HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2020-07-06 Regular 07/06/20 5113
JULY 6, 2020
' 1. Call to order
Mayor Foreman called the meeting to order.
2. Invocation — Pastor Justin Baldwin, The Harbor
Mayor Foreman asked Omar Peck to give the invocation since Pastor Justin Baldwin with The
Harbor could not attend the meeting.
The invocation was given by Friendswood resident Omar Peck.
3. Pledge of Allegiance— United States and Texas
Mayor Foreman led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
4. Communications from the Public
Communications from the Public (To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act,
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the City Council may not deliberate on items discussed under this agenda item. The
Council may refer this item to the City Manager or direct this item to be placed on the
next regular Council agenda. Out of respect for those speaking during public comment,
please refrain from any outbursts or interjections to include, but not limited to, applause
and/or disparaging noises from the audience. Doing so discourages others from voicing
their thoughts and opinions, and disrupts the meeting. Furthermore, any personnel
complaints against a City employee aside from the City Manager, City Secretary, City
Attorney or Municipal Judge cannot be discussed under this section. Please contact the
City Manager's office for concerns involving a City employee.)
Stephanie Cobb, representative from Ziegler Cooper Architects, addressed Council and stated she
is speaking on behalf of First Baptist Church of Friendswood, assisting the church through the
Specific Use Permit process and improvements to their campus. Council had asked the Planning
and Zoning Commission (P&Z) to look over the city's ordinance for building height requirements in
the Downtown District and how they related to the church. One of the questions asked was why
was the tower so tall, the tower will be a welcome center, will have a 20 foot by 20 foot base and will
house a 16 foot long ministry desk, will serve several different ministries at one time, and provides
visibility for the education department and fellowship center. P&Z discussed keeping a small town
feel, iconic features like a steeple demonstrate freedoms to worship, not able to set back on
property like other churches, and once a four-story building is developed you will not be able to see
Omar Peck, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he is speaking on behalf of First '
Baptist Church of Friendswood. At the May 2020 Council meeting, Pastor David Lorenz asked that
the church be involved in discussions regarding the height of the purposed church tower. In the
future, if a developer bought the Comerica property and built a four-story building the church would
not be visible from the street. The church would like to work with the city regarding the
development of the master plan and the Specific Use Permit, and would like the opportunity to
develop the property so it is beneficial to the whole city.
A. Comprehensive Plan Update
Mayor Foreman opened the discussion regarding the Comprehensive Plan update. Community
Development Director/City Planner Aubrey Harbin presented a PowerPoint presentation regarding
an update to the Comprehensive Plan. A brief history was given, proposal for the update was
presented to Council at the February retreat, and Staff has begun in-house updates of the 1998
Comprehensive Plan. The Engineering Department has been working on drainage plans that will
be looked at during the update process, and Staff will be incorporating other existing city plans into
the Comprehensive Plan. The updated plan will document the successes of the 1998
Comprehensive Plan and give a glimpse of how far the city has come. A few of the successes from
the 1998 Comprehensive Plan include a main street corridor created, upgrade to the police facility
from the facility on Willowick, plan sites for new fire stations, and water and sewer line extensions.
The updated Comprehensive Plan will establish a plan time frame of 20 years, establish update
procedures for future reviews and a new design for the plans layout and maps.
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City Manager Morad Kabiri stated there will be a more in-depth discussion with Council regartling
the Comprehensive Plan at the upcoming Council retreat to go over specific changes. There is a
first draft copy of chapter one provided with the agenda packet backup material.
B. Discussion with the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding Building Height
Mayor Foreman opened the discussion between Council, Staff, and the Planning and Zoning
Commission regarding building height requirements. Community Development Director/City
Planner Aubrey Harbin presented a PowerPoint presentation regarding building height
requirements. The Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) ordinance subcommittee met in
response to Council's direction following a Specific Use Permit (SUP) application and presented
their recommendation to the rest of P&Z for discussion. The application proposed by First Baptist
Church of Friendswood includes a proposed structure reaching an overall maximum height of 90-
feet, 10-inches. The Zoning Ordinance's current requirements include a maximum building height
of 70-feet and four-stories for the Downtown District, other zoning districts have a maximum building
height of 40-feet and a 50-feet total combined maximum height for the building plus chimneys,
church spires, flagpoles, monuments, etc. A chart displaying benchmarks of other cities was I
shown, cities were selected with regional cities in the area, and Staff reviewed the Texas Downtown
Association's website for other cities with downtown areas. Ms. Harbin stated she found it
interesting that the 70-foot requirement is not that common, most requirements are 40-feet, some
' exceptions for increased heights include increase setbacks, and some cities had no maximum
height requirements.
City Manager Morad Kabiri opened the Planning and Zoning Commission's (P&Z) portion of t e
Joint Work Session.
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair Joe Matranga stated when the request first came to 1 &Z it
seemed simple, First Baptist Church of Friendswood is a long-time entity in the City of Friendswood
and a good neighbor to the city, discussions became complicated, and wanted to make sure
different topics were looked into in-depth. Discussions included to eliminate ordinance
contradictions and clarify language and terms, avoid unintended consequences, maintain the small
town-character of Friendswood, consider the impact on neighbors, consider the purpose of certain
types of structures and their height, visibility of the church, and protect the future of the Downtown
District. P&Z's recommendation includes removing conflicting language in the Height Definition,
Section 20, removing redundancy in Area and Height Exceptions, Section 7, clarifying height
regulations by district, Section 7, and uphold the maximum building height as recommended by the
original "Main Street Committee". III
Discussion took place between Mayor, Council, the Planning and Zoning Commission, and Staff
regarding that notices were sent to residents that live within 200 feet of First Baptist Church of
' Friendswood and Staff did not receive any responses back, prevent unintended consequences,
personal property rights issue versus zoning requirements, all churches need to be treated equally,
and conflicting language in current height definition. The consensus of Council was for P&Z to work
on an ordinance that will allow First Baptist Church of Friendswood to meet their vision of 91 feet
and to include exception language to exclude as many unintended consequences as possible.
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Planning and Zoning Commission Chair Joe Matranga adjourned the Planning and Zoning
Commission's portion of the Joint Work Session.
A. Communications from the Public regarding Executive Session topics.
Mayor Foreman asked if anyone would like to speak regarding the Executive Session.
Phil Ratisseau, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and asked if Council could provide an
update once they reconvened regarding the issue of Friendswood Lake.
Councilmember Rockey stated an update could not be provided since Council is meeting with the
City Attorney.
B. Council may convene into Executive Session in accordance with the Texas Government
Code, pursuant to Section 551.071; Consultation with Attorney; to consult with its attorney
about pending litigation, Cause No. 18-CV-0108; Joseph Tostado v. City of Friendswood; in
the 122nd Judicial District Court of Galveston County, Texas, with possible discussion and
action related thereto in open session. '
Council convened into Executive Session in accordance with Texas Government Code, pursuant to
Section 551.071; Consultation with Attorney; to consult with its attorney about pending litigation,
Cause No. 18-CV-0108; Joseph Tostado v. City of Friendswood; in the 122nd Judicial District Court
of Galveston County, Texas.
C. Council may convene into Executive Session in accordance with Section 551.087;
Deliberation regarding economic development negotiations; to deliberate the offer of a
financial or other incentive to a business prospect with possible discussion and
action related thereto in open session.
Council convened into Executive Session in accordance with Texas Government Code, pursuant to
Section 551.087—Deliberation regarding economic development negotiations; to deliberate the offer
of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect.
Council reconvened into Open Session with no action taken later in the meeting.
8. Special Recognition and Acknowledgements
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A. Presentation of the 17th Consecutive Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)
Distinguished Budget Presentation Award by Phyllis Rinehart, Controller for the City of La
Porte, representing the Gulf Coast Government Finance Officers Association and
Government Finance Officers Association of Texas.
Phyllis Rinehart, Controller for the City of La Porte, representing the Gulf Coast Government
Finance Officers Association and Government Finance Officers Association of Texas presented the
Government Finance Officers Association's Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to
Administrative Services Director Katina Hampton and her Staff. Ms. Hampton thanked the
Administrative Services Department Staff and the budget team for their help and support.
9. Communications from the Public
Communications from the Public (To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act,
the City Council may not deliberate on items discussed under this agenda item. The
Council may refer this item to the City Manager or direct this item to be placed on the
next regular Council agenda. Out of respect for those speaking during public comment,
please refrain from any outbursts or interjections to include, but not limited to, applause
and/or disparaging noises from the audience. Doing so discourages others from voicing
their thoughts and opinions, and disrupts the meeting. Furthermore, any personnel
complaints against a City employee aside from the City Manager, City Secretary,' City Attorney or Municipal Judge cannot be discussed under this section. Please contact
City Manager's office for concerns involving a City employee.)
Mayor Foreman asked if anyone would like to speak. No one spoke.
10. City Manager's Report
A. Lifeline EMS Gold Plus recognition of Friendswood Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
City Manager Morad Kabiri reported that for the fourth year in a row, the Friendswood Volunteer
Fire Department's Emergency Medical Services (EMS) division has achieved the American Heart
Association's 2020,Mission: Lifeline EMS Gold Plus recognition for prehospital personnel. They are
the first providers of care to patients suffering from a ST-Elevation Myocardial Infraction (STEMI)
heart attack and are an integral part of the STEMI system of care impacting the overall care and
outcome of the patient. This achievement illustrates a commitment to providing guidelines-based
care while meeting high standards of performance.
B. Friendswood Police Department Operations
The City Manager reported that in regard to the national dialogue taking place, the Friendswood
Police Department routinely evaluates protocols and stays abreast of new training requirements and
techniques. The Friendswood Police Department utilizes a continuous training cycle that is
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overseen by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE). The department is inspected
biannually to ensure its compliance with state-mandated training. The curriculum for all of the
required training can be found on the TCOLE website hftps://www.tcole.texas.gov/.
C. Tree Preservation Requirements
The City Manager reported that the City of Friendswood has a tree preservation requirement in the
city's Design Criteria Manual. Mitigation is required for existing trees 12-inches in diameter and
measures 4.5-feet above natural grade, and qualified trees that are listed is contained in the Design
Criteria Manual, Appendix D. State law limits municipalities from regulating anything smaller than
10-inches in diameter, and any preservation requirements must allow for a fee in lieu of
replacement. The Planning & Zoning Commission is currently evaluating the city's tree preservation
D. Hurricane Harvey Update
The City Manager reported that in regards to Hurricane Harvey the demolition and removal services
have started on properties acquired through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program and the Texas
Water Development Board Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant. Two of the four properties acquired
through the Texas Water Development Board Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant project have been
closed on or soon to be closed on and two properties have declined offers. Community ,
Development Block Grant— Disaster Recovery Program for Harris County held a kick-off meeting
for the Blackhawk Facility, and a contract has been finalized with Harris County for the Forest Bend
Detention Project. In regard to Community Development Block Grant— Disaster Recovery Program
for Galveston County the Texas General Land Office (GLO) has approved and started contracting
phases for two acquisition projects (Frenchman's Creek and Deepwood), contracts have been
signed for both the infrastructure projects (utility line burial and Deepwood flood mitigation). An
interlocal agreement with Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District has been approved for
the acquisition of nine properties along Clear Creek. The Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) has completed their review of the Deepwood/Shadwell damage costing/project efforts, and
currently reviewing the city's project to acquire the Blackhawk Facility, and Engineering Staff is
working with neighboring drainage districts on application development for regional mitigation
E. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Update
The City Manager reported that COVID-19 has had a significant impact not just on the City of
Friendswood and our region but globally also. Last week Governor Greg Abbott issued two
executive orders, no outdoor gatherings of more than 10 people and the requirement of face
masks. In the City of Friendswood the numbers continue to rise, concern with a number of Staff
members contracting COVID-19, city facilities will be closed to the public again starting July 7, 2020,
disinfecting efforts of employee workspaces/vehicles will be ramped up, use of personal protective
equipment (PPE) for all city employees in common areas has been enacted, and partnering with
Galveston County for continuous COVID-19 testing.
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Councilmember Rockey asked if unused budget funds for the Fourth of July event could be rolled
over to next year's budget, and City Manager Morad Kabiri answered any unused funds would be
rolled to fund balance and Council can direct Staff during the next budget year to fund a particular
budget line item and request the funds as a one-time expenditure from fund balance.
11. Communications from Committees and Special Reports
A. Declaration of Independence
A video was shown of Friendswood's next generation reading the Declaration of Independence.
12. Discussion and Possible Action
A. Discussion and possible action regarding the election of the Mayor Pro Tem
**Councilmember Branson moved to nominate Councilmember Trish Hanks as Mayor Pro-Tem for
' The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
B. Discussion and possible action regarding the re-appointment of Judge James Woltz and
Alternate Judge Robert Barfield for the Friendswood Municipal Court
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve the reappointment of Municipal Court Judge James
Woltz and Alternate Judge Robert Barfield for the Friendswood Municipal Court with terms to expire
July 2022.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
C. Discussion and possible action regarding appointments to the following boards, committees,
and commissions:
4th of July Steering Committee — Reappoint Renae Rives, Kathy S. Molinaro, Barbara
Blanchard and Terri Corbett each to a 4-month term expiring November 2020.
Keep Friendswood Beautiful — Reappoint Todd Mendenhall and Natasha McAdoo each to a
4-month term expiring November 2020. i
Friendswood Downtown Economic Development Corporation — Reappoint Arden Hill, Paul
Marx and Elmer Johnson each to a 1-year term expiring July 2021; reappoint Patrick
McGinnis, Alton Todd, Ron Cox and Rebecca Hillenburg each to a 2-year term expiring July
Planning and Zoning Commission —Appoint Tom Hinckley to a 3-year term expiring July
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2023, to replace Eric Guenther who resigned; reappoint Brett Banfield to a 3-year term
expiring July 2023.
Zoninq Board of Adjustment &Appeals —Appoint Megan McKay and Clay Smith as
alternate members to a 2-year term each expiring July 2022, to replace Linda Thornton and
Glen Grayban; reappoint Jason Byers as an alternate member to a 2-year term expiring July
2022; appoint Glen Grayban as a regular member from alternate member to a 2-year term
expiring July 2022, to replace David O'Brien who resigned; reappoint Mike Czarowitz and
Ron Dyer as regular members each to a 2-year term expiring July 2022.
**Councilmember Griffon moved to approve the reappointment of Renae Rives, Kathy S. Molinaro,
Barbara Blanchard and Terri Corbett to the Fourth of July Steering Committee with terms to expire
November 2020, reappointment of Todd Mendenhall and Natasha McAdoo to Keep Friendswood
Beautiful with terms to expire November 2020, reappointment of Arden Hill, Paul Marx and Elmer
Johnson to the Friendswood Downtown Economic Development Corporation with terms to expire
July 2021, reappointment of Patrick McGinnis, Alton Todd, Ron Cox and Rebecca Hillenburg to the
Friendswood Downtown Economic Development Corporation with terms to expire July 2022,
appointment of Tom Hinckley to the Planning and Zoning Commission with a term to expire July
2023, reappointment of Brett Banfield to the Planning and Zoning Commission with a term to expire
July 2023, appointment of alternate members Megan McKay and Clay Smith to the Zoning Board of
Adjustment and Appeals with terms to expire July 2022, reappointment of alternate member Jason
Byers to the Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals with a term to expire July 2022, appointment
of Glen Grayban to move from alternate member to regular member on the Zoning Board of '
Adjustment and Appeals with a term to expire July 2022, and reappointment of Mike Czarowitz and
Ron Dyer to the Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals with terms to expire July 2022.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
D. Discussion and possible action regarding approving an agreement with Galveston County
for Election Services
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve an agreement with Galveston County for Election
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
E. Discussion and possible action regarding approving a contract with Network Cabling Service
to extend fiber optic cable to city facilities
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve a contract with Network Cabling Service to extend fiber
optic cable to city facilities.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
F. Discussion and possible action regarding approving an agreement between the City of
Friendswood and Harris County for the Blackhawk Property acquisition and rehabilitation
project and authorizing the City Manager to make necessary amendments to the agreement
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**Councilmember Scott moved to approve an agreement between the City of Friendswood and
Harris County for the Blackhawk Property acquisition and rehabilitation project and authorizing the
City Manager to make necessary amendments to the agreement.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
G. Discussion and possible action regarding approving an agreement between the City of
Friendswood and 5 Engineering, LLC, for professional services for the 2020 Lift Station
Mitigation Project
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve an agreement between the City of Friendswood and 5
Engineering, LLC, for professional services for the 2020 Lift Station Mitigation Project.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
13. Resolution
Consideration and possible action regarding the following:
A. Resolution R2020-18: A resolution of the City of Friendswood, Texas, expressing official
intent to reimburse costs of the City of Friendswood Public Safety Building expansion and
' Fire Station construction.
**Councilmember Griffon moved to approve Resolution No. R2020-18—A resolution of the City of
Friendswood, Texas, expressing official intent to reimburse costs of the City of Friendswood Public
Safety Building expansion and Fire Station construction.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
14. Ordinance
Consideration and possible action regarding the following:
A. Ordinance No. T2020-27: First and Final reading of an ordinance amending City of
Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 2019-38, passed and approved October 7, 2019, same
being an ordinance approving and adopting the City's General Budget for Fiscal Year 2019-
2020 by approving "Budget Amendment Vlll" to the "Original General Budget of the CitIy of
Friendswood, Texas, for the Fiscal Year 2019-2020"; providing for supplemental
appropriation and/or transfer of certain funds; providing for severability; and providing I other
matters related to the subject.
**Councilmember Branson moved to approve the First and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2020-27
—An ordinance amending City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 2019-38, passed and '
approved October 7, 2019, same being an ordinance approving and adopting the City's General
Budget for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 by approving "Budget Amendment VI I I" to the "Original General
Budget of the City of Friendswood, Texas, for the Fiscal Year 2019-2020"; providing for
supplemental appropriation and/or transfer of certain funds; providing for severability; and providing
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other matters related to the subject.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. -
15. Communications from the Mayor and Councilmembers
Councilmember Rockey stated everyone has witnessed the national debate about police and police
tactics, has always been impressed with the professionalism of the City of Friendswood Police
Department, are well trained, and demonstrate a willingness to take the gentlest/mildest approach
to situations. The Police Department deal with tense situations and sometimes the most mundane
of traffic stops. He recently received a warning for doing 30 MPH in a 20 MPH zone, and was
cautioned by the officer not to argue with him in the future, and the officer was right. Recently
served on a jury in Galveston County that involved a Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) case from the
City of Friendswood. The jury watched video of the officer, he was professional, courteous, and
extremely firm about what he wanted to accomplish. Councilmember Rockey further stated he is
extremely proud of the City of Friendswood police force and how they manage things.
Councilmember Branson stated she sleeps better at night knowing that Friendswood Police Chief
Bob Wieners is on the job, and thanked the City of Friendswood Police Department for the job they
do. She believes it is unique all the number of volunteers being reappointed to committees, wishes
their pay could be increased, and truly appreciates the volunteers time and dedication. The City of
Friendswood was founded on volunteerism and appreciates that the spirit is still alive and well 125 '
years later.
Councilmember Hanks stated she has known Friendswood Police Chief Bob Wieners for 20 years,
has worked closely with him for 15 years, she knows what Chief Wieners and his department is
made of, they care about the communities wellbeing, has the upmost respect and trust in
Friendswood's Police Officers, and she believes the majority of people share her views about
respecting the work they do. The city has many good volunteers. Keep Friendswood Beautiful
opened the fairy trail this past month, has gotten some national and local press, took her grandkids
to the fairy trail and it was an amazing and positive thing. Thanked the volunteers and Staff who
helped with the Fourth of July event and it was a good decision to keep the tradition alive but in a
safe way. Council receives many different compliments from people complimenting city Staff,
recently received one from a state official regarding City Manager Morad Kabiri. People having
trouble with the economy due to Coronavirus can get help through the food pantry at Mary Queen
Catholic Church, open four hours a day, five days a week, have been serving 1,400 to 1,500 people
a month, and people can come once a month. The food pantry has put out a request for help, go to
their website if you would like to help. She believes that everyone that comes before Council has a
bias and personal opinion, every committee that meets may not agree with Council, and it is
important for them to have a voice. Thanked Councilmember Branson for the Mayor Pro-Tem
nomination, and she will have big shoes to fill.
Councilmember Griffon stated he believes the Friendswood Police Department does a wonderful
job. Mayor Mike Foreman has a lot on his shoulders and the Fourth of July parade for the city's
125th Fourth of July weighed immensely on him. All the citizens who participated in the seven
different parade routes truly enjoyed it. Councilmember Griffon congratulated Katarina Gaido on
her United States citizenship, she has lived here for eight years and has two beautiful children.
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Councilmember Scott wished all American citizens a Happy Independence Day, should question
where we are today as a society, and this mob rule mentality is Marxism. The good news is `l�-,e
have the power to fight back, not just by voting, volunteer to watch Council meetings or participate
in the city's commissions. Cultural Marxism started spreading in this county 50 years ago. We live
in a society where you can be shamed out of a prominent position if you are a professional athlete
or anybody else you can be shamed over something from 15 - 20 years ago. Thanked each
member of Council for participating in government. The mask rule was removed from the Council
agenda because Governor Greg Abbott superseded Council's ability to vote on an ordinance
Benjamin Franklin stated that those willing to give up a little bit of liberty for a little bit of safety will
soon have neither. He`did not agree with a mask ordinance at all. Read what Black Lives M'tter is
about, destruction of nuclear family. Cultural Marxism is real and as we celebrate our
independence from a tyrannical government, get involved with your local government so we can
take it back-
Councilmember Erenwert stated he'was fortunate enough to participate in the Fourth of July
Parade, could not believe how many,residents were out, saw signs thanking the police officers and
firefighters, was a neat process, and thanked the Fourth of July Steering Committee and the Parks
and Recreation Department for putting the event on.
Mayor Foreman thanked the Fourth of.July Steering Committee, city Staff, and everyone who made
the city's Fourth of July celebration happen. People have mentioned to him that difficult decisions
' have had to be made, leaders have to get all the information and protect city Staff and citizens,
Council swore an oath to protect the citizens and they try their best to do that.
16. Consent Agenda
Consideration and possible action regarding the following:
A. Authorizing the final acceptance of the City of Friendswood's 2018 Street Maintenance
project and initiate the contractor's one year maintenance bond
B. Approving the appointments of City Council Liaisons to Committees, Boards, and
C. Approving the modification and signing of an Interlocal Agreement with Galveston County for
the transfer of CARES Act funding
D. Accepting the May 2020 Tax Report
E. Approving the minutes of the June 1, 2020, Council Meeting
""Councilmember Scott moved to approve all items on the Consent Agenda as presented: A.
Authorizing the final acceptance of the City of Friendswood's 2018 Street Maintenance project and
initiate the contractor's one year maintenance bond. B. Approving the appointments of City Council
Liaisons to Committees, Boards, and Commissions. C. Approving the modification and signing of
an Interlocal Agreement with Galveston County for the transfer of CARES Act funding. D.
Accepting the May 2020 Tax Report. E. Approving the minutes of the June 1, 2020, Council
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The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
17. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:04 PM.
Mayor e M& man
Melindd Welsh, TRMC U :O
City Secretary :*
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