HomeMy WebLinkAboutSidewalk Easement - FM 528 GM Partners, LLC - 2205 W Parkwood Ave SIDEWALK EASEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF GALVESTON § THAT FM528 GM Partners, LLC, a Texas limited liability company ("Grantor"), for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid to Grantor by the City of Friendswood, Texas, a home rule municipal corporation of the State of Texas ("Grantee"),the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, has GRANTED, SOLD, and CONVEYED, and by these presents does hereby GRANT, SELL, and CONVEY unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, a perpetual easement for the purpose of maintaining a 5-foot sidewalk (the "Sidewalk") in, over, along, upon, and across that certain 0.0450 acre (1,960.2 sq. ft.) tract of land, more or less (the "Easement"), the same being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" and shown in Exhibit "B",both attached hereto and for all things made a part hereof. Grantor will construct the Sidewalk and upon completion, Grantor shall have no responsibility with respect to maintenance, repair, or replacement of the Sidewalk. Grantee will be responsible for the repair, maintenance and replacement of the Sidewalk and will operate thereon all necessary machinery and equipment to efficiently repair,maintain and replace the Sidewalk. Grantor retains, reserves, and shall continue to enjoy the use of the surface of the Easement property for any and all purposes that do not interfere with or prevent the use by Grantee of the Easement for the purposes stated herein, and Grantor will not erect or maintain any buildings or other structures or obstructions or driveways on or over the Easement tract. This conveyance is expressly made subject to any and all restrictions, mineral and/or royalty reservations, covenants, and easements appearing of record relative to the Easement, but only to the extent that the same are still in force and effect and enforceable against the same. The Easement, along with all rights and privileges relating thereto, shall terminate when the Easement, as described above, is abandoned by adoption of an Ordinance abandoning or vacating such by Grantee. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described Easement, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances-thereto in any wise belonging unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever, and Grantor binds itself, its successors and assigns,to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said Easement unto Grantee and Grantee's successors and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, except as to the reservations from and exceptions to conveyance and warranty, when the claim is by, through, or under Grantor, but not otherwise. Grantor has been duly organized and is in good standing under the laws of the state of its organization. Grantor has the legal right and authority to transfer and convey this Easement to Grantee. [Signature pages follow.] Sidewalk Easement Page 1 of 6 IN WITNESS, WEIE,REOF this Sidewalk Easement is executed by Grantor and Grantee to be effective as of thi 01-day of LA '17 2019. GRANTOR: FM528 GM PARTNERS,LLC, a Texas limited liability company By: PDC Real Estate Manager,LLC, a Texas limited liability company, its Manager By: Name: Thomas J. Pisula Title: Manager ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2.0 day of ki 2019 by Thomas J. Pisula, Manager of PDC Real Estate Manager, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, as Manager of FM528 GM Partners, LLC, a Texas limited liability company, on behalf of said limited liability company. 0V410/, MARGARET L. FERGUS Notary Pub / lic,State of Texas ) BLIP).)"1\ Z Comm. Expires 09-21-2021 ' Notary Publio// and For the State of Texas OF' Notary ID 8571574 My Commission Expires: (;-#, Sidewalk Easement Page 2 of 6 GRANTEE: Ai 4' ike For an, #( yor Melinda Welsh,TRMC City Secretary " ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS § %IX'•••••••° COUNTY OF GALVESTON § BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Public, on this day personally appeared Mike Foreman,. as Mayor of the City of Friendswood, and Melinda Welsh, TRMC, as City Secretary oinstrument, and the City of Friendswood, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing and acknowledged to me that they executed the same on behalf of the City of Friendswood, for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office,this day of — Li\ 2019. MiCH ELLE PEREZ Notary ID ID#12845085.2 1 : My Commission Expires Notary Public In and For the State of Texas ea".v November 18, 2022 My Commission Expires: ADDRESS OF GRANTEE: City of Friendswood, Texas 910 South Friendswood Drive Friendswood, Texas 77546 Sidewalk Easement Page 3 of 6 CONSENT OF MORTGAGEE The undersigned, being the present legal and equitable owner and holder of a deed of trust lien against the Easement property described in the foregoing Sidewalk Easement (the "Easement") pursuant to those deeds of trust recorded under Instrument Nos. 2018051607 and 201903 0241 of the Official Public Records of Galveston County, Texas (said deeds of trust and all such other documents and instruments evidencing or securing the indebtedness secured thereby are collectively referred to herein as the "Security Documents" and all liens, security interests, assignments and all other encumbrances effectuated by the Security Documents are collectively referred to herein as the "Security Liens"), does hereby join in the execution of the Easement for the limited purpose of confirming and agreeing that (a) the execution and recordation of the Easement shall not constitute a default under any of the applicable Security Documents, and (b) the Security Liens shall in all things be subject to the terms, provisions, covenants and conditions set forth in the Easement. TEXAS GULF BANK,N.A., a national banking c By: Name: Title: ,• � ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF § BEFORE MB, the undersigned Notary Public, on this day personally appeared , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same on behalf of Texas Gulf Bank,N.A., a national banking association, for the purposes and consideration therein expressed.GIVEN under my hand and seal of office,this day of ::` F 2019. N " / z"" Notary �lhc In an For the State offTexas My Commission Expires: 03,1114�, RUDY AL XANDER TICAS 4 %Via Notary Public, State of Texas Comm, Expires 08-14-2021 Notary ID 1234484-9 Sidewalk Easement Page 4 of 6 EXHIBIT "A" -A.METES AND BOUNDS description Of a 0.0450 acre tract of lard situatedr1 the George W„. Patterson Survey,Abstract Number(5,Galveston County,*Texas;being out of and a part of Unrestricted Reserve"05. of R.eplat of Reserves •D„ CI and a Fountains i!) Friends-wood- as recorded under -Clerk's -rile No., 201'70791.18 of the Galveston CrJunty Official Public Records of Real iProperty; aid 0+04,5,0 acre being'more particularly de-scribed as tillows'with :all bearings based On a calf of North 411067441-''' East along the northwest line of said Unrestricted Reserve"Cr: REGINNING at a or .314-inch iron rod (with cap stamped one -Carter Property Corn-erl in the southeast tight of-way of FM_528(tailed 1SO-feet widef,for the north corner of Unrestricted Reserve of FC,,untains Eriendswood as recorded. under Cle-rles. File No, 2016018382 of the Galveston County PtibifiC Records of Real Property and the'west corner of said Unrestricted;Reserve"CI." same ibeing • the west corner of the herein described tract; THENct, North-411:1644-' East, 195,98 feet along the southeast right-of-way of said FIVI :528 and the northwest Rile it said unrestricteo ;Reserve to a found 3/4---mth iron rod (with cap stamped lines ti Carter Property Corinerl in the southwest-right-of„wav of Thomas Irate(width varies),for the nortI'corner if said UnrestrirIed Reserve'Cr.'and the herein described tract; THENCE..?South 48'58'49"East,1.0;00 feet,departing the:southeast right-of-way of said FM 52-8,along the southwest right-of-way of said Thomas Trace and-the northeast line of said Unrestricted Reserve '"Cr to a point for the east corner of the herein described tract; THENCE,South 410644"West,:196.01 feet,departing the southwest rightot-way of said Thomas Trace . and the-northeast fine of said Unrestricted Reserve"C1',over and across said Unrestricted Reserve"Cl." to a point in,the twttfteast line of hod Unrestricted Reserve'A".and the southwest line of said Unrestricted Reserve for the south corner of the herein described tract; THENCE, North 4848'5214:West,.10+00 feet eong the northeast hoe-of said Unrestricted Reserve'A"and the s-outhwest of said Unrestricted Reserve"Cr to thci-IPOI.NT Of BEGINNING,CONTAINING 04450 '41(fe of land in Galveston:County, 1 oe.as slown on drawing number 13.291, Sidewalk Easement Page 5 of 6 (4-q 0 a) tO ct . 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''''', ',...., • GALVESTON COUNTY,TEXAS .0413.,*';:1 .•7..A•Sit-..71e...;',4-...r ' "OtiAa.A.4:15 44'.,.)7i'VEA7.514Vh.:',.10' '''•i7.,::', • ,,,,,..., • F.0 UNE,al.4-040.4,1R•CN ROD,:e•W.M4,li.'„'•.AP 0."NO ;)4,ltVitic362 ....-... JUNE 2_019 Sil.A.M.;,t:1:: '''',.:','..,, ::',*--:',:A:5..q:-:,4*C4:,:::*I:::•kr, CrO,:',4:trl (1-0CPRRP• ,..K.7•.:,::;.„,7\ a,:0,-/.44...P (..;*q.',i'..-5.101,4 VII/Att cr.,',FiVA1...P•i„16jC:fif.-.0g11.0i`i. '41C-1 d IDNESICAR.TER 0-..-1-7.-..m...Pkiwiet,t- v.-- „ .:-.. • - -. - ...K. -•;:,..ixqr.4. ,.PE:1..A.',A.T.1,0.../cn -,,,,--...•.i.,-„/ „. , •Pf35 P,I.YNT Egf. BEC41"-N:N,E.,, -4--) . SSE ::5ANITt,;,'-i.Y S70.13M.:•-F.A.SEIMEN'1. a) ST,,,t EE •EI•Cf1M.SE.:',t0;1.-E.A.i',A....MEN.-1 7444,.,N.:,•,•‘,.-..,.:d•:FlIztc,;,,,.<:/:04:1..kwi.iwi,,,0,4:f4:11,,-Wal,-1,;4,,.IiMEWE. Vti:..;f WA1:•±:.-RUM-.:','..,..K.,.;EM.-.7.N.:','. .-:,...3's&v.,-6,,,g..,,,,,,,,o,,,,4.*:k,,,-4Z.,,1,,,,R,Wiwgi,g*,VA/1ANfr.:,10,:gal,,,,R: E (1) ''''''*±:\*,*.,1:"..1i7M,l'ar-0:54:•:.:-,5V-ii:i'ii..;,..4,'"fi'4i...i' ',";: iii.--laii:A:4°4;:4, 4V:;:i6:'.6Vi4.-'6:,,a;ki6;:,4:.:ii.:::i,:i;: r.iij,iiii:.:•i-1-..,1'1,,,;:::.;'":4.1-''..' --'-2--t----'''''-'-''''''''-'-''''' ''''-'' at W ... at a.) -ci (/) 111 III 0 . i Instrument Number: 2019035873 Recording Fee: 46.00 Number Of Pages:7 Filing and Recording Date: 07/03/2019 3:11PM I hereby certify that this instrument was FILED on the date and time stamped hereon and RECORDED in the OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS of Galveston County, Texas. * /i - .1 Dwight D. Sullivan, County Clerk .F,.....,GPx .". Galveston County, Texas DO NOT DESTROY - Warning, this document is part of the Official Public Record. Routing Cover Sheet This form is to be used as a cover sheet for all contracts, agreements and other documents that require processing through the City Secretary's Office. Please provide the document on one-sided paper, if applicable. f ,, . ' ' .,_ t ri Date Routed/Delivered , 1.1 - -- t i k H :, -4 ir ,. '', if.;,' ) ,/---„ ' ) ( , „ , Name and Department 04 ,, v ,,,' kt,,,, ‘ k i _,..)1 i' 4." i Name of Document krk „'a , „...1 ct' L- 1,,,- Original How many? 0 Copy How many? 4, Exhibit(s) Yes I/ No (Please print one-sided and in color, if applicable) Date approved by Council Contact information of other party: , Name 1 , , ,,,' ' ,, T. - 9 , ) / _,/ i' ' -i'''',, Address 7.-i', --,',.P1 ‘,.„ r,.: 4 t'/,-„ k: ',--1 i ,'''., ,'," '',', ',JtJ, t, _,' 1 ‘--- ,' I I t , .f 1 r - 1( 1 Email :,„ ,,,%,,,,,k ft, ,_ i,--t ,,,,,,,,- Phone Check all that apply: ,J. E- .,,Signature of Mayor . -- E Signature of City Secretary , El Signature of other Party El Notary LY Recording with County Galveston V Harris 0 Qo py to be mailed to other party t-,..,t_ r. El QT-tgin-afto be mailed to other party 41' Copy to be sent to originating Department 1 Deadline for Completion of document Date Special Instructions City Secretary's Office Use Only Date Received 1\1 \\Pk By