HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2019-09-09 Regular 09/09/19 4983
1. Call to order
Mayor Foreman called the meeting to order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags — Boy Scout Anthony Duron with
Troop 445
Boy Scout Anthony Duron with Boy Scout Troop 445 led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United
States and to the State of Texas.
3. Invocation - Pastor Jonathan Smith, First Baptist Church
The invocation was given by Pastor Jonathan Smith with First Baptist Church Friendswood.
4. Communications from the Public
(To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the City Council may not deliberate on
items discussed under this agenda item. The Council may refer this item to the City Manager
or direct this item to be placed on the next regular Council agenda. PowerPoint
presentations are not conducted during the citizen comment period. Out of respect for those
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speaking during public comment, please refrain from any outbursts or interjections to
include, but not limited to, applause and/or disparaging noises from the audience. Doing so '
discourages others from voicing their thoughts and opinions, and disrupts the meeting.)
Jalna Westerfeld, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated her back deck is close to
the new dog park at Old City Park, missed the opportunity for input into the park, cars are parking in
grass, keep rules that are in place now, do not add hours or lights, install and enforce no parking
signs along Merriwood Drive, and she knows she will have to give up some of her outdoor time due
to the noise.
Don Johnson, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he would like to thank Mayor,
Council, Staff and the Drainage Subcommittee for the great work that was done putting a flood
mitigation proposal before citizens, is going in the right direction. The interlocal agreement with the
City of League City may be a step in the wrong direction, the City of League City approved a bond
election but no money was requested to improve the flow of Clear Creek, suggested language to
add to the interlocal agreement and handed out a document with that language included.
Phil Ratisseau, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he does not believe the
interlocal agreement with the City of League City is in the city's best interest and provided other
A. Budget Discussion
Mayor Foreman opened the discussion regarding the city's proposed Fiscal Year 2019-2020
General Fund Budget. Administrative Services Director Katina Hampton presented a PowerPoint
presentation regarding Fiscal Year 2020 total revenue of$79.5 Million, Fiscal Year 2020 total
expenditures of$ 79.3 Million, General Fund revenue of$30.1 Million, current tax rate of$0.5324,
estimated taxable value of$3.7 Billion, includes new construction and the value of the Over 65
Freeze ceilings, building permit fees included in the proposed budget are reflective of legislative
changes, General Fund expenses of$30.1 Million, General Fund Forces at Work total of$269,950,
General Fund Decision Packages total of$603,076, Water and Sewer Fund revenues of$19.7
Million, Water and Sewer Fund expenses of$19.7 Million, Water and Sewer Fund Forces at Work,
Water and Sewer Fund Decision Packages total of$57,904, General Fund unfunded Decision
Packages, and Water and Sewer Fund unfunded Decision Packages.
Discussion took place between Mayor, Council, and Staff regarding the budget process related to
Decision Packages, adjustments to Fiscal Year 2020 total revenue and expenses from the August
2019 Council meeting, and sponsorship donations for senior activity events related to the budget.
B. Fire and Rescue Services and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Contract Review
Mayor Foreman opened the discussion regarding Fire and Rescue Services and Emergency
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Medical Services (EMS) contract review. Fire Marshal Brian Mansfield presented a PowerPoint
' presentation regarding EMS and fire services contracts, current contract with the city expires I
September 30, 2019, and a brief history was given in regards to EMS. A significant change to both
contracts included separation of the fire and EMS contracts, will allow Friendswood Volunteer, Fire
Department to focus on delivering services for each contract, annual increase to contract amount,
and will help address capital needs and funding. Significant changes to EMS portion will include
two full-time ambulances and one medic supervisor, three year contract with two one-year
extensions, and a contract increase of$10,000 per every 100 calls over 3,000. Changes to the fire
rescue portion include a day captain and day crew consisting of Texas Commission on Fire
Protection Certified Firefighters, and a five year contract with two one-year extensions.
Discussion took place between Mayor, Council, and Staff regarding the separation of fire rescue
and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) into separate contracts with the Friendswood Volunteer
Fire Department, allowance for annual contract increases, and the benefits of additional staffing for
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Foreman moved to Agenda Item 10B, Annual Collection Report
from Delinquent Tax Attorney Mike Darlow with Perdue, Brandon, Fielder, Collins & Mott, LLP.
6. Special Recognition and Acknowledgements
A. Presentation of the 16th Consecutive Government Finance Officers Association's
Distinguished Budget Presentation Award by Roger Roecker, former City Manager and Past
' President of the Government Finance Officers Association of Texas (GFOAT) and GFOAT
Representative to the Government Finance Officers Association.
Roger Roecker, former City Manager and Past President of the Government Finance Officers
Association of Texas (GFOAT) and GFOAT representative to the Government Finance Officers
Association presented the Government Finance Officers Association's Distinguished Budget
Presentation Award to Administrative Services Director Katina Hampton and her Staff. This is the
16th consecutive year for the city to earn the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. Ms.
Hampton thanked the Administrative Services Department Staff and the budget team for theil help
and support.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Foreman moved to Agenda Item 15, Consent Agenda.
7. Public Hearings
To receive comments from the public, both oral and written, regarding:
A. Proposed Fiscal Year 2019-2020 General Operating Budget for the City of Friendswood
Mayor Foreman called a Public Hearing to order to receive comments from the public, both oral and
' written, regarding the proposed Fiscal Year 2019-2020 General Operating Budget for the City of
Mayor Foreman asked if anyone would like to speak in favor or in opposition to the proposed Fiscal
Year 2019-2020 General Operating Budget for the City of Friendswood. No one spoke.
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Hearing no comments from the public, Mayor Foreman closed this portion of the Public Hearing. '
B. Zone classification change request for a 4.2507 acre tract of land, Sun Meadow Subdivision,
located at 2407 W. Parkwood Ave., Suite 108 (1,425 square feet), Friendswood, Galveston
County, Texas, to change from Community Shopping Center(CSC)to Community Shopping
Center/Specific Use Permit(CSC/SUP) to allow NAICS Use#8131 Religious Organizations
Mayor Foreman called a Public Hearing to order to receive comments from the public, both oral and
written, regarding a zone classification change request for a 4.2507 acre tract of land, Sun Meadow
Subdivision, located at 2407 West Parkwood Avenue, Suite 108 (1,425 square feet), Friendswood,
Galveston County, Texas, to change from Community Shopping Center (CSC) to Community
Shopping Center/Specific Use Permit (CSC/SUP) to allow NAICS Use No. 8131 Religious
Community Development Director/City Planner Aubrey Harbin explained the request and stated the
Planning and Zoning Commission's (P&Z) recommendation was 5-1 in favor of the request with one
commissioner absent. P&Z discussed current parking, existing signage, and liquor licenses in
regards to existing businesses and any future new businesses.
Mayor Foreman asked if anyone would like to speak against the request. No one spoke.
Mayor Foreman asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of the request. '
Councilmember Griffon asked why the whole tract was being addressed, and City Manager Morad
Kabiri answered the Specific Use Permit is only for the requested 1,425 square feet.
Donna Winfrey, Realtor, stated there is a three year lease, only signage would be on the door, will
pray for 10 minutes a day, three times a day, the highest attendance will be Friday evenings, and
the remaining time the space will be used as an office.
Councilmember Hanks asked the distance between the requested site and Moreno's Mexican
Restaurant and Friends Pub, and Ms. Winfrey answered that there are several stores between the
Councilmember Erenwert asked regarding the liquor licenses would any future new business that
moved into the shopping center be able to sell liquor, and City Manager Morad Kabiri answered if
there is less than 300 feet from door to door a liquor license could not be issued.
Hearing no further comments from the public, Mayor Foreman closed this portion of the Public
8. Communications from the Public
(To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the City Council may not deliberate on
items discussed under this agenda item. The Council may refer this item to the City Manager
or direct this item to be placed on the next regular Council agenda. PowerPoint
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presentations are not conducted during the citizen comment period. Out of respect for those
' speaking during public comment, please refrain from any outbursts or interjections to
include, but not limited to, applause and/or disparaging noises from the audience. Doing so
discourages others from voicing their thoughts and opinions, and disrupts the meeting.)
Dallas Wilson, Adult Ministries Pastor from Grace Church, addressed Council and stated he would
like to thank Council for their service to the community, gave each councilmember a medallion as a
recognition, thankful for the partnership and relationship the church has with the city, and looks to
send their membership into the community seeking opportunities to serve and partner with others.
Connie Ratisseau, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and asked if clarification could be
provided regarding the interlocal agreement with the City of League City, and would the agreement
restrict or change flood mitigation items previously discussed. j
Don Johnson, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and provided his suggestions on j
implementation of flood mitigation measures and explained what those measures should be.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Foreman moved to Agenda Item 10A, Annual report from
Friendswood Downtown Economic Development Corporation.
9. City Manager's Report
' A. National Night Out
City Manager Morad Kabiri reported that National Night Out has been scheduled for Tuesday,
October 1, 2019. National Night Out is a great opportunity for citizens and law enforcement to
partner up against crime. To join in on the National Night Out event, get your neighbors to turn their
porch lights on, organize a block party or some type of neighborhood event, fill out and return a
National Night Out application to Officer Kevin Crouch at the Friendswood Police Department.
B. Friendswood Library Summer Reading
The City Manager reported that this summer the City of Friendswood Public Library had over 1,500
readers join the Summer Reading Club, over 15,000 hours, completed over 1,600 reading
challenges, and there were over 4,179 prizes awarded throughout the summer. There were 78
adults that registered for the summer reading challenge, a total of 204 books were read and 46
reading challenges completed. Business sponsors included Sonic, TCBY, Whataburger, Ho l ston
Astros, Raising Cane's, Bounce Town, and the Friends of the Library.
The City Manager reported the Friendswood Public Library will hold its First Annual Gala on
October 4, 2019, hosted by Friends of the Library, tickets will be $100 per person, there will be a
well-known guitarist, and all funds raised will go to support the Friends of the Library.
' C. Chamber Business and Health Expo
The City Manager reported that the Fourth Annual Friendswood Chamber of Commerce Business
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and Health Expo will be held on September 19, 2019, at First Baptist Church of Friendswood. The
expo will allow local businesses and other industries to showcase their offerings with the public. '
This year's theme is "The Pulse of the Community", and will focus on local health care providers.
D. Hurricane Harvey Update
The City Manager reported regarding a Hurricane Harvey update. Staff has attended stakeholder
forum meetings with the United States Army Corps of Engineers, met with Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA), have had multiple meetings with the Clear Creek Watershed
Steering Committee, met with the Texas General Land Office and attended multiple webinars on
upcoming mitigation dollars, and met with the multiple entities regarding land acquisition along
Clear Creek for current Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District flood mitigation projects.
There are multiple buyout applications pending, and Staff continues to meet as frequently as
possible with the regulating entities to keep the items moving forward.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Foreman moved to Agenda Item 14, Communications from the
Mayor and Councilmember.
10. Communications from Committees and Special Reports
A. Annual Report from Friendswood Downtown Economic Development Corporation Vice-
President Arden "Trey" Hill '
Friendswood Downtown Economic Development Corporation Vice-President Arden "Trey" Hill
presented the annual report from the Friendswood Downtown Economic Development Corporation.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Foreman moved to Agenda Item 11A, Discussion and possible
action regarding action on the proposed Ad Valorem Tax Rate for 2019, (Fiscal Year October 1,
2019, through September 30, 2020), to place a proposal to adopt a rate on the October 7, 2019,
City Council agenda, and to schedule any required Public Hearings.
B. Annual Collection Report from Delinquent Tax Attorney Mike Darlow,with Perdue, Brandon,
Fielder, Collins & Mott, LLP
Delinquent Tax Attorney Mike Darlow presented the Annual Collection Report from Perdue,
Brandon, Fielder, Collins & Mott, LLP.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Foreman moved to Agenda Item 6A, Special Recognition and
11. Discussion and Possible Action '
A. Discussion and possible action regarding action on the proposed Ad Valorem Tax Rate for
2019, (Fiscal Year October 1, 2019, through September 30, 2020), to place a proposal to adopt
a rate on the October 7, 2019, City Council agenda, and to schedule any required public
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' **Councilmember Rockey moved to approve the proposed Ad Valorem Tax Rate for 2019 (Fiscal
Year October 1, 2019, through September 30, 2020) to place a proposal to adopt a rate on the
October 7, 2019, City Council agenda, and to schedule any required Public Hearings.
The motion was seconded and approved 5-2 with Councilmembers Griffon and Scott opposed.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Foreman moved to Agenda Item 11 D, Discussion and possible
action regarding authorizing the City Manager to execute an interlocal agreement with the City of
League City to complete a flood mitigation plan for lower Clear Creek and Dickinson Bayou.
B. Discussion and possible action regarding authorizing the City Manager to make
amendments and execute a contract for Fire and Rescue Services with the Friendswood
Volunteer Fire Department.
**Councilmember Rockey moved to approve authorizing the City Manager to make amendments
and execute a contract for Fire and Rescue Services with the Friendswood Volunteer Fire
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
C. Discussion and possible action regarding authorizing the City Manager to make
amendments and execute a contract for Emergency Medical Services with the Friendswood
' Volunteer Fire Department.
**Councilmember Branson moved to approve authorizing the City Manager to make amendments
and execute a contract for Emergency Medical Services with the Friendswood Volunteer Fire
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Foreman moved to Agenda Item 9, City Manager's Report.
D. Discussion and possible action regarding authorizing the City Manager to execute an
interlocal agreement with the City of League City to complete a flood mitigation plan for
Lower Clear Creek and Dickinson Bayou.
**Councilmember Griffon moved to approve authorizing the City Manager to execute an interlocal
agreement with the City of League City to complete a flood mitigation plan for lower Clear Creek
and Dickinson Bayou.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
E. Discussion and possible action regarding disposition of RFP Number 2019-04 Acquisition
' and Project Management Services, to advise and assist with evaluating, planning,
management, and execution of various property acquisition programs.
**Councilmember Branson moved to approve the disposition of RFP No. 2019-04 for acquisition
and project management services, to advise and assist with evaluating, planning, management, and
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execution of various property acquisition programs.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. '
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Foreman moved to Agenda Item 13, Ordinances.
12. Resolution
Consideration and possible action regarding the following:
A. Resolution R2019-26: A resolution of the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas,
amending and replacing Resolution No. R2019-09 with this resolution; authorizing and
approving the 2018 Community Development Block Grant— Disaster Recovery. (CDBG-DR)
**Councilmember Griffon moved to approve Resolution R2019-26 —A resolution of the City Council
of the City of Friendswood, Texas, amending and replacing Resolution No. R2019-09 with this
resolution; authorizing and approving the 2018 Community Development Block Grant— Disaster
Recovery. (CDBG-DR).
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Foreman moved to Agenda Item 11 B, Discussion and possible
action regarding authorizing the City Manager to make amendments and execute a contract for Fire
and Rescue Services with the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department.
13. Ordinances ,
Consideration and possible action regarding the following:
A. Ordinance No. T2019-30: (Title: Second and Final reading of an ordinance amending the
zoning classification for 402 E. Edgewood Drive, being a .3857 acre tract of land out of Lot 21
of the Hoidale and Coffman Subdivision of the northeast part of the Perry and Austin League,
Abstract No. 2, Galveston County, Friendswood, Texas, by granting an amendment to
Ordinance 2015-26 by adding NAICS Use# 8121 "Personal Care Services," but otherwise
subject to the prior regulations, restrictions, and conditions of Ordinance 95-3, establishing
the Planned Unit Development(PUD) for the use of the subject property) An ordinance
amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Appendix C—
"Zoning," by amending the zoning classification for 402 E. Edgewood Drive, being a .3857
acre tract of land out of Lot 21 of the Hoidale and Coffman Subdivision of the northeast part
of the Perry and Austin League, Abstract No. 2, Galveston County, Friendswood, Texas;
providing for the granting of an amendment to the Specific Use Permit (SUP) approved by
Ordinance 2015-26 on November 2, 2015, but otherwise subject to the prior regulations,
restrictions, and conditions of Ordinance 95-3, adopted on March 6, 1995, establishing the
Planned Unit Development(PUD) for the use of the subject property; providing for
amendment of the Official Zoning Map; providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed
$2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for severability.
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve the Second and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2019- ,
30 —An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Appendix
C —"Zoning," by amending the zoning classification for 402 East Edgewood Drive, being a .3857
acre tract of land out of Lot 21-of the Hoidale and Coffman Subdivision of the northeast part of the
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Perry and Austin League, Abstract No. 2, Galveston County, Friendswood, Texas; providing for the
' granting of an amendment to the Specific Use Permit (SUP) approved by Ordinance 2015-261on
November 2, 2015, but otherwise subject to the prior regulations, restrictions, and conditions of
Ordinance 95-3, adopted on March 6, 1995, establishing the Planned Unit Development (PUD)for
the use of the subject property; providing for amendment of the Official Zoning Map; providing a
penalty in an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and
providing for severability.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
B. Ordinance No. T2019-31: (Title: Second and Final reading of an ordinance changing thei,prior
zoning classification of a tract of land consisting of.981 acres, also known as Lots 1, 2, and
3 in Winding Hollow Subdivision, providing for an amendment to Planned Unit Development
(PUD) 2016-01 to consider a new site plan and building elevations for a building to be
constructed on the lot located at 107 Shadwell Lane, but otherwise subject to the prior
regulations, restrictions and conditions of Ordinance 2016-01) An ordinance amending
Appendix "C" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas, being the Zoning
Ordinance of the City, by amending the zoning classification of a .981 acre tract of land,,
located at 103, 105 and 107 Shadwell Lane, Winding Hollow Subdivision, being a replat i f a
part of Lot 1, Block 6, Friendswood Subdivision, in the Sarah McKissick or J.R. Williams
League, according to the map of record in Volume 238, Page 14 in the Office of the County
Clerk of Galveston County, Texas, providing for an amendment to Planned Unit Development
(PUD) 2016-01 to consider a new site plan and building elevations for a building to be
constructed on the lot located at 107 Shadwell Lane, but otherwise subject to the prior
' regulations, restrictions, and conditions of Ordinance 2016-01, adopted on February 1, 2016,
establishing the Planned Unit Development(PUD) for the use of the subject property;
providing for amendment of the Official Zoning Map; providing a penalty in an amount not to
exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for
**Councilmember Branson moved to approve the Second and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2019-
31—An ordinanceamending Appendix "C" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood,
Texas, being the Zoning Ordinance of the City, by amending the zoning classification of a .9811 acre
tract of land, located at 103, 105 and 107 Shadwell Lane, Winding Hollow Subdivision, being a
replat of a part of Lot 1, Block 6, Friendswood Subdivision, in the Sarah McKissick or J.R. Williams
League, according to the map of record in Volume 238, Page 14 in the Office of the County Clerk of
Galveston County, Texas, providing for an amendment to Planned Unit Development (PUD) 2016-
01 to consider a new site plan and building elevations for a building to be constructed on the lot
located at 107 Shadwell Lane, but otherwise subject to the prior regulations, restrictions, and
conditions of Ordinance 2016-01, adopted on February 1, 2016, establishing the Planned Unit
Development (PUD) for the use of the subject property; providing for amendment of the Offic al
Zoning Map; providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any
provision hereof; and providing for severability.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
' C. Ordinance No. T2019-32: (Title: Second and Final reading of an ordinance amending
Appendix D, the Schedule of Fees for building permits as a result of House Bill 852) An,
ordinance amending Appendix D of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood,
Texas, by providing for the adjustment of buildings and building regulations fees per House
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Bill 852. (Amended 08/05/19 on First Reading)
**Councilmember Branson moved to approve the Second and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2019- ,
32—An ordinanceamending Appendix D of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood,
Texas, by providing for the adjustment of buildings and building regulations fees per House Bill 852.
(Amended 08/05/19 on First Reading).
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
D. Ordinance No. T2019-35: (Title: First reading of an ordinance rezoning 1,425 square feet
described as Suite 108 within a tract of land consisting of 4.2507 acres, located at 2407 W.
Parkwood Ave. Suite 108, also known as Reserve A in the Final Plat of Sun Meadow
Professional, Friendswood, Galveston County. Texas. (as more fully described herein), from
Community Shopping Center(CSC) to Community Shopping Center/Specific Use Permit
(CSC/SUP) to allow NAICS Use#8131, "Religious Organizations, limited to the specific area
denoted herein") An ordinance amending Appendix "C" "Zoning", of the Code of Ordinances
of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Section 3, "Provision for Official Zoning Map", rezoning
Suite 108, being 1,425 square feet, denoted in Exhibit"B-5" generally located within 2407 W.
Parkwood Ave., a tract of land of approximately 4.2507 acres, also known as Reserve A in the
final plat of Sun Meadow Professional, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas, more fully
described herein from the current designation of Community Shopping Center("CSC") to
Community Shopping Center/Specific Use Permit("CSC/SUP"), permitting NAICS Use#8131
"Religious Organizations"; providing for the amendment of the Official Zoning Map;
providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any
provision hereof; and providing for severability. ,
**Councilmember Griffon moved to table the First reading of Ordinance No. T2019-35—An
ordinance amending Appendix"C" "Zoning", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood,
Texas, Section 3, "Provision for Official Zoning Map", rezoning Suite 108, being 1,425 square feet,
denoted in Exhibit "B-5" generally located within 2407 West Parkwood Avenue, a tract of land of
approximately 4.2507 acres, also known as Reserve A in the final plat of Sun Meadow Professional,
Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas, more fully described herein from the current designation of
Community Shopping Center ("CSC") to Community Shopping Center/Specific Use Permit
("CSC/SUP"), permitting NAICS Use No. 8131 "Religious Organizations"; providing for the
amendment of the Official Zoning Map; providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed $2,000 for
each day of violation of any provision hereof;and providing for severability.
The motion to table was seconded and approved 4-3 with Mayor Foreman and Councilmembers
Rockey and Branson opposed.
E. Ordinance No. T2019-36 : (Title: First and Final reading of an ordinance adopting Budget
Amendment XI to the Original General Budget of the City for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 to provide
for supplemental appropriation and/or transfer of certain funds)An ordinance amending City
of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 2018-28, passed and approved October 1, 2018, same
being an ordinance approving and adopting the City's General Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-
2019 by approving "Budget Amendment XI" to the "Original General Budget of the City of '
Friendswood, Texas, for the Fiscal Year 2018-2019"; providing for supplemental
appropriation and/or transfer of certain funds; providing for severability; and providing other
matters related to the subject.
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""Councilmember Scott moved to approve the First and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2019-36 —
An ordinance amending City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 2018-28, passed and approved
October 1, 2018, same being an ordinance approving and adopting the City's General Budget for
Fiscal Year 2018-2019 by approving "Budget Amendment XI" to the "Original General Budget of the
City of Friendswood, Texas, for the Fiscal Year 2018-2019"; providing for supplemental
appropriation and/or transfer of certain funds; providing for severability; and providing other matters
related to the subject.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Foreman moved to Agenda Item 16, Adjournment.
14. Communications from the Mayor and Councilmembers
Councilmember Rockey stated that the Friendswood Public Library will host their first annual gala
on October 4, 2019, will be a fun evening and a great event.
Councilmember Branson stated she appreciated everyone that participated in the Fourth Annual
Labor Day Ice Cream Social and there were close to 1,000 people at the event. She congratulated
Councilmember Hanks for winning the Bay Area Alliance for Youth and Family Services Dancing
with the Stars based on her ability to raise money and dance.
' Councilmember Hanks stated this will be the first year Friendswood schools will be involved with
Bay Area Alliance for Youth and Family Services, are a non-profit, builds community partnerships to
discourage alcohol use in underage kids. She participated in the Dancing with the Stars event to
help raise money for all the children and those that need love to discourage underage drinking,
support parents, worked for two months learning the dance, found out she is not a dancer, the event
was for a good cause and a lot of fun.
Mayor Foreman stated the ice cream social was a great event, funded by donors and sponsors and
not the city, and is becoming a popular event.
Councilmember Griffon stated the budget team has done a great job, need to look at the budget
since appraisals have gone up, is not comfortable not going with the Effective Tax Rate, and does
not feel good about raising taxes. He thanked Administrative Services Director Katina Hampton
and her Staff for the work they have done on the budget.
Councilmember Erenwert congratulated Administrative Services Director Katina Hampton and her
Staff on being awarded the Government Finance Officers Association's Distinguished Budget
Presentation Award, take for granted that the city wins the award year after year, and it gets Harder
to win each year when the bar is set high.
' Councilmember Scott stated he had nothing to report.
Mayor Foreman recessed the meeting at 6:43 PM, and reconvened the meeting at 7:00 PM. '
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Foreman moved to Agenda Item 7, Public Hearings.
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15. Consent Agenda
Consideration and possible action regarding the following: 1
A. Authorizing Council to invoke Rule 1(A) of the Rules of Procedure to have Special City
Council meetings on September 23, 2019, and September 30, 2019, to discuss items related
to the budget
B. Approving a contract with Galveston County Health District for Water Pollution Control and
Abatement services for 2019-2020 and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract
C. Approving an Interlocal Agreement with the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District to
participate in the Water Wise Conservation Program and authorizing the Mayor to execute
the agreement .
D. Ratifying the City Manager's signature on an agreement for AT&T to make modifications to
the telecommunications tower at the Public Safety Building, 1606 Whitaker Drive
E. Accepting the July 2019 Property Tax Report
F. Approving the Minutes of the August 5, 2019, Council Meeting
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve all items on the Consent Agenda as presented: A.
Authorizing Council to invoke Rule 1(A) of the Rules of Procedure to have Special City Council
meetings on September 23, 2019, and September 30, 2019, to discuss items related to the budget. 1
B. Approving a contract with Galveston County Health District for Water Pollution Control and
Abatement services for 2019-2020 and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract. C. Approving
an Interlocal Agreement with the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District to participate in the Water
Wise Conservation Program and authorizing the Mayor to execute the agreement. D. Ratifying the
City Manager's signature on an agreement for AT&T to make modifications to the
telecommunications tower at the Public Safety Building, 1606 Whitaker Drive. E. Accepting the July
2019 Property Tax Report. F. Approving the Minutes of the August 5, 2019, Council Meeting.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Foreman moved to Agenda Item 12, Resolution.
16. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 PM.
Mayor Mi F1 man
Attest: BRIE..
Melinda Welsh, TRMC ;(P
City Secretary '..y
O....� F. .