HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 88-20 Resolution No . R88-20
A Resolution of the City of Friendswood , Texas ,
to memorialize Congress to propose an amendment •
to the United States Constitution to guarantee
that the proceeds from bonds for local and state
pro�ects shall be free from £ederal taxation.
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WHEREAS , the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitutiori of
the United States addresses the power to levy and collect
taxes, it was not intended by its framers , as evideiiced by .
the history of its adoption, nor by the ratifyirig states , to
permit taxation by the federal government of interest ir�come
on the general or special obligations of tYie states or their
political subdivisions ; aiid
WHEREAS , the Tenth Amendment to ttie Constitut�atl of the
United States was intended to reserve all powers r�ot
specifically delega�ed to the Utiited States by ttie
Constitution to the states, and thereby contemplated a
mutuality of respect between the federal government arid the
states as respective sovereigns, and
WHEREAS , Congress has enacted legislatioti� which
operates to tax or restrict the states ' issuance of q�r�eral
or special obligations and the income on tiie income ��nd
proceeds ; has enacted retroactive tax legislatioii aild ot.lier
such legislation detrimental to the states ,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the I,egisl�tttr.e of:
the State of Texas , the Senate at�d ttie Fio�isc of.
Representatives concurring, to memorialize Coiigress to
propose an amendment to the United States Constitutian so as
to prohibit Congress from enacting legislation providiiiq for
the collection of income taxes retroactively; to ensure that
the right of the states , their political subdivisioris ar
authorized authorities to finance the public purposes
established by them may not be infringed upoTi; to prot�iba_t
Congress fram taxing directly or indirectly tlie ir�come
derived from generai or special obligations issued by or oii
behalf of the states , their political subdivisiorls or
authorized authorities , and to prohibit the taxation of_ the
praceeds of or income on the proceeds of the issuatice of
these general or special obligations ; and to prohibit
Congress from restricting the issuance of general or special .
obliga�ions by or on behalf of the states , their political
subdivisions or authorized authorities ; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Legislature of the State
of Texas, the Senate and the House of Representatives
concurring, that Congress is memorialized to propose an
amendment to the Constitution of the United States of
America by adding thereto:
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Amendment[ ]
"The right of states, their political
subdivisions or authorized authorities
to issue general or special obligations
for public purposes as declared by them,
free from taxation directly or
indirectly, shall not be denied by the
United States. "
and, ,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Texas Secretary of
State forward official copies of this resolution to the
President of the United States, the Speaker of the House of
Representatives and the President of the Senate of the
United States Congress and to each member of the Texas
Delegation to the Congress, to the Chairman and members of
the Ways and Means Committee of the House of
Representatives, Chai'rmen and members of the House and
Senate Judiciary Committees and to the Chairman and members
of the Finance Committee of the Senate of the United States
with the request that this resolution be officially entered
into the Congressional Record as a memorial to the Congress
of the United States of America. -
* * * * * * * � *
Adopted by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Fri_endswood ,
Texas on July 18 , 1988 .
Mayor Paul W Schrader '
• ,S'
Deloris MeRen e , CMC
City Secretary •
City of Friendswood , Texas