HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 2005-25 RESOLUTION NO.R2005-25 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, CONSENTING TO THE CREATION OF THE WEST RANCH MANAGEMENT DISTRICT AND APPOINTING DIRECTORS TO THE BOARD OF SUCH DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the 79�' Session of the Texas Legislature passed S. B. 1806, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Eghibit "A" (the "Act"), creating the West Ranch Management District (the "District") over those lands within the boundaries of the City of Friendswood (the "City") described in the Act, which Act became effective June 17, 2005; and WHEREAS, the City is amenable to consenting to the creation of the District within its boundaries under the terms and conditions set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the City is ready to appoint two directors to the Board of Directors of the District in accordance wit the Act; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Council hereby grants its consent to the creation of the District, subject to the terms and conditions set out in Exhibit "B," attached hereto and incorparated herein for all purposes. Section 2. That the City Council hereby appoints the following individuals to the Board of Directors of the District: Position Name Term Ex iU�res Position 1 Don Beeth June l, 2007 Position 2 Stephen Huffman June 1, 2009 Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in force and effect from and after its passage on the date shown below. SecNon 4. Open Meetings. It is hereby officially found and determined that this meeting was open to the public, and public notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting was given, all as required by the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. PASSED,APPROVED,AND RESOLVED,this the 15th day of August 2005. � ' � � Kimball W. Brizendine Mayor ATTEST: ��F f R��`NO�,� � , � o Deloris McKenzie, RM * * City Secretary �l�, 7r�,� �.�l�' 79tR) S�3 �1��(�6 - }:nrolled versi�an - Bilt "�I�ext Pa�e I af 1$ �(�o T� l�irst Hit� EXhlblt A S.A. ?�70. 180c APd PCT rel�tir,g ta the creativn �f the '�r st.kt�>> iz3nc �i7� Mari�gement �istrict; protiidir.g rzut};c�r.i.ty tc impase a tax and iss�:e � bor�d or similar oblicration. E3E IT ENAC'PED B� TIiE LEGZSL,ATURE Qc Tt�P. ST�"'E OE" TEXFiS: SFCTTQN 1. �^1:"".ry`i'(t-�a ELi:."vC�H(�''� MANhGEMENT L�IS:'RICT. StlbtitlC: C � _...__ ._...__ T'itl� 4, Special District Lo�al Laws Cade, i.s amend�c3 k?y adding �.hapter 383? to r�ad as fallows: CHAP7'ER ?83� idE�1 �?� T��c1G} ' MANAGEMENT DISTRICT StIBCHPPTER h_ GEN�RI�i, FRC�VZSIONS Sac� 3837.001. BEFTNITIQNS. Tr� this_ �h3�t��r: --------- - --- .._....__ (?.�.__.__.�Boarc-i�� means_the board._of directors i�� the distri_ct. --- � rr _'. �� —J--� � ' f � z^. r; ' ["�c�Tld C-�Rlf.7"1� Distri.ct means the �1 st � 1 .�:1 ("?__ _ �_-�_.__ ^is*ri�t. _. ____..._-- S�c. 3�33? .002. :;' t.,`�_iZ�?�_`i[C;1_I�ifilvfy�Et�2ENT BISTFtICT. The a�rF.z � ,l`)� � --- — _- - ? r :` fsan3s��ei t Di�trir.t is a speczai d�strict created urder _ _ � _ ___ _-� _. __ _ Se.ction �9, Artic_e XL'i, Texas Const.i;ution. -- ---.� _- __ ----_,___.� Sec. 3837.0C;3. PLT�POSE; DECLARRTION O�' INTENT !<s) 'I'he crea*ion of the distri.ct is essential to accornplish the purposesJof — -- -�_....._._ � - Sections 52 and 52-a, Article IIZ, and Sectian_5.°,, Article XVI, Texas Constit�tiort, and c�ther Uublic purposes sta*ed in this ----- -— -- ---- c't.apt�r• By__creatinq the distr�ct and in aut.horizin the City af -- ---- - �'rier.dswo�d GalvAstor and Harris Counvies, and other golitical __ __.._�L. ........_... ___. _ ._. —. subr?i�w�isions to ��cntract wit?-i tr:�e district, the le�islature has ___.�� ---------�.___ _._. ---- - -- ___� - established �ro�_to accom. 1"��1 Gh the publ_c_pur�ose s set �ut_ in —--- _�._ _ _.. _-- 5ec tion_ 52-_a,_ Article III, Tex.as Constitutian. - _� (b)-� The creation of the distric.t is necessar�_�o__prom�te,_. -- -- -- - - __._.__, -- develop, encouraqe, and main�ain empl��ent, �ar��:erce, trans�ortation�_I�cusir.c�_tc�tiris�m., recreation, the arts�_ -- --- -- .._ - - — enteYtainment, ecc�nom�c deti>elocmen*, education, safetY� anr3 the --- --. __.____ __. _.._ _ ____ __ ��blic �elfare in the dlstrict. _ -- —. _- _ (c) This cha�ter and_the creatic�n �f the district may not b� -- --.. ,- -_.. --- ir:ter�reted to r.eliev� Galv�stori ar.�? Harris Count es and the Czty -- ___� _-. _ _^ _ .__..— ---- ------ _ cf_ Friend�wooc� from prc�r?ding the �evel of servi�es �rc�vici�d as�f the e�fecti.�e date of the F.ct enacCi�q this ctiapter, t.o the area in ---._._._._. _ � _ __ __ the district. The dist.rwct is cre�ated to supplement and nat_ to ------- _—_ ___ _- - - _ .� su�lart_the count�or �ity 5ervice5 pravided,in the area in �ne district . _ -v - � _.._._���`+ 383�.004 . E'�NDItJGS C?E BEt�EFIT AI�SD P'JBLTC r^tiRF'OSE. ---._. _ _�_ - — ---.._- {a_)__�the district �s__created to serve a puk�l.ic use anc� k.ien�fi_t__ ;b) All lan� a:-xci other pro�erty included in the district http:/I�vw��.capitol.state.ts.uslcgi-bintcqcgi`?C'Q_SESSION_KEY=IVCXHITIWIR.F&CQ... 711 l>2005 79(R) SB 180E� - E�7rolled version - Bill �l�ext� Pa�e 2 of 18 will k�enefit frvm tre i�rc,v�:Ments and serv��ces to �e pro�iaPd b� � _ --- - _ ___.._ the d�.st_rict_under�p�aeerv ��7nferred by Sect�c.�r;s 52 and -,?-a, �_�_ _ _.. __ � _ _ r,r*icle ZII� �nd_S�r_tion _59, �rticle XVI, T�xas Cor��ti*ution, ..and __._ �. __ - ----__- — �_..__ c�`he=.ppwers qrar�ted under� Lh � cha�ter._ . _ �__ . (<-}_ The ._r�ation cf the_dis*zic.t is i_n t"P_�__xbllc z �rter�st. and is �ssen`ia:1 t�: -----_�__----_.. �1} f.urther t�-,e_ �u�yic pur���s v^� devel�ing.__�nci .�_ _ _ _-. �i.versif� i�� the E c cr�omy t�� rn� state__ ---- - - - --- - (�.) Eliminat� unPm,� l.�ym�nt a�id uF��Premploym�r�ti _.�_n� ��_..' --- _._ . . _.._ (?) d�velc��_or e_x�}and transpc�r}at_�n and eornr�Prc�e. _�_._ --- _ (d)_ The__clistrict wi1.1: (1) promot� the_._.1 �:altYi_r safety, e��ucaticn, and_._.general W2t�:?Y'e Of �£'S1.C�eC�� S� v"1�LU�P7"�S� ^OtE.'t":t.1.al. P_iYl LQ '-�..'2S_� ,E,ICi 'IC> Et.S� - --_—__--_ _ _ -- __:_» P..---}' f'----y --- visi.t�z�_anr� consum�r.s in the dz.�Lrict�and of__�he �Lb2ic; ____ __. _� '-- i -- (2) _.__�ro�ide ne��er fur:dinq for t.ne _dist.rict to ^��T25er�,�e, jr:aintain, and ert;art{�e tne economic healt?� and vi.tality_ cY --- -- --- -- __ the distr�ct territory as a cor�munitv and business_u�nt�r; ar�d - --- __ __ _.._ - {3) promote the health, safetv, w�lfare, educ.at�:ion, ._ _. _.._ _ and en-joym�nt of th�;sblic_bv providinc� pedestriari ways and by _.�__ landsca.�.�ing and dtvelopinq certain areas in the c�istrict, whieh are _ _ _ __ necessar �or the. i�s':! rat.i.on,_ r�servati�n, a zd �nhancamen'- of ._--�-' _-- -- -- _ __ _ __^__ s��ric i:eau� _ _.._ __ {eJ _ Pc_dP� Yri.an ways a1an��r across= streetr wi��ther at _—- - c��.de_.or a��•ae c>r below the si�rface,_.anci stree� li.ahtin , street landsca�,ir�3, parkinq_,_ and street art_ �b ects ar� �r.ts of and J necessary cu�r��nents c�f a_street and ade_considered.__to '�e a street: _ _ _.. - __. or road im ri:vemEnt. - . -----�----- (f} `Pl�z distr_��t_ w; �i_n��:� a�t as tl':e aaen* c�r � � __._._. instrume�tality_ of anr��rivate inter�,st even thc�uqh the aistrict _ __ _— _._�. will �enef.it �r.any__pri.vate interests as we�l as the �ublic_. ^ Sec. 3Q3?.C�GS. DiSTRI^T iFRRZTORY. (a? 'I'he district .is - - _.-_--- _ __^v--- - camposFd of the.,_territor�!._ described b�Sect r 2 af the A4t enactin� _. � - - -- t?�is chapter, as that terr.itery may have been mociified under: -- ---- _ � --- --- -- ;i) _Subchapter .7, C'hapter 49, t�'ater Code; �r t3} other i.aw_ ---- - '-- - {b) ___.The caun�aries ar '.- field notes of the di.s`rict �ontained _... _ ___ in Sect,ior� 2 of tne Act enactinc�this_cY�apter for.m 3 CZOSUT2. P� ._ �. ....._�—_.---- - -�---- mista;�e in the field notes ar in copvinq the field note� in tt3e _ _� _ _._---------- _-�-_ __ __ 2�qislatiti°e_pracess do�s not in a� w.s,=,r affect the �istrict's: -- _.._ -- --- _ __ , . ,, 1 c,r anizatiar, existence, c,r va._zc�st� i._) _�___. _-- - _-- - (2} rirht ._+ o issue a.>zy_ t��pe of hcr.� `or a ��rnL.o ,e-_ fc;r w�-�ich the dis::r.ict �s c.reated cr to �3y the�i^�ipal of and __- _-_._..____ ----------- _.. interest on �he bor}d; � _ ... (3) ri_�3�t_to imz�c�se or co_llect an_�ssessment _�r_tax�_or (4) leaalitY or op�ration. _ _ �ec. 383;.�'06. ELTGIBILITY F:�R TNCLUSZCN _TN SPECZAL.__ZONES. - - - -____- - _ - -- - %111 cr_anY_�art of the area of the district is e'�iq�bie to b!� . _� _ _--- _- ---- -_ - inc�ud�d ir.� -- _..� {1) a ta1 increment reinvestmen~ zc:,e ^reated by a ` _ ________ _ __... _ r.tuniCipal '..t`s!under Cha�ter 311, Tax Coae, �� (2) a tax abatement reinvFStmer,t zo:��� created_�_._a muni^i�aiit_Y._�nder Cha�ter . 312, 'Pax C��'�,' or �- -- — _--._ �� _ (3) _�n er_terprise z�ne creat2c�__b� a_rnunici�,al ity ,,ir:<ier Chapter 2303, Governme�t Cod�. � Sea. 383�7 .�07. RFFLICABZLITY OL' MUNiCIFAL MA?�1AGEt�'IENT �_ _ __._— ... --- - DISTRICZS LA'v3. L���pt_ as otherwise prov�ded by �his cha�ter_,_ - --- - - -- --- Cha�er 375, T r,c.�i_Gov�rnment Code, applies to the disrri c.t . -- ---- Sec. 3II_37.�0�. LIBE�FiL CC�r]STRC7CTION OF f�H�PTER._ This —. - --. _..._ _.._.- ------ -- c.t�sa�ter shall te_tiberally �nstrued_._in_ cvr'�ormi.t��_ wi,t'-i the fir.dings an� rurcoses s*ated in * his cha�ter. http:ltwtuw,capitol,state.tx.uslcgi-binlcqcgi?GQ_SE5SION_KEY=ZVC,XHITIWIRF&CQ... 7f 11/2005 - -_ 7y(IZ} SB 18U6 - �;nrollecl versic�n - Bill Text Page 3 of'1$ Seetions 3fl3''.0�9-3837 .050 r�served fr�r expansion �__'-- _____ _ -- _.. __._..__- Ct'�CHR�TER B. BOAR.D fl� DI�.uC'�QRS Sec. �3H37.051 . C��VFRNSNG S�[3Y. The district is__g�verne:? � _-� ._,_ _.� - ---- � a k�oa:d �f fi.�ae �iirectflrs who serve stagc�ered �erms of fot.a�ears,_ ___ ------ -- ---- ---_ --- __ witr� two or three di_rectors' terms„__expirinq ,June_ of_each _� _� _ _--- - --- oc3d-r,uni}�ered y�ar. _�� ��ec. 3837.057. APPQINTMENT i�F DZRECTORS. __(a} The -- � _ - -_ _-- -- gotrerrir,q body ai the Cst_y c�f _Fria^dswo�d shall apNo�;_7t the — -- __ ___ directors vf tY�.e_ �oard. _'I°F�e�vera7�ng body sha1� ��o�r^t:_ __ �.____-- _- - -- � (1 ) __three__r�irectors trc�m a list_of�ersons nominated �Y'--t-h�--boa rd,_- and _ . (f2) _ t��o directors choscrz b�� t.k,��overnirq bvd� .- __ � ._.. _ - ;�; �` a perso-� owr.s ?5 p�r�er.t or more �f the �and in the _. --- - ------- -- ___. _______ district, the boar.d shali .r.ec uest tt�at tre �rson�rovide to the b�ard a li.st af .�ersons for the board to nominate under this --..___ _ _..�_. -- --- - - -- section. if the �ersc�n_ daes_r._ot__provide a 1.isr ��f �ersons to t��e ----.�_ � --- -- baard__for_thafi. r�.:r ose_ before the 31st day aftk�r. tne date the k�aard _ _.._ __- rec��.aests the_. iist c�_�if no ��Prsc�n owns 25 percer.t or more o� t2ic land in the �9is�rict,_ the k�aard is i�ct re uired to abtain_ a list and ma� -- -----. �-- -- -- - - --- - - -- ...._ nominate_any eli3ble g rsor� _lox appointment_t_o the r�oart7. Tf more '_ ..._ ----- -- - tt�ar� one pers_nn owns 25 per�er:t or more of the__land included in ±he - --- - _ .-- _.._ -- .. d� �rict, only th�_person who owns_the gr�atest amount of lar:d - ---- _ -- -- _- .. _ included in tne distr.ic*_ i.s enti.tled te have the�no�rd x-eque5t__a �is� �aryc3er this subsectian. �_.�- --.._.__ - --___-__ {c) If a per.on �wr�s 225 percent ar more of th� i.a��d in the -- - _._—_ c3istrir_t� at least a ma�ori_ty__c£ t.he board must have been named from a lisC pro��idec� b�a person who owns 25 percent or mo�e af th•u iand. _� _ _ .- - _ _�_� Sec. 3g37.053. REh70JAL �"JF DIRECTORS CHtUS�td BY CZ'1'Y :i^xe ___�___ ___ ___` .- _� � _ _._._ -._ City of Fri en�iswood ,_for a�� reasor, maY _rc:.move � a:rer_tar appointe� _ � - -- under 5ection _3837. 052_(_�} (2� and�p��int_a person t;o sc�rve the _ � ___�_. r��:nair.der of that directar's tesit�. = ------- _`_._�_ —- Sec. 3833 .054 . VACANCY Ii3 C)E'�ICE OF DIRLCTOR. (a) Tne -- __.___. _.. _._ _ . _ ..___ -- Y�aard may az�poan4� a persc�n to fi�? a vacancy in th_ c�ffice of a - --- _ . ._.._ _ _ ... -- ;��rector ap.p��inted und�r S�ction 3837.452 (a) ;l ) for the remainder �,f the director's *erm. -- ----___�__. � _._.____ (b; Tt:e C yy Uf__Friendswr�c;ci_m_ a� appoint ��t.rsan ta fill_a --— - __------ - �*acancy in the office �t a c�irec�cr a���ainted under 5ec:.ti.or� � __-..__--___---. _—.---- ___ 3837.a52�) (2) for the remaindt�r c�f the director's term. �__�.__ _�._---- ------ _..— Sec. 3837.�55. QUORU:�, cor �urposes _c�f det�rmir.i.n<�_whether ..__ _-- -- - - - — -- a _ •q-sorum of the board is_ rp esent, the followinc�are not countect: - --- (1) a baarcY positlon va,ant for any ,reasor.,. inclucfin c�eath,_r�sic�natior�,__or discxualifiraticn; or -__ ,--- -- --- - - ;?) a director_who is abstair:irig �rc�m ��rticiputior� i_n ___ a vc�te bp�ause or= a <�onflict o£ in�erest. ^__....._..___._,__._._.___._.. --__.__�___. _ _._ Sec. 3€�37.Q5i�. Z£�ITIAL DZ�FCTC�RS. (�� ine i_�itial boarc�3 _�.. ---.�_.--- ....�_ . _ _._.._.. �.on5ist� of t��aa �isectors a��oin*ed_by tnrv qocerninq bady of th� _ _-- — City cf 'r'rie.�dswccci tc� er.Je in �s3_ticns i and 2 ,�n<j tYhe fol.iowinq ,___. __.�_ � �'.er.sc�ns to SPT:V� 3n uosi�i��� 3-5: . __ ._�_ -- _y_ .__� � Name of Direct�r ��oe St�nja ��I�i Ai1t1PYS0!7 Cctay k:onc.pk�, http:llw��w.capit�l.state.tx.uslc�i-hinlcc�cgi`?CQ_SESSIpN K�Y=ZVGXHITIVrIIR.F&CQ... 7/11/2005 79(R) SB 1806 - �;nrolled version - Bill Text Page � of 18 {b) Of the initial clirectcrsL the tc�rms af. the directors --- - ----- _...__- -------. a��cir.ted for Qesiti�ns 1 and 3_exU�re �7une 1 _���7 ar:ci the t�rms _. ,___-- ' - --------- �f_the d�rectors a�pvint e:�_fnr__po ti.or�s 2, 4, and S expi_re Jun�: ?_r_. 20Q9. (c; Ser.tion _3837.(�52 <toes not apply to this secti�n. - - _ . �_-._ (d} The gc�vernirg_ body_.of the City of rriendswood may_r�move __ a directar the qovtrnin� body appoi:�ts ur.cier this secti�n ancl may appoi.nt a persan to serve the remainder c�� the clirector. 's term. _.__.. - __..._._._ {e; h.i.s s�c_tzcn exp_ires September l,_ 20fl9. (Sections 3�37.C57_3837. I0� res-Lrved for exp�nsionl SUBCHAPTER C. FOWERS AND BUTZES Sr��c. 3837. 101. �'DOCATIOraAL FAC7LZTIES. (a� �he :��5t.r_ict - _ _ -- _- -.____._ may acgu_ire, construct, or__fi_nance an educational faci3ity or a - - --- ___. site or a�purtenarce for at� educatianal facility t.o k�enefit th� ---- - -- .-- --- _- --- - -._. district. ('t�} The district_may co_nve�the fac:i.lity, site, or --- .__. aFp�.artenance to a srhool district that centains �erritca�_ir t }�� _._.- -- - -..---- __ W� �r.4_J� r.,� t "' t�Ianag�ment_District. - - �- - - ---- Sec. 3837. 102. AGE2EEMENTS; GRFjNTS_ !�}_Th� d�strict may -- -- --- - make an agreeT�cnt with or acce�t a qi.ft,_crrar.t, or loan from ar�y erson. _ __ __ ---- (b) The i:�plementatian of a district _p±alect _i s <� �overnmental tunction or_sertrice fcr the �r�oses of__Cha�•ter 791,_ Go�ernment Cade. ----- - - - - ---- — ---- -- S�c.. 383?=-103. AUTiiOt�ITY TO CGNTR�CT �Oh �AW ENFORCEMENT. - -- - _.._ _ __- _._. To rotect the public interest� the distr�et m��_contrdct with ihe City of Friendswood fo�- the city to provi�e law enfc�rcement services_in the distr.irt that exceed the services that wculd - -- - - _____- ,.__ ------ otherwise be r,rovided in the district� the_ci.t�,+. ------ - - _ - -- Sec. 3837.10� . M�MBERSIII� ZiV CHARZTABLE 0�2GANIZATIOP3S. The dis�rict may �oin and pay dues to an orqanizatian that: - --_. ---- il) en-ic�ys tax-ex.Pmpt status urider Section `Ol {c) {3� _... (9�or {6)_t Internal Revenue Code of 1936; ar.d - - - --- - ;2) _�rfvrms a service ar Frvvicies an act?vity --- _ __._. _.__ cc�nsistent_with th� fiarT_herance of a district purpose. -- _ ___-- - -- --- Sec. 3837 'd5. ECC�NC?MIC DEVELOPMEN'� PROGRF�T�S. (a) 'I'he -- _� --- �istrict may_establish and �rcvide_ for t;�e �dmir::istrati.�., �f one or -- - --- � - -- ------ more �royrams to�Yomote state or local eccnomic develo�ment an<j__tc� --- - ---...-- _ - stimulate busi�ess and ct�mmer ��1 ac. it=ity in_the district, - -- -- _._ inc�l.udi.nq programs to: - _ _ {l; mak.e Ioans ar�d qrants of �ubli� mor7� �nd _ �'%.____ (2) �rcv_ide district persor?nei. anu se:vices. ---- - ---.. _.__.____ (b)_ _ Eor c?urposes c�f this sectian, the �,-+,istriet ��as all of _.._ th�owers of a munic,ipalatY t,t�de Cha�ter 38Q Io�al C;overnm�r.t Cod�. r-- __---- - __..._.- Sec. 3�337. 106. NO 'r:MINEI�IT DOh4?3ZN. Th<. distr?c ma� nc�t ------ -...__ -- __ ___ � __.._.. exercise _the power of emir�ent d�main. (Sections 3837 . 207-3t33). 150 reserved fnr expansia�_ SL1�CC�iAPTER D. FINANCIAL eR��7SSIONS Sc:c. 3837. 151 . DISBUR5EMENTS PNU TT�ANSFERS �F MC)IVEY. `I'he ___ - _ -- ----- - ---.._.-- boarct Y�y resclution �h�17 es*ablish the n��mb�r �f czir.ectors' ::i :iatures and tti� cr.:,c c diz.e rP^i:; rEd for a disbur_ernent or http:llwww.capitol.stat�.tx.uslcgi-t�inlcqc�i?CQ_SESSION_KFY=ZVG?�HITIWIRF&CQ... 7l1 t12005 79{R) �1� 18t)t� - Erlrolled version - Bill Texfi Page 5 of 18 transi�r of the di�tr_ict's monev. Sec.v383'7. 152. F'ET�TION REQUIREt? FOR EiNAt�:CING SFRVICES �?.ND �_..__.___----..._ - .._ ------ - IMFROVEMENTS t�ITH �SSESSMENTS. ;a; The board may_nct finance_a _� .---_ __---- ._ _ - _ __.__ �� - s�rvi ce or im�rvvement pro�ect_ with assessmenfis under. this cha�t�r un�ess a_written rtit�on req�iestin� .that sPrvice or im ro°aement has �een filed wit}� thn board._ �._._�..._ _ _-- . ------- _;b) A -�etitian filed under Sub�t>rtian_(a) mus_t ba si�ned by_ __ ---- th2 ��anex 5 c�f a ma�jorit_�of the ussessed valize ot Y e�l �rn�>ert y _�_ri --- __� .___ -- --- ___-- the d�strict sub�ect to as=essment accordina *� the m-�st recent - --- _.--- - certif�ec� tax 3ppraisai ro1Zs for Harr�s Coun�_.�nd Gal�eston C.�unt�r 3s a��lieable. _..._� ___ Sec.. �8?"1 .153. Av �1ALtJ�_EM TAX_ _�a) Zf authorized at an �__�� _---- ��-_ � - �le�tion h�l� ir. aecr�rdance with Sect�ion 3837�157, tk�e aist_ri.ct m�ay ,__ _ --- - __--- i�ose aci annual ad valore:r; t��c oP tax��le�rc�nerty in ti-ie district - --- ---- -_ _..__ for an� �9istrict purpose, ir�ludinq t�: __� ...._ _ (1) rnaintain ana operate the di.srri��t� (2 __canstruct cr 3�.r ui.r.e__i-m�r��.�ements1 sites, or ��a urtenances; or -_.._.- -- __.. _- (3} provi�p � service. t�) `i'nG board shail determine tr�e tax.._rat�. _------- - --- _ _ 3er_. 3c�37. 154 . U'Z'ZLITY PROP�RTY EXE'�IPT ERC��1 bM�FCT E'F'�S P.ND ___�. ___ _ __.. ------ - -----_- .__.__ F�SSF.SSMENTS,. The ,distrl�t *z?a�n�t impose an i;r:part fe? cr _ _.^. assessment__oi�the �ro�e-rt �y, includi�tne e�ruioment.,_ ri.ght.s-of-way, fa ilit.ies, cr im rovem�nl.s, ci: - --- ___ _.._ (li an electric utility or a_p::swer f.�enerat�on cc,mpan•,� as defined by Se�tion�1 0�2,_Gtilitins Cocie, {2) __ a qas utility as defined_t�y Sectican l�l OC_3__„or 121..4tJl, Utiliti�s �odc.,; . _._.._____..--.__..---- - ��_�__...__a t�=1�cv �n��ur.�cations_--orovi�.er as_.�efined by -- 5ect.iort Si.C�O?, Util�ties Code�or ~ {9)__ia person who_,provides te the puk�li.c cabl� � - ---- tel�.�aisi,on or _advanc.Fd telecorur:unicatic�rts_ services. Sec. 3837. 155. BGNU`S AND �7THER OBLZG?T�UIvS: r�P�RO'v'F,T� £�Y ---_ _..__ __._. _ ___. ___ CITY" OF FRIENDSPdC�OD. {a) `lh� .dlstrict may issue faonds or other _,_.. - - __._ obliqations ayable wholly or partly fram taxes, assessments�_ - - --- -_. i�act fees, rc-ae:zue, c�rants, cr other money of the district� ar. any _ . __ _... _._. cambination of those sources of mcn�y_, to__�a� f*�r�_au�hori ec� p�rpose._ of ti�� eiistrict .^- - - -- _ - --- �h) Th� district m,aY iss�ie a bc�nd c�r �t.P1�r ob2.i�ation i�n the �._ _ - -- --- _ -- _. ----•- yor.m_c�f a b�nd1__note, certificate or" .�,�arti�ati_on c�r ot?zer __ _._ _ _ -- �r.�trument evidenein a rr� ortionate interest ir� pa�,�mer�ts to Ne -- --- ----�-- p --..P�__ ____ ��---- ^ 3�;e b � the _district, or other type oi obligatio��_. _ _� _ _ _ - --- (c} T'r,e distric.t must obtair._the a�roval of the .City of kri�r.ciswoc�d ior tne issuance of bonds or other abligat�or.s for any --- - -..----.. -_ - ;mprcvement project;_ Sec. 383�7. 156. T�XES FGR gOi�C7S At�D QTHER t��LZG�TIaN5. �It tre .t_ime bor.ds or. o�heY obiig�t_ions �ayable whally cr _part.�rrom__ad �.�zl�rem tiaxes :�re issueci�_ --- - ------- ___ � -_. ------ -__� --- (i )_ the bca c3__sh�111 im�ose � cont�nuinq ciirec� annual _- - -----__ ad valorzrn tax, tiaittiout iimit as to rat� ar a:�ourit, _for each �ear th�t ail cr z�art of the bc�r��s are outstandinq;__an*� ' (�) the di_striet annuall� shall__ir;��ose t":e cc�nt�.nuing ------._�_ --- --- -- _ direct at� vs�c�rem tax o;� aI1 taxak�l? pr��ert�, iri the d s�.r,�c t iri an --_� _ ..__.__ .. _._-�� __ __ _ amo�nt suf£icient to: _�_ � tA) pay the interest on tr�e bonds or_other ---..._-_ -___ _. ablis_at:cns ns the inter�st_. becGmes .due; __-- (E)__ cr,eate a_ sinkin. fund fc>r tne �a�mt�nt af the ------..__-_ principal of,-the bcnds or ct c-_ oblic3aticns w!�En �ue or the r.ed�.mption price at an�ear� .er reauirec� redemption date; anci _�._.. __�_ __ _ -- --- ',C; T'��he ex�cr.ses o� �_mp<.�sing,_tr�e ta�es. ht�p:,lwww.c.apitol.state.tx.us/cgi-binlcqcgi?CQ_SESSION_KEY=ZVCXHITIWIRFB�CQ... 71l 1I2005 ___ -- - _ 79(R) SB 1806- Enrolled versioz7 - Bill Text Pag�; 6 of 18 Sec. 3B3?. 157. TAX PuD AONL� ELECTZt�C�S. (aa `Phe distiict � �- __�._ .._ ,.__ ----_ _- __ _.---- shall hc�id an election in *he marr�r prc;vi_ded ��v �libeha �er i:, -- — — __ _ - --- ��ha�te.r �IS, Local Gcv�rnment Ccd�, to obtain vcter a�proval bP�cz� _�- _ _ __� -___ - --.. __�_ the district imp°ses a maintenanc� tax �r is� 1^s bor,d�ayable fr�m ad valorem taxes. _ _- ------ (b) The board ma� i_nrluci� m<�re than one ur ose in a s�n� e - --- _- _�__ _._ ___ ._�..----'�- --—�.-- �;z�p�sit.ior._at an election. {ci -Seo-tion _375.24�,_ Lc�c�_ Gav�rramenC Co��� _..�ces not a�� � tc tl��e district. -----Sec. 383l. 158. CITZE� ivOT f2E�?IJIRiD `I'O =AY' D�"T�iZCT __ �_�_ _ �_�- - __. -- - �FII.�AT Oiv�. Exce�>t as revi�ed_-by Sectit�n 3?�. ?_5�, Lacal _ _ _-- rc�,.sr.m�r3t Code, a muni � �l?t� is r,�t reyuirec3 to ��ay a bond, ,:�ote, _��___ -�'_ _ ----- _._. ox other. abliqati�n of_the district. -_._._._�__._ __..__ _------ Sec. 3837. 159. COMPETITIVE BIDDING. {a) Tt;d cosnpetitive bi��ing�.�rev�sions of__ Subchapter I, Chapter �49, Water Code,_ app1� te the district. £or a contrac*_ to acquzre os construct u water, a _ -._.-_ �_... _--- - wastewater.� �r. a draina<�e or detentior: �mpravement. E'or a?1__otner __.. -__-- - - distri.ct cantracts__or. �ro�ects, ..the_:U'mpetitive bidding r�u� remenY,s that��p_l�to_a loca2 �overnment corporat�o� crea�ed _ _.__. _._ -_—__ lzn�er haptcr 431, Tran��ortation Code, apply to tile ti .stric__.. � ��)___SLZnch�`er K,_ C,_"haptei--375, Laca.1_Gc�.�ernment .:.ode, dces nct a�o� to Lhe_di strict. 5ect�on_ 3Q3"t. lEG-383? .2�� res�rved for_ex�ansi�rl] �_,_�__._�_�_ SU�C�IAFiER E. DISS�LUTIC:N Sec. 3837.201.. DISSULUTI��1 0� DISTKZC'T t4ITH__OUTS�'F?I�DI�:G _ . ---- ----- ____�_ �JEf3T. ,a_) �he �oard may_dissolve the district reqardless ef � _. --___ — ._ � w7ether tn� district has ciebt. �ection �7�.26�, Iocal. G�vernment _._` _ _ _----- -----� � Ccde,_does`nct aF?�ly to th� district. _. __ _ �—v (b) If tY'e disLrict has debt �hen i* is dissc�lved, tkze district sha3.=� remain i.n existenee so2ely far the purpose_af discharqing its ,debts.__ The_dissc�luti.on is effective wh�n all de��s have_be�n discharaed. �__ - -- SE'Ci'ION 2. BO(JPdDARIES. As of th� effective date af this Act, the '�=�s,;* ;��' t :n^I�(:'? Management District includes a"L.I terri�ory ccnta?.ned in the fallowing d�scxibed area: A11 ai tl�e foilowing ic�ur tracts o� land ccntaining �b5.31 acres, more or Iess, which are situatec3 in £?azris Covnty 3n� Galveston Coanty, 'Pe:,as: ��.�c�r .,�,. BETNG 224. 66 �cres of land in the John Gickinson Leagi.�e, 11bs[ract Ivtzmber 9, Ci.*y of Friendswoo�, Galveston County, Texas anCi beirl� �11 of L�ats 1 tt�rough �5, a gortivn of Lct 2fi, Lot 2�, Lot 28, all. c�f 1�ots 29 tr7rouqh 38 anr� all of the land contained within th�:. ro�ds aeijoining th� above suid Lcts o< the S1.on� Sut�di.visirn, origi.r.ally recorde�' in Volume 259-n, Pag� 53 af tne Gaivestor. County Map Recards and trarssi�rred t.o Volume 13, Page �1 of the Galveston Counr_y Map Records, ar.d al.sc beir�q all of tt-�e unplat�ed g�?r.ti�n of the said Slc�rze Subdivision lying north of Lots 1 tY�rough 11, south af Chigger Bayou ar.d south of Clr�r Creek as shvwr. on the p��t of ttie said Sl.one Subdivisior., said 224. 66 acre�s neing a po�rtion c�f that same property as c3esrr.ibFd i.r7 cieeds recorded ur.Uer Clerk's Eiie Ni�mber 8900646 and 93C5532 of the Officia2 Fublic Recorc�s af Real i'rope.rE�y nf. Galves�on Cour.ty, Texas, said 22� . 66 acres b�ing rnore. r,ar'_icul,�rly c�c�:>�r-ibrc't ?�,� i�:etes and bounds as _`oll�=.as: http:llwww.capitol.state.tx.usJcgi-binlcqc�i?CQ_S�SSION_KEY—ZV C�HITIWIRF&C(�... 71l 1/'�Ot�S ?9(R) SB 1806 - Enrolled version - Bill �l�ext Pa�E � °� �g COMME�ICZNG at a 4-ir�ch Te.��3s Department flf Transper.ta�tirn brass disk in cc�nc�rete �faund foz the most sot�Cheriy c;_orrrP.r.� of `�'entury Oaks Estates, a subdivisiori p:1at recarded under Volurne I8, Pa�e 597 of the Galtirest�n County Map Reuords, the sout�-�west corner cf a called 2.5 acie tr�i<:t as dnscribed �r. a dee� recor�:eci under `Jalumn 2563, rage 690 of the GC�al<.�estcn Ccur�ty n�t..<� Re.cords and bei�g in the. nortix rie�h�-of-way line of Farm-ta-Nlarke� R�ad 51fi, as w;dened per d�ed recorc�ed in Volume 3?15, Pac�� 290 of the Ga1_vestc�n Ccunty Deeci Records; THENCF. N 13° 1�' '2" E, a distan��e of 209.33 feet alang tn� c� ��_„�; 1in� of tt.e �;aici 2.5 a!�re tract ariG the east line v` saici Cer:tury t�aks Estates tc a �/8-inch iron r�d with a cap stampe� "Brown & G�y" set. for corner and the Pt�ZNT C�F BEGINNZNG, and fr��n �hich a 1/2-irc�� ir�n rcd f��urld b�ars r� 6?° 13' W, 1."71 feet; THENCE N ]8° 1�' 12" E, a distar:ce of 89.56 fe�t alc>r:g *he eas� linP of said Century Oaks Estates te a railroad rai' found f.or. corner; 'I'HENCE td 18° 28, i9„ E, a distar.ce vf i5�8.44 feet al�ng the east li.re of �aid Cent�ry C�aks Esrates to a 2-i_nch �rcn ��ipe fourd fc�r �rgie poinC; THFNCE N 48° 14` 29" E, a distance of 39.94 feet alc�ng the east line of saici Cer,tury :)aks �states to a �/�-inch ircar. rod with a cap stam�.,ed "Brown & e�ay,� se� for angl� point; THENCE N 28° 35' 39" E, �: distance of �0. 14 feet tc a �ai.nt for c�rr;er ir: the cer.terline af Chi.a��er Cre�k.; `PHE2�CE the fol.:l.owing cuurses anci clist�nces alt�nq the centerline of sai� Chiqger Creek., in a �3ownstrea�r, direction: S 6�° 57' Sfl" E, a distance of 54 .25 feet; tl�er�ce S 51° 48' 11" E, a distance of 99 .5D feet; thence S 72° 93' S6" E, a distance ot 46.71 feet; th�nce N 71° 33' 51" F., a dista�cQ of i6B.92 teat; ther.ce S �7° 5J' 0�" E, � distance of 79.85 feet; th�nce S 36° 33' 49" E� a distar:ce- of iL2.93 fec�t, thence S �.3° 21 ' 09" E, a ristance of �8.;fa feet; ther.ce S 04° 26' G3" ',�, a distar_c�c. of 93. �7 feet; thence N 47° 5i 'Ol" E, a di_st,�nce of 82.81 feet, thence N 28° 35' 4fi" E, a distance af. 36.63 feet, thence N 07° ?3' 15" W, a distar.ce of I38.?8 feet; th��nce N 2?_° 57. ' S2" E, a distance ot 56.4�� feet; thencc� h1 86° 33' 3`�" E, a distance cf 99.0�7 fept; therce S �8° 31' �l" E, a d?.,tance o� 1.10.30 feet; tr�ence S :36° �l' 13" E, a distance c�f 82.'��7 *eet; thence S 17° Ol' 24" E, a �list�nce of 55.03 feet; thence S 0"i° 31' O�i" 'v1, a �istance of ?�.85 f��t; thence S 57° 33' �7" E, a. dist�nce of: 9� .66 feet; t�hence S 87° 43' s5" E, a distar�ce c�f 109.58 feet; thence N 99° 59' ;t�" f�:, a distance of 26.88 feet; �t:ence N 39° �7' S2" E, a ^istance of 5�. 71 i�'t; tY:er:cE i1 59° 31' 38„ E, a distance of R2.36 feet; then�e S 7�° 11 ' 29" E, � dis�tance of 69. 98 feet; thence S 57° 17` :�" E, a di.stance of ?_�.75 fee*; thence S 45° 46' 07" E, a ciistar�ce of f32.�4 f�Et.; then�e S 79° 21' 24" E, a distanc� of 90. 35 fec�t_; thence S 59° 06' 50" E, a distance of 118.?? feet, t.h�nce S 14° 16' 09" E, a distance cf 266. 96 feeC; thence S 3C�° 06' S5" �, 3 c?istance of 184. i"i feet; �her_ce � 55° 3?' 90" E, a distance of 78. 97 feet; ther.ce N SS° ;_2' t}?" �, a distar.ce of 85.Q;J feet; then��e N 91° 37' 31" E, a distance of 1i1.95 feet; thet�ce t�I a1° ;l' 37" �, a dist3nce of 199 .76 fee�; thence I� 71° 94 ' S2" �, a C'�2.5Z.d?iCP_ fJf ...�'.$.��1 �c.ot i Xrir-�r:Ct � �J�3� '��� i/" �� a �15fi�1T�:'2 Of �8. ✓� http:llvv��v.capitol.state.tx.uslcgi-bi�ifcqcgi?C�SESSION_KEY=ZVCXHITIWIRI'&CQ_._ 7111/2005 79(Rj SB 1806 - Enrolled version - B�ill Tcxt Pag� 8 of 18 feet; tnence S 9?° 09' S2" E, a distan�e c�f 112.z3�� feet; thenc.e :a 75° 4E?' 49" E, a distance of 25R.64 £eet; thr•nce 2� 77.° 2?' 14" E, a distar;ce of 95. 91 fee�; therce N 51° 56' 39" E, a distance of 325. 94 feet; thence N 63° 03' 28" E, a distance of 13�3. 92 f.eet; thence N 79° 09' 2G" F, a dist�nce of 240, 94 feet; thence N 53° 41' S7" E, a distan�:e of 179. 61 feet; ttierlc� N ;?9° 17 ' 28" E, a di�,tance c�f 255.30 feet; then�e N 52° 10' S0" E, a distane� of 4�0.�6 feet to �: pvis7t in ttle c�nt�rl.ine ��� Cl�ar Crec.k; `I'HENC�E the f�llc�wirig co��rses an�3 distan�es al:�r�g �h�; <:-enterl.ine �t said Clear Cre�k in a downstream dir.ecti�n: t�. 83° 02' 49" E, a distance of 216.�� fc���t; t.hen�-e S °i° 11 ' 31" E, a c3i.star:ce o£ 221.42 feet, THENCE a 31° 29' G9" W, de�arting the ce.^.teri�ne of said Clear Crcek and at a distance of. 200.OG f.eet pass a 5/8-in�h iron rod wiLh c�p stamped " Br�wn & Gay" s�t for ref�rence ir� the wt_�=;� ri;] 1ir:e o£ Ranchc Viejo Section One, a stabdivision pl.at Liled for record under Valume 15, Fagz 92 and Page 93 c�f the Gai.�Teston County Map Re�ords, at a distar�c� o£ 3E�06.87 feet pass a saut.nwest coriier of said R�n�hc� Viejo Se.ction Qr,e and co�tinuing fcr a total distance of 4�123. 69 feet to a 3/4-inc:h ircn r�;d �ound for r.,orr.er �n the :�orth riynt-of-w�y of said Farm-to-Mark.et Road 5i8 {1�i0-foot wi�th) ; THENCE N 66° 48' St7" W, a c3istance of 19?4.Ob feet �o a �-inch `i'�r:as Department of Transportation larass tlisk in concre�e founcl `or the beginning af a tangent curvs to the right; THENCE in a ncrt�:wes*erly direct.i.on aiorc� ,aid curve to the ri_qht an arc distance 1477.43 feet, having a radius of 2•970.98 feet, � c.entral ang7e of 34°10'S9" arc3 a chor� w7�:ich bears N 4�° 93' ?_3" Yd, 1455. 61 feet to a 5I8-i�ch iron rod with c.:ap st.hmped "Rrowr3 & Gay" set fcr corner and bQing the southeast corner af the said 2.5 a�:rP traet, ancl frcm a�hich a �cunci 9-inen Tcx.as Dep�rtment cf Transuortatian brass disk in ccncrete bea.rs 5 88° 54 ' ��v', 2.tJ'7' and a found 5I8-ir!ch iron rod be�r.s N 45° i3' W, 0.52; THEAJCE N 23° Q5' 10" E, departing the north right-Gf-way line of said E'arm-to-Mark�t Rc�ad 518 and alc�ng the east line of the sa�id 2.5 acre tract a distar,ce of 437 .4£3 fPe* to a 5/8-inch iron rod kith cap stamped "Brawn & Gay" set. for corner, ar.d frflm which � four,cl 1/2-inrh iran rod bears N E8° 30' W, � .53 feet; `I'HENCE N 66° �i4' 36" W a distar.<.� uf 312.80 feet to �'OENT OP° 3EGINNI?��G ar�d contairiing 2?_4 .70 acres �f lanc�. 5AVE AN�J EXCEPT tY�:e followinc� C�.0367 acre tract <>f l�nd: Being a d.43�7 acre tract �t lan� in the John Dic.kinson Le�que, Abstract Num�aer 5, City of �'riendswood, Galvestc�n County, Texas and being all of that cer.tain 4.0367 acre tract of lanc3 described ir, a deed recorded under Clerk's File Number 9636229 0� the Official Public Recor.cis of Galvestor Counry, Texas, said 0.0367 acre tract being more particularly described by metes and baur,ds as follows: COMMENCING at a 4-inch Texas Depa.rtment or Transportation k�rass disk in can�rete faund for the most scutherly corner nY Century �aks Fstat:es, a subdivision �lat recorded und2r tiolume 1B, Page 547 t�f tne Gal.veston Couni=y Map R�c�.rd�;, the scuth4aest ccrner of a ca11e� http:llw����w.capitol.state.tx.usOcgi-binlcqcgi?CQ_SESSION_KEY=ZVCXHI"T'tWIRF&CQ�.� 7111I2005 79(R) S13 18(�6 - Enrolled versic�n - Bill Text P�ge 9 of 18 2. � acr��:� tract� as desc,ribe��i ip a dee� record�d under V��1ume 2563, Page 6�0 of the Gaiv�ston Ceun�y Deed Records and bein� in the nc�rth rir,ht-af-way .Line of E'ar:�-to-Marb:et Road 518, as wideneci p�:r deed �eccrdec9 ir� V�lum<. 3215, Page 290 of the Gal�Jeston Cour.ty Deed Reccrc�s; ,I,H�NCE N i�° 19' i;:�'� ;u, a distancE c,f 2C9.33 feet alonn °,:he E ��t: ;:?; line of Lt:,e said z. 5 acre tra�t and the e3st line af said Century naks Est�tes to a 5/8-inch iror� ro� 4�ith a ca�a stamped "3rooan & Gay" set for. c�rner and from which a 1�2-incrl irc�n x-c�d f�und be�rs N 6 i� 1'3' W, i .7; feet; 'i"HENCE N l�i° '19' 12" �,, a �i.s�arice of 89.56 fe�t al�ng the e3st. line cf sai.�i Century Oaks Estates to a rai7_ro�d rail found far corner; 2HE?�.CE N l�° 28' 39" F., a distance �f 1�6.40 feet along the �ast 1�ne c�f said Century Oaks Estat�s to a point for corner; THiNvE S 71° 3i ' 21" � , a distance o£ 2654 .33 fee� to a 5/8-i.nc}�i iron rod with cap stamped "Browr, & Gay" s�t �or corner and ��ir�g �he POINT OF SEGIP:NING of the hercin described 0.4367 acre tract; TH.F.NCE N 68° 59' 31" E, a distance �f 40.00 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with cap stUmped "Brown & Gay" set for t:orner; .EiENCE S 21° 00' �9" E, a distance of 4C�.00 feet to a 5/�-inch iron ra� with c.ap stam�ed "Br�4��n � Gay" se,`_ for corner; THENC,E S 6E3° 59' 31" F�, a dist�_ar.ra� of 40.00 fe.et to a �J8-inch ir�rl r�d with ca�> �tamped "Brown & Gay" set for corner; TF�EPJCE N 21° 00' 29" W, a distance cf �2G.00 feet to the P{7INT OF BEGIivN3NG and containing 0.036'I of an aere c�f la�d. Zn canclusion, the herein described Tract "R", being 22�.7� acres c,f laza:�, SAVE AI�iD F.XCFPT the herein described 0.J367 of an acre tract of land out of the Tr3et "�"` and comprising a t�ta3_ r3creaqe of. 224 . �6 acres af land. Bearing orientation is based on t�e Tex�s St��e Pl�n� Coc�rdinnte SysLem, Scuth Cen±�ral 7one NAD-83 ar:d Faas derived k�y GPS tGlobal Pcsit�enir.� System) measurements. ,�t, ��,� Be�ng a 1.5678 a�re t_ract of Iand �nd being a portion of L��ts �7 and 28 of the �` the Slone S�ubciivisian, or.iginaliy reccrded in Vol.ume ?_5�-A, P�r�e S3 af �he Galveston County Map P,P;;ords anci transferred tc Vol�me i3, PagK� 91 of the Galveston Courity Nap Records, said 1.5678 ac.res bein�� the remainder of L�ts 2? and 28 cf the at the Sl�r.e Subdivisivr� lyi.ng south of Far.m-to-I�Iaricet R�ad 51E3 as a�idened �er deed recorded in V�1_ume 3215, Fage 290 af th� Galv�stor� County Deed Recoras, and also being a pertior, of that same property as describe.�. in deecis r.ec�orded urider Clerk's File Number 8900646 and 9305532 of t?�e Orfi_cial Put>lic Reccrds of Rea1 Fra�;erty of t,aivestan County, Texas, s�id 1. 5ei78 acres of 'and beir.g ,nor.e parti�ularly c3escri_be� by metes and bounc3., as fnllcws: Tract ,�B�� — 1.'��61f; l�cre�s http:l/v��ww.capitol.state.tx,uslcgi-binlcqcgi?GQ_SESSION_KEY=ZVCXHITIWIR.FcgcCQ... 7l1 I12005 �79(Rj SB 1806 - Erirc�lled version - �3ii1 "I'ext Page 10 of 18 E3EGI�ININ� at a :3/3-ir3c�h iror� rcd f<>und for the southeast cc�rner c�f a ialle<� 2.��67 a�res out c�f Lot "B" of the sa.i.�i Slone S=.zb�ivi.sicn an�� as described i.n deed r.ecorded under C�er.k's File Number 84(.)9K�3G� c�f the dffic.i.al Public R.e.cor�s of R.e«1. Property of Galves�on Cc:ur.�y, T�xas, and +�l-ie scuthwest cors�er Z.ot 27 of the said Slone St�Y��ivision and in tYie nc�rth ri_ght-of-w�y line of Uld Fr.iendswood Ro�=d (50-foc�t widYh} as shown on th� �lat of the said Slone Stibc9iv�.sion; Tf?ENCi h 23° 12 ' �5" E, a distance of 326.27 feet 31c�nc� "the v _7�- 1��r; i.ine c�f sni.t� Lot ?i and t.rle east l.i;�e o� :�aid Lct "B" to a 3/��-i_n�•'� iron ro�i fc�t�nd far cc�rner. in tf;� st7uth rigr,t-of-way li_ne c�f said F�rm-to-Marke� Ro�d 5;8 as wic�ene<: per. dePd reccrded i_n Vo2um�� 3t15, Fage 29d of the Galv�st�n County Deed r�ecards; THENCE 3 27° 31' �2" li, a c�istan�� of 273.88 feet along th+� south right-o�-way lirie af sai_d Farm-to-Market Road 518 {width varies; to a 5/�-_inc�h iron rod with a cap stamped "IIrown & Gay" set for the reyinn.inr of a tangent cus,ve .*_o the ieft; 'PHENC;E in a southeasterly direct.ic:n alor�g said ct�r�°e to the left an ar.�c distance of 3Q1.00 £eet, having a radius of i00�. 93 f.eet, ceritral angle of 17° �9' 91" ar.d a c?-:ord which ��ars S 36° Oo' 43" E, 299.88 feet to a 5/8-ir,ch iron rod with a ca� sta�i�ed "Bro�m & Gay" set `or corner and being the intersection of the sai3 widened Farm-tc-Market Road 518 (width zrariesj with �he north riyht-of-:�ay i�ne cr s�id Old Friendswood Road ,50-fc;ot width) ; THENCE Cd 66° 47' 00"W, a dist�nce of �69.�39 feet alcn:� the nc-�rth right-of-ti�ay of saici 01_� Frien�swoo� Road (�0-foot wicith) to tne FQIN':' OF E�EGINi3ZNG and cor,tainirlg 2 .5678 acr.es of lar.c. Bearir.g orientati.on is L�ased an the Texas State Plar�e Cc�ordinate S�•stem, So�;th C;entral Zone NAD-83 and �vas derived by GFS {Glc�bal rosit�c�n:ng System) measuremert. T�',F1C'i R��" BE�`�� 49_.76 aeres of I.an� in t�e Jehn Dicki_nscn i,eagu�, Abstract 9, City of Fr_ie:nciswood, Galc�ston Co�anty, Texas and beii�� Lots 53 thrcugh SB, Lots 60 thr�ugh 63, a �;�rtion of Lct 64, Lots 74 through 1�2, Lcts 104 t.hrough 116, L�ts 119 throuc;h 125, Lots i28 through 192, Lots 195 thraugh 157 0` the Slone Subdivision, originally recarde� �n Volume 254-A, Yac�e 6 of the Galveston County Map Records and tr.ansferred to VolumA 3, Page 61� cf the Galaest�:�n Cour.ty Map Re�ords, the pQrti.on of Lots 158 ,.hrough 17C� of the said S1one ��uhd.i.vision �eing north of the sauth line of the J�hn rickinson L�ague, Abstract y as >riown on the adjvining plat c�f �lor�e's Second Subdivisian fi'�e�' for r�c�rd ii� Vc�lun�e :3, Pa�e 93 c.�f the Gal;;�estan County Map R�rords, �s describ�d by the City of P"riPndsw�cd, T�xas c�rdinance No. 1?8 anci monumer,ted on t�-,e c�rour-,d, and all cf the area contair�ed within the roads oz ttle said Slone Sulac�ivisicn wh:ich adj{�in tt:e above said L,ots, except the area af rcrad adjo:nir.g fihe south line of Lot 125, ti-�e north line of I,<at i95, that �crtion of th� rr�ad south �f Lots 15�, 15�, and lEt� and rorth of Lot 170 being of th� south 1_ine of the said Johri Uickinson Leagtae, A�stract 9, s�id 9��1 .76 3cres bei.nq a portifln c7f that same properLy as desc.ribr.c� is� deeds recozded unt9er C1prk's F�le Tdumber 89f70646 ari� 9305532 c�f th� Offiria2 Fu�Iic Reeo?-ds c�£ Real Yroperty c�f G�1.veston Cc�unty, T�xas, and ail ���f th«� �r��erty descri�;ed in C1.�,-};'s File Numhf-.rs http:llw-ww.capitol.state.tx.uslcgi-binlcqcgi?CQ_SESSION_KEY=ZVCXHITIWIRF&CQ... 7/11120(?5 _ .._. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �9(R� SB i 80b - Enrolled vcrsioal - Bili "1"ext Page 11 of" I 8 2�0?JS8��4, �607�09, 9�0�£�1Q, 2dC�iG53�5'?, 9�16��a9, 9"?3::_p9, 91396;'9, g3?9C33, 933a928, 9�3�?;;?, 9�C67a7, 9::CJ0937, ar:� 923i217 oi the Official Public Recerds r�f Real ProF�erty os Galv�ston County, Texas, saicl 491.76 acres being described by metes �nd �r�;�nc3s as Loilows: �E�INNING r3t 2-irc.h i ro�� pipe found fcr corneY ai th� int�erse�;ti.c�n oP the °.:c°�:>t� �";?� lin� <_�f Lhe said Jc�hn Dic3�;inson Leagu�, Abstra.r_�. 9 A,aith the scuth corr.er af the Sarah i�icKissi.ck: Survey, Abstract 1�1 and *he mc>st easterly narth i,orner of the Mar_y Fabr�cu Sur�vey, Abs�tra<�� 69 .,.�ng an arq'e poi�t the =.,���t ( "t j 3ine of Lot 108 of the said Slon�: =__.._. SvY;��ivis?.cn, sam� also being the sauth c�rr:�:: af a 50-fa�t wide stri� af lanu dedicatec�3 to the City of Fr:iendswood f�r. roac�w�y �ur�c�ses as shown on the pl�t of Falcon Fidge Ser�io� Three, a subdivis�on plat filed for rec.ord unc3er Volume J8, Pa�3e 282 �f the Galveston County f�?ap R.ecords; 'rHENCE N 41°43'46" E, aian:� the east i�^e a� the sa.id 5C-foot roadway r�nd the •� `� ;C: line of rhe said Slcne Subdivision a distance of -_. lil8.�t) f�et tc a 5/8-inch i�ar� rcd f:�un� for corn�r anci heinq the southwest corn�r c�f a calied 6'1. 3567 acres descs�tY�e� in a deed reeorde� unc�er Clerk's L'ile Number 9��71874 of the flfficial Fublic� Recorcis of R�al Property of Galveston Cc�unty, Texas; `i'HENCE S �4�°47'00" E, alonq t7-ie sotith line of the saic3 61.3567 acre tract ancl the r.orth line of � 3d-fcat e,ride roadway shvwr: on the olat nf said Slc�r.c, Subdivision a di.stance c;` 2059.04 feet to a 5/8-inLn iror rod four.� for tt-�e southw�st carner of Lcr 74 of said Slor�e Subdivision; THENCE N 23°13'UO" E, aiany the esst li,e af r_he said 6� . 356�1 acre tract�, the east line of Lat 52, the �est (��� liz�� o£ Lct 79 °rid Lrt 53 c�f tl�.e said Slore Subdivision a �istance of I84n.6b feet to a 5/8-incti iron ra� with cap s*amped "�rown & Gay" set for the ncrthwest cc�r�er cf Lct 53, bei.ny in tl�te south rig3-:t-of-way li.r�e af t�1d rriendsU�aad Road (50-foot width) and fram which a 10?-inch iron rcd fo��nd bears �7 22° `_5b' 27�� E, 2.8� fe�t; THENC� S 66°4"7 '00" E, aicng the so�th 2in? of Olc� Fr�endswood Road (`_i0-�oot width) a distance c.�f 847.Di �-eet to a S!8-ineh i_ron r.od witn cap �tamped "Brown & Gay" set for the beginning of a non-tar.qet7t curve to the :teft and beinq the int�rsect�on of thP south right-af-way line of said dl�' E'riendswaod Road and the saut'ri right-cf-way Iin� of Far_m-to-Plarket Road 51� {widtn varies) as widened per deed reraraed _ir� Volume 3_?.15, Pac�n 2�0 0£ the Galveston �our.ty Deed �ecords; THFP�CF in a southeasterly ciirection along saic� c.urve tc the left �n t3rc distar�ce c>f �19.55 feet, having <3 radius �oint which bears N 35° 9'2' l4" E, 100�# . 9�3 fe�:t a central angle of 12°31 ' O9" and a chorci wh���h bears S 60°33' 18" E, 219. 12 feet to a 5/2-in�h ircn rod with c�p stamped "Brown S Gay" set for the erd nf t*�e �a_d curve t� left; TI�ENCE S 66°4�'5Q" E a disr_�nce of 339. 17 feet alcng the south iine cf sai�1 Farm-to-Market Road 518 ,width vdries) to a 5I�-inch ircn rod with cap stam�;ed "�rown & Gay" set for the north�ast c�orner of I��t 58 of the said Slone S�ibdi.visi.rn; THLNCE S 23°13'{Jt�" W, departing said E'arm-to-t�arket Roa� S18 riqht-cf-way, a di;>}<�nct. of �f�?.78 feet aion� the eust iin� of sai.� ]Zttp:flwww.capitol.state.tx.uslcgi-binlcqcgi?CQ_5FSS10N_KEY=ZV CXHITIWIRFc'�cCQ... 7/11/2005 79(R) SB 1806 - Enrolled vcrsion - Bill Text Pa�;e 12 af 18 L;�t 58 ar�d tht. �.�G_: L � line o� Lot 59 of the sai: S1_one Sub��ivisiori tr� a 5/H-�rch iro� rod �r�th ca� stampv� "Brown & Gay,� s,�t .io:r co �i:r; THENCF S 66°47'00" E, a ciistance cf 234 .00 fee� along 4he south line of Lc�t 5� to a 1-inch iron pipe found for t}�e sc,utt:east r.c�r-ner. oi said :�ot 59; THFNCE N 23°13'00" E, a dist�ance �f 907.91 f�et along the east 1�ine rf. said i.�a�t 5�3 and the taest.�:��; 1 .�ne of Lot 6� �f *_he said S1_one _ , Subdi.vision ta a 51�3-irch iro:-� ra�7 with �ap st�r.pe;� "Brown & G.:,y" s�t far the nortnwest carner Qf Lct 6Ci and being ir. t?�:e soutn rirht-af-way linP of said carm-t�-MarKer nvad 5?8 (i.90-to�t wi_dt}:} ; THENCE S 66°48`50" E, a distanc� ot 118E.89 feet a�ong the sauth right-af-wa;� Iine of s�id Farm-to-Mrrket Road 518 {340-foot �aidth) to a �IH-inch �r�n rc�d with c�ap starrt�ed "BravJn & Gay" se* for corner ar.d from c�rhich lf2-i::ch iron rcd f.ourid bears � 17.° 5?' W, 0.89 feet; THENCE S 31°27'01" W, a distance of 918.�0 fee� ��1.ong the �resr, `f C1; lin�; _ of a ral�e-� 4 .£397n acre t?�uct c�f ?ar.d cieseribec� in a deeei ree��rded uT-�der C'lerk's Fi.le Number 2001fl2007�1 of the Of£a.cial Public Records �f R�al Property cf Galvestan C:ounty, Texas to a 5!8-inch iron r�d wi.th cnp stamped "Br.owr. & Gdy" set for corner and fram which a found 5/6-inch iron rc�d found bear.s N ?8° 4C' 38" E, 22.0� feet; THENCE S 66°47'OJ" ?�,, a distance of 234 . i9 feet te a �/8-inch iron rad with rc� stamped "Bzawn � Gay" s�� for corrser and L�eing i.n the �..c ; '(;; linn of Rancho Viej� S�ct�.on Two, a subdiv•_sior plat fil.ed urder V�al.uzn� 15, Pag� 183-1�4 c�'� thz�.z G�1uFns�on County M�p Records; THEPdCE S 31°27"(71" W, a distance of 1,�81. 19 feet aicng the east iine of said Slone Subdivision and the w�s�_f(;� line of sai.d Rancho Viejo Ser..tion Two, to a 31�-inch iro:� nipe found for the scu*heast corner of Lot 10'7 and the n�rtt�e�st carner of Lo` 127 of the said Slone Sub�ivisic�r.; THEtdCE t� 66° 97' C7Q" W, a d:istance �f 554 .37 f�Pt a1cn� �he north 3ine af Lot l26 anc3 Lot 12'7 to a 518-in�,h iran ro� £cur:d for the norti-:e�st corn�r of L,ot ].?_5 and the r.orthwest corner �f Lot 12o cf t.he said 51on� Subdi,rision; TFiENC� S 23° 13' QG" W a dis�_anr�e c,f` 515. 9Q fe�t alcng the east l.ine af said Lot 12S and th� ��,�e,::,�� (i�] 1i.n� of said Lot 226 i�o a 3/8-inch iran ro� foun� f.�r the so�i�I�1�ie�st corner of said Lot 125 and Ct:e southw�st ccrner of said Lo� 126 ar.d being in the r�or�h line c;f a 30-fc>ot wi_de road r.iglit-�f-way as showr� an the pl.at c�f the said alene Subdiv�sior; THENCE ca F6° �77' 0p" W, a di.s�ance oi 239 .3t3 feet �1ong the south �?ne �f said Lot 125 and the north line of the last s<�id atJ-foot wide road ric�ht-of-w�>,y to a 5/8-inch iron rod with cap stamped "Browr� & Gay" set for the southwest corner of s�.ici Lct 125; `1'HENCE S 23° 1:�' �0" W, a distance� af '_345.9Q feet over. and acrass tt�e last said 30-foat wide r�ad right-cf-hay, along the �ast line of Lot 192 anv the Je:>t_,(,11� line of Lot 193 �f the said Slorie Subdiv.ision to a 5/8-in��h iron rod with a cap s�amped "Brown & Gay" set for th? scutt:east corrcer of saic� Lot 192; THENC�' S 66° 4i' 00" E, al�n� tl`ie svut}z line �t Lot 143 and L�t 194 of http:llwtivw.capitol.state.tx.uslcgi-bin,/cqcgi?C,Q_SESSION_KEY=Z�CXHITI WIRF&CQ... 7/1 1/2005 79(R) SB 1806 - Enrolled versiori - BiII "1'ext F'age 13 af 18 the said S�one Stsbc�livisi.�n, ar a distance af 229. 14 feet pass a found 112-in�h �ron r��d and continuing for a tatal distance �f 468.00 feet to a 1/2-iron rod fcund fcr the southwest carner of Lot I45 an� the sovtheas�. carrer of =,ot 194 af the said Slcne 5ubdivision ccrner; THENCE N 23° 13' C��'" r,, a �istan�e �f �15.90 feet alor�g the tiest � ti line of said Lot I45 and the ea�t line of. said Lot 1S4 tc � �/8-inch iran rod with cap stamped "Brcwr. & G3y" s�t �or t}le ric�rt�hwest co_rnc�r of saici Lc�t 19a in thE sauth lirie of the _ast said "30-focat r�ad right-of-way, a�d from which a 3/�3-inch i�an f�und bears N 1B° 3�" t?8" E, 3. �1 feet; `�'FEN�,E S E6° 97' 00" E, a dist�nce cf 183.87 .f.eet al��g the south line cf thp last s�id 30-foot road right-of-way to a 5f8-ir:ch iron rcd w_ith cap stampe.c3 "Brown & Gay" snt for the north�ast corner of sai� Lot 145 ancl bein�� �n tr�e east line af said Slone St;b�ivision �nd the ti��c�_st�CJ Iin�� af said Rancho Viejo Section Two; "ir�ENCE S 31°27'Ol" W, °t a distance of l�l. i9 feet pass a i/2-irac�7 iron roc3 fc,�iricl f<�r th�: sc>i:thwest ccrr:er of saic3 ?�an�ho Vieja Secticn Two ar�d the r:o�-thwest cerner c�f a ca�led 95.90f acre tract descri;��c3 ir, a aeed reccrdecl under Cler�'s Fi'e Number 9316733 �f the Official Yublic Records of Real E'roperty of Galceston County, Texas, ccntir.uin� alonq the east line �£ the s�id Slone Subdivision anci tY�e �« -(��_ 1.i.ne �f �ht Sl�ae Se�orid Subdivision, a subdivisi.on p.l�t fi.ier� �or record under �?olume 25�A, Page 12 & 15 of tne Galveston Cous�ty M��p Recards a total di_stance of 1589.22 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rvd with cap stampec� "Br�wi� & Gay" set fe�r the southeast corner nf the herein describe� tz:aUt and k�eing in the south iine of the 7c�hn Dick.inson Leagu�, Abstr�;ct 9 ar.d thc nortn line or the I & +�. ?�1.R.R C�mpar.y Survey No. 4, A'vstract 60c3, arzd from ��rhich a found 1/2-incYi iran pipe bears N �6° 55' S0" E, 1 .2� feet, anu a 2-inch iron p�ge fe>und for the s<�utheast c�rnPr of the �aid Si.one Subd.ivisi.on bears S 3i° 27' Ol"W, ?_93. 3� feet; T�tEN�E S �6° 55' S0" W, a distar.ce of 3151.54 feet aver anc� acr�ss Lots i5�3 through 164, a 30-fcct r�ad and I70 *_nrough 162 c�f th� sa.id Sione Sul��.it�ision and alor:g t;^,e s�uth 1in� of tl:e said Jc,nn DicKinson T,�ac�Ue, Abstra�t 9 ar,d the nortn l�ne Gf the I & G. N.R.R C<�mpar.y Surve:y No. 4, t3bst_ract:_ 6�c�,, to a sq�are ir<�n axle found in *he we:�t ;t�� line of the said S.lone Subc(ivisi.cn fcr the so�thwest carner __.........---- af the herein des�ribed tract and the southwest corner of the said �7ohn Di��kinson L,et3gue, Abstract 9, and fram �hicP1 tYie southwest corner of tize said Slone Sub�a�vision bears S 0?° t�5' S6" E, 2�39 . 99 feet; THENCE N 03°05' S�" W, along the w�=s� ��C;� iine c�f tYz� sai�9 SlonE Subclivision, at a .�i_st.anc.e af 1323.08 fee#� pasv a 1-inch ir.^.r. ��ipe £ound for th� most �asterly n�rtlzeast cornEr of a cailed 97.0� acres descr?bed i.n � deed recarded ur.der Clerk's File Number 9705359 c�f the Offici.ai Puolic Records of Real Property of Gaivf=ston C�unty, Tex,as, �nd cc�ntinuin;� for a total distan�e af 423�.3G feet to the P�_.INT OF £��GINI�-ZNG and contair:isig 506.20 �cres cf larid. 5;VE ANC' EXCEFT tt:i.s 9. 525 acre *_ract of lanc�: Beine� �.525 acres of land situate� in �he J�hn Dic'.�cinson Leac;ue, Abstract 9, City of F'rienciswoad, Galveston County, 'Pcr,as and bei.nq all of Lots 117 atZd 118 af the Slcsne Subdivision, originally http:!lwu�W.capitol.state.tx.us/cgi-bir�lcqcgi?CQ_SESSION_KEY=7..,ZICXHITIVViRF&CQ... 7/I 1 t2005 79{R) SB I806 - Enrolled vcrsion - Bill Text Page 14 of 18 rec�rder� in Vollune 254-A, Pa�3e 6 of the GalvFStcn Coun�y i�lap Re^orcis and transferred tc Vclum� 3, Page 6IA of tr�e Galv�st�n C<�unty Map Rec.o��ds, sa.i.d A.525 acres bein� more parti��ular�.y desnYibed by mctes and bounc3s as follows: BEG1TdNING at tia 1-112 ?nch iron �ipe fnun� fo�r tn� ncr�rwest r�rr7er Gf Sa1C'� LO� ���; TH�P�t�E S 66° 4'7 ' 40" F,, a distar�c.c, �` 453.00 �eet to a 'lQ-in��h ircr: rc� fc?ur:d {c��:,L�rbed} in the �a�<,=t �G? lire of a 3i3-f�at road for the nertheast corner of sai.d Lot li�; `?'HENCE S 23° 13' UO" GJ, a distance �f� 915.9Q feet to a 5/8-inch iran rc� with cap stamped "Brown & Gay" set for. thp so•ath�ast carner of said t.at 3i8 in the north af a 34-fvot r.Gad; "'HENCE N 66° 47 ' 00" U7, a dis�dr.c� of �i53.00 feet ta a 3!8-inch iron fourici {disturbed) for the �southwest corne*_° of s�id Lot 1i7; TftENCE Cd 7_3° 13' C�0" E, a distarce cf 9i5. 90 fee� to t!.P POZivT OF f?EUItiNZNG ar:d cont�inin:� 9.525 3cres of land. SAVE ANi� EXCEPT this 4. �`sLfl acre vt 1�a7�: Bei_ng 9. 9z0 acres of land situated in tt�e �onn Di_ckinson Leag�e, Ahstra�t 9, Citv of Friendswood, Galveston Cour,ty, Te>;as as:d being al1 of Lct 103 0� the Slone Subc�ivisi.o!�, aric�inally reccrded in `t�'olume 254-A, Fage 6 af the Galveston County Prap Reco�as ar:d trar.sferred to V�lume 3, Page 61A �� the Galveston County �9cp Recorcis, said 4 .92G acres being more particularl.y de:.scribed by metes �nd bvuncl� as follows: CC7MMENCING at a 5/�3-incn iron rod found £cr the nortizwest cor.ner of Lot 126 r�f the said 5lorie S�bdivision; `I'HENCE N 66° 47' QO" W, a distance of 234 .38 feet t_o a 5/B-iz�ch iran rcd �aith ca� stamped "Z3r�wn & Gay" set .f.or the southeast c�rner of said ?�ot 1C73 ane� the FQINT GF BEGINNI23G; THuNC� N G6° 47 ' GO" tti', a distar���e oI ?_3� .00 �eet to a 5/8-ir.ch irc�n rod with czp stamped "Brc�wn & Gay" se� f.cr the southwest Lcrne.r of eaid Lot 1Q3; THrNCE N 23' 13' 00" F, a c3istance of 91��. 90 feet to a 5/�-inch irc�n rad with cap stampec3 "Brc«wn & Gay„ set for thc- northwest corner af said Lot i.t�3; TRENCE S 66° 97' 40" E, a c�istance of 234 .00 feet to a 5/8-incf; iron rod with cap stamped "Brown t� Gay" se* for t�� northeast carner �f saic� ?.c�t 1Q3; THENCE S 23° 13' 00" Gv, a distance of 915,90 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNIt�G and containing � . 920 a�res c�f land. In cor:clusion, the herein described Tract "C", be�ng SOh. �O acres of .iand, SAVE ANfl EXCEPT tl�e herein t�escribed 9. 525 acre tr.act and the hereir. described 4 . �20 ac:ce tre�ct of iand, said Tr�c.� "C" c:�mpr.isinc� a total acreage of �91 .76 acres cf 1and. Be��-iTZg ori�ntatian is bas�� c;ri tr�e Texas SCa�te Pian� Co�zdinate http:l/wu�v.capitol.state.tx.uslcgi-binlcqcgi?CQ_SESSION_KEY=7VCXHITIWIRI'&CQ... 7t1112005 7�1(R) SB 1$0� - Enrolled version - Bill Text �'age 15 of l 8 Systen�, Saut.h Cer�tral Tone RAD-83 and was �erivec� E�}� i�?'S {C;labal Pcsitioning Systerr�) measurem�rts. Tract ��D„ ��ING 4'7. 32 ac,re.s of lanc� situaterl in the �ohr. Jickii�san League, Abstract Number �S and the Sarat; McKi.ssick Survey nbstr.act tiumbPr 54�, Har.ri5 Cc��nty, Ter,a�, a?�d bein� c�ut �� a eall�d 228. 897 �cre tract �f land t�escrik�ec3 i_n rhe deed to Autumn Creek, L)evelopmeni., T�t�. , recorci�d unuer H�r�is C��ur,ty C:l�r_k's E'i�e ;vumb�:r 5953732, said 9�'. 32 ac.r_es �}eina described �y metes and k�curds as {ollows: BFGZNNING a� a �oint f�r the soutt°:east corner af Autumn C.rc�ek �ectian Nine, a subdivision as shown r�n t�e piat thereof recor:ied at F'ilm Code Number 4�7019 of the Harris County Na� Rec:crds in tne wester.Iy ric�l7t-of-way line c�t �5 [{?] Say I�r�a �sculevar�l, {lOfl-f�ac�t widc� riyh*-c�f-Fray) ; THENCE in a s�uth�asterly d_irecti_an with the �ester_y �igYit-c�f-w�y i.i.ne of said 41est ��y'3' B�y Area Bou3evard along sai:� curv� to the left havin_q an arc di.stance of 506.26 re2t, a radius of 2, 050.00 feet, a central angle of 14° O8' S8" and a chord which �ear,�nq S 11° 37' 18'" E, 50�i . 97 feet, to tne point of tanger_cy of said curve, T:iENCE S 18° 41 ' 9?" E, a c?istaz�<�e cf 298.44 f.eet with the westerly riqht-�f-way line �L� said t�e [(�i Bay �rea Boulevard to � goir�t at the r,ortheast corn�� of a called 1.�T�40 acre �ract of lan� described by a ueed to th� City o£ FriendsUaoc�d, recorded under Harris county C1erb;'s rite Numb�.r f41�6284; THENCE S 71° 18' 33" rrd, a distan�e of 20fl.65 with the r!c�rtherly lirie of said 1.709� acre tract to a poi.nt at the nar*hwest corrier of said 1.7090 acx-e tract and the nortt� c�rner of a called 20.2798 acre tr�ct described by detd tc� Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority, recorded under Iiarris C��zrty Clerl;'s File Number P95Q4C4; �HENCE S 41° 47 ' 30" W, a distance �f 7_, 519.76 fe�k with the �arthwest line �?f said �2�J.2798 acre tract ta a p�int f�r a c.c�rn�r�; ;'HENCE N �5° 22' 41" F7, a clistance cf "ICt.2� f�et; THENCE N 72° 32' i2" W, a �istar:Le of 253.55 feet; THENCE N 89° 3� ' S1" Cn3, a distance of �3.55 feet; 'PHENCE S �8° 46' L4" 6�V, a distance of 93.87 �eet; THEyCE N 75° �6' ;�8" W, a dis�tance of 115. 12 fee�; THENCE N 54° 3? ' 09'" W, a distanee of 67.47 fert; TH�NCE N 91° 43' 46" E, a distan�e of 737.60 feet with the southeast l..ine of cal3eci 3. 4 acre tra�..t ;iescribed by dead recorcied in �iol.u�ne 26�, Page 548, rf t.hc> Harr.i.s County Dee:d Reeords, to a point �or a corner; ;HE�ICF. I� 43° "ll ' 15" Gd, a c�istan{�e oL 199. 9° feet w:ith tn� northeas*_ line of s<si.ci 3.4 a^re tract; THENCE S �1° 43' �6" Gd, a distance of 7Q9. �8 fe�.t with tne �orthwest htt�:/lwwu�.capitol.state.tx.uslc�i-bii�lcqcgi?CQ_�ESSION_KEY=ZVCXHITI�IRF&CQ.._ 7J11/2005 79(�R} S43 18{�6 - Enrolled versio�� - Hitl Text Pa�e 16 of 18 iine af said 3.9 �zcre trac�; THENCF N 20° 12' 20" W, a distance c�f 12`�.+�6 feet; TFtENCE N 23° 2Fi' S2" W, a distance of 91.43 fe�.t; THENC�E, N 07° 51' 30" W, a distance of 67.29 f�Et; TiiEidC�: �V 91° 4�' 4 0" E, a distance r�f 554. 47 feet eaitY� t.he southeast line of a called 3.9 acre tract c�f land describec9 by deed to Ch�ries Crady III, r�corded tinder Harris Cc�unty Cl.erk's F'i:e 21�m�er C�S416b9, to a k�o.int for a corner; TI�ENCE N �18° 13' 21" W, a dis�an�e of 319. 44 feet w.ith the ncrtneast lirp of said Charl�s Crady III tract to a g«int f�r a corner; THENCE S 41° 93' 46" W, a di,tan��� of 3�7. �1b feet with the F:��ur �C�] line _ _ _,_ _ oi said Charles Cra�y :IZ tract_, te the n�rt}i �ii�t� bank of Clear Creeh; ;HEidCE o-�ith thc meanc�ers of the northerly high bank of Cle��- Creek r.he follcwing courses an� distances; N 06° 15' 18" E, a distanc:c: of 128.87 feet; thence N 29° 33' i9" u, a di.stance of 96.2�3 feet; trence N 35° 2��' 39" E, a distance of 40.3� fee�; thence f1 ;9° 4C1' 40" E, a distance of 171.73 feet; thenr..e N E�5° 22' 92" E, a distar3ee of 76.58 feet; ther.ce N 7d° 36' 39" E, a c�istance of �I65.79 �feet�; thence N 85° 37 ' 19" E, n distance of 133, 1� feet:; thence S 73° �7' 95" E, a distance o� 97.39 feeL-; thence N �3�° S2' 97" E, a distance cf 1Q6.09 feet; ther:cc� N 71° 30' 39" E, a distani:e vf ?18. 99 feet; thence N 63° 18 ' 3�" E, a distance of 84 . 8'J feet; thAnce P. 44° 4l' 37" F, a distance af 92.�8 feet; thence N 3y° 51' 29" E, a distance of 86. 14 feet; thenc.e N 29' 09 ' i9" F, a distance of 50.0� fcrt ta the southwest corner of saicl Autumn Creek Secticn rii.n2; THE^10E with the sc�ut:� line ui sa.ic� Autumri Creek Sectit�an i�'�r,e the `ollcwi.n� courses and c�istar.ces; S 24° 51' S2" E, a di.stance of b9.59 feet; thence S O�i° 45' 96" E, a distanc.e cf 87.56 fee*_; tt�ence S 32° 26' 33" E, a distanc,e r.f �5.5U feet; thence S t3fl° 37 ' 39" .F., a distance cf 19 .rs6 feet; thence N 44° C!6' 9�" E, a distance of. i12. 42 feet; thence N 21° �9 ' OS" F.., d distar.ce af 1.12.59 fee�; thence N �6° ��3' 17" E, a distance ef 32.67 feet, thence S 79° 07 ' ��" E, a distanc�: c�f �;2.80 fe�t; thc-r.�e S 63° 32' S3" F,, a d�st�nce �{ 52.09 feet, thence S �9° 13' 34" E, a distance c�f 37. 53 fezt; thence rd 70° 39' Sf3" E, a dista-ice of 39.78 f�et; th�nce N 22° 49' t7�" E, a distanc.e of 57.03 f�;et; th�nc� C7 QO° 17' 16" W, a distar�c.e cf 2�. �5 feet; thence N �u° 11` 13" ✓�, a dis�ance of R6.26 feer_; thence N 28° i9' 49" E, � distance of 50.5i feei:; thenc�e N 0�° 0�' 21" W, a c�istanc� of 72..C}7 feet; thence I�: 67° 12' 2b" �,, a distance of 40. 6� feet; thence S 5�° 5�` 39" E, a distance cf 76, 98 f�et; then�e S 73° 5F�' OC" E, a ciis!�ar��e cf 36. 58 feet; thence N 6"7° 59' 15" E, a dis�ance of 41.85 feet: tne�ce N 3i° �� ' 13" �, a distance :�f 2G6.£32 �ee�; thence S ?/° 38' 13" E, <. distance �f 3�?. 6C feet; �hence S �l° 22' �0" E, a distance cf 72. 50 f��*; thenc� S 39° 59� 04" E, a c�i.stance of 41.8£3 feet; tnence N 84° 58' S5" E, a distance of 37 .80 feeC� to the c��ID1T bF B�'GINNIN� and containing 97. 32 acres of lantl. SEC`I"ION 3. LEG;ISLAfiIVE FII�?�1INGS. The legisl.�rure finds http:ll��vw�.capit�l.state.tx.uslc,gi-binlcqcgi?CQ_SESSION_KEY=ZVCXHTTIWIRI�&CQ... 7111I2005 79(R} SB 1806 - Enrolled version - Bill Text Pa�e 17 c�f 18 tha�. {1.} pz��p�r ar.d legal nc�t���ce csf the int�ntion to :ntr�duce this Act, setting furth the genEral substance cf this Act, hes k�een tiublished as providecl by law, and the notice and a ccp� c�f this Act f�ave 1>��n furrfisheel to a?1. p�rsons, agencies, officials, cr entities to c��hicrr they are required tc� be furnisheci by tY�e cnr7�;t.itutic�r� and lr.�ws c>f this state, inclUding the governor, rano has submitted the notice and F;ct to tr�e Texas CainnEissi�n c�n �nvi.ronr�te�ntal Q:�ality; (2�} �he T�,xas Canunissic�rr �n Enviranmer�t�1 Qu�lity has fileci its recamm�ric�a�iUn> r.ei.�tir,<3 to t};is T�cc ;�i�h the goverr��r, li�ut�nar�C �c�vernor, and sF�>e�k�i of the ;ouse of r�prescntatives witnin the required time; (3) the genFrai law relati.ng to cr�zzsen� by politiral subt�ivisions to the creatien of dis�ricts with <�onservati.�n, re�lamatian, and roaci powers and the incl�asi�n of lanc� i.n those distric.ts has beer= com�l i.�c with; and {4) ull requir�ments of the constitu�icn �nd iaws of this state arid the rules and prc�edures o` tt�e legislatu.rc-: w.i*h respect to the notice, introductiun, and passaye caf this F.ct hhve been fulfill�d and ac�:ainplished. SFC;'ION 4. EFFECTiVF DAiE. Th'�s Act takes effect inune�iately if it receives a vcte of two-thirds of all the meiztbers eie���ted tc each hc�use, as orovided t�y Section 39, Article III, Texas Const�tution. Zf this Act does r:ot r�c.eive the v<>t� �ec.essary f�r i;nmediate effect, this Act takes effect September 2, 2��5. President of the Senate Speak�r �f the House I hereby certify that S.B. No. i8�6 passed th� Sen��� on May 6, 2005, by the followinc� vote: Y+_.as 30, b�ays !�. Secr.etary of trae Senate I hereby certif_y tt-.at S.B. I�o. 1.806 passed tne House on May L0, 2G05, by th� foilosainy vo;:e: Yeas 339, Nays 0, two present not v�ting. Chisf �lerk of thp Hause �,pprove:�: -- — _ ___-- D�te http:lh����w,capital.state.tx.usJcgi-bin/cqcai?CQ_SESSION KE1'="I,VCXHITIWIR.F&CQ... 7/1 U2005 79{R) Sf� l 8�6 - Ez�rolled versi<�»� - Bill T�xt �'age 18 of 18 Go�.�rrior �' [C,c� Ta_I ast NitjjCic�'I'o 'I'c�� c�f�I�c�cumctit1 http:lru��tiv.capitc�l.state.tx.uslc�;i-binlcqcgi?C(ZSESS3QN_KEY=ZVCXHI`IIWIRI�&CQ... ?113!'?OQS Ezhibit B City of Friendswood Conditions to Consent (a) The District may issue bonds, including refunding bonds, for any purposes authorized by law, including, but not limited to, purchasing, refinancing, designing, and constructing, or otherwise acquiring waterworks systems, sanitary sewer systems, storm sewer systems, drainage and detention facilities, parks and recreational facilities, or parts of such systems or facilities, and street and road construction, and to make any and all necessary purchases, constructions, improvements, extensions, additions, and repairs thereto, and to purchase or acquire all necessary land, rights-of-way, easements, sites, equipment, buildings, plants, structures, and facilities therefor, and to operate and maintain same, and to sell water, sanitary sewer, and other services within or without the boundaries of the District. Such bonds must not have a maturity longer than 30 years from the date of issuance of the District's first series of bonds, and further provide that the District reserves the right to redeem said bonds on any date on or after the 15th anniversary of the date of issuance (or any earlier date at the discretion of the District) without premium, and none of such bonds, other than refunding bonds, shall be sold for less than 95 percent of par�, provided that the net effective interest rate on bonds so sold, taking into account any discount or premium as well as the interest rate borne by such bonds, shall not exceed two percent above the highest average interest rate reported by the Daily Bond Buyer in its weekly "20 Bond Index" during the one-month period next preceding the date of the sale of such bonds. The resolution authorizing the issuance of the District's bonds shall contain a provision that the pledge of any revenues from the operation of the District's water and sewer and/or drainage system to the payment of the District's bonds shall terminate when and if the City dissolves the District, takes over the assets of the District, and assumes all of the obligations of the District. (b) Bonds may be issued only if the value to debt ratio of the District resulting from the issuance of such bonds, together with the District's outstanding debt, is 5 to 1 or better, i.e. the taxable value of the District must be at least five times the total outstanding debt of the District including the bonds being issued. The District may issue refunding bonds only if the refunding results in the following: (a) a three percent (3%) savings in debt service, (b) no extension of the maturity of the bonds being refunded, and (c) level savings over the life of the bonds. (c) Bonds may be issued only if the District can show the City that under the rules of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, whether or not such rules apply to the facilities to be financed, the bonds shall be feasible at a tax rate not to exceed $0.65 per $100 of valuation (the "Tax Cap") over the life of the bonds. The District's financial advisar must certify to the City that the District can reasonably be expected to provide for the District's debt service requirements, including the bonds proposed to be issued, with the levy of a debt service tax of no more than $0.65 per $100 of taxable valuation. In the event the District's tax rate exceeds the Tax Cap, the City shall not approve the issuance of any additional bonds until the District's tax rate falls below the Tax Cap and the proposed bond issue meets the feasibility requirements. The City shall have the right to disapprove the issuance of bonds by the District if the City finds that the projected growth on which the bond issue is based is not likely to be achieved. (d) Before the commencement of any construction within the District, its directors, officers, or developers and landowners shall submit to the City, or to its designated representative, all plans and specifications for the construction of water, sanitary sewer, drainage, and detention facilities to serve the District and obtain the approval of such plans and specifications therefrom. All water wells, water meters, flushing valves, valves, pipes, and appurtenances thereto, installed or used within the District, shall conform to the specifications of the City. All water service lines and sewer service lines, lift stations, and appurtenances thereto, installed or used within the District shall comply with the City's standard plans and specifications, as amended from time to time. Prior to the construction of such facilities within or by the District, the District or its engineer shall give written notice by registered or certified mail to the City, stating the date that such construction shall be commenced. The construction of such facilities shall be in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and with applicable standards and specifications of the City; and during the progress of the construction and installation of such facilities,the City may make periodic on-the-ground inspections. (e) The District, its board of directors, officers, developers, and/or landowners shall not permit the construction, or commit to any development within the District, that shall result in a wastewater flow to the serving treatment facility which exceeds that facility's legally permitted average daily flow limitations or the District's allocated capacity therein. (� Nothing contained herein shall be construed as waiving any regulatory ordinance of the City governing plats and the subdivision of land within said District, or other ordinances governing building, construction, or the development of land within the District.