HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 84-21 , - �
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N
WHEREAS, members of the Galveston County United Board of Health
are nominated by the Galveston County Commissioners' Court and confirmed
by the member governments, and
WHEREAS, the appointment of four of the nine board members is
now under consideration , and
WHEREAS, the Galveston County Commissioners ' Cour� has made its
nominations, '
THEREFORE B� IT HEREBY RESO�VED, that this body endorses the
following appointments:
Ci�izen-At Large Position - Mae S. Bruce
Dentist Position - M. W. Brantford, D.D.S:
Engineer Position - W. R. Furley
Physician Position - Richard M. Conway, M.D.
Signed at �i?�e,.,c�DSc�ooO�:'r^ �L/�c� , this the /!,/x-,� day
of �u c� usT , 19 �U , A.D.
ATTEST: • . ayor
� �, �
WHEREAS, a new law, V.A.C.S. 4436b, governing the operation of
health districts has been passed by the Texas Legislature and signed by
the Governor, and
WHEREAS, this law specifies that several issues be specifically
addressed in the Health District Agreement,
THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that this body endorses those
changes to the Nealth District Agreement as specified in the attached
document which is made part of this resolution.
Si gned at �/Lic,�n.s�Qod�%r4 ,�.�A�� , thi s the / T,U day
of _�Gr�l,�s T �� , 19 _ �'!/ , A.D.
� �
ATTEST; Playor
WHEREAS, Article 444�e 443Eb, Texas Civil Statutes, autharizes
the establishmer�t of health district� within and arnorig c�ur�ties;
cities and other governmental er�tities f�r the purpc�se c�f pravid-
ir�g and; f�.�rnishing caurity-wide public health prograrns; ar�d,
WHEREAS, parties t� this agreerner�t desire that the Galvestc�n
l:o�ar�ty Health District cant ir�ue ta furnish a coor^dir�ated publ ic
health prograrn �hr^ough�a�.�t Galvestan Coun�y.
THEREFORE, parties to this agreerrierit desire that �he Galveatc,n
Caur�ty Health District cr�r�t ir�ue t� furnish a c��ordinated publ ic
t�ealth pr�agr^�m �hr��ughQUt G�lvestan Caunty;
THEREFORE, for ar�d ir� consideration of �those prr�mises, rnut�aal
promises ar�d clvenants ar�d other inv�luable cr�nsiderations, THIS
AGREEMENT by aMd between the fr�llawing units �f government,
�ctir�g by and thraugh their duly authcrized gav�rnir�g badies�
herein c�llectively referred to as "member g,�ver�nments" :
The Caunty of Galveston .
. The City of Galveston
The City of Texas City
, The City �f La Marq ue
The City af Hitchcock
The City �:�f League City
The City �f Friendswoad
The City af Kemah ,
, The City af Cle�r Lake Shores
The City of the Village af Dickinsan
The City af Santa Fe
' The City of Crystal 9each
The Village of Jarnaica �each
GalvestQn Co�anty Water Contr�l & Impravement District #1
V�,llage of Tiki Island
r�r� this the__��T�_day af�L/�C,��'T , A. D. , •
' W I T IV E 8 S E T H :
1. The parties agree to continue the exister�ce of the Galvestan
Caunty Health District therein the "District " ) . The Dis-
trict shall be ur�der the �direction and supervisian of the
Galveston Cc,unty United Board of Health (hereinafter the
"5oard" ) which shall cGnsist of nine (9) members wha are
r��rdent� c�t�ren� of 6�z�vc�t�on Eatcnt�r haye res�,ded �r� the
District far a periad of three (3) Years and who shall serve
withaut cc�mpensatian or salary. After cansultatiar� with the
member gavernmerits, the Comrnissianers' Court af Galveston
Caunty will subrnit to the member governments at least one
� 1
nornir�ee far each Haard positian to be filled. Appraval by a
ma�Qrity c�f the rnernber gavernments is required ta canfirm
appair�trner�t of each baard ntember. &aard rnernbers whase terms
have expired will cantinue to serve until a r�ew board mernber
is selected. The board shal. l c�+nsist of three licensed
physicians appr�ved by the Medical Society of Galveston
Co�ar�ty (one of said physicians ta be on the staff at UTME+) ,
a�e 1 i censed vet er i nar,i ar�, one reg i st ered nurse, or�e pract`x-
cing 1 icer�sed professicnal er�gineer engaged ir� civi 1 ar�d/ar
sanitary eng ineerir�g, �ne 1 icensed dent ist, or�e rnember of
the faod service/fa�d sales ir�dustry ar�d ane iriterested
citizer� �f Galvestc,n County. B�aard rnembers shall serve far�
a per^iad of two years, except appointees appainted to fill
the unexpired terrn of some rnember who shall serve far the
r�ernair�ir�g period of the unexpired terrn. A11 vacancies shall
be filX�d by the �ppointing bodie� as provided abave.
2. Any member may be rernaved frarn c,f f i ce by a ma�or i t y vot e of
the r�iernber governrnents for neglect of du�y, malfeasance, c,r
cc�nviction 4f a felony; however, if any member of the Health
B�ard rnisses any three (3) cor�secut ive regular rneet ings
withaut beir�g excused by said 5oard as a whole, said Board
shall declare a vacancy, ar�d notify the member goverr�rnents
of s�_ich fact, sC that sarne m�y be fill.ed.
3. The Baard shall perf4rrn all the public health functions
pertainir�g ta public health which any of its companent
r�iembers is autharized to perform. The Board shall select a
chairrnariy a vice-chairman and a secretary fram its baard
members ar�d shall adopt rules far the canduct af its meet--
xr�gs. A ma�arity of the members of the Hoard shall consti-
t ut e a q u��r�um for t he t ransact i an of bus i ness. The H��rd
shall meet mc,nthly on a d�te to be fixed by the Board, ar�d
shall h41d such special meetings as may be called by the
chairman or by � ma�arity of the baard members.
4. The Haard shall appair�t a Direc�or to actively manage the
operation af the District. Said Directar shall possess the
qual if icat iar�s and fulfi 11 the req�.�irements af Sect ion 5 Qf
Article 444,er 4436b Texas Givil Statues, as same may be
amended from t irne ta t irne. The Director shal l be a mernber
ex-officio of the Boar,d, but shall nat have the right to
vate ir� any decisir�n made by the Faard. The 9�ar,d may at
any time far go�d cause rernove th� DirectQr.
5. The Directar• shall discharge the duties af the f�llowing
offices: ( 1 ) The Chief Executive ar�d Medical Officer c�f
� the Public Health Distri�ct Offices; (c) the pro�ect directc�r
of the Caunty Ca�rdinated Cc�mrnunity Clinics; (3) the Ca�anty
Health Offic�r; (4> the budget officer^ far the Health
District, i. e. , : he shall lae respar�sible for the prepara-
tion af all budget requirernents ta be submitted to each
member government with apprc,val of the Hoard, (5> the Chief
Executive Officer over the Galveston Caunty Air Pallution
Department, and t6) the Health Officer for each of the
. �
member goverr�ment s. Th e D i rect ar sh a 1 1 be res p��ns i b 1 e f���r•
all purchasir�g, ar�d shall c��r�duct �he sarne as ��_�th��r,i�ed ar�d
directed by the B�.�ard.
6. The Haard shal l be the pol icy sett ir�g body fc�r al l p�.�bl ic
health matter�s in Galveston Cuunty and sh�ll be char,ged wii:l-�
the respr,,r�sibility far all o�F the District' s expendit �_�res
ar�d f�ar applying f��r, grants tv the State, Feder�al Gryverr�-
rner�t, and pr,ivate sc�ur,ces, with the ec��pera� ic�r� af the
University of 7exas Medical Pr�ar�ch ar�d tF►e Cr.��_trity Medical
Saciety wher�e appl icable, t�� f�.irther strengther� a carnpreher�-
sive rnedical program in the Distr,ict.
7. 7he mernber� goverr�ments agree that the Di�trict shall have
the authc�rity tr� set ar�d collect fees far, the issuar�ce c��F
health licenses ar�d permits, ar�d f��r cc�nducting health ar�d
sanitatiar� inspectior�s for� the mernber gc�ver,nrner�ts; pr��vided
hawever, arry fees 5�� �e� �r cc�llected must be approved ir�
advance by at 1 east a rna�_�r i t y �f t he rnernber^s g��ver,nr��ent a.
Where the District r,eq�.�ir,es a per,rnit, the mernber� gaver�nrner�ts
agree n�t to require their �_�wr� Health Perr��its f�:r^ the ��per,a-
tior� of the fallawir�g businesses: f��ad service l��c�t9.c�r�a,
g rocery st ores, bars, wh��1 esa 1 e and r,et a i 1 fuc�d d ea 1 ers,
vending machir�es, swirnrning pC�olsy water wells, septic tar�ks,
gar�iage trucks� ch i ld car,e faci 1 it ies, nursing hr_�ntes� or f�_�r
ot her^ f unct i�r�s c�r, est a b 1 i sh mer�t s c�r p 1 aces ��r 1 acat i���r�s
regulated� ot^ mc�nitared by the Health Distr°ict in the
discharge c�f the r•espt�r�sibi 1 it ies er��.trner^ated belc�w. The
Cour�ty wi 11 provide adeq�aate fur�ds ir� add it i�:,n t��' th��se
avai lable frarn 5tate, Feder,al, ar�d fee-f�_�r-service pragrams
to rnaintain high qualiity pr�gr^arns in the follc�wing �reas:
T. Persona 1 Hea 1 t h Promot i or� �r�d Ma i nt er�ar�ce
A. Maternal Health
1. Prer�at a 1 care ar�d p 1 ann i r�g fc�r de 1 i ver^y
4. Postnatal care
F�. Child Health
1. Snfar�t (f irst year uf 1 i fe)
�. Preschoal (age 1 ye�r to entry �f sch���l)
'C. F�mi ly Plarmirig
D. Adult Health
E. Dental Health '
F. Geriatric Health
G. Screen far disease detectic�n ar�d fallaw-up
II. Infectious Disease Contral and Preverition
A. The program shall apply ta all cc�mmur�icabl�
disease ar�d shall include special pr�grarns fc�r^
ver�erea 1 d i sease ar�d t�_tbercu 1��s i s.
b. B�sic epidernic�l�gical ser�vices
C. Immuni�at ior�s .s
III. Enviror�rner�tal Health Pr,�agr•arns related t�_�:
A. Fr,,od
B. Waste Car��ral, sal id ar�d hazardCUS
C. Gener,a 1 San i t at i�r� �
D. Vect or Car�t ra 1 ,
E. Air Quality
F. Naise C��ntr�al
G. Industrial Hygier�e � �
H. Drir�kir�g water
IV. Adrninistrat ive Service�
A. Record5 ar�d data ir�iair�tenar�ce plus ar�alysis
B. Management - business and persor�r�el
C. Plar�nir�g ar�d Eval �.iati�r�
V. Hasic Publ ic Wealth Lab�r�tc�r�y Ser•vice
8. Mern ber government s and �t her• gc�ver•r�mer�t a 1 er�t i t i es as we 11
as private institutians both withir� �nd witho�at Galveston
Caunty, may cuntr�ct fc�r the Health District t w� pr^r,vide
Ra b i�s Cor�t ro 1 Serv i ces, Erner g ency Med i ca 1 Ser^v i ces, Wat er
Pc�llutior� CQntrc,l 5ervices, �r upgrading of ar�y appr�opr,iate
public health activity.
9. The provisians af Article444�� 4436b, Texas Civil Stat�.�tes,
� shall be applicable tc� .the District. �Ir� the ever�t of a
cariflict betweer� Articl� 44�4�a 4436b and this Agreement,
Article 44k,� 4436b shall cc�ntrol.
1Q�. A member government may withdraw frorn this Agreernent upon �
giving to the Directur in writing ane ( 1 ) year�� s advar�ce
natice af its decisian ta withdt•�w, ar t�pon c�nsent c�f all
other mer�tber g�vernments, pr�vided however, such ter•rninat ian
� 4
shall nat relieve s�_�ch member gc�verr�r�ient �af ar�y �bligatian
i ncurred by such mernber� gaverr�rner�t pr i r_�r t o t erm i r�at i or�.
Removal of a r�iember gaverr�r��erit r•eg�aires appr��v_al by the
, governing bady ��f e�ch ��f the c�ther rner�iber�s_ Withdrawal ��i^
` remov_al �f a rnember g�aver,r�mer�t shall nat ter^rnir��te c�r affect
this agreerner�t as to the rernaining or, r��r�-withdrawir�g rnemhnr
11. Mod i f i cat i on of t h i s Agr_eernent sh a 1 1 be i n wr i t i r�g ar�d
ef`fective �.�pc�r� agpr_av_�1 by the gav_er_nir�g badY of each
rnernber_ aver,r�rner�t.
1�. This Agreement shall remain ir� effect ur�til r�scir�ded by the
member gaver�nments. New member gtvernments may become
p�rties tc, this Agr,eemer�t, with the eonser�t c�f the rnernber
govvrnm�n��, by ��c�p� ing in writ ing al J. of the �er•r�i� ar�r1
pravisior�s ,�f this Agreerner�t ; ar�d ther^eup���'i this Agreemer�t
shall be deerned ir� full f��r,ce ar�d effect withc��.�t f�_�rther�
� actiar� af ariy of the members.
13. This Agreement constitutes the er�tire Agr,eement, ar�d
supercedes al l pric�r agreerner�ts betweer� the part ies.
14. This Agreernent shall becc�me effective when exec�ated by the
part i es heret a, as of t he day ar�d year f i r�st �bave wr,i t t er�.
----------------------------- ------_____-------------------
Ca�.�nty Clerk Courrty Judge
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C i t y Secret ar^y May��r
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City 5ecretary Mayor
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City Secretary Mayar
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City 5ecretary , Mayor
- - -- - . - -!-�-------
City Secretary M�yor ^
� .
----------------�------------ --------------------------------
-------=--------------......----- -------__.__----^-----------^--
C i t y Secret ar•y May�r .
----------------------------- --------______________________
City Secre�ary Mayor
------------------------------ --y-------*--------------------
City Secretary Ma ar ,
----------------------------- -__________-------------------
----------------------------- ------------------------------
City Secretary May�ar
----------------------------- ------------------------------
C i t y Secret ar^y May�r
------------------ ------------------------------
City Secretary President, Board of Managers
City Secretary--------------- Mayor�------------------------