HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 78-21 . � �. ,,. . �' RESOLUTION N0. ��'� � A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS , MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS CONCERNING CERTAIN LANDS DESCRIBED IN SAID RESOLUTION; DETERMINING THAT SUCH LANDS ARE NEEDED FOR PUBLIC USE FOR SANITARY SEWER PURPOSES FOR THE INSTALLATION OF INTERCEPTOR LINES TO THE NEW BLACKHAWK SEWER PLANT; AND RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING FINAL OFFERS MADE BY THE CITY P�IANAGER TO THE OWNERS OF SUCH TRACTS . � � * �c WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas , finds and determines that public convenience and necessity require that the City of Friendswood acquire the following described interest in the following described tracts or parcels of land: A permanent easement for interceptor lines to the Blackhawk regional sewage plant in the hereinafter described and design- ated Tract No . 1 and in addition thereto a temporary construc- tion easement in and to the hereinafter described and designated Tract No . 1-A , said tracts or parcels of land being more particularly described as follows , to-wit: � � TRACT 1 and 1-A * " , R FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION OF A 15 COOT WIUE SANiTARY SEWER PERt1ANE(•�T EASEPtEIJt AND A 20 FpOT WID� TEMPORARY CONSTRUCtIOP� EASE- htE��T Out of Lot 1 , 61ock 9, Friendswood Subdivision, of the Sarah F1cKissick Leayue, Abstract 151 � Friendswood� Galveston County. Texas. DEG1P���ING at a point beiny N. Q5° E. 204. 1 feet from the most southerly corner of Lot 67� lr��per•ial Estates � Frlendswood. Galveston Gounty� Texas ; TIiENCE S. 09° 30' S7" E. a distance of 300. 2 feet to an angle point; THENCE S. 51° 21' 37" E. a distance of 181 feet to the intersection of this centerline of easement with tl�e southeast line of this tract. 1-A Said 15 foot easement being 7. 5 feet e1tl�er side of the above described centerline. and there shall be a 20 foot wide temporary construction easement immediately adjacent to and parallel to the entire easterly side nearest Marys Creek of the permanent easement. Prepared & Certified By: COENCO, Inc. Consulting Engineers QY� ��A.�^� K. • � � Malcolm A. Callins RegisterPd Professional Engineer and Public Surveyor Date: 25 September 1918 � ' -2- a � The hereinafter tract of land designated as Tract No. 1-A is a temporary construction easement only for the purpose of permitting the City of Friendswood, its agents , officers , servants , employees and contractors to enter upon the hereinafter described tract of land and to use same for storage of material , equipment , supplies , dirt and all other pertinent and needful purposes pert.aining to the construction of said facilities on Tract No . 1-A for a period of one (1) year from the date construction commences which term "date construction commences" shall mean when men, material or equipment are moved onto said Tract No . 1-A and proceed to work on the installation and contruction of the necessary facilities thereon, and at the end of said one (1) year, said temporary easement for construction purposes will terminate without further action being necessary. Tract No. being located in Galveston County, Texas , and being more particularly described as follows , to-wit: -3- mV act 1 and 1-A � ' � � . � F1ELD NOTE UESCRIPTIOPI OF A 15 (=00T WIUE SAN I TARY SEWER PERt1ANE�JT EASEPIEWT ANU A � ' 20 FOOT WIDE TE�IPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASE- P1EtJT Out of Lot 1 , Block 9, Friendswood Subdivision, of the Sarah hlcKissick League� Abstract 15I , Friendswood, Galveston County� Texas. f3CGIN��IP�G at a point beiny �. 45° E. 204. 1 feet from the most southerly corner �of Lot 61� Ii,iperial Estates . Friendswood� Galveston Count,y� Texas ; TIiE��CE S. 09° 30' S1" E. a distance of 300.2 feet to an angle point; THENCE S. 51° 21' 37" E. a distance of 181 feet to the intersection of this centerline of easement with tt�e southeast line of this tract. 1-A Said 15 foot easement being 7. 5 feet either side of the above described centerline� and there shall be a 20 foot wide temporary construction easement immediately adjacent to and parallel to tf�e entire easterly side nearest Marys Creek of the permanent easement. Prepared & Certified By: . COENCO, Inc. Consulting Engineer5 QY'��AXd`� a-.����ss� �Malcolm A. Collins Registered Professional Engineer and Pubiic Surveyor Date: 25 September 1918 r � -4- � i A permanent easement for interceptor lines to the Blackhawk regional sewage plant in the hereinafter described and designated Tract No. 2 and in addition thereto a temporary construction easement in and to the hereinafter described and designated Tract No. 2-A , said tracts or parcels of land being more particularly described as follows , to-wit: -5- �,� TitACT -2 � _.. ��! `� � C� '" / p i.�. • v �- `'- , , � DE4SCR�ETION OF 1RACT F-101 F'OR THE CITY OF FRIEtJU�WOOD � B'EING A 1S PT. WIUE PERMANEtJT EA5EMENT ACROSS RESERVE "F" OF � POLL'Y RANCH ESTATES , A SUBDIVISIDN LYING WITHZN THE SARAH McKISSICK OR J. R. WILLIAMS I,EAGtJE � ABSTRACT 151 � � i ANU JOHN DICKINSON LEAGUE � ABSTRACT 1S � REPI.AT OF SAID POLLY RANCH ESTATES BEItJG FILEU ANU RECORDED SEPTEMBER 24 � 1973 , AS APPEARS OF F2ECORD IN MAP 800K N0. 15 AT PAGE N0. 4 , OF THE RECORDS OF GALVESTON COUNTY , AND BEING MORE � PARTTCULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : � IBEGINNING at a point �n �he . ea�sterly. li.n,e at th� GQ ' xight- � of-way of Pine Drive .15 'feet northerly from the northerly line of a 20 � drainage easement, centered on the common � � boundary of reserve "F" and reserve '�G" � said point lying � N 18 °57 � 10" W 25.01 ' from the common westetly corner of ; reserve "F" and reserve "G" as set forth on the said replat of Polly Ranch Estates ; � � THENCE N 72'S6 ' E 277. 24 ' parallel to and 25 ' f rom the common line between reserve "F" and reserve "G" to a point for corner; THENCE N 26°21 ' W 128. 99 ' parallel to and 15 ' from a north- easterly line of the said reserve "F" to a point for corner; TNENCE N 28'26 ' E 147. 91 ' parallel to and 15 ' from a south- easterly line of the said reserve "F" to a point for corner; _ THENCE N 21°38 � 48" W 209. 28 ' to a point for corner; THENCE N 73'45 ' 30" E 247. 34 � to a point for corner; THENCE N 79•09 �06'� E 246. 66 ' to a point in tt�e easterly line of the said reserve "F" at the right descending bank of Clear Creek; THENCE S 10'40 ' E 15. 62 ' with an easterly line of the said reserve "F" to a point for corner; THEP�CE S 79•09t08" W 245. 91 ' to a point for corner; THENCE S 73'45 � 30" W 230. 12 ' to a point for �ocner; THeNC� S 2�.'38 �48'� E. 199. 78 � to a point for corner; � ,' -6- i � TRACT � Cont' d � � `� , � . . . �'4ract 'F'-1Q1 (Continued ) Page 2 TNENCE 5 28°26 ' W at 9. 2'I ' pass a corner of the boundary of , reserve "F" , con�inue 147. 17 ' in all with the boundary of - � reserve "F" and the right descending bank of Cl.ear Creek f to a point for corner; I E Tt�ENCE 5 26°21 ' E 138.87 � with the boundary of reserve "F" i and tl�e right descending bank of Clear Creek to a point in the northerly line of a 20 ' drainage easement centered on the common boundary of reserve "F" and reserve "G" of the said Polly Ranch E.states; TNENCE S 72'S6 ' W 294. 20 ' with the northerly line of the 5aid 20 ' drainage easernent to a point in the easterly line of the 60 ' right-of-way of Pine Drive; Z'HENCE 15.01 ' with a curve to �he left having a radius of 380.0 ' to the place of beginning; ; 5AID boundary enclosing an area of 0. 433 acres out of the John Dickinson League, Abstract 15. - . , � ,. i , ' E. H. ansf eld, P. E. Registered ublic Su yor No. 5 7 i I � ; '. I � � . � -� �� � � � , � - � y . � The hereinafter tract of land designated as Tract No. 2'A is a temporary construction easement only for the purpose of permitting the City of Friendswood, its agents , officers , servants , employees and contractors to enter upon the hereinafter described tract of land and to use same for storage of material , equipment , supplies , dirt and all other pertinent and needful purposes pertaining to the construction of said facilities on Tract No . 2-A for a period of one (1) year from the date construction commences which term "date construction commences" shall mean when men, material or equipment are moved onto said Tract No . 2-A and proceed to work on the installation and contruction of the necessary facilities thereon, and at the end of said one (1) year, said temporary easement for construction purposes will terminate without further ac�fon being necessary. Tract No . being located in Galveston County, Texas , and being more particularly described as follows , to-wit: _$_ � � -�f TRACT 2-A , � ' , � , ; ' The easement arid right-of-way hereby conveyed shall be a 35 ft. wide temporary construction easement adjoining ;/it o¢�o✓c ��PSC R�,BcQ c,T/��ry �igs�..-S•c-��xJ �. and more particularl.y described as follows: BEGINP�It�G at a point in the easterly l.ine of the 60' right-of-way of Pine Drive 15 feet northerly from the northerly line of a 2U' drainage easement, centered on the common boundary of reserve "F" and reser�ve "G", said poirit lying N 18°57'10" W 25.01' from tlie conunoil westerly cornex of reserve "F" and reserve "G" as set 1=orth on the said replat of Polly Ranch Estates; TlIL:NCI; 35.23' with a curve to the left having a radius of 3II0.0' to a ����int in tlie eastcrly line of the said 60' right-of-way of Pine Drive, saicl poi�it lyin�; N 21°36'32" W 60.10' from Che common westerly corner of reserve "F" and reserve "G" of the said Polly Ftanch Estates; THEPJCE parallel to aild 35' from the northerly and westerly boutidaries of . _ ' , �Y�� ��bc�� ��s���b�c( r�����7'Y ��S���;�`T ��' �-f'����-�v��� �eA2�,cJ�s �� t? �j5 f,aU��s � rr 72��s' � 2��0.o' N 26°21' W 105.95' N 2£3°26' E 149.61' PJ 21°38'48" W 231.47' N 73°45'30" E 287.53' N 79°09'08" E 241.48' to a puint in the aasterly litie of the said reserve "F" and the right descencling bank of Clear Creek; TIiI��10E with the easterly boundary of reserve "F"- the following bearings and �listances: S 33°00' E 18.25' S 10°40' E 18.10' to the most northeasterly corner of �„�� ���� � ���sc�r 6£� c1'��r ?`y EA�ay�.�J v-; THENCE with the northerly and westerly boundaries of T!?!' F?p���'F ��'��s�r rB�'zt c;r«i r-y ���,�� °�i� following bearings and distances: S 79°09'U8" W 246.66' S 73°45'30" W 247.34' � S 21°38'48" E 209.28' S 28°26' W 147. 91' S 26°21' E 128.99' S 72°56' W 277.24' to tli� ��lace oi� bc�ri_nnin�; :.,/1(ll l,uuncl�.u�y enclosin� an area of 1.O10 acres out of the John Diekinson l,��a�;uc, /�L�tract l�. r .,�- \ . , � A permanent easement for interceptor lines to the Blackhawk regional sewage plant in Che hereinafter described and designated Tract No . 3 � � - --� � - • �=-- � .�,". / _:.�°'.:.: .Y<. ..z�-s�='' �a _ __ / � � �� ` ' � . , �aid tXacts o parce s of la�id bei�tig more a , y :��%��9��-i}��'uescri�??�d a�t follows , to-ytit : , � _ -10- TRACT 3 -� . r � � . I � ( v � �r 'i � �� , � �� � � ,� , � , � � � ; ! The •asement and ri�ht-aP-way h�r�by co�vey�d �tu�ll b� a p�rman�snt � easement Within Lot 16. Hlock 5 oF Heritago Eetat�e Section One. , . ' and more partic�ilarly de�cribed ae folloxr: BEGINl�ING a� a point in tt�e southeasterly line of Lot 16, Dlock 5 of the said Heritage Estatee Section One� said point lying N 45°00' E 34.4' frow the southerly corner oE Lot 16, Block 5 of the said Neritage Estatee Section One, which carner of Lot 16 ia marked by a 1/2" ixon rod; T�iENCE N 47°22'38" W 347.56' with the northeasterly line of an exieting utility easement to a point in the southeasterly line of txact 8-104; , TtiENCE N 45°00' E 14.�' with the southeaeterly line of tract B-104 to a paint for corner; � THENCE 5 ��5°UO' E 347.26' to the plac• of begiuuin�; SAID bounda�ay oncloeing an ar�a of 0.060 avrse out of the Sarah McKiasick ar J. R. Wi]1i.ame Leagus. l,b�tract 151. . �. • � � , ,� . � � � � , . • ,� . � . � � , . � . �,i� - � , � � � � -11- � , , A permanent easement for interceptor lines to the Blackhawk regional sewage plant in the hereinafter described and designated Tract No . 4 and �in add}�tion th�eto a t�mporary constr�ctian :' " t� j . :� /�� easemen in and��o the ereinaf�t/er descr�.bed and designated,` , Tract o . ' , s id trac�s or parcels of land be,ing �nore par�icularly describ'ed as follows , to-wit : -12- „ , _ TRACT 4 ��l , � � 'S ��J.��' � `b� , DESCRIPTZON OF TRACT � 10� FUf2 T,HE CZTY OF FRIf""°"7SWO�D� BEING A PEitMANENT EASEMENT ALUNG TNE NORTNWESTERLY Li..E OF LOT 16 � • � � i B�OCK �5 OF' HERITAGE ESTA'1'ES SECTION ONE , A SUBDIVISION OF l�ART OF BLOCK 10 OF FRIENDSwOOD � SARAH McKISSICK OR J. R. � WI��LIAf�7S LEAGUE , ABSTRACT 151 � GALVESTON COUiJTY , TEXAS � AS • � APPEARS OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK N0. 15 A'r E'AGE NO. 7 OF TNE . ` RECORD5 OF GALVESTON COUNTY, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY � DESCRIBED AS FOLI.OWS : � . ' HEGINNING at a point in the southwesterly line of the 60 f t. ' right-of-way of Richmond Lane � said point lying S 45 '00 ' E ' 72. 74 ' from the easterly corner of lot 17 , block 5 of the said Heritage �states Section One; � a ea te 1 direction around a �curve to the left TH�NCE in n s r y tiaving a radi.us of 120.00 ' an included angle of 90°00 ' a distance of 188. 49 ft. with the southerly line of the 60 ' rigr�t-of-way of Richmond Lane and northerly line of lot 16 , block 5 of the said Heritage Esta�.es Section One to a point for corner at the PT of the curve; THENCE N 45 °00 ' E 155.00 ft. with the southe.asterly line of the 60 ' right-of-way of Richmond Lane and the northwesterly line of lot 16, block S of the said Heritage Estates Section One to a point for corner; THENCE S 45 °00 ' E 15. �0 ' to a point for co�-ner; THENCE S 45'00 ' W 275.00 ' to a point f or corner in the south- westerly line of lot 16, block 5 of the said Heritage Estates Section One; THENCE N 45'OO � W 135 .00 ' with the southwesterly line of lot 16 , block 5 of the said , Heritage Estates Se�tion One to the place of beginning; SAID boundary enclosing an area of 0. 166 acres out of the � Sarah McKissick or J. R. Williams League, Abstract 151. . r ` , E. H. Mansfiel , P.E. � ' Registered Pub ic Survey, No. 517 - � -13- a. � � . . � � . A permanent easement for interceptor lines to the Blackhawk regional sewage plant in the hereinafter described and designated Tract No. S and in addition thereto a temporary construction easement in and to the hereinafter described and designated Tract No . 5-A , said tracts or parcels of land being more particularly described as follows , .to-wit : -14- ' . TRACT 5 � � , . � Uk:SCRI�'TION OF TRACT B- lOS E'OR THE CITY (UE' FRIENDSWOOD , B�ING A P�F2MA.NENT E:A5EhiENT ALONt� ANU CUNTIGUOUS WITH A 12 ' EXISTING EA5EMENT I.YING ON 'rNE SOU'I'IiWESTERL.Y LINE OF' LOT 12 � �.BLOCK 5 I OF Ii��;FtITAGE ESTArES 5r.CI�1oN ONE , A SUF3uIVISIUN OF PART OF � EiLOCK 10 OF FRIENDSWOOD , SARAH McKIS5ICK OH J . R . WIL.LIAMS LEAGUE � ABS'I'ilAC'I' 151 � GALV�STON COUNTY � TEXAS � AS APPEAKS OF � I2�COF�D IN PLA'I' f300K NO. 15 AT PAGE NO. 7 OF T11E RECORDS OF GALVES'i'ON COUNTY , ANU t3E:ING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : BEGINNING at a point in the northwesterly line of the 60 ' right-of-way of Richmond Lane , said point lying N 45 •00 ' � 12. 0 ' from the common southeasterly corr►e r of lot 11 and lot 12 , block 5 of the said tleritage Estates Section One , THENCE N 45 '00 ' W 152. 15 ' with the northwesterly line of the existing easernent along the sout�westerly line of lot 12 � block 5 of the said Herltage Estates Sectian One to a point for corner in an existing easement along the northwesterly line of lot 12 � block 5 of the said Heritage Estates Section One ; TIiENCE N 43°22 ' 28" E 8. 0 ' with the southeasterly line of the said existing easement; � THENCE S 45'00 ' E 152. 06 ' to a point in th� northerly line of the 60 ' right-of-way of Richmond Lane; THENCE S 45'00 � W 8.0 ' with the northwesterly line of the 60 ' right-of--way of Richmond Lane to the place of beginning; SAID boundary enclosing an area of 0. 028 acres o�t of the Sarah McKissick or J. R. Williams Leag�e , Abstract 151 . n E. B. Mansfie d � P. E, Registered Pu lic 5urv or No. 51 -15- � ' I ��1 The hereinafter tract of land designated as Tract No. 5-A is a temporary construction easement only for the purpose of permitting the City of Friendswood, its agents , officers , servants , employees and contractors to enter upon the hereinafter described tract of land and to use same for storage of material , equipment , supplies , dirt and all other pertinent and needfui purposes pert.aining to the construction of said facilities on Tract No . 5-A for a period of one (1) year from the date construction commences which term "date construction commences" shall rnean when men, material or equipment are moved onto said Tract No . S-A and proceed to work on the installation and contruction of the necessary facilities thereon, and at the end of said one (1) year, said temporary easement for construction purposes will terminate without further action being necessary. Tract No . being located in Galveston County, Texas , and being more particularly described as follows , to-wit : �-6- Tract 5-A �, TEI�iPORARY CONSTRU� _ION �iASEM�NT A�JOINING A.4 EXISTING PEW�1ANENT . �ASEMENT, SAID TEMPORARY � CUN�TKUCTION EASEMENT �O REVERT TO ; ORIGINAL OI�INERSHIP UPON CpMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, AND LYING WITHIN LOT 11 , BLOCK 5 OF '�}-JERITAGE ESTAT£S SECTION ONE , A SUBDIVISION OF PAKT OF BLO�'iK 10 OF FRIENDSWOOD , SARAH MCKISSICK OR J. R. WILLIAMS' LEAGUE , ABSTRACT 151 � GALVESTON COiJNTY, TEXAS , AS APPEARS OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK NO. 15 AT PAGE NO. 7 OF THE RECORDS OF GALV TON COUNTY, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS F01� WS : BEGINNING at a point in the narthwesterly line of the 60�' right-of-way of Richmond Lane and southeasterly line of lot 11 , block 5 of the said Heritaye Estates Section One , said point lying S 45 °00 ' W 8.0 ' from the common southeasterly corner of lot 11 and lot 12 , block S of the said Heritage Estates Section One; THENCE 5 45 °00 ' W 17. 0 ' with the common nozthwesterly line of the 60 ' right-of-way of Richmond Lane and southeasterly line of lot 11 , block 5 of the said Heritage Estates Section One ; THENCE N 45 °00 ' W 200. 0 ' to a point in the common line of lot 10 and lot 11 , block S of the said Heritage Estates Section One; THENCE N 45 °00 ' E 17. 0 ' with the common line of lot 10 and lot 11 , block 5 of the said Heritage Estates Section One; THENCE S 45°00 ' E 200. 0 ' with the southwesterly line of an existing 8 ' permanent easement to the place of beginning; C-`_"'_' S1��D boundar� enclosing an area of 0. 078 �cres out of the Sarah I�IcKissick or J. R. Williams League , Abstract 151. � , , ,,, , ,'�'" ��' � ��, , f, c �; ..�/ ,�r'•. � ;, f '�� " i/• ` .. �. � � r� �. :� � E. B. MansfieId , P. E. ' Registered Public Surv�yor No. 517 , -17- . . � ,s The hereinafter tract of land designated as Tract No. 6-A is a temporary construction easement only for the purpose of permitting the City of Friendswood, its agents , officers , servants , employees and contractors to enter upon the hereinafter described tract of land and to use same for storage of material , equipment, supplies , dirt and all other pertinent and needful purposes pertaining to the construction of said facilities on Tract No6-A for a period of one (1) year from the date construction commen.ces which term "date construction commences" shall mean when men, material or equipment are moved onto said Tract No . 6-A and proceed to work on the installation and contruction of the necessary facilities thereon� and at the end of said one (1) year, said temporary easement for construction purposes will terminate without further actfon being necessary. Tract No. being located in Galveston County, Texas , and being more particularly described as follows , to-wit : -18- TRACT 6-A � � q ,� � � � �' '�r�.L��'�)(" ��� , DESCRZPTInN OF TaACT E3- J6--T F�OHt�'I'E-�E CIZ'Y OF' FR7"�NUSWUOU , A TEMPORARY CONSZ'RUC'tIOPJ EASEMENT 25 ' ITJ WIUTH AD�„tNING AN EX�STZN�G PERMANENT EASL;MEPJT, SAiU EASE:MENT 'I'O }2EVERT TO URTGINAL O�JNERSHIP UPON COMPLETION OP CONS'i'FtUCTION , AND LYIIJG WITHIN LOT 10 , HLOCK 5 OF HERITAG� ESTATES SECTION ONE � A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF BLOCK 9 AND BLOCK 10 OF FRIENDSWOOD , SARAH MCKISSICK OR J. R. WILLIAMS LEAGUE � AHSTRACT 15I , GALVESTON COUNTY , �TEXAS � AS APP�ARS QF R�CORD IN PLAT BOOK NO. 15 AT PAGE N0. ? OF THE REC�RpS OF GALVEST4N COUNTY * AND BEING MORE pARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : BEGINNIr�G at a poinr in the common line of lot 10 and lot 11 , block S of t�ie said Heritage Estates Section One , said point lying S 45 °00 ' W 20. 0 ' from the easterly corner of lot 10 , block 5 of the said Heritage �states Section One ; THENCE S 45 °00 ' W 25. 0 ' with the common line of lot 10 and iot 11 , block 5 of �he said Heritage Estates Section One to a point for �orner; THENCE 1J 45 °29 ' S5" W 110.0 ' to a point in the common line of lot 9 and lot 10 of tt�e said Heritage Estates Se�tion One; TNENCE N 45 °00 ' E 25 . 0 ' with the common line of lot 9 and lot 10, block 5 of the said Heritage Estates 5ection One; THENCE S 45 °29 ' 55" E 1Zp. 0 ' with the southwesterly line of an existing 20 ' easement to the place of beginning; SAID boundary enclosing an area of 0.063 acres out of the Sarah McKissick or J. R. Williams League, Abstract 151. /� ` � ` , �, , , . --�," (� , -'C�-�' E�. B. Mansfield,, P. E. Registered P�bliC Surveyo �No. 517 -� _ , -19- Y 1 A permanent easement for interceptor lines to the Blackhawk regional sewage plant in the hereinafter described and designated Tract No . 7 and in addition thereto a temporary construction easement in and to the hereinafter described and designated Tract 1Vo . 7-A , said tracts or parcels of land being more particularly described as follows , to-wit : -20- Tract' 7 UESCRiP'1'lOtJ UF 'ThAC 3-1U7 F012 �'I'FlE CITY OF FR �. NDSWOOD � BEIPdG , , A Ih�RMA�JF.N'1' E/;SEf�IE;N'P 3 ' IN WIi)'I'H AUJACEfJT AND CONTIGUOUS TU ,AIJ Es�CISTING EASEMENT ALUNG 1't�E NURT►iE:ASTE:kLY LINE OF LOT 9 � 'BLOCK 5 UF }iERII`AGE ES1'A`1'ES SECTION ONE , A SUi3UIVISION OF' � YART 'OF BLUCK 9 ANQ HLOCK 10 OF' FRIE�II�S��JUOU , SARAH McKiSSICK OR J . R. '�IILLIAMS L�AGUE , ABSTRACT 151 , GAI,VESTON COUtJ'I'Y , TFXAS , AS APPEARS OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK NU. 15 AT PAGE NO. 7 OF THE Rt;CORDS OF GALVES'!'ON COIJNTY , AND BEING MO}ZE PAR- TICUI_,ARLY DESCRI BE:U AS FULLOVlS : BEGI:NNING at a point in the common line of lot 9 and lot 10 , block S of the said Heritage Estates Section One , sai.d beyinniny point being S 45 °00 ' W 12. 0 ' from t}�e comrnon northeasterly corner of lot 9 and lot 10 , block 5 of the said lieritage F.states Section One ; THEtJCE S 45 °00 ' t-J 3. 0 ' with �he common line of lot 9 and l�t ].U , bl�ck 5 of the said Heritaye Estates Section One , THENCE N 45 °29 ' 55" W 110. 0 ' to a point in the common li;ie of lat 8 anc] lot 9 , blc�ck 5 of the said Neritage Estates 5ection One ; TfiENCE N 45 °00 ' E 3. 0 ' with the comm�r7 line of lot 8 and lot 9 , block 5 of the said Heritage Estates Section One to a point i.n the southwesterly l�.ne of an existing 12 ' utility easement; TtiEr�cE S 45 °29 ' S5" E 110. 0 ' with the southwesterly line of ti�e existing 1,.2 ' utility easem�nt to the place of beginning; SAIU baundary enclosing an area of 0.008 acres out of the Sarah McKissick or J. R. Williams League , Abstract 151. i � i � - -;; � - , � .,-� % - � , � _� � , �- ,,, , - ; , , �<_= - , :-�_�' � t . _�c t , ,�, , E. B. 1�lansfield , P. E. Registered Public Surv,eyor No. 517 , � -21- , , _ __ ___ • . ♦ The hereinafter tract of land designated as Tract No. �-A is a tempo�ary construction easement only for the purpose of permitting the City of Friendswood, its agents , officers , servants , employees and contractors to enter upon the hereinafter described tract of land and to use same for storage of material , equipment , supplies , dirt and all other pertinent and needful purposes pertaining to the construction of said facilities on Tract No . �-A for a period of one (1) year from the date construction commences which term "date construction commences" shall mean when men, material or equipment are moved onto said Tract No . 7-A and proceed to work on the installation and contruction of the necessary facilities thereon, and at the end of said one (1) year, said temporary easement for construction purposes will terminate without further action being necessary. Tract No . being located in Galveston County, Texas , and being more particularly described as follows , to-wit : -22- TRAC� 7-A <_J�:, ..l..�-- �-��.�., - � DESCRIFTION OF TRA� B-107-T, A TEl�7POFtARY CO � TRUCT�ON EASE- M�NT 30 ' IN WIUTH ApJOINING TRACT B-107 TO THE SOUI'HWEST, SI,ID EASEt�]ENT T0 HEVERT TO ORIGINAL O�JNERSHIP UPON COMPLETTON a UF CONSTRUCTION AND LYING WITHIN LOT 9 , BLOCK 5 OF HERITAGE ESTATES SECTION ONE , A SUBUIVISION OF PART OF LOT 9 AND LOT . 10 OF FRIENDSWOOD, SARAH McKISSICK OR J. R. WILLIAMS LEAGUE , ABSTRACT 151 � GALVESTON COUNTY� TEXAS , 'AS APPEARS OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK NO. 15 AT PAGE NO. 7 OF THE �RECORDS OF GALVESTON COUNTY, AND BEING h10RE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING at a point in the common line of lot 9 and lot 10, block S of the said Heritage Es�ates Section One , said point lying S 45 °00 ' W 15 . 0 ' from the common northeasterly corner of lot 9 and lot 10 , block 5 of the said �ieritage Estates Section One; THENCE S 45 °00 ' W 30. 0 ' with the common line of lot 9 and lot 10 , block 5 of the said Heritage Estates Section One; THENCE N 45°29 ' S5" W 110. 0 ' to a point in the common line of lot 8 and lot 9 , block S of the said Heritage Estates Section One ; THENCE N 45 °00 ' E 30. 0 ' with the common line of lot 8 and lot 9, block 5 of the said He itage Estates Section On/e to , �;,r,ri..� �-rc 1.��',,/.. t�.GC-c!�-<��/� -l-f�C C-I 7��/ F?./t'�1�-f!�l>c.��, the westerly corner of � ' THEN E S 45 °29 ' S5"� �E/ 110. 0 ' with the so�thwesterly line of /�I,i�-� ���,-��'"j��<�� ,�f�t'��•!-� ,c.��l.�.7�-G�r a"-�;�e..r��.�s�C✓ - - to the place� of beginning; SAID boundary enclosing an area of 0.078 acres out 'of the Sarah McKissick or J. R. Williams League, Abstract 151. , � , ;� r - �:, �� � �� �-��'�� �� .� "'l` i [ -�. . Y-• ,-., E. �. t�tansfield, % P. E. ' � � Registered Public Surveyqr No. 517 ! r --- ----- __ --- -24- t ♦ ' A permanent easement for interceptor lines to the Blackhawk regional sewage plant in the hereinafter described and designated Tract No . 8 and in addition thereto a temporary construction easement in and to the hereinafter described and designated Tract No . 8-A , said tracts or parcels of land being more particularly described as follows , to-wit : -25- TRACT 8 -� � ' � , � " � U�;SCRIPTION OF TRACT .. 108 E'Otl THE CITY OF FRI USWOOU , BEING . � A PE}�MANE:NT EASEM�NT 3 ' IN WIU'I'H AUJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO �i' EX�STING EAS�h1ENT ALUNG THE NORT}iEAST�I2LY LIN� OF LOT 8 � H'LOCK 5 Or' HERITAGE ESTATES SECTIUN ONE � A SUQDIVISION OF PA�T OF BLOtrK 9 AND [3LOCK 10 UF FRIENUSWOOD � SARAH McKISSICK OR J . R. WII.LIAMS LEAGUE , AflSTRACT lSl , GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS � AS APPEARS OF RECORD IN PLA'i` BOOK NU. 15 AT PAGE NO. 7 OF THE RECOROS OF GALVESTON COUNTY � AND BEING MORE pAR- TICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : BEGINNING at a point in the common line of lot 8 and lot 9, k�loGk 5 af �he said H�x�i4�qe Estates S��tion �ns � sa�d beginning point be.�ng 5 45 '00 � W 12. 0 � from the common northeasterly corner of lok 8 and lot 9 , block 5 of thP said Heritage Estates Section �ne; THENCE S 45 'D0 ' W 3.0 ' with the comman line of lot 8 and lot 9 � bloek 5 of the said Heritage Estates Sectior� One; T�IENCE N 45 '29 ' S5" w 110. 0 ' to a point in the common line of lot 7 and ]o� 8 � block 5 of the said Neritage Estates Section One ; � TNENCE N 4S '00 ' E 3.0 ' with the common line of lot 7 and lot 8 , block 5 of the said Heritage Estates Sec�ion One to a point in the southwesterly line of an existing 12 ' uti�ity easement; THENCE S 45'29 ' S5" E 114. 0 ' with the southwesterly line of � the existing 12 ' utility easement to the place of beginning; SAID boundary enclosing an area of 0. 008 acres out of the Sarah McKissick or J. R. Williams League , Abstract 151. � � � � , �. E. 8�. Mansfie d , P. E. Registered Pul�ltc Surve r No. 517 -26- r � . The hereinafter tract of land designated as Tract No. 8-A is a temporary construction easement only for the purpose of permitting the City of Friendswood, its agents , officers , servants , employees and contractors to enter upon the hereinafter described tract of land and to use same for storage of material , equipment , supplies , dirt and all other pertinent and needful purposes pertaining to the construction of said facilities on Tract No8-A for a period of one (1) year from the date construction commences which term "date construction commences" sha11 mean when men, material or equipment are moved onto said Tract No . $-A and proceed to work on the installation and contruction of the necessary facilities thereon, and at the end of said one (1) year, said temporary easement for construction purposes will terminate without �urther action being necessary. Tract No . being located in Galveston County, Texas , and being more particularly described as follows , to-wit : -27- TRACT 8-A � ��V��! � , ? �:,1� ' .. . � DESCRZPTION OF TRACT � 108-T, A `TEMPURARX �NSTRUCTI�N EASE- NIENT 30 ' IN WIUTH ADJOSNZNG TRACT B-108 TO THE SUUTHWEST, ,� SAID EASEMENT TO REVERT TO ORIGINAL ObJNERSHIP UPON COMPLETION , OF CONSTRIJCTION AND LYING ti'JITHIN LOT 8 , BLOCK S OF HERITf�GE �STATFS SECTION ONE , A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF LOT 9 AND LOT 10 OF FRIENDSWOOD , SI�RAH McKISSICK OR J. R. WILLIAMS LEAGUE , ABSTRACT 151 , GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS , A,� APPEARS OF RECORD ZN PLAT BOOK NO. IS AT PAGE NO. 7 OF THE ' RECORDS OF GALVESTON COUNTY� AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESC�IBED AS FOLLUIJS : BEGINNING at a point in the common line qf lot 8 and lo t 9 , block S of the said Heritage Estates Section One , said point lying S 45 °00 ' W 15.0 ' from the common nfl rtheasterly cor.ner of lot 8 and lot 9 , block 5 of the said Heritage Estates Section One; TNENCE S 45°00 ' W 30.0 ' with the common line of lot 8 and lot 9, block 5 of the said Heritage Estates Section One; THENCE N 45 °29 ' S5" W 110.0 ' to a point in the common line of lot 7 and lot 8 , block 5 of the said Heritage Estates Section One ; THENCE N 45 °00 ' E 30.0 ' with the common line of lot 7 and lot 8 , block 5 of the saiC1 Heritage Estates Section One to .�I[2.' a-�a� c!%�Le!.,�.�.d.e.� ,c�1.c,�Lr .Q Ci_-t:?„-..�t� , �he westerly corner of � THENCE S 45°2�9 ',�5" E 110.0 ' with the southwesterl}� line of ,,Z'/�Z a�tt..�r. �2ei�-wd�-1".C�X.z.4..�`c .a.e�-,r�+�-�1`'- ? to the p�ace of beginning; ShID boundary enclosing an area of 0.078 acres out of the Sarah McKissick or J. R. Williams League , Abstract 151. '� ��:;' ��. , �,i �," - << " �, (,�� . . ��,{ ( ., �,. E. B. Mansfield, P. E. ' Registered Public Su�veyor No. 517 , -28- . �. , w ♦ A permanent easement for interceptor lines to the Blackhawk regional sewage plant in the hereinafter described and designated Tract No . 9 and in addition thereto a temporary construction easement in and to the hereinafter described and designated Tract No . 9-A , said tracts or parcels of land being more particularly described as follows , to-wit : -29- TRACT 9 , [)ESCkIPTIC)N OF TRACZ' -109 rUR 'i'li� C1T'Y OF FRI�'JD�WUGD � HEING A PFRMANEN'i' EASEMF N'!' .� ' IN `rJl U'PIl i1CR'OSS LO'P 7 � �LGCK 5 OF iiEFtIrAGE; ESTA'PES SE:CTIOI`J UfJE , A SIi�UIVISIUN OF PART OF' BLOCK '►9 AND E3LOCK 10 UF FRIENUSW��OD , SI�RhH McKISSICK OF2 J. R. W�LLIAMS LEAGUE , ABS'I'llACT 151 � GALVE:S'I'GPd COUNTY , TEXAS � AS APFEARS UF RECORD IN PLAT f300K NO. 15 AT PAGE N0. 7 OF' THE RECORDS OF GAI,VES`1'U1� COUiJTY , AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLUIrJS : HEGINPJING at a point in the common line of lot 7 and lot 8 , block 5 of the sai.d Heritaye Estates Section One , said point lying S 45 °00 ' W 12 . 0 ' f r�om the c_orninon northeasterly corner of lot 7 and lot 8 , blc�ck 5 �of the s�id Heri tage Estates 5ection One ; '!'HENCE S 45 °00 ' W 3. 0 ' with the common line of lat 7 and lot i 8 , block 5 of the said 1leritage Estates Section One ; TH�PJCE N 45 °29 ' S5" ti-! 306. 3 ' to a point in the northwesterly line of lot 7 , Ulock 5 of the said Heritage Estates Section I Une ; I � TNENCE N 94 °22 ' S4" E 3. 0 ' with the northwesterly line of I Il.ot 7 , block 5 of the said Neritage Estates Section One ; I `PHENCE S 45 °29 ' S5" E 306. 30 ' with the southwesterly line of an existing permanet easement to the place of beginning ; � � SAIU boundary enclosing an area of 0. 021 acres out of the Sarat� McKissick or J. K. Williarns Leayue , Abstract 151. � ,/ � % ',i'� ` r ��,n �� , y ��� � - - i . � _� - 2 ..._ �'� �. � ,•s E. B. Mansfield , P. E. � Regist�red Public Survey�r No. 51'7 � � � � � I _ _ _:. _ -- - _ . _ _ _ . -30- s � .+ The hereinafter tract of land designated as Tract No. 9'A is a temporary construction easement only for the purpose of permitting the City of Friendswood, its agents , officers , servants , employees and contractors to enter upon the hereinafter described tract of land and to use same for storage of material , equipment , supplies , dirt and all other pertinent and needful purposes pertaining to the construction of said facilities on Tract No . 9-A for a period of one (1) year from the date construction commences which term "date construction commences" shall mean when men, material or equipment are moved onto said Tract No . 9-A and proceed to work on t�e installation and contruction of the necessary facilities thereon, and at the end of said one (1) year, said temporary easement for construction purposes will terminate without further action being necessary. Tract No . being located in Galveston County, Texas , and being more particularly described as follows , to-wit : -31- TRACT 9-A ` � �f'' ' , `` � `l " ' �:���SCi?7P'i'IUN OF Tili�C'"" H--109-T FOR TNE CITY OF �'.RIENDS'rJOOD � A T,Ni�'iPORA}2Y CONSTRIJC 1 �JN EASEMENT 30'' IN WIDTN �JOINING TRACT , B-109 TO THE SOUTt�L•JEST, SAID EASEMENT TO REVERT TO ORIGINAL + O;'lNERSHIP UPON COT�iPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION AND LYING WITHIN LO'C . 7 , BLOCK 5 OF I-�ERITAGE ESTATES SECTION ONE , A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF BLOCK 9 AND BLOCK 10 OF FRIENDSWOOD, SARAH McKISSICK OR J. R. WILLIAMS LEAGUE , ABSTRACT 151 , GALVESTON COUNTY , TEXAS , AS APPEARS OF RECORD IN PLAT BOUK NO. 15 AT PAGE NO. 7 OF THE RECORDS OF GALVESTON COUNTY , AND BEING MORE P�.RTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : BEGINNING at a point in the common line of lot 7 and lot 8 , block S of the said Heritage Estates Section One , said point lying S 45°00 ' W 15 .0 ' from the common northeasterly corner of lot 7 and lot 8; THENCE S 45 °00 ' W 30.0 ' with the common line of lat 7 and lot 8 , block S of the said Heritage Estates Section One; THENCE N 45°29 ' S5" W 306. 00 ' to a point in the northt�esterly line of lot 7 , block 5 of the said Heritage Estates Section One; THENCE N 44°22 ' S4" E 30.0 ' with the northwesterly line of lot 7 , block 5 of the said Heritage Estates Section Une ; THENCE S 45°29 ' S5" E 306. ?Q' with the southwesterly line of _��, a..�e�-�.� �Pz:ur�=C4���' ,c:����c.-�`y .,��'�y��tic�. ' to the place of beginning; SAID boundary enclosing an area of 0. 211 acres out of the Sarah McKissick or J. R. Williams League , Abstract 151. � . � _ � � ,.� .. �, � � � ;��, �,, . , � . � , , ,, l i ;_(_, . .��:: ;r �,z. ,.. � E. B. Mansfield, P.E. �' Registered Public Su�veyor r1o. 517 r. -32- , � . � ' A permanent easement for interceptor lines Co the Blackhawk regional sewage plant in the hereinafter described and designated Tract No. 10 and in addition thereto a temporary const-ruction easement in and to the hereinafter described and designated Tract No . 10-A , said tracts or parcels of land being mure particularly described as follows , to-wit : _ -3�,, __.._ __.�_.� , � ' _�. . TRACT 10 _ , . . � F[ELD NQYE DESCRIPTlON OF A l5 F40T bJiUE . SANlTARY S�WER PERIIANENT EAS�ME►�T ANQ A - �-2a� f00T WID� TEt1PORARY CONSTRUCTIOP� EAS�- h1Ei�T Out of Lot 61, of the lmperial Estates Subdivision� Friendswood, Galveston County� Texas. COt1MENGIIVG at the most westerly corner of l.ot 67�, said point being at the end of a private road and being in the comnon boundery 11ne between l.ot 67 end 60; THENCE PJ. 33° 31' 05"E.along tfie conman lot line between Lnt 67 and 66 a distance of 135.b feet to the PLACE OF BEGItJNItJG for the description of this 15 foot wide sanitary sewer easement; THENCE S. J5° 06' 13" E. along said centerline of the 15 foot wide permanent sanitary sewer easement, said easement being 7!; feet to either side of this centerline. a distance of 202. 1 feet to an angle point; TNEi�CE continuing along said centerline S. 09° 30' 57." E. a distance of 52.0 feet to a point in the southeasterly line or boundary of Lot 67, said point being N. 45° E. 20A. 1 feet from the most soutl�erly cor•ner of Lot 67. 10-A There shall be a 20 foot wide temporary construction easement i�m�ediately adjacent to and parallel with the permanent sanitary sewer easement along its entire northerly side, being the Marys Creek side of said easement. Prepared b Certified By: . � COEWCO, Inc. � Consultiny Engineers � By: m�,D�,,.� �. � � . ' Malcalm A. Col�ins � RegisLered Professional Engineer and Public Surveyor Date: 25 September 1978 � � � . . , • -34- - i i ' The hereinafter tract of land designated as Tract No. 10-A is a temporary construction easement only for the purpose of permitting the City of Friendswood, its agents , officers , servants , employees and contractors to enter upon the hereinafter described tract of land and to use same for storage of material , equipment, supplies , dirt and all other pertinent and needful purposes pertaining to the construction of said facilities on Tract No . 10-A for a period of one (1) year from the date construction commences which term "date construction commences" shall mean when men, material or equipment are moved onto said Tract No . 10-A and proceed to work on the instal"lation and contruction' of the necessary facilities thereon, and at the end of said one (1) year , said temporary easement for construction purposes will terminate without further action being necessary. Tract No. being located in Galveston County, Texas , and being more particularly described as follows , to-wit : -35- i ..,. . . Tract 10 and 10-A ° , � � ! FIELD NUTE DESrRiPTION OF A 15 FoOT WtuE � SANITARY 5EWER PERI4ANENT EASEME[Jl" ANU A � �-2U� FOOT WID� TEf1PORARY COP�StRUCT10P� EASE- hiEl�T Qut of Lot 67 , of the lmperial Estates Subdivision, Frlendswood, Galveston County� Texas. COt�MEN�IfVG at the nast westerly cor•ner af l.ot 67►, said point being at the end of a private road end being in the common boundery line between Lot 67 end 60; THENCE PI. 33° 31' 05"E.along tl�e comrnon lot line between Lnt 61 and 68 a distance of 135.6 feet to the PLACE OF BEGIt�NING for the description of this 15 foot wide sanitary sewer ease�nent; THENCE S. 75° 06' 13" E. along said centerline of tl�e 15 foot wide permanent sanitary sewer easement, said easement being 7!2 feet to either side of this centerline� a distance of 202. 1 feet to an angle point; TNEi�CE continuing along said centerline S. 09° 30' S7." E. a distance of 52.0 feet to a paint in the soUtheasterly line or boundary of lot 67, said point being N. A5° E. 204. 1 feet from the mast southerly cor•ner of Lot b7. There si►all be a 20 foot wide temporary constructian easement immediately adjacent to and parallel with the permanent sanitary sewer ea5ement alony its entire northerly side, being the Marys Creek side of said easement. Prepared & Certified By: � ' COE(JCO, lnc. Consultiny Engineers � 6Y:_�3a �^—�.�;��5���-p—��,�.� � Mal.cotm A. Col � ins � � Registered Profess�onal Engineer and Public Surveyor Date: 25 September 1918 ' � _ � • -36- � . A permanent easement for interceptor lines to the Blackhawk regional sewage plant in the hereinafter described and designated Tract No. 11 and in addition thereto a temporary construction easement in and to the hereinafter described and designated Tract No . 11-A , said tracts or parcels of land being more particularly described as follows , to-wit: -37- TRACT 11 and 11-A �' ` _. . � , . FIELD NUTE UESCRIP1IOtJ OF A 15 FOOT b1IDE SANITARY SE4JER PER��IAfJENT EASEf-IENT AIJD A � 20 FOOT WIDE �TE11PORARY COI�STRUCTIO�� EASE- ME(JT ACROSS LOT 70, of the Imperial Estates , SuUdivision , Frienclswood, Galveston County, � Texas. i � CUl�1M1ENCING at the most westerly corner of Lot 70, Iniperial Esta�es beinc� the inter� section + of tP�� southeast rig}�t-of-avay of Queen' s Crossiny and the northeast ri��ht-of-41��y o f , Majestic Drive; f � � TIIEiJCE �!. 34° 10' E. a distance of 179.8 feet and i4. 39° '16' C. a dist�rice of 61. 7 f��;�t ; to a point for the PLACE OF EiEGINP�ING of ti�e centerline of the 15 foot per�naner�t sanit� i�y ; sewe�, easer�ent, said easement to be 7. 5 feet either si�e uf the described centerlin�; � iTHEtdCE S. 61 ° 17 ' 36" E. a distance of 90. 7 feet to the inters�ction with this centerline ? and the 5outheast line of Lot 70, said point bei��y 2G6.8 feet N. 2B° 35' 10" E. from tl�e � ►nost souther�ly corner of Lot 70. � ; 11-A � : �he 20 foot wicle ten�pora��y constructian easeriient shall run immediately adjacent to an�l , paral �el to tlie perinanent easement a]ony its entire r�ortheasterly side. ; ; Prepareci & Certified Qy: ' COEIJCO, I nc. ' Consultiny Enyineers ' t . By�__��_���..�_�.� ' Malcolm l�, Col1 ins � Reyistered Professional Fngineer and ; Public Surveyor � Date: 25 Septei��ber 1978 ; � ; --- _. -38- r► 4 The hereinafter tract of land designated as Tract No. 11-A is a temporary construction easement only for the purpose of permitting the City of Friendswood, its agents , officers , servants , employees and contractors to enter upon the hereinafter described tract of l.and and to use same for storage of material , equipment , supplies , dirt and all other pertinent and needful purposes pertaining to the construction of said facilities on Tract No . 11-A for a period of one (1) year from the date construction commences which term "date construction commences" shall mean when men, material or equipment are moved onG4 said Tract No . 11-A and proceed to work on the installation and contruction of the necessary facilities thereon, anci at the end of said one (1) year , said temporary easemen� for construction purposes will terminate without further action bEing necessary. TracC No. being located in Galveston County, Texas , and being more particularly described as follows , to-wit : -39- Tract 11 and 11-A _�� ' � • « � � FILLD `�UTE UESCRIPTIO�J OF A 15 FOOT WIDE . SANITARY SEWER F'Ef:hiAfJENT EASEP�IENT Nf�U A -S .`? 2t1 FOOT 41IDE TEI�PUI�ARY COIJSTRUCTIOPI EASE- - t�E�JT ACROSS LOT 7U, of the Ir,�perial Estates a SuUdivision, Frienclswood, Galvestor� County, � Texas. � � CUh1h1ENCING at tl�e most westerly corner of Lot 70, Imper•ial Estates bei��g the inter•section � of the southeast rigV�t-of-way of Queen' s Crossing and the r�ortheast right-of-way of Majestic Drive; � � THENCE N. 34° 10' E. a distance of 179.II feet and iJ. 39° 26' E. a distance of 61. 7 feet jto a point for the PLACE OF QEGIP�NING of the centerline of the 15 foot permanent sanitary f sewer easement, said easernent to� be 7, 5 feet either side uf the described centerline; i � TNE�dCE S. 61° 17 ' 36" E. a distance of 90. 7 feet to the intersection with this centerline and the southeast line of Lot 10, said point bei��y 266.8 feet N. 2B° 35' 10" E. from the most southerly corner of Lot 70. � 11--A � 1he 20 foot wide temporary construction easer.�ent shall run immediately adjacent to ancl ; parallel to the permanent easement alony its entire northeasterly side. ; Prepared & Certified Qy: i COEIJCO, I nc. '� Consultiny Engineers � /t /J0 �. � ay�.�A_��,.��.���=�—! , Malcolm A. Collins Registered ProFessioiial Fngineer and ' Public Surveyor � Date: 25 Septei��ber 19/8 � i I E � I -40- 4 • ♦ A permanent easement for interceptor lines to the Blackhawk regional sewage plant in the hereinafter described and designated Tract No . 12 and in addition thereto a temporary construction easement in and to the hereinafter described and designated Tract No . 12-A , said tracts or parcels of land being rnore particularly described as follows , to-wit : -41- !I Tract 12 and 12-A � -� ' � ' I � ' . i � ` � FIELD NOTE UESCRIPTtOPJ OF A 15 FO�T W[DE i � �SANITt�RY SEWER PERMt1NCt�T EASEMENT AND A � �,,� � FQOT W I DE TEMPO{tARY CONSTRUCT I ON EASE- . MEtIT AGROSS l.ot 69� of the [�nperial Estates Subdlvlsion� Frlendswood, Galveston County, ' Texas. ' � I � COMMENCIf�G at the most westerly corner of Lot 69� said point being in the northeast right-of-way line of Majestic Drive and being the PRC of 2 curves; TtIENCE N. 2a° 35' lU" E. a distance of 26fi.8 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNIIiG af this centerltne of said 15 foot permanent sanitary sewer easerr+ent; THEIJC� along the centerline of said 15 foot easement. which is 7. 5 feet either side of this centerline description, 5. 61° 17' 36" E. a distance of 1.8 feet to an angle point; TNENCE S. 84° 12' 37" E. a distance of 9b. 7 feet to the intersection of said centerline � with the southeasterly side of Lot 69, and intersecting said side of Lot 69 N. 02° 34' 36" W. � 114. 5 feet and N. 22° 48' 09" E. 131. 1 feet fronl the southeast corner of Lot 69. 12-A �,5 There stiall be a � foot wide temporary construction easement immediately adjacent to and parallel to the northwesterly side of said pernwnent sanitary sewer easement. Prepared 6 Certified By: . COEP�CO, I nc. • Consulting Engineers . By:_�a � ,.... �1w, Malcolm A. Collins: , Registered Professional Enyineer and Publjc Surveyor Oate: 25 September 1978 , � �. � . . I . ; � � ' i , � I -42- , The hereinafter tract of land designated as Tract No. 12-A is a temporary construction easement only for the purpose of permitting the City of Friendswood, its agents , officers , servants , employees and contractors to enter upon the hereinafter described tract of land and to use same for storage of material , eq�iipment , supplies , dirt and a11 other pertinent and needful purposes pertaining to the construction of said facilities on Tract No . 12-A for a period of one (1) year from the date construction conunences which term "date construction commences" shall mean when men material or equipment are moved onto said Tract No . 12-A and proceed Co work on the installation and contruction of the necessary facilities thereon, and at the end of said one (1) year, said temporary easement for construcCion purposes will terminate without further action being necessary. Tract No . being located in Galveston County, Texas , and being more particularly described as follows , to-wit : -43- TRACT 12 and 12-A � . FIELD NOTE UESCRIPTIOP� QF A 15 FOOT WIDE " �SANITARY SEW�R PERM11(�ENt EASEMENT AND A �,S � F00T WIDE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASE- M�tIT ACROSS Lot 69� of the lmperlal Estates Subdivlsion� frlendsw4od� Galveston County� I Texas. COMMENCI��G at the most westerly corner of Lot 69� sald point being 1rti the nortl�east � right-of-way line of Majestic Drive and being the PRC of 2 curves ; I THENCE N. 2II° 35' lU" E. a distar�ce of 2b6.8 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNIIJG of this centerline of said 15 foot per�nanent sanitary sewer easement; Tt�E(�CE along the centerline of said 15 foot easement, which is 7. 5 feet either side of this centerline descriptian. S. 61° 11' 36" E. a distance of 7.8 feet to an angle point; �tNEr�CE s. 84° 12' 37" E. a distance of 96. 7 feet to the intersection of said centerline with tt�e southeasterly s�de of Lot 69, and intersecting said side of Lot 69 N.02° 34' 36" W. 114. 5 feet and N. 22° 48' 09" E. 137. 1 feet from the southeast corner of Lot 69. 12-A �� - There shall be a � foot w�de temporary construction easement irnmediately ad,�acent to and parallel to the, northwesterly side of said pern►anent sanitary 5ewer easement. Prepared & Certified By: . COEPJCO, Inc. • Consulting Engineers � � � . BY��a D_,��, G�. C�..fC��,�.,� Malcolm A. Coll�ns , Registered Professional Enyineer and Public Surveyor Date: 25 September 1978 i . I I I � i �� �� i � � � I i � • . , � � I i � �� � I ;� i -44- i . � 4 � A permanent easement for interceptor lines to the Blackhawk regional sewage plant in the hereinafter described and designated Tract No . 13 and in addition thereto a temporary construction easement in and to the hereinafter described and designated Tract No . 13-A , said tracts or parcels of land being more particularly described as follows , to-wit: -45- Tract 13 and 13-A � � . � -` ' FIELD NOTE QESCRIPTIOf� OF A l5 FOOT WIDE SANITIIRY SEWER PERt�IANEfJT EASEMENT AND A � �-�'7 FUOT WIDE TEt�PORARY CONSTRUCTIOt� EASk- MEtJT ACROSS Lot 68, of the Imperial Estates Subdivision, Friendswood, Galveston, County, Texas. CUMI•tE�ICING at the inost southerly corner of Lot 68, said point being on a curve and �einy the conu�ion corner betweei� Lot 68 and Lot 69; THEWCE I�. 02" 34' 36" W. a distance of 114. 5 feet to an anyle Noint �.�d continuiny N. 2?." 48' 09" E. a distai�ce of 137. 1' to the PLACE UF QEGIi�fJIfIG of the centerl ine of t��is 15 fo�t perivaneiit sani tary sewer easement; TIiENCE S. 84" 12' 37" E. alon� saicl centerline of 15 foot permanent s,3nitary sev�er easen�en� . said easen�ent being 7. 5 feet either side of centerline, a distance of 7�3. 1 feet to an anyle point; � ItIENCE continuing �J. 66° 52' 32" E. a distance of 63.9 feet to an anyle point; THENCE continuing S. 75° 06' 13" E. a distance of 22. 9 feet to a poinr beiny the ir��er�secti� of this centerline with the sautheaster•ly line of ILot 6f3 at a poii�t being N. 33° 31' 05" E. 135. 6 feet fro�� the southeast corner of l_ot 68 and the most ►�esterly corner of Lot 67. 13-A ' Ttiere shall Ue a 20 foot wide ternporary construction easement immedia;;ely acljacent to ar��i parallel with said permanent sanitary sewer easement along its entire northerly side, or the side ntarest Plarys Creek. Prepared & Certified [3y: COENCO, Inc . Consultiny EngineE�rs R.v•_22�..��.�_�� � --- hlalcolm A. Collins Reyistered Professional Engineer-anci Public Surveyor Uate: 25 September 197£3 -46- .'� ,� n The hereinafter tract of land designated as Tract No. 13-A is a temporary construction easement only for the purpose of permitting the City of Friendswood, its agents , officers , servants , employees and contractors to enter upon the hereinafter described tract of land and to use same for storage of material , equipment , supplies , dirt and all other pertinent and needful purposes pertaining to the construction of said facilities on Tract No. 13-A for a period of one (1) year from the date construction commences which term "date construction commences" shall mean when men, material or equipment are moved onto said Tract No . 13-A and proceed to work on the installation and contruction of the 'necessary facilities thereon� and at the end of said ane (1) year , said temporary easement tox construction �urposes will terminate without further action being necessary. Tract No . being located in Galveston County, Texas , and being more particularly described as follows , tc�-wit : -47- TRACT 13 and 13-A -�- . � -�- • R . . 4 • , � � ' FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTIOP� OF A 15 FOOT WIDE SANITARY SEWER PER��ANEfJI EASEMENT AfJD A �� FOOT W1DE TEt4PORARY CO��STRULTIOt� EASk- MEtJT ACROSS Lot 68, of the Imperial Estates Subdivision, Friei�dswood, Galveston, County, Texas. COhiI�tEIICING at the niost soutl►erly corner of Lot 68, said point being on a cur ve and �einy the conK�ion corner between Lot 6B and Lot 69; TNEIJCE IV. 02° 34' 36" W. a distance of 114. 5 feet to an angle point a,�ci cor.�tintriny fd. 2�" 48' 09" E. a distance of 137. 1' to the PLACE OF DEGIi�fJIPJG of the centerl ine of this 15 fooc permanent sanitary sewer easement; THENCE S. 84° 12' 37" E. alony said centerline of 15 foot permanent s��nitary sev�i:r e�seme��t , said easeinent being 7. 5 feet either side of centerline, a distance of 78. 1 feet to an anyle point; THEtdCE contiiiuiny �J. 66° 52' 32" E. a distance of 63. 9 feet to an anyle point; THENCE continuing S. 75° Q6' 13" E. a distance of 22. 9 feeL to a poin� being the inter-secLi� of this centerline with the southeasterly line of Lot 6II at a point being N. 33° 31 ' 05" E. 135.6 feet from the southeast coriier of Lot 68 and the most �desterly coi,ner of Lot 67. 13-A There shall be a 20 foot wide temporary construction easement immedia:ely �djacent to an�i parallel with said permanent sanitary sewer easement along its eritire nortl�erly side, or the sicle nearest Ptarys Creek. Prepared & Certified Qy: � COENCO, Inc. , Consul ti ng Engi nef�rs D ^ . gY��c���.� - -��_ hlalcolm A. l;oll ins Reyistered Professional Engineer-ancl Public Surveyor Date: 25 September 197f3 _ _ _ -48- w . . J � n � , r WHEREAS , the City of Friendswood, through its duly authorized representatives , has negotiated with the owner or owners of said tracts or lands for the purchase of same for the hereinafter public purpose, and has been unable to agree with such owner or owners as to the fair cash value thereof and damages , if any; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS : Section 1 . The facts and recitals in the preamble of this Resolution are hereby found to be true and correct. Section 2 . The City Council hereby ratifies and confirms the final offers made by the City Manager to the owners of said tracts , pursuant to authority heretofore granted by motion, based upon appraisals and in the amounts and to the respective owners of the respective tracts as follows : - Mr. Edward J. Stanton and Wi�e Tract 1 and 1�A $495 ,Q0 John Raymond Hook, Inc. Tract 2 and 2�A $5 , 954. OQ Dr. James F, Fairleigh - Tract 3 $486 . 00 Dr. James F. Fairleigh Tract 4 $197 . 00 Dr. James. F. Fairleigh-- Tract 5 and 5-A $495 . 00 Dr. James A. Fairleigh Tract 6-A $197 . 00 ° Dr. James F. Fairleigh Tract 7 and 7-A $354. 00 Cecil G. Hughes and Wife (Sarah) Tract 8 and 8-A $360 . 00 -49- t + Dr. James F. Fairleigh Tract 9 and 9-A $690. 00 Mr. Edward J. Stanton Tract 10 and 10-A $763 . 00 Mr. Ralph S. Sawyer Tract 11 and 11-A $1,495 . 00 Mr. Lloyd D. Van Horn Tract 12 and 12-A $1, 054. 00 Mr. John S . Stonesifer Tract 13 and 13-A $1 ,069 . 00 Section 3 . City Council of the City of ,�riendswood now finds that bonafide negotiations have been conducted by duly authorized representatives of the City of �riendswood to aec�uire the following interest in the above described properties , � to-wit: Permanent easements as to said Tracts No . ' s 1 , 2 , 3 , 4, 5 , 7 , 8, 9 , 10, 11 , 12 , and 13 , and t�mporary construction easements as hereinabove described as to said Tracts No. ' s 1-A, 2-A, ., 5-A, 6-A, 7-A, 8-A, 9-t�s, 10-A, 11-A, 12-A and 13-A, which were not successful and have failed, and that the only way for the City to acquire said interest in said property is through the filing of eminent domain proceedings so as to acquire said interest in said property for the following public purpose, to-wit : Interceptor sewer line for new Blackhawk regional sewer plant. Section 4. The City Attorney is hereby authorized to bring eminent domain proceedings on behalf of the City of Friendswood under any applicable provisions of law, against the following, the owners or said lands , to-wit: Mr. Edward J. Stanton - Tract 1 and 1-A John Raymond Hook, Inc . - Tract 2 and 2-A Dr. James F. Fairleigh - Tract 3 and 3-A Tract 4 and 4-A Tract 5 and 5-A Tract 6 and 6-A . Tract 7 and 7-A Cecil G. Hughes and Wife (Sarah) - Tract 8 and 8-A -50- � « ' ' � �� y,.n. � . • Dr. James F. Fairleigh - Tract 9 and 9-A Mr. Edward J. Stanton - Tract 10 and 10-A Mr. Ralph S. Sawyer - Tract 11 and 11-A Mr. Lloyd D. Van Horn - Tract 12 and 12-A Mr. John S . Stonesifer - Tract 13 and 13-A or against the real and true owner or owners , if they not be the owner or owners . Passed, approved and resolved this ,�day of �l���Z� , 1978 . Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary -51-