendswood does not discriminate on the basis of handicap in admission or access
to, or treatment or employment in its federally assisted programs and activities
3 The City of Friendswood's recruitment materials or publications shall include a statement of this
4 The City of Friendswood shall take continuing steps to notify participants beneficiaries
applicants and employees including those with impaired vision or hearing and unions or
professional organizations holding collective bargaining or professional agreements with the
recipients that it does not discriminate on the basis of handicap in violation of 24 CFR Part 8
5 For hearing and visually impaired individuals eligible to be served or likely to be affected by the
CDBG-DR program, the City of Friendswood shall ensure that they are provided with the
information necessary to understand and participate in the CDBG-DR program
6 Grievances and Complaints
a Any person who believes she or he has been subjected to discrimination on the basis of
disability may file a grievance under this procedure It is against the law for City of
Friendswood to retaliate against anyone who files a grievance or cooperates in the
investigation of a grievance
b Complaints should be addressed to the Friendswood Building Official, 910 S Friendswood
Dr Friendswood TX 77546 or call (281) 996-3335, who has been designated to
coordinate Section 504 compliance efforts
c A complaint should be filed in writing or verbally contain the name and address of the
person filing it and briefly describe the alleged violation of the regulations
d A complaint should be filed within thirty (30) working days after the complainant becomes
aware of the alleged violation
e An investigation as may be appropriate shall follow a filing of a complaint The
investigation will be conducted by the Building Official Informal but thorough
investigations will afford all interested persons and their representatives if any an
opportunity to submit evidence relevant to a complaint
R2020-24 15
f A written determination as to the validity of the complaint and description of resolution if
any shall be issued by the Building Official and a copy forwarded to the complainant with
fifteen (15) working days after the filing of the complaint where practicable
g The Section 504 coordinator shall maintain the files and records of the City of
Friendswood relating to the complaint's files
h The complainant can request a reconsideration of the case in instances where he or she
is dissatisfied with the determination/resolution as described in f above The request for
reconsideration should be made to the City of Friendswood within ten working days after
the receipt of the written determination/resolution
i The right of a person to a prompt and equitable resolution of the complaint filed hereunder
shall not be impaired by the person's pursuit of other remedies such as the filing of a
Section 504 complaint with the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development
Utilization of this grievance procedure is not a prerequisite to the pursuit of other
j These procedures shall be construed to protect the substantive rights of interested
persons to meet appropriate due process standards and assure that the City of
Friendswood complies with Section 504 and HUD regulations
j_ �/ 207o Mike Foreman
ignat re D to Mayor —City of Friendswood
R2020-24 16
City of Friendswood
Code of Conduct Policy
As a Grant Recipient of a CDBG-DR contract the City of Friendswood shall avoid neutralize or mitigate actual or
potential conflicts of interest so as to prevent an unfair competitive advantage or the existence of conflicting roles
that might impair the performance of the CDBG-DR contract or impact the integrity of the procurement process
For procurement of goods and services, no employee officer or agent of the City of Friendswood shall participate
in the selection, award, or administration of a contract supported by CDBG-DR funds if he or she has a real or
apparent conflict of interest Such a conflict could arise if the employee officer or agent, any member of his/her
immediate family his/her partner or an organization which employs or is about to employ any of the parties
indicated herein has a financial or other interest in or a tangible personal benefit from a firm considered for a
No officer employee or agent of the City of Friendswood shall solicit or accept gratuities, favors or anything of
monetary value from contractors or firms, potential contractors or firms, or parties to sub -agreements, except
where the financial interest is not substantial or the gift is an unsolicited item of nominal intrinsic value
Contractors that develop or draft specifications, requirements statements of work, or invitations for bids or
requests for proposals for proposals must be excluded from competing for such procurements
For all other cases, no employee, agent, consultant, officer, or elected or appointed official of the state, or of a
unit of general local government, or of any designated public agencies, or subrecipients which are receiving
CDBG-DR funds, that has any CDBG-DR function/responsibility or is in a position to participate in a decision
making processor gain inside information may obtain a financial interest or benefit from the CDBG-DR activity
The conflict of interest restrictions and procurement requirements identified herein shall apply to a benefitting
business utilityprovider or other third party entity that is receiving assistance, directly or indirectly under a
CDBG-DR contract or award or that is required to complete some or all work under the CDBG-DR contract in
order to meet the National Program Objective
Any person or entity including any benefitting business, utility provider or other thud party entity that is receiving
assistance, directly or indirectly under a CDBG-DR contract or award or that is required to complete some or all
work under the CDBG-DR contract in order to meet a National Program Objective that might potentially receive
benefits from CDBG-DR awards may not participate in the selection, award or administration of a contract
supported by CDBG-DR funding
Any alleged violations of these standards of conduct shall be referred to the City of Friendswood City Attorney
Where violations appear to have occurred, the offending employee, officer or agent shall be subject to
disciplinary action including but not limited to dismissal or transfer, where violations or infractions appear to be
substantial in nature the matter may be referred to the appropriate officials for criminal investigation and
R2020-24 17
possible prosecution
These procedures are intended to serve as guidelines for the procurement of supplies, equipment, construction
services and professional services for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG-DR) Program The
regulations related to conflict of interest and nepotism may be found at the Texas Government Code Chapter 573,
Texas Local Government Code Chapter 171 Uniform Grant Management Standards by Texas Comptroller 24 CFR
570.489(g) &(h), and 2 CFR 200.318
U7.0 Mike Foreman
Date Mayor —City of Friendswood
R2020-24 18
Fair Housing Policy
In accordance with Fair Housing Act, the City of Friendswood hereby adopts the following policy with respect to
the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing
1 The City of Friendswood agrees to affirmatively further fair housing choice for all seven protected classes
(race, color religion sex,disability, familial status, and national origin)
2 The City of Friendswood agrees to plan at least one activity during the contract term to affirmatively
further fair housing
3 The City of Friendswood will introduce and pass a resolution adopting this polity
As officers and representatives of the City of Friendswood we the undersigned have read and fully agree to this
plan, and become a party to the full implementation of this program
Mike Foreman
*ignatu� Date Mayor— City of Friendswood
R2020-24 19