HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2020-08-03 Regular08/03/20 5125
AUGUST 3, 2020
1. Call to order
Mayor Foreman called the meeting to order.
2. Invocation
The invocation was given by Mayor Pro-Tem Hanks
. Pledge of Allegiance — United States and Texas
Mayor Foreman led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
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provisions •; �•Meetings
the City Council may w
� itemse on this agenda
from voicing their thoughts and opinions, and disrupts the meeting. Furthermore, any
personnel complaints against a City employee aside from the City Manager, City
Secretary, City Attorney or Municipal Judge cannot be discussed under this section.
Please contact the City Manager's office for concerns involving a City employee.)
Phil Ratisseau, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated need to be good stewards of
bond money, ask that Council not make up their minds yet but listen, the continued work at
Imperial. Estates lowering the water level by 3 inches for $5 5M is not a good deal for the city or
taxpayers, limited amount of bond money, need to be prudent in how it is spent, bond was a hard
sell, public was concerned about flooding but Convinced the city could do it, do the terracing work
downstream, spend the $5 5M helping more people, and be judicious with the bond money.
Ronald Jenkins, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated is here to talk about Imperial
Estates, bond was seed money to get more money to do the entire project, if start piecemealing it
out are defeating the purpose and lying to voters, money was used to get more money to do the
complete project, not a piece here or there, plan was for a major Hurricane Harvey, Tropical Storm
Allison type storm, will take care of minor storms too, do not waste money where it will not do
benefit, numbers do not add up, saving 3 more houses for $1.5M a piece is not spending money
wisely, has been dug enough, move downstream, start helping whole creek area and not just
Imperial Estates
A Budget Discussion
Mayor Foreman opened the discussion regarding the city's Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Proposed
Budget Administrative Services Director Katina Hampton presented a PowerPoint presentation
regarding the Fiscal Year 2021 Proposed Budget with a total revenue of $96 3 Million, total
expenditures of $95 7 Million, General Fund revenue of $30.3 Million, budgeted tax rate of
$0.497314, estimated taxable value of $3.9 Billion, includes new construction and the value of the
over 65 freeze ceilings, projected new construction value and tax debt service obligation, General
Fund expenses of $30 8 Million, General Fund Forces at Work total of $168,747, General Fund
Decision Packages total of $610,878, unfunded Decision Packages, Water and Sewer Fund
revenues of $16.3 Million, Water and Sewer Fund expenditures of $16.1 Million, Water and Sewer
Fund Forces at Work total of $233,035, Water and Sewer Fund Decision Packages total of
$69,299, and Water and Sewer Fund unfunded Decision Packages and discussed next steps.
Discussion took place between Mayor, Council, and Staff regarding increase in General Fund
sales tax, comfortable with forecast, no decrease with COVID as other cities have seen, when was
tax rate this low, how much in above 90-day fund, increased payment to Texas Municipal
Retirement System (TIVIRS), is a calendar year increase, one of the most solvent retirement funds
across the country, Friendswood Downtown Economic Development Corporation has capital
project related items, merits of using the approximately $100,000 that was saved on 4t" of July
event that did not take place as a line item in the upcoming budget, no consensus at last Council
meeting so went with city's financial policy, merits of using the savings to offset $383,000 budget
deficit in order to reduce burden on taxpayers, was decided to leave as is, whether a Library
position should be funded since metrics are upwards and is needed, discussed how to pay for it,
increase tax rate to fund, had unfunded positions to make budget work, is where it is with
vacancies left vacant in order to minimize growth in taxes, only growth in this budget is related to
the 1 cent to offset growth in debt service, fund capital projects, currently unfunded vacancies in
Police Department and City Secretary's office this year, can discontinue programs to fund,
suggestion to defer this position for 6 months and look at it again in February, could have
unanticipated expense, families in our community having financial struggles, current climate is not
very good, 2021 may be great and can do next year, unfair to taxpayers to do this, everything on
the unfunded Decision Package (DP) list is probably worthy, what would be added from that list,
right now do not know what to expect, would rather wait until further on down and see what
happens in 2021, can amend later and add library position if needed, be respectful to our
taxpayers, doing with less police officers, each have our own areas that are important to them,
budget team ranked the unfunded DP list, would love to fund all unfunded but is concerned the
other shoe has not dropped, should be conservative, appreciates budget has been scrubbed,
pandemic has forced people to work from home, library has resources, situation in now is where
library needs to come forward, is needed now, position needs to move to the top, more
technological time, in a changing society for the next couple of years, sales tax revenue is up and
neighbors are down due to new commercial projects that were not open previously, are not as
reliant on sales tax as neighbors, plan to adopt budget and tax rate at the September 14, 2020,
Council meeting.
B. Capital Improvement Project Update
Mayor Foreman asked)to defer this update to the next Council meeting on August 31, 2020.
Mayor Foreman recessed the meeting at 6.57 PM and reconvened at 7:11 PM.
6. Special Recognition and Acknowledgements
A. Oath of Office administered to reappointed Municipal Court Judge James Woltz
City Secretary Melinda Welsh administered the Oath of Office to Municipal Court Judge James
Communications from the Public (To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act,
the City Council may not deliberate on items discussed under this agenda item. The
Council may refer this item to the City Manager or direct this item to be placed on the
next regular Council agenda. Out of respect for those speaking during public comment,
please refrain from any outbursts or interjections to include, but not limited to,
applause and/or disparaging noises from the audience. Doing so discourages others
from voicing their thoughts and opinions, and disrupts the meeting. Furthermore, any
personnel complaints against a City employee aside from the City Manager, City
Secretary, City Attorney or Municipal Judge cannot be discussed under this section.
Please contact the City Manager's office for concerns involving a City employee.)
David Allen, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated are shutting down the country
and doing crazy things and for what reason Mr Allen showed handouts he provided to Mayor
and Council, concerns with masks not being effective, 30 coronaviruses, forced vaccines, Wuhan
Lab issues, proposed vaccine changes DNA, cure already available, do not put up 5G, and is
Connie Ratisseau, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated contract for senior meals
from Houston -Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) should include Friendswood Harris County
residents, have already allocated $6M towards drainage in April, taken $11.5M out of flood money
that will not be matched, already used $5.5M that will not be matched, benefits are from the
project and north 20,000 feet, nothing below, stop with all of the money being spent at Imperial
Estates and spread it out, read that completion says park improvements including a frisbee golf
course and trail system, Galveston County has also spent several million dollars at Imperial
Estates, a lot of money spent and saving 3-5 homes only, read about removing the bridge at
Imperial Estates and putting a low water crossing, how far off of Clear Creek are we going to get
before it is no longer considered not on Clear Creek, are we being pressured by city's downstream
to do these detention ponds, and is it part of the city's plan.
City Manager Morad Kabiri stated do have answers to each question, the funds approved by'the
voters in 2019 are being expended in accordance with that direction.
8. City Manager's Report
A Hurricane Harvey Update
City Manager Morad Kabiri reported that in regards to Hurricane Harvey the demolition and
removal services have started on properties acquired through the Hazard Mitigation Grant
Program and the Texas Water Development Board Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant. Possible
funding available through Senate Bill 7 that can help offset a portion of the 25% local match, and
Staff is awaiting confirmation from the Texas Division of Emergency Management Three of the
four properties through the Texas Water Development Board Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant
have been closed on or soon to be closed on Community Development Block Grant -- Disaster
Recovery Program for Harris County held a kick --off meeting for the Blackhawk Facility, and later in
the meeting Council will select an Engineering firm from the RFQ process for the Forest Bend
Detention Project In regard to Community Development Block Grant — Disaster Recovery
Program for Galveston County kick-off meetings have been held with Texas General Land Office
for the acquisition projects (Frenchman's Creek and Deepwood, and the infrastructure projects
(utility line burial and Deepwood Flood Mitigation) The Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) has completed their review of the Deepwood/Shadwell damage costing/project efforts,
and the state has approved the city's 428 project application for the effort to acquire the Blackhawk
Facility. Staff is working with neighboring drainage districts on application development for
regional mitigation projects. Later in the meeting Council will consider an interlocal agreement
with the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District for the Imperial Estates Project.
B. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Update
City Manager Morad Kabiri stated there is nothing new to report from previous meeting, working
with other agencies on use of coronavirus relief funds that the state has made available, partnering
with Galveston County to continue testing throughout end of calendar year.
Mayor Foreman stated good job to City Manager for keeping the city rolling during pandemic, has
been amazing to take a step back and realize everything continues to go how we expect it to go.
Employees have been worried about their own families and still show up, do their job, have not
had staff directly affected by virus, and have done a good job of keeping away from each other by
social distancing at work.
9. Communications from Committees and Special Reports
A Annual Report from the Community and Economic Development Committee
City Manager Morad Kabiri stated the Chair was not in attendance to present the Community and
Economic Development Committee's annual report. The annual report can be found in the
agenda backup material.
Mayor thanked Economic Development Coordinator Karen Capps for guiding this committee.
Mayor Foreman recessed the City Council meeting to convene into a meeting of the City of
Friendswood Employee Benefit Trust.
A meeting of the City of Friendswood Employee Benefit Trust was called to order, per the posted
**Councilmember Branson moved to approve all items on the Consent Agenda as presented. A.
Consider action accepting the renewal offer from Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Texas for Employee
Medical and Pharmacy Insurance B. Consider action accepting the renewal offer from Guardian
for Employee Dental Insurance. C. Consider action to accept the renewal offer from Guardian for
Employee Life/AD&D Insurance. D. Consider action to accept the renewal offer from VSP for
Employee Vision Insurance. E Consider action to accept the renewal offer from Lincoln Financial
for Employee Long Term Disability (LTD) Insurance F. Consider action to approve contract from
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Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Texas for ancillary products, Group Long Term Disability
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
Mayor Foreman adjourned the City of Friendswood Employee Benefit Trust meeting.
Mayor Foreman reconvened the City Council meeting
14. Discussion and Possible Action
A Discussion and possible action regarding authorizing the monthly transfer of funds from the
City of Friendswood to the City of Friendswood Employee Benefit Trust
**Councilmember Rockey moved to approve the monthly transfer of funds from the City of
Friendswood to the City of Friendswood Employee Benefit Trust.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously
B Discussion and possible action regarding disposition of RFA 2020-02 Primary Bank
Depository Services
**Councilmember Rockey moved to approve the disposition of RFA 2020-02 for Primary Bank
Depository Services and award to Wells Fargo Bank.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously
C. Discussion and possible action regarding the disposition of RFQ 2020-06 Forest Bend
Detention Pond - Engineering and Environmental Services.
**Councilmember Branson moved to approve the disposition of RFQ 2020-06 for Forest Bend
Detention Pond -- Engineering and Environmental Services and award to RPS Engineering, Inc
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously
D Discussion and possible action regarding approving an agreement with Harris County for
Election Services
**Councilmember Griffon moved to approve an agreement with Harris County for Election
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously
E Discussion and possible action regarding concurrence with the City Manager's appointment
of William Bender to the position of Human Resources Director and James O'Brien to the
position of Information Technology Director.
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve the City Manager's appointment of William Bender as
the Director of Human Resources and James O'Brien as the Director of Information Technology.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
F. Discussion and possible action regarding disposition of RFP 2020-09 Project Management
9 %.W P
Services for the Community Development Block Grant —Disaster Relief (CDBG-DR)
Property Acquisition and Demolition, rejecting all proposals received.
**Councilmember Griffon moved to reject all proposals regarding disposition of RFP 2020-09
Project Management Services for the Community Development Block Grant —Disaster Relief
(CDBG-DR) Property Acquisition and Demolition.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
G Discussion and possible action regarding action on the proposed Ad Valorem Tax Rate for
2020, (Fiscal Year October 1, 2020, through September 30, 2021), to place a proposal to
adopt a rate on the September 14, 2020, City Council agenda, and to schedule any
required public hearing.
**Councilmember Hanks moved that the City of Friendswood propose a tax rate of 49.7314 cents
per $100 property valuation for tax year 2020. The proposed rate is comprised of a maintenance
and operations rate of 40.2152 cents and a debt service rate of 9.5162 cents.
The motion was seconded and approved 6-1 with Councilmember Scott opposed.
City Manager Morad Kabiri announced a public hearing and City Council's vote on the proposed
tax rate will be included on the September 14, 2020, City Council meeting agenda.
H. Discussion and possible action regarding the approval of an Economic Development
Agreement with TBH Holding Group, LLC.
**Councilmember Branson moved to approve an Economic Development Agreement with TBH
Holding Group, LLC.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
I. Discussion and possible action regarding approving an Interlocal Agreement with Galveston
County Consolidated Drainage District to pay the district $5 5 million for the continued
construction and completion of the Imperial Estates In -line Detention.
**Councilmember Rockey moved to approve an Interlocal Agreement with Galveston County
Consolidated Drainage District to pay the district $5.5 Million for the continued construction and
completion of the Imperial Estates In -Line Detention.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
MEN =_4
Consideration and possible action regarding the following:
A. Resolution No. R2020-19 A resolution of the City Council of the City of Friendswood,
Texas, determining land is needed for construction and extension of Friendswood Lakes
Boulevard; accepting dedication and conveyance of .0576 acres of land from Wesley West
Cattle, L P , and Wesley West Descendants Trust and ratifying the City Manager's
execution of the letter agreement between Taylor Morrison of Texas, Inc , Wesley West
Cattle, L P., Wesley West Descendants Trust and the City of Friendswood, Texas.
Regarding Friendswood Lakes Boulevard right-of-way and Avalon Subdivision detention
**Councilmember Rockey moved to approve Resolution No. R2020-19 -- A resolution of the City
Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, determining land is needed for construction and
extension of Friendswood Lakes Boulevard, accepting dedication and conveyance of .0576 acres
of land from Wesley West Cattle, L P , and Wesley West Descendants Trust and ratifying the City
Manager's execution of the letter agreement between Taylor Morrison of Texas, Inc., Wesley West
Cattle, L. P , Wesley West Descendants Trust and the City of Friendswood, Texas Regarding
Friendswood Lakes Boulevard right-of-way and Avalon Subdivision detention capacity.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
B Resolution No. R2020-20 A resolution of the City Council of the City of Friendswood,
Texas, approving the Public Funds Management and Investment Policy
**Councilmember Branson moved to approve Resolution No. R2020-20 — A resolution of the City
Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, approving the Public Funds Management and
Investment Policy
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously
16. Ordinances
Consideration and possible action regarding the following:
A Ordinance No. T2020-28 First and Final reading of an ordinance of the City Council of the
City of Friendswood, Texas, calling for the holding of a Special Election on November 03,
2020, for the purpose of reauthorizing the local sales and use tax at the rate of three -
eighths (3/8) of one percent (1%) to continue providing revenue for maintenance and repair
of municipal streets; and making other provisions related to the subject
**Mayor Foreman moved to approve the First and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2020-28 An
ordinance of the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, calling for the holding of a Special
Election on November 03, 2020, for the purpose of reauthorizing the local sales and use tax at the
rate of three -eighths (3/8) of one percent (1 %) to continue providing revenue for maintenance and
repair of municipal streets, and making other provisions related to the subject
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
B..Ordinance No. T2020-29: First and Final reading of an ordinance amending City of
Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No 2019-38, passed and approved October 7, 2019,
same being an ordinance approving and adopting the City's General Budget for Fiscal Year
2019-2020 by approving "Budget Amendment IV to the "Original General Budget of the
City of Friendswood, Texas, for the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 71 ; providing for supplemental
appropriation and/or transfer of certain funds; providing for severability; and providing other
matters related to the subject.
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve the First and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2020-29 —
An ordinance amending City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 2019-38, passed and
approved October 7, 2019, same being an ordinance approving and adopting the City's General
Budget for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 by approving "Budget Amendment IV to the "Original General
Budget of the City of Friendswood, Texas, for the Fiscal Year 2019-2020", providing for
supplemental appropriation and/or transfer of certain funds; providing for severability, and
providing other matters related to the subject.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
C..Ordinance No. T2020-30: First reading of an ordinance amending Ordinances No. 2012-
04 and 2016-46 in order to approve an annual rate adjustment as provided for in the City of
Friendswood — Progressive Waste Solutions of TX, Inc., d/b/a WC of Texas (formerly
known as IESI TX Corporation) solid waste franchise.
**Councilmember Branson moved to approve the First reading of Ordinance No. T2020-30 — An
ordinance amending Ordinances No. 2012-04 and 2016-46 in order to approve an annual rate
adjustment as provided for in the City of Friendswood — Progressive Waste Solutions of TX, Inc.,
d/b/a WC of Texas (formerly known as IESI TX Corporation) solid waste franchise.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously
D..Ordinance No. T2020-31 First reading of an ordinance of the City of Friendswood, Texas,
amending the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 26, Environment, by repealing Article 111.
Sanitary Nuisances, Sections 26-69 through 26-73 and adopting Chapter 26, Environment,
Article 111. Sanitary Nuisances, Sections 26-69 through 26-77; amending the Code of
Ordinances, Chapter 26, Environment, by adding a new Article VIII. Graffiti Abatement,
Sections 26-293 through 26-301 and adding a new Article IX Maintenance of Storm Water
Systems, Section 26-302, providing a penalty clause; repealing all ordinances or parts of
ordinances inconsistent or in conflict herewith; providing for severability, publication and an
effective date.
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve the First reading of Ordinance No. T2020-31 — an
ordinance of the City of Friendswood, Texas, amending the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 26,
Environment, by repealing Article Ill. Sanitary Nuisances, Sections 26-69 through 26-73 and
adopting Chapter 26, Environment, Article Ill Sanitary Nuisances, Sections 26-69 through 26-77;
amending the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 26, Environment, by adding a new Article Vlll. Graffiti
Abatement, Sections 26-293 through 26-301 and adding a new Article IX. Maintenance of Storm
Water Systems, Section 26-302, providing a penalty clause, repealing all ordinances or parts of
ordinances inconsistent or in conflict herewith, providing for severability, publication and an
effective date.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
17. Communications from the Mayor and Councilmembers
Councilmember Erenwert thanked Staff for budget process, clearly a time we have not faced, who
knows what tomorrow brings, is in the hospitality industry and is the hardest -hit industry, is in an
evolve -or -die kind of world, seeing some of the best brands go down such as Pappas closing
restaurants regularly, would like to see the city explore allowing food trucks to come in, people are
not going out to eat, create something in the parks, may lead to brick and mortar, will lead to
people getting out of their house and outside, money to be made and can make money in permits,
would like to be a part of this, and city needs to look into this.
Councilmember Griffon reported that 35 years ago he married his best friend and sweetheart at
Friends Church, and thanked his wife for putting up with him.
Councilmember Hanks offered congratulations to Robert and Anita Griffon, had first Keep
Friendswood Beautiful meeting since pandemic started, was a Zoom meeting, still have lots of
enthusiasm, recent Fairy Trail opened, discussed Santa in the Park, will not have event like
normal, coming up with other things to celebrate joyfulness in this community, was a good turnout,
school starts this month, keep kids, teachers and administrators in thoughts and prayers, buses
probably will not be running again until after Labor Day.
Councilmember Branson thanked Administrative Services Director Katina Hampton again for a
fantastic job on the budget The Labor Day Ice Cream Social will not happen this year, is a
combined effort with Keep Friendswood Beautiful, Historical Society and Friends of Downtown
Friendswood Association, could not figure out how to have virtual ice cream, and hopes to have it
in 2021.
Councilmember Rockey stated it was a good presentation on the budget, after 9 years of doing
budget is glad Council can have good discussions without getting mad at each other.
Councilmember Scott and Mayor Foreman had nothing to report
8. Consent ,Agenda
Consideration and possible action regarding the following:
A Authorizing Council to invoke Rule 1(A) of the Rules of Procedure to schedule the
September City Council meeting for September 14, 2020, due to the Labor Day holiday on
Monday, September 7, 2020
B. Authorizing Council to invoke Rule I (A) of the Rules and Procedures regarding scheduling
City Council Meetings to hold a Public Hearing on the Budget on Monday, August 31, 2020,
in order to adopt the FY21 Budget at the September 14, 2020, Council Meeting
C. Approving a license agreement with Girouard Holdings, LLC, and Rustika Bakery and Caf6
to allow the use of 4 existing parking spaces and the placement of a dumpster within the
right-of-way along Winding Way, located on the property at 1302 S Friendswood Drive
D. Approving a Waterline Easement with Coastal Bend Property Development, LP, authorizing
the acceptance of the waterline improvements, and initiating the contractor's one year
maintenance bond.
E Authorizing the final acceptance of the Parking Lot for Old City Park improvement at the
completion of the contractor's one-year maintenance period
F Approving a Congregate Meal Program Interlocal Agreement with Galveston County Parks
and Senior Services Department for the City's Senior Citizen Meal Program
G. Authorizing the acceptance of the Sterling Creek, Section 4, Public Paving and Utilities
improvements project into the contractor's one-year maintenance period
H Accepting the June 2020 Tax Report
I Approving the minutes of the July 6, 2020, Council Meeting
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve all items on the Consent Agenda as presented with the
exception of Agenda Item G. A. Authorizing Council to invoke Rule 1 (A) of the Rules of
Procedure to schedule the September City Council meeting for September 14, 2020, due to the
Labor Day holiday on Monday, September 7, 2020. B. Authorizing Council to invoke Rule 1 (A) of
the Rules and Procedures regarding scheduling City Council Meetings to hold a Public Hearing on
the Budget on Monday, August 31, 2020, in order to adopt the FY21 Budget at the September 14,
2020, Council Meeting. C. Approving a license agreement with Girouard Holdings, LLC, and
Rustika Bakery and Caf6 to allow the use of four existing parking spaces and the placement of a
dumpster within the right-of-way along Winding Way, located on the property at 1302 South
Friendswood Drive D. Approving a Waterline Easement with Coastal Bend Property
Development, LP, authorizing the acceptance of the waterline improvements, and initiating the
contractor's one year maintenance bond E. Authorizing the final acceptance of the parking lot for
Old City Park improvement at the completion of the contractor's one-year maintenance period. F
Approving a Congregate Meal Program Interlocal Agreement with Galveston County Parks and
Senior Services Department for the City's Senior Citizen Meal Program H Accepting the June
2020 Tax Report. I. Approving the minutes of the July 6, 2020, Council Meeting
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously
The meeting was adjourned at 8:29 PM.
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