HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 79-08 _ ., . " �,-_ . _', �� � ��� ��� . . D `' RESOLUTION N0. �� � ` A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS CON- CERTAINING CERTAIN LANDS DESGRIBED IN SAID RESO- LUTION; DETERMINING THAT SUCH LANDS ARE NEEDED FOR PUBLIC i1SE FOR SANITARY SEWER PURPOSES FOR THE IN- STALLATION OF INTERCEPTOR LINES TO THE BLACKHAWK REGIONAL SEWAGE PLANT; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO MAKE FINAL OFFERS TO THE ONWER OR OWNERS OF SiJCH TR.ACTS. � � � � WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas , finds and determines that public con.venience and necessity re- quire that the City of Friendswood acquire the following des- cribed interest in the following described tracts or parcels of land : A permanent easement for sanitary sewer purposes (inter- ceptor line to the Blackhawk Regional Sewage Plant) across the following designated and described tract of land and in addition thereto , a temporary construction easement across the following designated and described tract of land, to-wit: �� � . _1.. FIELD �lOTE DESCRIPTIO(d OF A 15 FOOT t•JIDE SAP�ITARY SEWER PER^1AWEPdT EASEP�9EtJT AND AD- JACEPJT TEMPOP,.A2Y CONSTRUCTION EASE^1EPJTS ACROSS A PORTION of Lot 12, Imnerial Estates Subdivision, FriendsHlood, Galveston County, Texas. • COMi�1ENCING at a 2" iron �ipe found for the n�rth��est corner ofi Lot 12, Im�°rial Esiates ; i NEP;�E S. 09° 45' 04" i�l. along the �;��� ��,��, �our�darv of Lot i2 a ��; �,.:r�.e �;f 21� .-1�' re�t to the PLACE OF BEGINf�lIWG of tl�e ce�,t`riine of this 15 foat ��.ice r���,manei;� s�ni- ta►�v se��aer easement; ?E,E;CE S. 08° 30' 19" E. , mak"ing a angle �•:ith the westerly boundary of Lot 12 of lr,?` �v' 37" , alono said centerline of 15 foot permanent sanitar_y sewer °�S�mA}�L, ;ai�+ easement beinq 7.5 feet either side of centerline and continuing to th� southerly houndary of Lot 12, Imperial Estates , to ^;arv's Cree�. it,�re shall be a 5 foot wide temporary construction easement immediatel� adjacent to and �arallel with said nermanent easement along its entire easterly side, and the area bet��aeen tne �ermanent easement and the 4lesterlv boundary line ef Lot 1? and the �outherly boundary line of Lot 12 shall be a ter�porary constuction easen�ar�. f�renar2d ° Certi f i e� ��;�: COEidCO, Inc. Consultinc� Engineers QY� `YY�is�4!�_...Q..=... � � - -,�: �1alcolr A. Collins Reqistered Professional Enoineer and Public Surve�or Cate: 24 "tav 197° -2- The hereinabove tract or parcel of land designated and des- � cribed as a temporary construction easement is a temporary con- struction easement only for the purpose of permitting the City of Friendswood, its agents , officers , servants , employees and contractors to enter upon such designated and described tract of land and to use same for storage of material , equipment , supplies , dirt and/or other needful purposes pertaining to the construction of facilities on the permanent easement for a period of one (I) year from the date construction commences, which term "date con- struction commences" shall mean when men, material, or equipment are moved onto said tract and proceed to work on the installation and construction of the necessary facilities thereon, and at the end of one (1) year , said temporary easement for construction pur- poses will ten«�_.ate without fu�tner �ction being necessary ; -3- A permanent easement far sanitary sewer purposes (inter- ceptor line to the Blackhawk Regional Sewage Plant) across the following designated and described tract of land and in addition thereto, a temporary construction easement across the following designated and described tract of land, to-wit : -- - - - --- - _ _ . . � , � �,. . i � ; FIELD ;VOTE DESCRIPTI0I1 OF TWO 15 FOOT t�lIDE SANITARY SE41ER PERl1AfdENT EASEI�IENTS Ai�D TLdO TEMPOP,ARY CONST�UCTION EASEh1EfdTS ACROSS LOT 70, of the Imperial Estates Subdivision, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas . COM"1ENCIPdG at the most westerly corner of Lot 7�, Im�erial Estates being the inter- spcti�n of the southeast right-of-way of Qu�en' s Crossing and the northeast right- of-l��ay of P�a jesti c Dri�:r . TH�(�dCE fd. 34° 10' E. a distance of _ � . � �� . ��!��'. '�. ..� �'�` '�- � d; s�ance of 51.7 feet to a point for the PLACE OF BE�';:���'�,v or t�,E cer�:?�l i ne of the 15 foot oermanent sanitary se��er easer�ent, said easer��?-,:. �o b� 7.� feet eithe� side af the described centerline; THEPdCE S. 61° 17' 35" E. a distance of 9��_7 fieet te th� intersection with this center- 1 i ne and the southeast 1 i ne of Lot 7;;, sai d ooi nt bei nc 26�_�' feet P�. 2f�° 35' 10" E. fror! the r�ost south�rlY carner of Lot i�^�: TNL�dC� beai nni n� a second 15 ' Nri de sani tar`� sevaer per��anent easement },�hose centerl i ne shall beain N. ?F° 35' 10 E. and 10. 35 feet from the ending point of the previously d��cribed easement= �;;�`,r� P;, 0�° 30' 19" 4�1. extending to �h� nori.neasterly boundary of Lot 7� at tlary' s Ct��eE:, ��ri th a 5 foot wi de temROrar�� c�rstucti on `ase�++er�t. i���if��di ately adjacent to and .,;r�11 el +ri th t.ni s nermanent eas e���en± �t ' s en;.i rr i e�;,�'�. , u��d th� area b�t���een the ���;o nermanent easements and th� northG:steri �; boun�ar�, o� �o� 70 at Mary' s Creek and t��e northwesterly boundary of Lot 70 alane Queens Crossin� shall be a temporary con- struc�ion easement. Prenared F� Certi fi ed By: COEidCJ, Inc. Consulting Enqineers 6v: �.,.� � � d�— "1a1 col��, N,. Col 1 i ns Re��istered Professional Enqineer and Fu`�l i � Sur��evor � ���: 24 hlay 1°79 -4- The hereinabove tract or parcel of land designated and des- cribed as a temporary construction easement is a temporary con- struction easement only for the purpose of permitting the City of Friendswood, its agents , officers , servants , employees and contractors to enter upon such designated and described tract of land and to use same for storage of material , equipment, supplies , dirt and/or other needful purposes pertaining to the construction of facilities on the permanent easement for a period of one (1) year from the date construction commences , which term "date con- struction commences" shall mean when men, material, or equipment are moved onto said tract and proceed to work on the installation and construction of the necessary facilities thereon, and at the end of one (1) year , said temporary easement for construction pur- poses will termi��ate without _�r-�.�r d�t_or beir� necessary; -5- A permanent easement for sanitary sewer purposes (inter- ceptor iine to the Blackhawk Regional Sewage Plant) across the following designated and described tract of land and in addition thereto, a temporary construction easement across the following designated and described tract of land, to-wit : �`''� � FIELD NOTE DESCRIP7ION OF A SAt�ITARY SE4JER PERMANENT EASEMENT AND TWO TEMPORARY CON- STRUCTION �ASE�IENTS ACP,OSS LOT 69, of the � Imnerial Estates Subdivision, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas. CO"1h1E�JCItdG at t.he r�ost westerly corner of Lot �9, said ooint being in the northeast riqht-of-wav line of P�1ajestic Drive and beinq the PRC of ? curves; i 7hENCE �1. ?_8° ?5' 10" E. a distance of 2�°. i° ��e" �;ore or less , to the PLACE OF BE- GINt�IN� of this sanitarv se�.�rer nerman�r� -_ ._ -- _ THENCE continuing N. 28° 35' 10" E. :-� :��, -� - _ , _���. ? ine b����;e��, Lct �;9 and 70, a distance of 30.29 feet ta a point; �..�';Cf S. 08° 30' 19" E, a distance o� ��- . _ -__- �c an ar�ole noinL; �N�;10E S. 84° 12' 27" E, a distance or 9�. i2 �eet, more or less , to a �oint in the com,��on 1 i ne bet►�reen Lat 59 and f8; � �F;��IL� S. 2?° a�" 0°" t�.'. alonr. sai d . ,. , i 1�_ . �� s�ancP �* ?�. ���? Teet to a ooi nt; Tr�i'���L i�. �4� �.�� 3��� �'i. a distance OT �'�.p�^ T°°� �0 an d�lq}E DOIIIt; THEiJCE i�. 61° 17' 36° l�l. a distance ot ��.3� fe�t to the PLP,CE GF ��GII�af�IfdG. There shall be a 20 foot �vide terrnorarv cc�rs±ructi��s, easen��rt in;me�`ia±elv adjacent to and ��aral1el to the southwesterl,� _ � c�- c= �_.-, c �,er�,ane��:. sani�ar� se�ver ease�:ent, and ai sa a temporary constructi on ea«�:�r�� a 1 cr,c ��,�- nnrtheasterl y s i dA of sai d oermanent sanitary se���er easement descri bec� ,_� `��l i��,:�� : REuIiJ�;I�1G at a poi nt i n the common 1 i r�e bet�,:�eP�: LLt 7� and 59, sai d �oi nt bei ng immedi ately adjacent to the previously described nermanent easement and beinq (�. ?_8° 35' 10" E. a distance of 289.nR feet -From the most rresterly corner of Lot 59; THEtlCE �r'. �R° 35' 10" E, a distance of �;.2� feet to a point; 7r���CE S. 0�° 3C' 19" E. a distance c� rE. 34 fe�t to an angle �oint; T};�P,�'� S. °�a° 1?' 37" E. a di stance of 99. 1�' r'Pe� to a noi r�� i n the common 1 i ne betti•aeen �c�;. �G anc� �Q,; ;��;�CE along said con;mon line S. 22` -^.:_ ' . _ ,:. � c;i ��ance of 20.92 feet; !„�.,�r alone side or oerman�nt ease. _ . : � . : ' ;," 1.;. a distance af 93. 12 feet to an anel� n�int: f t4E�dCE ;l. OR° 30' ]°" 1�. a distance of li.�� feet tc; the PLACE OF QEr,I���NIP�C. Pre�ared & Certified By: COEPJCO, Inc. Consulting Engineers �.v� t1�. � � ��alcolm A, Collins - _ : � �'., ; Reoisterec+ Pn,fessional En�ineer a � Public Surveyur -6- The hereinabove tract or parcel of land designated and des- cribed as a temporary construction easement is a temporary con- struction easement only for the purpose of permitting the City of Friendswood, its agents , officers , servants , employees and contractors to enter upon such designated and described tract of land and to use same for storage of material , equipment, supplies , dirt and/or other needful purposes pertaining to the construction of facilities on the permanent easement for a period of one (1) year from the date construction commences , which term "date con- struction commences" shall mean when men, material, or equipment are moved onto said tract and proceed to work on the installation and construction of the necessary facilities thereon, and at the end of one (1) year , said temporary easement for construction pur- poses will termi�.ate without fur�re�- �_ �_ ;-,:-� ;�`i�� r.ecessar�� ; -7- A permanent easement for sanitary sewer purposes (inter- ceptor line to the Blackhawk Regional Sewage Plant) across the following designated and described tract of land and in addition thereto , a temporary construction easement across the following designated and described tract of land, to-wit : � L � FIELD i�OTE DESCRIPTIOPJ OF A i5 FOOT 4JIDE SAWITARY SEWER PER�1ANE��T EASE��1EtJT AND A 10 FOOT Af�D A 20 FGOT bJIDE TE�9POR.4RY CON- . STRUCTION EASEPtEPdT ACROSS Lot 6S, of the Imperial Estates Subdivision, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas. C0�1�'EFJCIt�lG at the most southerly corner of Lot 6P, s�id paint beinc on a curve and being the common corner bet�•�een Lot 68 and L�t 6�: THEi•dCE td. 02° 34 � 36" !,!. a di stance of �: -. -p��. - _ , ar,a�- � - ;.� � �cn±i nui nq �! 2�° ^�' �J�" E. a di stance of 137. 1' to the �" �'.�� ��F E�" , � •�� oi � ' i��e of Lhi s 15 roo� o?rr�anent 5anitary se�ver easemQnt; T�i�i;�E S. ��r° 12 ' 37" E, along said cer erlin� of i� P , _ � �-i;ar;� se��er ease- t foot r�_��n :. ,. .- _. , re��� , said easement being 7.5 feet either side of cer,terlifle, a d;s�-ance of 74. 1 feet to an a�ale �oint; TF,E�;�E continuing ��. 66° 52' 32" E. a di5tance of r� c feet �c Gr: �r�c,` noint: T!-i�..CE conti nui ng S. 75° OF' 13" E, a di stance of 2-' . �! feet t_ : - , , ,,= b�i r� the i nter- seciion o� this centerline ivith the southeasterly lir:e of Lot �.`' at u noint being �1. 33° 31 ' �5" E. 135.6 feet from the southeast corner of Le� 6� and the m�;t ���esterly corner of Lot 57. - There shall be a 20 foot wide temnora; _ �� �,:,.. . = s��;L� , ;r -,�; _�;v ad;iacent to and parallel t•rith said �e►°r�anent sa �;�. . s��..rar � ; � - r,-�"cr;: - -���,r-; ,�a nortnerly side, or the side nearest Ptary' s Creek, ar�'� r 1'' ;oot !��� c � �emnor�ar�}� con5iruction permanent sani tar�y s�t•!er easement al ona i ts en�i r� �nu�ner1 �, �=, �__ . Preoared �.� Certified By: COEP�CO, Inc. Consulting Engineers . G�,-: (�� ; � Collins � � ,�. �ol r� ���. �;�cist�rer Pror"essional Engineer and ���i��l i c Surve��or �ate : ?_:? �iav 197� _g_ The hereinabove tract or parcel of land designated and des- cribed as a temporary construction easement is a temporary con- struction easement only for the purpose of permitting the City of Friendswood, its agents , officers , servants , employees and contractors to enter upon such designated and described tract of land and to use same for storage of material , equipment , supplies , dirt and/or other needful purposes pertaining to the construction of facilities on the permanent easement for a period of one (1) year from the date construction commences , which term "date con- struction commences" shall mean when men, material , or equipment are moved onto said tract and proceed to work on the installation and construction of the necessary facilities thereon, and at the end of one (1) year , said temporary ease�en� for uor.struction pur- poses will tera�;-_ate withou� _�=`he� __��-�or� he�� � __��ess�l�- ; -9- A permanent easement for sanitary sewer purposes (inter- ceptor iine to the Blackhawk Regional Sewage Plant) across the following designated and described tract of land and in addition thereto, a temporary construction easement across the following designated and described tract of land, to-wit: � e._-- � FIELD taOTE DESCRIPTIOP� OF A 15 FOOT blIDE SAialTARY SEWER PE2�-1APaEh1T EASE��IENT Ah�D A 10, 20, & 3� FOOT L•JIDE TE"=1P�RARY C0��ISTRUC- TIOi� EASEt�tEPJT Out of Lot G7, of the Imperial Estates Subdivision, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas. CO"�i?tEi�1�I;�� at the most westerly corner of Lot �7, sai;� �oint beir�� at the end of a pi°i - vate ro�.d anci �eina in the comr�on boundary lin� b�=t�,rA��,: !ot fi7 anc' �Q: THEt��CE ;;. 33° 31 ' 05"� al ong the commor� 10� i ; ;;� :,�-�.:�ean Lot 6� ana :����. a di stance of 13�.5 feet to the PLAC OF EEGIl���lIidG for the ee��r,;_�,ion of this 15 r"ou� �-i�de sanitarv se�.�er easement; � T�;�';''� S ;5° 05 ' 13" t. along sai d centerl i ne of tP�e 15 foot t,�i c�e permanent sani tary set•�er easement, said easement beinc 7�z feet to either side of this centerline, a dis�anc� cf 2�2. 1 feet to an anqln ooint: T1��;i�E cor�tinuin� along said centerlin� S. 09° 3�' �7" E. a distanc� cf 52 .0 feet to a nc�i�-,c i°: ti,.� southeasterl y 1 i ne �r bo:�ndar�� of Lo� ��: , sai d pai n� �,�i nn i�. Q�° E, 20n i `e�� rr�;� ±he r�ost southerl y corner of Lo� G7. � Ther� shall be a 20 foot wide temeorary construc�inr; �aser�ent ir�medi �tel ;1 a�jacent to and �arallel iNith the �erman�nt sanitarv sel�;er F=:=�-�r;_;-;� s�ction tF�r� bear< <;. 75° 0�' 13�' E. alona 7tS northerly Sld°, h21�s til° li�it�'.'' � �, ?�r�--' �i �r G? S�_1C ;����!nUr�, dllG� � l�� i00t iti'1G�e temporar�� COtlStY'UCtIOn e�S°rl°r�' i? _ ' ` oC,;dC°r:' 'i .. ; r,�;°�I ��� L�:lth tnP sar�e section of saic� permanent easer��ent �:�� ; ,,:r�c: ;�s scut���ri � 5iu� , and a 30 foot ���ide temporary construction easement imrnediat�_?�,� a,�=�<;•�Gn1 `n anc r�ar�i i�� ;�:; tY; the per- manent sani tary se���er easer?ent secti on that. ��-_����; : _ '?����� ;i�; ' �7" , c 1 cr�,� i ts easterl y side. Pr��,ared a Certified By: COE!�aCO, Inc. Consulting Enciineers ;� ; ���-r�.v. G� �'�� � '�:�c�l r ;;. Col 11 n5 -'; �,+erer Frofessia��al Engineer and ��; ic Surveyor vaie: �3 "1ay 1979 -10- � The hereinabove tract or parcel of land designated and des- cribed as a temporary construction easement is a temporary con- struction easement only for the purpose of permitting the City of Friendswood, its agents , officers , servants , employees and contractors to enter upon such designated and described tract of land and to use same for storage of material , equipment, supplies , dirt and/or other needful purposes pertaining to the construction of facilities on the permanent easement for a period of one (1) year from the date construction commences , which term "date con- struction conmmences" shall mean when men, material, or equipment are moved onto said tract and proceed to work on the installation and construction of the necessary facilities thereon, and at the end of one (1) year , said temporar5� easement fc;r construction pur- poses will ter:._'_.�ate without fu�t::c�- a��_or �`�. _ -.ecessar�T; -11- A permanent easement for sanitary sewer purposes (inter- ceptor line to the Blackhawk Regional Sewage Plant) across the following designated and described tract of land and in addition thereto , a temporary construction easement across the following designated and described tract of land, to-wit : _.]L_L FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION OF A 15 FOOT �lIDE SAF�ITARY SEWER PEP."•1AP�ENT EASEP1EP�T �ND A 30 FOOT 41IDE TE��1PORAP,Y CONSTRUCTION EASE- ��ENT Out of Lot 7, Block 9, Friendswood Subdivision, of the Sarah McKissick League, Abstract 151, Friendswood, aalveston Count.y, Texas. BEGINfdIP�G at a point being N. 45° E. 2Q4. 1 fee± r'rom the most snu-h�rlv corner of Lot 67, Imnerial Estates , Frienu:_,�•�ood, Gal veston Cour-��:� , _ PXr� ; THE�yCE S. 09° 30' 57" E. a distance o* ;, . . - _ an anGie : _ - - : i'r',EP;CE S. 51° 21' 37" E, a di stance o�� '� "� =��:. � � ti;e i ntersec�i; - c: .= ii:i� centerl i ne cf easement with the southeast line ef ��i� �r:.��. Said 15 foot �err�anent easement being �. 5 Te�� ���i�„r side of the above described center- 1 i ne, and there shal l be a 30 foot t-ai dp te^�oor�"�:� cor,structi or� eas�mAr;t i mmedi ately ad- jacent to and oarallel to the easter? ��,� sid� ne���-� ` ��'��rys Cree�� ��- :���e�r Creek of the �ermanPnt easement section that bears :.. �+�` ?" ' � , r. , and ti;e�-� �'�rl l be a 30 foot wide temnorary construction easement immediatei�,� ariacent to anc n.rc? iel io the south- westerly side (ooposite from Clear Creek ) of the �ermanent ease�.eri section that bears `. 51° 21' 37" E. . �'rer��� _ : . ',e1-±;fi�� � .'�",� _ . 'r:. . Consul�inc Enaineer� �s�� 7:�Z-..,.��_ �. ` . '1a1 col m F�.. Col l i ns Registered Profes�ional �noineer and Public Surveyor Date: 23 t°1ay 197� -12- The hereinabove tract ar parcel of land designated and des- cribed as a temporary construction easement is a temporary con- struction easement only for the purpose of permitting the City of Friendswood, its agents , officers , servants , employees and contractors to enter upon such designated and described tract of land and to use same for storage of material, equipment, supplies., dirt and/or other needful purposes pertaining to the construction of facilities on the permanent easement for a period of one (1) year from the date construction commences , which term "date con- struction commences" shall mean when men, material , or equipment are moved onto said tract and proceed to work on the installation and construction of the necessary facilities thereon, and at the end of one (1) year, said temporary easement for construction pur- poses will teru_' _.ate without iur�:-:e� �� __.�n bein`� �ecess�r.� ; -13- WHEREAS, the City Council of the City has heretofore authorized the City Manager to obtain appraisals of the value of land to be acquired for such public purposes ; and WHEREAS , the City of Friendswood, through its duly authorized representatives , has negotiated with the owner or owners of said tracts or lands for the purchase of same for the hereinabove des- cribed public purpose, and has been unable to agree with such owner or owners as to the fair cash value thereof and damages , if any; now therefore , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS : Section 1 . The facts and recitals in the preamble of this resolution are hereby found to be true ar:d correc�. . Section 2 . The City Cour.c�l re<<_�-� autho�i�es and directs the City Manager to make fina� c'fer� �o the o�:7r:ers oi said tracts , based upon appraisals and in the amoun�s and to tt-�e respective owners of the respective tracts as follo��s : Tract I (Out of Lot 12 , Imperia� �s�ates Subcivision) Harold Smith �900 . 00 Tract II (Out of Lot 70 , Imperial Estates Subdivision) Ralph S . Sawyer � . $2 , 900. 00 Tract III (Out of Lot 6G , Imneri�:� Es�ate� �ubdivision) Lloyd D. Van Horn $710. 00 Tract IV (Out of Lot 68 , Imperial Estates Subdivision) John S . Stonesifer $2 , 350. 00 Tracts V and 'VI (Out of Lot 67 , I�perial Estates S�sbdivision and Out of Lot 7 , Block 9 , Friendswood Subdivision) Edward J . Stanton $3 , 560 . 00 PASSED AND APPROVED this 15th da�- of October , 1979 . Mayor ATTEST : City Secretary -14-