HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 2005-25 (Title: An ordinance changing the zoning classification of a 21.77 acre tract of land located near the intersections of Farm to Market Roads 518 and 2351 to Planned Unit Development District, and authorizing the issuance of a Specific Use Permit for such tract for Religious Organization purposes.) ORDINANCE NO.2005-25 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING APPENDIX C OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY CODE, SAID APPENDIX C BEING CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, ORDINANCE NO. 84-15, AS AMENDED, ORIGINALLY ADOPTED THE 19TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1984, AND BEING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF A CERTAIN 21.77 ACRE TRACT OF LAND LOCATED NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF FARM TO M��tKF.T ROADS 518 AND 2351 FROM MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL — LOW DENSITY (MFR-L), COMMUNITY SHOPPING CENTER (CSC), AND SUP/CHURCH, TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD); PROVIDING FOR THE GRANTING OF A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR USE OF SUCH PROPERTY FOR RELIGIOUS ORGAI�TIZATION (CHURCI� PURPOSES; PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE CITY'S OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PROVIDING OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; PROVIDING A PENALTY IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,000 FOR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION HEREOF; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. * * * * * WHEREAS, Friendswood United Methodist Church is the owner ("Owner") of 21.77 acres of land, more or less, which acreage is comprised of various contiguous tracts of land located within the corporate limits of the City, and which tracts are presently zoned, respectively, as Multi-Family Residential — Low Density (MFR-L), Community Shopping Center (CSC), and Specific Use/Church, pursuant to the City's Zoning Ordinance, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Owner has filed an application with the City requesting a change in the zoning classification of the entire 21.77 acres, said 21.77 acres being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and far all things made a part hereof, to Planned Unit Development (PUD) District, and has further applied for the issuance of a Specific Use Permit authorizing the use of said 21.77 acre tract for Religious Organization(Church)purposes; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council have conducted, in the time and manner required by law and the Zoning Ordinance of the City, a public hearing on such requests; and WHEREAS, as a result of the said public hearing and the recommendation from the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission, the City Council finds that such use is not detrimental to the community, and is in conformance with the zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended approval of the application and the City Council deems it appropriate to grant such request; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1. The facts and matters set forth in the preamble of this Ordinance are hereby found to be true and correct. Section 2. The zoning classification of that certain 21.77 acres of land (hereinafter the "Property"), located east of and fronting on Farm to Market Road 2351 and south of and fronting on Farm to Market Road 518, same being mare particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and for all things made a part hereof, is hereby changed, respectively, from Multi-Family Residential — Low Density (MFR-L), Community Shopping Center (CSC), and Specific Use Permit/Church, to Planned Unit Development (PUD) District. Section 3. A Specific Use Permit allowing use of the Property for Religious Organization purposes, subject to the terms and conditions set forth below, is hereby granted. ORD 2005-25 2 SecNon 4. Pursuant to Section 9-G-7 of said Ordinance No. 84-15, the Specific Use Permit granted hereby shall be null and void after the expiration of two (2) years from the date of adoption hereof, unless (i) construction or use in accordance herewith is substantially underway during said two-year period, (ii) an extension of time is approved by City Council as otherwise authorized by said Section 9-G-7, or (iii) the development is based on a long-term multi-phased master plan, in which case there shall be no expiration date. If said development is subject to a long-term master-phased plan, such plan shall be attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "B." Provided further, any substantive change to the master plan shall require an amendment to the Specific Use Permit granted hereby. Section 5. The Specific Use Permit granted hereby shall also be subject to the following conditions: 1. Construction and use of facilities shall be in accordance with the application, including all plans attached thereto, all as set forth in Exhibit "C" attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance for all purposes. Section 6. The Zoning District Map of the City of Friendswood shall be revised and amended to show (i) the designation of the Property as "Planned Unit Development (PUD) District, and (ii) the Specific Use authorized hereby for the Property, as provided in Sections 2 and 3 hereof, with the appropriate references thereon to the number and effective date of this Ordinance and a brief description of the nature of the changes. Section 7. Any person who shall violate any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $2,000. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense. ORD 2005-25 3 Section 8. In the event any clause,phrase,provision, sentence, or part of this Ordinance or the application of the same to any person or circumstance shall for any reason be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect, impair, or invalidate this Ordinance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other than the part declared to be invalid or unconstitutional; and the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, declares that it would have passed each and every part of the same notwithstanding the omission of any such part thus declared to be invalid ar unconstitutional, whether there be one or more parts. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this 12tb day of September 2005. PASSED,APPROVED, and ADOPTED on second and final reading this 26th day of Sentember 2005. � �i � � Ki ball W. Brizendine Mayor ATTEST: O� f1UtNpa . � - .� � �p ii O eloris McKenzie, * * City Secretary + t,�� �p� ORD 2005-25 4 ----. _. � JUN, 30, 2�05 10, ;�hM `�U. 1tJ3 I', � 21,7`7 Acres EXHIBIT"A" p ezry aud Austin League Absixact At�.�20 STA'�0�TEXAS $ �.AL'VESTOI�'COUN�'Y § ' A METES AND Bf�ITNDS d�scnption of a certa�iz� 21,77 acre tract of land situat�d in the �'eny and Aust� League, Abstract No. 20, Galveston County, Texas; being all o�' a called 16.'745 acxe iract conveyed to Briendswood Lxnited Methodist Church by Warranty Deed with Vendor'S Lien as r�corded under Clerk's Fi1e Number 9951385 of the Galveston Couztty Offioial Public Recorc�s of Real Properfy axad all of a caZled 4.997 acre tzact convsyed to Joe Ta��or, Paul Stapp and l�obext iSenter, Txustees of Fricz�dswood Uxizted Mett�oclist Chuzclx,as recorded under BdobC 1203,Page i97 of tlae Galvesto�r�County Deed Recozds; ssid 21.77&�Ie tract bevng more pa�cularly'described ss follows�ritk�all bearings based on Norti�4S°00'OQ"West along the south�ovest lin�of said 16.745 acze tract; ' � COMMF,NCING, at a point for tb�e mosx oastez�Iy co�cner af a called b.5273 acr� �act conveyed to Ballaire Capital�ar�ership by Special Warranty Deed as recorded tmder Clezk's Fille Nuixkber 9503397 of the Galveston County O�ciai T'ublic Recorc3s of Real Property, and at th� morth�vest iz�tersecti.an o� F.M. 2351 (calFed l,00-foat�aride) and F.M. 518 (�Torth Fziendswood I�rive, callad 1�00-foat wide) fram which 3/8-inch iron xod fou�dbears South 45°16'19"�7est,260.24 ftet; THENCB,NortFi 45°00'OQ"'West,along the s�uthwast righttof-way of said F.M.S IB,;atong the r�orrheasE line of sead 6.5273 acre tract and alo�g the northeast line of a tract convEyed to 7A.J�lanson b�Waxzanty Deed as teaozded under Clerk's File Number 9949152 of the Galveston County 4ffidia]Records of Real Z'roperty, 530.80 feet to a 5/8-inch irom rod (�ith oa� stamptd "Catton Suxveying") se# at the mos# nozfherly corx�er o�'said traet convey�d to J.A_ rohnson azid pOINT C>k' BEGIlVN�iG, £or �the here� descnbed txact; ; THENCE, South 45°00'QO"West, along the noztl.itivest line of said traet of�and conr�o�ed w.�.A.Jo�utson 22b_�2 feet to a 5/S-iuich iron rod(wit�cap staruped"Sitech�rigineerin�")faund for�te t�v�thweat cotizer o�f said tract conveyed to r.A 1ok�nson; � THE�TCE, South 45°27'04" East, along the sout�zwest�ine of said�act con'veyed to �A. Johnson, 1b.54 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod(with cap sta�tpod"Sitech Ez�3neering'y}found; � THENCE, South 45°00`00" West, along the nozthwest iine o�'said 6.5273 acre tract�3.6� feet Co a 3/S- iach ison rod found for the most westerly cozx�,er of seid 6.SZ73 acre tract�nd in t�e riortheast line of said 4.997 acre tract; TI�NCE, South 45°OQ'4�"�ast,a.long th�southtivest line of said 6_5273 acre tract at�d the northeast line of said 4.997 acre traet 5�0.61 feet to a 5/8-incFt imn r4d(with c�p sCaxx►�ed "Cottotl Surveying") set in tl�e nortb.aiest right-of-^�ray of said F.M.2351 and beir�the most easte�rly oozner of said 4.997 acre tzact ax►d the soutbwesterly oort�,ex of said b.5273 acre tract; �'HE�TCL, South 45°16'19"West, alang the nottb,west right-of-way of said F.M, 23�1 and the southeast �ine of sai�4.997 acre tract 30�.23 fe�t#a a Sl8-inch iron rod(with eap stamped"Co;ttox�Survaying'} set being the tr�ost southerly coz�er of said 4.997 acre h�ct atld tk�e southe2st coxner of�'inal k'�at of Friends t �ossing,as recozded under Vo�tux�e 1$,Pa�e 516 o£the Galvestaxi Courity Map Rec�rds; � : �'HENC�,North 44°44'40" West, along the soutl),west�ine nf said 4.g97 acre tcsct a�d the�o�east line `' af sazd Final .l�lat of Fxxends Crossizag 724.18 feet to a 5/8-imoh ucon rod (�rith �ap stamped "Sitech � Engineering")found at the most westexly comer of sa:td 4.997 acre tract; 1 � i i .� � � J��. 30, 2Q05 i0; 1���v1 �ONFS A�V� C��1E� �0, i�13 P. 3 21.77 Acres Pexry at�d Austin Leag�te Abstxacx Na.�0 T�iE�iCE,North 45°00'00"West, along the northeast tine o�said�inal Plat of�'riend�GYassing,passin� a found 1/2-inch iroz�rod at 15,05 feet,passing a fourxd 518-inch i�an rod at I49.88 feet, 0.22 feet r�ght, passin�g a found 5/8-inch iron rod et 3$8.75 feet, 0_22 feet rigl�t, �nd continuing for a #ot3l dist�nnce of 53Q.$0 feet at tke nort�Ztivest�xly coxner of the hezazn described tract from tvhich a fourid 112-�ch iron rod be�North 43°09'39"West, 1d.11 feet; TFi�NCE, North 45°00'00" Easi, 646.31 Ieet to a fouza.d 5/S-tnch izan rod (wittx c�p stamped "Sitech Et�,gineering'�; . T�iENC�, South 89°58'15° W�st, 22.62 feet ta a found 5/8-inch iron rod (vvith c�p stasnped "Sitech Eugineexing'� ia1 the sourh�t line of A RepIat of Annalea, Section One as record�d urader Volume 1, l�age 12 of the Gaavestrnt Cautity 1�Iap Records; 'I'HENCL,ATorth 45°00'00"East, along the sovtheast line of sazd Replat,passit�g a foutid 5/$-inch iron rod at 1 S�.33 fee�,2.35 �eet Ieft,and continuiztg:far a total distanc�of 410.43 feet to a 5/8�-inoh ixan rod(with cap 5tamped"Sitech En�uleering") found bein�the rnost easterly corner of Lot 1 af'sazd ItCplat and the soutbwest right of-way of said�.M.51$being the most northerIy aorner af the hezein�desen.bed iract; THENCE, South 49°IQ'QO"East,a�ong the sauthwest right-o�yvay of said F.M. 518, 11639 fcet ta a 5/8- iuch iron rod{with cap stamped"Cottor�Surveying'�set at tlae begimo;�ing af a c�u-ve t�}the right; TI�ENCE, i�v.a sout�erly dizection alang the arc of said cuave tt>t�e rig�t having a xa�ius of 7737.19£eet, a cemtxal angle of 04°09'S�", an arc lengil� of 562.59 fe�t and a c�,ord beazmg Sc�u�th�7°OS'01" East, 562.46 feet to a set 5/8-inch izori rad(with cap stamged"Cottoz�.suz�cying"); , , 'IHENC�, South 45°00'00" East, 67.07 feet to tlae POIlVT` OF BEGIN��IN'G, CmNT.4.IN1NG 2I.77 acres of land iu GalVeswz� Cawaty, Texas as shawn on llzawmg �Tumb�c 214, in t�e offsaes of Cotton Surveyin��ampaz�,y,The Woodla�a�s,Texas. g�Q+`dfl�O�Rt'oti4► /'Rr,,,,...:z,.., �,,,,aw,,.,.r RONAtD�;M�� � '0 5343 �,� � ^ ����s 9�0�, I �'� suRV'� ��,.- I:iSURV pR07ECT51CARI,�MEIFS AND BOLINDSUvi�l3.doc � ' t'�6'r' ; ���! U� , • i r i 2 , ' � ; ( EXHIBIT"B" —� FRIENDSWOOD VIC!N!TY MAP OUIRED TAL AREA OF NEW PARKING 8 DRIVEWAY:128,220 SQ.FT. QUIRED LAN�SCAPE AREA:12,622 SQ.FT. JIMUM RE�UIRED IN ISIANDS:8,311 50.FT. OVIDED T!LL LANOSCAPED AREA:13,298 SQ.FT. TAL LANOSCHPED AREA WRHIN ISLANOS:13,288 Sp,iT. /,; _ (" n 1s e�ab.t � .cn•�%�/ LANDSCAPE SITE PLAN �-- NEW SANCTUARY FOR FRIENDSWOOD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH m.oios � �csueoaoa A� rewwr ��'� o o.�� a,� °� m�,,� o,� ,� o,. a ,� o,_ o� o� � a�. aa. �. o� _ i , i� ,� ,� .,, ,� � a� ,� d, ,� ,� � ,a ,� w � � ,� ,� .,� � �a � � ai��� � , - � �i+�ii,�� .��� „ � � aa :� � a m .�..0 \ � 0 =��+o,A � oa w om � p o�. a,. � om m o � � a� ,m �� ,m � � ���.�q �, � --� m � � � � � � � �..� ;� o� � � �. � � .� � o� . � � om .e � _ ���.��P �� � '�__ � .� .� � ,�� .� � .� ,� �� � �� � .m � � om � ��1�� �,.��,.�� �. �k oW �� �HOTMETRIC SITE PI..AN � ,�� \, I �.�.a�.,..�e�a.a, � � � I � i� ' f ___ __.___T'___i____I___T___l___T____7___ � I i I � i I I � ; ; � ; ; ; � ,i. ,..�. ,,., ��.n, , i . ; a ; . 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' , _ . .....= m'�" i i ..mo..'.�. r . , ___ --- - � i _ - �,E � "- _ - ... i -- . ..��__-•�� ... _.o p . '-. -----------'1 - ,- .r .».. " . � �.�.'..,„�h1 L______`_ - '__ __ -- _ .. F� x }3t �� _��"� __ � � W��� S � �ANCASrER 4,�*,,����� G-6 � . 4 ASSO'P 5 yw�w AFR, l, 2�+05 9: 29AM JONES AND CARTER N0, 05� P, 2_ �G/H�/2005 08:k8 22143�3Z25 FU►4tC , M�� 02 i":A�. �;. ?i�u�. 5 ����� ,iGhG� A�;� �d�k�ER !��J. 02� P. 2 j ! I EXHIBIT C ��,�,P "A���-� ` � Ord.2005-25 / ;� � /�� -:9 � . • . '��;:`�� � C['I�f QF FRfENDSWQOD �'�� � , ' i �., � � 1,ANt?!!s�CHAI�iL�E 0°F'L1CATi0N ' , ;, � , > i zor�ic�c c�r�����au�st�o �AT����o: _� : - � r G - ._::...�S f'dl�l.t.r�� : FROM:,(yg��t z�cSC, ..�`LLA-�.Y�4y� QATE OF PUgL1C F?�AR�Na; • -ro: P+��;��C'►�:��� , F��: �oo.00 � r�tc��:.ct tZ.�.�i��i-ies � P�RaP�rY tD�rai�FrCanOH: ; StreedRoad AQdress: �, �U 1°i -�N�T p�+► � i � �a��J 81aCk; — ,AdBitioz�• I � LEOs�L DFSCRiP'nOH: � I��sc�ibe fr�m deed�ecards,altach oapy oFd�ed,and use�1v�etes and�unds Deset(¢tlan: ; ? � PCRI'TED}.AND, r�:D r (�i.i�'i f�i� - — � � � . � s UNPLATTED LAN(3(M►�t havE ceRi�led me�es,and bouttQs desGriptjon,9T►�:u8irtg r+ame�nd � '` . ! ��dre�ss a,nd te��pr�or.�number o� surveyor�� �, i � ��w ��t�_ - ' I , � RECORDED OWNER: t'�2.i�� ,��aeG� U �e,i�t�_���nQ t 1 G�'�I�C.� i � . OWN�RS MAdLJ1�G ADORESSAIVD PFiDNE I�tU1vIB�R:,�ar�n,�y�ti��cfl ��»a ; � L��tna .sC ��s�T! 6��bq�waaaQCZ,� Ft�t�.���d T�X -tZ�.kfe-�lao � AG�NTS NAME: S�nea �i t����.k i s�,c_ , , aG�NT'S MAiLING ADDRES5 AI�ID PHONE NUMBER-��of �5��'�i� ��1vE�,r-✓�t„E�oa '1��E �ttoodl��',�'t� "iZb91 L�l°,�to3"�lO:q - PE1'1710N: As owr�atlAg�nc� i heraby p�tl�lon th�c�fy For appro�21 aS the �bc��des��bed reque'sf as p�vv3ded 5y t,he faws ogthe SCate ofTaxas�nd Ordin2nces otthe CiCy af Fti�nd sig�acu SGgn�#��e:_,5,������c � A I�n �r;[.�on {° Tru�f.c..� Cha� r� iAag�t, FEE�� �AT�FAtD' �I ZQ��� RECE�PI'(�IUiJIfl�R:���� , ;. ., � ,•.M` ���ati• lr.t)�.bct._ _•.r: ..•.c . • • . •e .. JUN. 30. 2005 10: 15AM JONES AND CARTER �NO. 103 P. 2 21.77 Acres Peiry and Austin League Abstract No.,24 STA'�O�'TEXAS § G,AL'VESTON COUN�'Y § A METES AND BUUNDS description of a certaiz� 21,77 acre tract of land situat�d in the �'erry and Aust� Lcagne, Abstzact No. 20, C�alv�eston County, Texas; being all o� a called 16.745 acre tract conveyed to Friendswood United Methodist Church by Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien as recorded wnder Clerk's File Nu�►bcr 9951385 of the Ga.lveston Cowr�ty Offioial Public Recorl;tis of Real Properiy axad all of a called 4.997 acre tract conveyed to Joe Ta�rlor, �aul Stapp and Robert iSenter, Trustees of Fr.ie�.dswood Uz�ited Metluodist Chureh, as recarded under Book 1203,Page 197 of�e Galvesto�a County' Deed�ecords; said 21.77 acze tiact bevng more particularly desciibed ss�ollows�witl�all bearings based on Nortl�45°04'00"West along the southwest line of said 16.745 acre�act; _ C�MMENCII�TG, at a point for the most oastcrly corner of a called 6.5273 acrP� �ract conveyed to SeIlaire Capital�artnezship bY Special Warraxrty Deed as recordcd tmder Glerk's�ille Nwnaber 9503397 of the Galveston County Of�aial Public Records of Real Properl.y, and at the �.orthfvest i�.tersection of F.M. 235i (called �00-foot,ovide) and F.M. 518 (North Friendswood Thive, ealled 1b0-foot wide) from whieh 3/8-mch iron xod found be�rs South 45°16'19"�Utrest,200.24 feet; THENC�,North 4S°00'00"West,along the southwest right-of-way of sai,d F.M. 518,,along the northeast line of saad 6.5273 ac�re tsact and alo�ng the northeast line of a tract conveyed to r.A.J�hnson by Wax�can.ty Deed as reoorded under'Cle�rk's File N�nber 9949152 of the C�a�veston Coua,ty Offitlia]Records of Real �roperty, 530.80 feet to a 5l8-inch iraa rod {v�+rith oe� stamped "Catton Swrveying") set at the most noxtk�erly cozner o£said tract conveyed to JA_ rohnson and POINT Ok' BEGlN1V�tG, for the herem descnl�d ttact; THENCE, South 45°00'00" West, along the nort�►west line of said tract of],and con�'o�ed to r.A.Johnson 226_12 feet to a 5/8-i�z�ch iron rod{with cap statn�ped"Sitech$�.g'�eering")found for the n,orthwest corner o�said tract convcyed to 7.A.Jo�azsson; ' TH�NCE, South 45°27'04" East, along the soutb,west line of eaid h�act con'veyed to x.A. Johnsfln, 1b.54 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod(with cap staz�nped"Sitech Er�neering'�found; , '�T3'ENCE, South 45°00'00" Wost,along the s�orthwest line of said G.5273 acre tract�43.65 feet to a 3/S- iach iron rod found f�r the most westerly corner of said 6.5273 acre tract azid i.a the northeast line of said 4.997 acre tract; . THENCE, South 45°00'00"East, alottg the south�cvest]ine of said 6_5273 acre tract a}�d the norfheast line of said 4.997 acre traet 510.61 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod(with eap stamped "Cottoti Sur�rcyin$") set in the northwest right-0f-way of said F.M.2351 and boing tJae most easterly oomer of sazd 4.997 acre iza.ct and the southwesterly corner of said 6.Sa73 acre tract; , T�ENC�, South 45°16'19"West, along the northwest right-of-way of said F.11�. 23�1 and the southeas# �ine of said 4.997 acre tract 303.23 feet to a S/8-inch irora rod(with cap stamped"Cq�tom Surveying") set being the most southerly ooz�aer of said 4.997 acre tra,ct at�d tl�e southeast co�mer of�'in&1�lat of Friends G�ossing,as recarded under Voluxx�e 18,1'age 516 of the Galveston County Map Recqrds; THENC�,Nortb 44°44'40" West, along the southwest line of said 4.997 acre tract a}�►d the northeast line of said Fina1 plat of Fxiends Crossvag 724.18 feet to a 5/8-inch ixon rod (�rith Gap stamped "Sitech Engiln.eering")fotand at the most w'estexly comer of sand 4.997 acre txac� 1 JUN. 30. 2005 10; 16AM JONfS AND CARTER �NO, 103 P. 3 a 1 a7 Acres Pez�y and Austin L.eague Abstxact No.�0 'T`FiENCE, North 45°00'00"'West,alang the r�ortheast line of said�inal Plat of�'riend� C�ass��g,passiag a found 2/2-inch irozz rod at 15A5 feet, passing a found 5/8-inch�ixon rod at 149.88 feet,0.2� feet ri�ght, passin$ a found 5/8-inch irun rod at 388.75 feet, 0_22 feet rigbt, aad continuing for a total distance of 530.80 feet at the norC}�westerly co�ner of the h�rein described tract from wkiich a fourid 1/Z-inch iron.rod bea�Nozth 43°09'39"West, 16.11 feet; , '�'HENC�, North 45°00'00" East, 646.31 feet to a fow�d 518-znch iron rocl (witl� c$p stamped "Sitech Ez�ginetri,ng'�; ' THENCE, South 89°58'15" West, 22.62 feet ta a found 518-inch iron rod (vvith c�p stamped "3itech Engineexing'� in the southeast lir►e of A�teplat of Amnalea, Seccion One as record�d urader Vol�e 1, Page 12 of t�e Galvestar►County Map�tecords; , THENC�,Narth 45°OQ'04"East,along the southeast lnae of said Replat,pasai�g a fout�d 5/8-inch iron md at 18133 feet,2.35 feet left,and eontinuit�g for a tvtal distance of 410.43 feet to a 5/8�-inch ixon rod(with cap stamped"Sitech Engineering'� found being the most easterly cornex of Lot I of�said Rep�at�nd the soutk�west right-of-way of said F.1�.S1$boing the most northerly cornet of thC b�exeinideseribed tract; THENC�, South 49°10'00"East,a�oag the southwest riRb,t-o£-way of said F.M. S i S,�16.39 fcet ta a St8- inch iron zod(with eap starnped"Cotton Surveying'�set at tb,e begina�ing of a curve tc�the right; TH�NCE, iun a soutl�erly duaction along the arc of said cwrve to tl�e right having a za�ius of 7737_19 feet, a cecz��at angte of 04°09'S8", an arc length of 562.59 feet and a c3aord bearing Squth 47°45'OI" East, 562.46 feet to a set 5/8-inch uon.md(with cap stamped"Cotto�n surveyir�g"); , TT�NCE, South 45°00'00" East, 67.07 feet to tkxe POIlVT OF BEGINNi1�TG, CmN"T.4In1YNG 21.7? acres o#'land in G�al�eswA Coundy, Teacas as shown on Draw���iumber 2I4, in t�ic affioes of Cotton s�ave}'inS ComP�Y�T�woodlaz�ds,Teyeas. , �(�a-�4� T,��' g�'f�,���9 a� RONRI�D�. �C � " °� 5348 �� - �°R�a s�a�. I "�"o sua�'� �� I:1,5URV PROJEC'CSICARL�[vIETBS AND BOUNDSVvI$8.doc � .�s'r' � �,�r�? , . F Z s