HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 84-01 r RESOLUTION 1-84 A RESOLUTLON OF THE CITY OF FRIEIvDSW00D, TEXAS , ESTABLISH- ING , RECTIFYING , CONFTRMING , AND AD�PTING THE CITY ' S POLICY OF NON-DISCRIMINATION AGAINST HANDICAPFED FERSONS IN THE CTTYrS EMPLOYI�IENT PRACTICES AND IN TNE PROVIDING OF MliNICIPAI, SERVICES ; PROVIDING FOR. NGTICE OP THE CITY' S POLI:CY OF NON-DISCRIMIi1A.TI0N AGAINST HANDICAPPED PERSONS ; PROVIDING FOR. THE APPOINTMENI' OF A COORDINATOR TO Ir1PLEMENT SUCH POLICY; AND PRO�IIDING OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. WHEREAS , aithough the City of Friend�wood has implemented non- di.scrimi_natory policies regarding handicapped persons in its employ- ment practices , construction planning, and municipal services for many years , in accordance with recent regulations promulgated by t?�e office of Revenue Sharing , the City will take certain additio.nal measures to insure that such policies become communicated to those persons benefitted thereby; and WHEREAS , in accordance �r7itlh Section 51. . 55 ot the Revenue Sharing Regulations as published in the Federal Register on October i7 , 1983 , the City Councii deems it appropriate and necessary to designate an otf_icial of the City to coordinate such non-discriminatory policies ; now, therefo.re , BE IT RESOL�TED RY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS : Sec�t:ion l. T'he facts arid matte.rs set rc�rth in the preamble of this resol.uti_on are hereby found to be true and correct. Sectio_n_ 2 . The City Council of the City of Friendsw�od, Texas , hereby declares an_d adopts the foliowing statement as otfic�al policy of the City: ThP City of Fr�endswooci, Texa.� � wil_1 not discrimi.nal-e , nor wil]_ it permit any off�_cer or employee of the City to discrimi- nate againsi any qual.ified individual on the basis of handi- cap status in admission or access to or treatment or employment in its programs and activities , SP�tion 3� In order to insure compliance and implementation of the po�iicies adopted hereini and ratified and confirmed hereby, the City Cc?uncil appo.ints City Manager James C. Morgan as the City' s coordinator to supervise effort� in such regard. in addition, the coordinator �hall advise �the City Council of a_ct;.ons necessary to comply with Section :�1055 of the Revenu� Sharing� Regulations , and shall he avai_lable to any person affectecj by the �oli.cy ado�ted. hereby for the purpose of consul_tation and informa- tion. Secti_on 4 . The City Secretary be , and she is hereby, authorized and directed to cause the follo���ing notice to be served ugon the general public, Ci_ty employees , and job applicants b� posting in the City offices and be publ�.cation in the Cizy' s offi.cial newspaper: PUBI,IC NOTICE RE'v'ENUE SHARING HANDICAPP�1� RECULATIONS This notice is published pursuant to the requirements of Section 51 . 55 of the Revenue Sharing Regulations , as published in the Federal Register on October I7 , i983 . Section 51 . 55 prohibits discriminati.on against qua.lried individual_s because of the�_r handicap sta�t-us . The City Council of the City of Friendswood , Texas , advises the public , employees , and job appiicants that it does not discz�iminate on the basis of handicap status in admission or access to, or treatrnent or empioymeni �n its programs and activities . The Gity Council has designated the foilowing person as the contact to caordiriate efforts to comply with this requi_re- ment . Inqtair�_es should be directed to : Name— .sls�in�S C'•_ M__or�.�__. Office City Manager Address 109 Willowick. Frienctswood, TX 77546 PhoneY482-3323 _ Hours g_5 weekdays ADOPTED this 16th day of January, 1984 . ��� Z�,1 �'C ��?���-�--�-�_ Ralph L�Y Lowe , Mayor ATTEST: �C�.G-��.Z' k �-�-E ` � �•�Z.-� t _�1�_�.. �ity Secretary � � 1