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Ordinance No. 2019-22
(Title: Canvassing the returns of the General City Election held on May 04, 2019) ORDINANCE NO. 2019-22 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, CANVASSING THE RETURNS OF THE MAY 04, 2019, CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD GENERAL ELECTION FOR COUNCIL POSITIONS NO. 4 AND NO. 6. * * * * * * * * * Whereas, on May 04, 2019, there was held within and throughout the territory of the City of Friendswood, Texas (the "City") an election (the "Election), for the purpose of electing the hereinafter named officials,a copy of sample ballots being attached as Exhibit"A"and it appearing from the returns duly and legally made, there were cast at the election 1,746 ballots. Each voter received one (1) ballot for candidates from which each of the candidates received the following number of votes: COUNCIL POSITION NO. 4 (Term expires May 2022) Robert J. Griffon 1500 COUNCIL POSITION NO. 6 (Term expires May 2022) Brent Erenwert 978 Carl W. Gustafson 760 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1. The facts set forth in the preamble of this Ordinance are true and correct. Section 2. The Election was duly called, Notice of the Election was given in accordance with law, the Election was held in accordance with law, and the following persons received a majority of all votes for the respective offices and were elected and are declared to be elected to the respective offices, subject to the taking of the Oath of Office as provided by the laws of the State of Texas and Article VI, Sections 6.04 and 6.05 of the City Charter: COUNCIL POSITION NO. 4 Robert J. Griffon (Term expires May 2022) COUNCIL POSITION NO. 6 Brent Erenwert (Term expires May 2022) Section 3. It is found that by virtue of all positions on the ballot receiving a majority of all votes for the respective offices, a runoff election is not required. Section 4. It is further found and determined that, in accordance with the order of the City Council, the City Secretary posted written notice of the date, time, place, and subject of this meeting on the bulletin board located in City Hall, a place convenient to the public,and said notice having been so posted preceding the date of this meeting. A copy of said posting shall be attached hereto as Exhibit"B." PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED ON FIRST AND FINAL READING AS PROVIDED FOR BY SECTION 3.11(B) OF THE CITY CHARTER OF FRIENDSWOOD this 13th day of May,2019 I� I' Mike F. eman Ma .r ATTEST: ♦♦• `RIE,V,d .tr • '0* Melinda Welsh, TRMC :C.>: _. City Secretary 9m.,tp• • • �'. .' • •• oFIT-•-• •••. • • ••• Ord No.2019-22 2 Ord 2019-22 Exhibit A amok all© Entity Elections Precinct 456-BS 16 May 4,2019 Precinto 456-BS 16 Galveston County,TX ElecciOnes de los Entidades el 4 de mayo,2019 Condado de Galveston, TX Please use a black or blue ink pen to mark your ballot. To vote for your choice in each contest, completely fill in the box next to your choice. Por favor use una pluma de tinta negro o azul para marcar su boleta. Para votar para su ty) seleccian in cada concurso, complete el cuadro a continuacion. City of Friendswood Councirnembev Posi ©o 4 Ciudad de Friendswood Concejal PosiciOn 4 Roberti Griffon City of Friendswood Councilmember Position 6 Ciudad de Friendswood Concejal PosiciOn 6 1 : Brent Erenwert Carl W.Gustafson Sample Ballilo Entity Eletdons Precinct 457-BS 15 May 4,2019 Precinto 457-BS 16 Galveston County,TX Elecciones de los Entidades el 4 de mayo,2019 Condado de Galveston, TX Please use a black or blue ink pen to mark your ballot. To vote for your choice in each contest, completely fill in the box next to your choice. Par favor use una pluma de tinta negro o azul para marcar su boleta. Para votar para su seleccion in cada concurs°, complete el cuadro a continuaciOn. City of riaadswo©d Councilmerrinbes Position 4 Ciudad de Friendswood Concejal PosiciOn 4 1, Robert J. Griffon City of Fricendswood CouncilmembeT Position 6 Ciudad de Friendswood Concejal PosiciOn 6 Brent Erenwert Carl W.Gustafson Sam* &Hot Elections Precinct 460-BS 16 May 4,2019 Precinto 460-BS 16 Gali2sii.on County,TX Eleccienes de los Entidades el 4 de mayo,2019 Condado de Galveston, TX (ID Please use a black or blue ink pen to mark your ballot. To vote for your choice in each contest, completely fill in the box next to your choice. Por favor use una pluma de tinta negro o azul para marcar su boleta. Para votar para su T.r selecciOn in cada concurso, complete el cuadro a continuacion. City of Fricendsvmad Covinclimemberr Ps ©n 4 Ciudad de Friendswood Concejal Position 4 Robertl Griffon City of Friendsvirsiod CounclimemEipav Posft©o 6 Ciudad de Friendswood Concejal PosiciOn 6 Brent Erenwert as Carl W.Gustafson SF,mple aill©t Entity Elections Precinct 461-1:S 16 May 4, 2019 Precinto 461-BS 16 Galveston County,TX Elecciones de los Entidades el 4 de mayo,2019 Condado de Galveston, TX c0 CD Please use a black or blue ink pen to mark your ballot. To vote for your choice in each contest, completely fill in the box next to your choice. Por favor use una pluma de tinta negro o azul para marcar su boleta. Para votar para su seleccion in calla concurso, complete el cuadro a continuaciOn. City of Friendswood Counciimernher Position 4 Ciudad de Friendswood Concejal Posicion 4 Robert J. Griffon City of Friendswood Comnamember Positi*n Ciudad de Friendswood Concejal Posicion 6 Mt Brent Erenwert r_.7_1 Carl W. Gustafson Sag-mile Ball 0'1', EMIT EllecUons Precinct 4624* 16 May 4,2019 Precinto 462-BS 16 Galveston County,TX ElecciOnes de los Entidades el 4 de mayo,2019 Condado de Galveston, TX Please use a black or blue ink pen to mark your ballot. To vote for your choice in each contest, completely fill in the box next to your choice. Por favor use una pluma de tinta negro o azul para marcar su boleta. Para votar para su rn selecciOn in cada concurs°, complete el cuadro a continuaciOn. City of Frieralswovd Coundilmembes Poslition 4 Ciudad de Friendswood Concejal PosiciOn 4 [ Robert J. Griffon City of Friendswood Councilmerther Position Ciudad de Friendswood Concejal Posician 6 —1 Brent Erenwert Carl W.Gustafson Samplle [ lot EntiV Elections Pirecinct 482-BS 16 May 4,2019 Precinto 482-BS 16 Galveston County,TX ElecciOnes de los Entidades el 4 de mayo,2019 Condado de Galveston, TX (-4 Please use a black or blue ink pen to mark your ballot. To vote for your choice in each contest, completely fill in the box next to your choice. c4, Por favor use una pluma de tinta negro o azul para marcar su boleta. Para votar para su seleccian in cada concurso, complete el cuadro a continuacion. _ City of Friendswood Conncilmernber Position 4 Ciudad de Friendswood Concejal Posicidn 4 frm Roberti Griffon City of Friendswood Councilirnembsi.Position 6 Ciudad de Friendswood Concejal PosiciOn 6 IM Brent Erenwert M Carl W.Gustafson Sample al© Entity Elections Precinct 378-6S 42 May 4,2019 Precinto 378-BS 42 Galveston County,TX ElecciOnes de los Entidades et 4 de mayo,2019 Condado de Galveston, TX m r.q Please use a black or blue ink pen to mark your ballot. To vote for your choice in each contest, completely fill in the box next to your choice. Por favor use una pluma de tinta negro o azul para marcar su boleta. Para votar para su selecciOn in cada concurso, complete el cuadro a continuaciOn. City ofFriendswood Cour-dcilmembeir Position 4 Ciudad de Friendswood Concejal Posician 4 r 1 Robert Griffon City of Friendswood Colinciltrnernberr Position 6 Ciudad de Friendswood Concejal Posician 6 img Brent Erenwert all Carl W.Gustafson Sample &i© Entity ElecOons IPve.dnct 474-ES 42 May 4, 2029 Precinto 474-BS 42 ves © County,TX Eleccianes de los Entidades el 4 de mayo,2019 Condado de Galveston, TX Please use a black or blue ink pen to mark your ballot. To vote for your choice in each contest, completely fill in the box next to your choice. Por favor use una pluma de tinta negro o azul para marcar su boleta. Para votar para su en setecciOn in cada concurso, complete el cuadro a continuaciOn. City of Mendlswood CouracilmembeE.Pose Ciudad de Friendswood Concejal PosiciOn 4 Robert J.Griffon aty of Friendswood Coy Position 6 Ciudad de Friendswood Concejal PosiciOn 6 r—r Brent Erenwert 11111 Carl W.Gustafson Sample BaHot [Entity Elections Precinct 655-ES 4 May 4,2019 Precinto 655-BS 42 GAvestori County,TX CarlOnes de los Entidades el 4 de mayo,2019 Condado de Galveston, TX r-f Please use a black or blue ink pen to mark your ballot. To vote for your choice in each contest, completely fill in the box next to your choice. Par favor use una pluma de tinta negro o azul para marcar su boleta. Para votar para su seleccion in cada concurso, complete el cuadro a continuaciOn. City of Frodswo©d Counclimemrner Position 4 Ciudad de Friendswood Concejal PosiciOn 4 Robert J. Griffon City of Friendswoad CouncEllmernber Position 6 Ciudad de Friendswood Concejal Posician 6 MI Brent Erenwert Carl W.Gustafson SampLsHot Entity Elections Precinct 742-TS 42 may 4,2019 Precinto 742-BS 42 Galveston County,TX Elecciones de los Entidades el 4 de mayo, 2019 Condado de Galveston, TX Please use a black or blue ink pen to mark your ballot. To vote for your choice in each contest, completely fill in the box next to your choice. Por favor use una pluma de tinta negro o azul para marcar su boleta. Para votar para su seleccian in cada concurso, complete el cuadro a continuaciOn. City of FFiendswood Connciirnernbev Posft©a 4 Ciudad de Friendswood Concejal Posician 4 M-1 Robert J.Griffon City(tf Friendswood CounciAmeniber Posiltion6 Ciudad de Friendswood Concejal Posicion 6 rZ1 Brent Erenwert CA Carl W.Gustafson Ord 2019-22 Exhibit B ,c_,_,,,,,:_. P.� -,\ I --N, C.!��� 1 S j A� T.0\ ie,--- ---vi.,At ,,:,, It (Ars-% � ti�` i ttfri F".`o 4;i, ciiip, y V (\\\, ._._ 1erJ',,,, \N,, ____XIKRA_ry fitT•At }�.w� AMENDED ...___ AGENDA STATE OF TEXAS )( CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD )( COUNTIES OF GALVESTON/HARRIS )( MAY 13, 2019 )( NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF A FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TO BE HELD AT 6:30 PM ON MONDAY, MAY 13, 2019, AT FRIENDSWOOD CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, REGARDING THE ITEMS OF BUSINESS ACCORDING TO THE AGENDA LISTED BELOW: 6:30 PM — REGULAR MEETING 1. Call to order 2. Invocation — Pastor Lynn Colby, Calvary Chapel 3. Pledge of Allegiance — United States and Texas (HONOR THE TEXAS FLAG; I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THEE, TEXAS, ONE STATE UNDER GOD, ONE AND INDIVISIBLE) 4. Communications from the Public (To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the City Council may not deliberate on items discussed under this agenda item. The Council may refer this item to the City Manager or direct this item to be placed on the next regular Council agenda. PowerPoint presentations are not conducted during the citizen comment period. Out of respect for those speaking during public comment, please refrain from any outbursts or interjections to include, but not limited to, applause and/or disparaging noises from the audience. Doing so discourages others from voicing their thoughts and opinions, and disrupts the meeting.) 5. Comments from Incoming/Outgoing Councilmembers 6. Ordinance Consideration and possible action regarding the following: A. Ordinance No. T2019-22: (Title: First and Final reading of an ordinance canvassing the returns of the General City Election held on May 04, 2019) An ordinance of the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, canvassing the returns of the May 04, 2019, City of Friendswood General Election for Council Positions No. 4 and No. 6. 7. Presentation of Certificates of Election 8. Oaths of Office The Honorable Judge John Ellisor will administer the Oath of Office for Council Positions No. 4 and No. 6. 9. Communications from the Mayor and Councilmembers 10. Adjournment *******A RECEPTION WILL FOLLOW IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COUNCIL MEETING IN THE FOYER OF CITY HALL. EVERYONE IS INVITED TO ATTEND. This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive service must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's Office at (281) 996-3270 for further information. I, MELINDA WELSH, CITY SECRETARY OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL WAS POSTED IN A PLACE CONVENIENT TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 551, TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, ON MAY 10, 2019, AT 2:15 PM. MELINDA WELSH, TRMC CITY SECRETARY **AII meetings of City Council are open to the public, except when there is a necessity to meet in an Executive Session (closed to the public) under the provisions of Section 551, Texas Government Code. The City Council reserves the right to convene into Executive Session to hear any of the above described agenda items that qualify for an executive session by publicly announcing the applicable section number of the Open Meetings Act.