HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 83-13 RESOLUTION N0. /��� ✓ ,,� A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE OPPOSITION OF THE CTY OF FRIENDSWOOD TO THE GRANT OF A PERMIT TO BROWNING- FERRIS INDUSTRIES FOR A TYPE I MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE LANDFILL TO BE LOCATED IN FORT BEND COUNTY, TEXAS. � � �r � � WHEREAS, Browning-Ferris Industries , Inc. , has applied to the Texas Department of Health for a Type I municipal solid waste landfill permit , such proposed landfill to be located approximately 1. 2 miles southwest of the junction of F.M. High- way 2234 with F.M. Highway 521, and on the west side of F.M. Highway 521 and the Missouri Pacific Railroad in Fort Bend County ; and , WHEREAS, such proposed landfill site is in the vicinity of or adjacent to certain water transmission facilities impacting the City of Friendswood , Texas ; and , WHEREAS, such proposed landfill presents other land use , environmental, and health issues potentially adverse to the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Friendswood , Texas ; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS: Section l. That the City Attorney is hereby authorized to represent the City of Friendswood before the Texas Department of Health on June 28, 19$3 in that proceeding considering the application of Browning-Ferris Industries , Inc. , for a proposed Type I municipal solid waste landfill permit , permit applica- tion no. 1505, to seek party in opposition status in such pro- ceeding on behalf of the City of Friendswood, Texas . PASSED AND APPROVED this the�� day of � , 1983. � ,�� ���--. Mayor ATTEST: S ����'��� � �rL City 5ecretary w � ...,.. ., .�.�..,. �\�..� ���'-I''� .1 1 I!+,� � t i :C7 3 I�U'I'1C1: UF' 1'U141.IC tll':t�k(1NC. t31tOWNING-Fh:ltK1S, INC. has lilc•d ApplicaCiun I�o. 15U5 witt� the Tc�xas llepartmen[ of Nealth iur << pcnuit lo operat�• .� pr<�posed Type 1 municipal soliJ w�ste disposal sit� [o be located appruximaCely 1 .S miles south of the south city limit_: c�i �tiouston, appruximately 4.5 miles east of Ptissouri CiCy, approxisnstely 1 .25 miles norcl► ai A'resno, 1 .2 miles southwest oI Cl�c� juncCi.c�u uf FM Hi�;hway 2234 aiLl� h'M Hibhway 521 , and on t hc wrs[ side ol �M Hi�l�way 521 .in� Ftissouri Paci f ic K�i] rc�.id in Fort r��•,�d co��,cy. - '1'hc si[e consists oI appruxi►r�alely �98•Sfi3 acres ol land, and is to dai.ly receive .�pproxiui�trly 2,SOU tons ot so) id wastcs under the rr};ulatory jurisdictiun uf tl►c, 'fexas llepartme�nt ul Ilcalth wlien dis�osed uf or othcrwise prucesticd i�ti accordance with Chc� said llepartment 's htunicipal Solid w'astE> Management Kegulatior�s. Pursuant lo tl�e provisions of the Texas Solici Waste Disposal Act (Article 4477-7 , Vernc,u's Texas Civil Statutcs) and tlie Tcrxas D�partn,ent uf HealCli Municipal So] id Was[e Manageru�nc l.e�;ulations, :;nd [hc� Admiiiistra[ive Yrocedure �nd '1'exas Kebister l�ct �Art. 6252-13a, V.'I'.C.S. ) , a public lic�aritig on thc� afores�id :ipplication will Ut� held :i� : lilu�� Itiil�;�� 1;7�°m�nCry ti�•h����l �u�liluriui�-Cafctc•ria 1�241 �1rH:ird f:ua� (I�P1 :C2"14) . tluu>;t un, 'f�•x:tr: Il��•r:i{.�Y , .lui�c• 'L£i, I�l;i i '+ _3U <i.u�. tu receive evidencc� 1 e�r .+nd a�;aitiist ttie i ssuancc, oi a p��rn�il 1 c�r thr :�loresaid application. Al l ��arrirs ll�vin}�, c+n iulE�r<�st i.n tl�is mattc-r r:liall have the ri�;ht lu rip��r�ar a[ the h���rin}�,, �,r��sr•nl c�videnct� :�n<i be rc•��resrnLr•d by �c>uns��l. l'�.irsuant lo Art . h7`�?-13a, V.7'.C.S. , .�nd ttte U�•��ar�wen[ ' s Formal li,rarin�; Yr<>cc�dures, Llir rusr <�1 a Nri.t [c�n hearin�; tr:�nscrip[ may be asscs5f•d a};�inst une or iuur� ul Cli� d�•si�;r�at�•� ;�.�ctie�. A ::u(�y oi Ch� cvmpl��l.• �sp�Jicatic�n m�y bc� r��vii�wed �t llir '1'��::as I�,•��:�r[nic�nt ot 1t��alCli, I l(IU W. 4yU� 5lrer[ , Aus[ in, 7'ex.�s , ��r :�1 L►ic� I��•���r�rocnt 's Yublic li�altl� kegiun 11 lic:�dqu:irL�•r:: l��c:itE•u :it lllt? Av�•nue l;, kosenb�r�,, '1'�•xa�: ///►71 ; l�lc�pli�,n�• ( / I 3) 34:-bhti`�. i :.:cu�•d this _J`Hlh clay ul r1:►y,_ 1.`i}�3._ _, o -- - c � o co � � �t '� ?C N W :� Kul��•rt li��rnsLein, Pi.l). , 1'.A.l:.l'. ° . L� l:unimi�siunt•r ul Ilc•:iILL o - � � � �„ `zi 'f�•xr,r; Uc•pc�rtmcu[ c�l I1,•;,Jll� N Cy � � ,�t rC; � /� i � '�1 / !j � `� � ti�•: -� ---- - --- --- - ------- T� ;� ,��. t��':iCl{1}� �X:liltlTli•1� �� '�� i`�� ��.. '1�(•x:�:; licp.irt►uc•�il ul Uv:iltli x-'�,,, � Y ` _,_ �, TE`CAS DEPART�-fENT UF NEALTN 11�� WeSt 4 r " ' . 9th Street �,-/}/iJ ��.('�. _r.r i�%-� ',�ij�'; _ � .; AusLin� Texas 78756 ;(��2 ;r;� �, ;�v ��.L.i ��� . 1� 'i;; 'c�t'� . ,i-.J APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO OPERATE A � � . � MUNICIPAL S�LID WASTE SITE `p'y`-�F'd�!•�,'ti{;5��:�:�:•`,i-,:�1"��,`iE;;i PART A - GENERAL DATA Thi.s form must �e submitted in eleven copies unless othen,rise authorized by the Depart�^ent. See supportir.g docum2nts as noted. The applicant is encouraged to read this Departme�t's "*;unicipal Soiid k'aste rianage�ent Regulations", Nov. 1980. Edition, thoroughly before filling out this form. Failure to complete all entries and provide all necessary - attachments will delay processing the application. Notes 1 and 2 at the end of Part A should be read befere proceeding to cbmplete Part B. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN BLACK ZNR. PERMIT APPLICATION N0. /� � � (Applicant Leave Blank) � � �/ -�'�" 'z Nane of .Applicant Rrnwnin�_FPrr_jt Tnc �a Delaware Cor�oration (City,•County, individual or companya TYPE OF FACILITY (*) Landfill Processing Site • Ekperimental Site �_TyPe I TyFe V TYPe VI Type II ' Incinerator Land Aoplication Sit Type III Transfer Station - i�:pe �'I� Type IV Ot't�er (*) See Section D of "P:utiicipal �olid F?aste :�anagement Regulations", November, 198J. Facility is: Er.istiag � : Proposed X (Checl: Gne} (Date Es�ablished) Facility is: ad�acent ���iCtX to the nearest road F.M. 521 ; (Name of Road) 1-1/2 miles t� neares� �(�XXtX/airfield (prtvdte) ; 1500 feet �rX�Y�X to neare.st occupied structure. Street Address or Location of the Site: (Distance and directioa from city, roads, � intersections, etc.) • west side of F.M. 521, iQ Fort Bend Countv,�l.J? mile� to��th of t-hP Harri�JFort Bend _ CountY Line and bout 3-1/2 miles north of StatP Hi�hway 6 Geogr�phic coordinutes: N646.000' ; E3.130.000' /3,272.500M.N. ;��.500t�.E. (l1�_ Ml'\1(:IPAL SnLlli WASTL PL•I'.;IIT APPLICATION (S'aA-:.) TDH ( November, 1980) 198 ^' ' -.,.. ' .._, � ��A��I' A continucc� • Na�e �. �pplicancgrownin -Ferris , Inc. - g--------- , Si[e i� located i�: (fil.l in appropria[e Llanks) County of Fnr�gpn�1 Cnunt� City Limits of Ci�y of N.A. �'xtraterri[orial ju:isdiction (EiJ) of City of HouStOn Nearest town __ . N/A - (Applicable only ii site is outside the city limits or ETJ of any city) __ Applicat�.on is for amendi�ent or renewal of Permit No. ------None List any other existin� permits or licenses issued by this or any other government agency, whetiier local, st2te, or fee�eral which pertain to this facility. None SUBMIT ELEVEN COPIES OF AN AREA MAP WITH THE COtiPLETED PART "A" WHICH CLFARLY SHOWS: 1. Date and scale of map. 2. Site boundaries. 3. Prevailing wind direction and north arrow. . 4. Location of drainage structures , streauLS, waterways and lakes. , S. Water wells within 500 feet of the site. (if there are no wells in the vicinity, please add a note to that effect.) 6. Residences and other significant structures �i*_hin one �1) mile ot the site. 7. Cemeteries within one (1) mile of the site. 8. Designated recreational areas within one (1) mile of the si[e. 9 . Land use (i.e. farm or rancli land, commercial� residential, wooded areas, etc. ) within one (1) mile of the site (1/2 mile for processing plants) . (Annotate as needed) 10. Political boundaries , including nunicipal extraterritorial jurisdictional . limits. 11. hames or desibnations of main public roadways within one (1) mile of the site. lndicate type of surfacinb of roads providing access to tt�e site. 12. Locations and names oI all aii-ports uithin four (4) miles of the site. .dUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE PERMIT APPLIC,ITION (SWA — A) TDH ( November, 1980) 199 ��Al�l''A cont i nii-",.� .w ' • .,«�. � , Name of Appli �t aro�, .ng-Ferris, Inc. 13. Drainage and utility easements on or adjacent to the site. 14. Latitudes and longitudes. � For all types of applications other than for Type I and IV sites serving 5,000 or more persons, the map shall be all or a portion of half-scale State Department o� Highways and Public Transportation Ceunty Map or a United States Geological Survey 7 1/2-Minute • Quadrangle Sheet. For applications for Type I and IV sites serving 5,000 or more persons, both types of maps shall be submitted. :Equivalent maps may be submitted with any application provided they meet the prior approval of t�►is Depart�rent. The facility will serv e approximately 1,000,000 persons and it is estimated that it will receive an average of approximately - 2500 tons per day of municipal solid waste. 1fie estimated Iife of the facility is 18.5 �'Ears. Open burning of solid waste 1S nOt (�� (is not) contemplated. _ It is re uested that the 598.583 q permit be issued for a site of acres: The name, address, and telephone number of the owner of the site is as follows: Browninq-Ferris, Inc. , P.O. Box 3151 Houston TX 77�01 The name, address, and telephone number of the governmental entity or firm responsible for tne operation of the facility is as follows: Browninq-Ferris Inc. ,� a Delaware Corporation P 0 Box 3151 Houston, TX 77001 k'hen the applicant is not the owner of the owner of Lhe land on which the site is located, there shall be submitted with the application two copias of a statement ir_ the general format provided in Appendix D of the "Municipal Solid Wast� T;anagement Regulations", rovember, 1980, signed by the ok�ner of the land acknowledging that he is aware that his land as described in the legal description submitted is to be used for the disposal or processing of solid waste and, that the owner recognizes that notwithsta:�ding and without prejudice to any contractual or other obligations between owner and operator, the Department may regard owner and operator as jointl} and severall� responsible to maintain the site after te�mination of the permit if after reasonable notice to both owner and operator, and reasonable efforts by the De�artment to compel operator's per- formance and to forfeit operator's performance bond, if ar.}•, the operator fails to take the necessary steps to as�ure proper site maintenance and payment is not ��de on tlie operator's performance bond. MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE PERMIT A?PLICATION (SWI: - A) TDH ( t:ovember, 1980) 200 . , � ~ "" • .°�, �R'1' A concinued ' Naro� oE n�., . ic3nc E�rowning=Ferris, Inc__ • yote: 1: If the applicant is sure of the type classification of the facility and operation for whic� a permit is desired, he may proceed to complete Part B of the appli- cation which pertains to more detailed inforination and technical data required for evaluation of ttie particular type of facility and operation. Before pro- ceeding to Part B, the applicant is advised to read Section E of the "Municipal Solid Waste Management Regulations", November, 19E0, for guidance in providing the necessary decail required for each ite� in Part B. Additionaily, the � applicant should consult with the Department to deterrnine the amount of soil � data required for the site. Applicants for Type I and IV sites serving 5,000 or more persons and for Types V and VI will not use Part B. Note 2: If the applicant is not sure of the type classification of the facility and operation for which a permit is desired, only Part A should be completed, signed, and submitted to the Department. Upon receipt of Part A, the Depart- ment will evaluate it and advise the applicant of the appropriate classification for the operation and facility so that u�ecessary expenditures for the prepa- ration of Part B can be avoided when a detailed technical report may be required in lieu of Part B. � ) � ( i ature of Applicant or uthorized Agen�) James R. Meszaros - Vice Pres . (Typed or Printed Name and Title) P. O. Box 3151 (Stre2t or P.O. Eox) Houston Texas 77001 (City) (State) (Zip Code) 713 870-8111 (Area Code) (Telepho;�e) r1'?�ICIt AL SOLIU l,'ASTE PtK_`717' APPLIC�ITIO�: (S�A - A) TDH ( �:ovcmbcr, 19b0) 2U1 � " ' - ' . , �� �. f� � _� _ : : . .� _ � " / . � ' - o- - „� i , y,« � , f . . . o� , .� . __-__�_- z___�_l____- ___ , . : �; � � II1I -�., -- . ���- -- . • nj ' _� I � � '. r-'=_---,-_�-�-"'.-- � r w r r � t�.'h'9) S:_-�'I�-'^• l`�• � c .� � • ' � r:: � � nu�u.�.�.. ,q.�(;• ��,-..'. . �,- . ' �-:_:.t-= -} - -- -- ---=__ __� • ': - -- =T'— -- � � ... • , ,,.w... � , � � ATTACHf�ENT N0. 1 -�.• a-- L� / � ti.' •e•»' �-' - ,.L' .�.^ ti . V�_'��,��r°',� 4 �� r��_� ���—�� .ti °'_- R No 4- – , —� '� , ,. ;, - S . _ ` l ,�,.� , � _ l $TAFFORDiO�Z �:^� /:� �` o���O� ';,✓�� �- ro. :,+o �.t� ✓ . taH . . j', r r�jwo f7T :,. " • �(��� .eq •/ : �} � � ./ ` i t ''s r '* 'a-?'( �� �� o� r.V a a. � � •e•�o' C j �`_ zs. td` -7 O ,�� � : ��:! �6.'�'. � �/ �c � �` ��� � � ' _ H � ` T` � L ` ` �� a � CC� _ T r i � ) � t � xz3. 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