HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 88-10 RESOLUTION N0. R 88-10 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE HOLDING OF A GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON MAY 7, 1988, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A MAYOR AND THREE MEMBERS TO THE CITY COUNCIL; ORDERING A SPECIAL ELECTION ON THE SAME DATE FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY CERTAIN PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE EXISTING CHARTER OF THE CITY; STATING THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY CHARTER TO BE VOTED UPON AT SAID ELECTION; ORDERING A SPECIAL ELECTION ON THE SAME DATE FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY A PROPOSITION OF WHETHE� THE CITY SHALL BE AUTHORIZED TO DISCONTINUE THE USE OF CERTAIN LANDS AS PARKS ; DESIGNATING THE POLLING PLACES AND APPOINTING ELECTION OFFICIALS FOR SUCH ELECTIONS ; PROVIDING THE FORM OF THE BALLOT AT SUCH ELECTIONS ; DIRECTING THE GIVING OF NOTICE OF SUCH ELECTIONS ; AND CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. �'r ;: �c x r BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS : Section 1 . In accordance with the Constitution and general laws of the State of Texas , a General Municipal Election is hereby callecl and ordered for the first Saturday in May, 1988, the same being the 7th day of said month, at which election all qualified voters of the City may vote for the purpose of electing the following officials of the City: Mayor Councilman, Position 1 Councilman, Position 3 Councilman, Position 5 Section 2. No person' s name shall be placed upon the official ballot as a candidate for Mayor or any of the above mentioned Council positions unless such person has £iled his or her sworn application, as provided by Section 141. 031 of the Texas Election Code, with the City Secretary of_ the City at the City Hall, located at 109 Willowick, Friendswood, Texas 77546, not later than five o' clock (5: 00) p.m. an the forty-fifth (45th) day before the date of such election. The City Secretary shall note on the face of each such application the date and time of its filing. Such application shall include the number of the position the candidate is seeking . Section 3. It is hereby ordered that a special election bP held in the City of Friendswood, Texas, on the 7th day of May, 1988, at which election there shall be submitted to the resident qualified voters of said City, for their action thereon, propositions for certain proposed amendments to the existing Charter of the City of Friendswood. Such proposed amendments are as follows : PROPOSED AMENDMENT N0. 1 The first paragraph of Subsection C of Section 3. 06 of Article III of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, shall hereafter provide as follows : "Section 3. 06 Vacancies, For£eiture, Filling of Vancancies "C. When a vacancy shall develop, the Council shall, within 30 days following such vacancy, call an election for the first available election date as provided by the Texas Election Code. " PROPOSED AMENDMENT N0. 2 Section 3. 09 of Article III of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas , shall hereafter provide as follows : "Section 3. 09 Meetings of Council "The Council shall hold at least two regular meetings each month. Al1 regular meetings of the Council shall be held at the City Hall of the City of Friendswood. The Council shall fix, by resolution, the days and times of the regular meetings. The Council may hold such special meetings as it deems necessary and appropriate, which may be called by the riayor or by four members of the Council. Speci_al meetin;s shall. be held at the City Hall of the City of Friendswood unless the Council finc�s that holding such meetings at other locations are necessary due to special circumstances where fact finding, planning , or on-site inspection is required. In no event shall a special meeting be held in any facility or at any location which is not readily accessible to the general public. All meetings of the Council shall be held in accordance with Article b252-17, Texas Revised Civil Statutes, as amended. " PROPOSED AMENDMENT N0. 3 Section 3. 1Q of Article III of the Charter o£ the City of Friendswood, Texas, shall hereafter provide as follows : "Section 3. 10 Rules of Procedure "The Council shall, by resolution, determine its own rules and order of business and the rules shall provide that citizens of the City shall have a reasonable opportunity to be heard at any meeting in regard to any matter under consideration. The Council shall provide for minutes being taken and recorded of all meetings , and such minutes shall be a public record. Voting, except on procedural motions, shall be by roll call if requested by the Mayor or any Councilman, and the ayes and nays shall be recor�ed in the minutes . Four -2- Council members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transaction of business and no action of th� Council, except as provided in Section 3. 06 above, shall be valid or bindin� unless adopted by the affirmative vote of four or more members of the Council. " PROPOSED AMENDMENT N0. 4 The third paragraph of Subsection B of Section 3. 11 of Article III of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, shall hereafter provide as follows : "Section 3. 11 Ordinances in General ��B. . . "A proposeci ordinance, except those with specific adoption procedures as set forth below, shall be read at two regular Council meetings , with at least two weeks lapsing between readings. A proposed ordinance may be amended on first reading ; however, if an amendment is made to the proposed ordinance at the time designated for final reading , the final reading shall be postponed until the next regular Council meeting. The procedure for adoption of an emergency ordinance shall be in accordance with Section 3. 12 hereof, a budget/tax ordinance with Section 8. 03 hereof, an ordinance relative to street development and improvement with Section 2. 05 hereof, and ordinances relative to borrowing for capital improvements with Section 8. 05 hereof. " PROPOSED AMENDMENT N0. 5 Subsection D of Section 3. 11 of Article III of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, shall hereafter provide as follows : "Section 3. 11 Ordinances in General "D. The reading aloud of the title of the ordinance shall suffice as a reading, provided printed copies of the ordinance, in the form required for adoption, are in front of all members of the Council and a reasonable number of additional copies are available to citizens present at the meeting . If four Councilmen request that the ordinance be read in its entirety, it must be so read. " PROPOSED AMENDMENT N0. 6 Subsection E of Section 4. 01 of Article IV of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, sha11 hereafter provide as follows : "Section 4. 01 City Manager "E. Acting City I�lanager: The City Manager shall designate, by letter filed with the City Secretary, a qualified administrative officer of the City to perform the duties of City Manager in his or her absence. In the event of long term disability, resignation, or termination of the City Manager, the Council shall appoint an acting City Manager for the duration of any such disability, or until appointment of a permanent City Manager. No member of the City Council shall serve as Acting City Manager. " -3- PROPOSED AMENDMENT N0. 7 "Subsection E of Section 4. 06 of Article IV of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, shall hereafter provide as follows : "Section 4. 06 Personnel System "E. Personnel Rules : The City Manager shall prepare personnel policies. The Council shall adopt such policies with or without amendment. The personnel policies shall be reviewed on a regular basis." PROPOSED AMENDMENT N0. 8 Section 6. 01 of Article VI of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, shall hereafter provide as follows : "Section 6. 01 City Elections "A. Schedule. The regular City Election will be held annually on the first Saturday in May. The Council shall be responsible to specify places for holding such election. "B. Special Elections. The Council shall provide for the holding of such special elections as may be required by law or this Charter, or for such other purposes as may be deemed necessary or appropriate by the Council. "C. Voter Eligibility List. A certified list o£ voter registrants within the City, consistent with the official list prepared by the County Tax Assessor-Collector, shall be maintained current by the City Secretary. If for a purpose relating only to a City election or to candidates or issues involved in such election, any organization, group or person requests a list of qualified voters of the City, permission to copy the current list shall be granted by the City Secretary. "D. Conduct and Regulations of Elections. All City elections shall be governed by the Constitution of the State of Texas , the Texas Election Code, this Charter, and ordinances and resolutions of the City, in the order named. Municipal elections shall be conducted by the election officials appointed or approved by the Council. " PROPOSED AMENDMENT N0. 9 Subsection A of Section 6. 02 of Article VI of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas sha11 hereafter provide as follows : "Section 6. 02 Filing for office "A. Eligibility To File. Each candidate for an elective City office shall meet the following qualifications : l. Shall have resided for at least twelve consecutive months immediately preceding the date of election within either the corporate boundaries of the City or within an area annexed into the City during such twelve month period. 2. Shall meet the requirements for sponsors stipulated in Section 6. 02B below. -4- 3. If an incumbent seeks a different elected office or elected position of the City than that which he then holds, he shall submit a letter of resignation to the City Council at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of election for such desired office or position. The letter of resignation shall provide for an effective date of such resignation of not later than the day immediately preceding the day of such election. 4. No candidate may file for more than one office or position number per election. " PROPOSED AMENDMENT N0. 10 Section 6. 03 of Article VI of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas , shall hereafter provide as follows : "Section 6. 03 Ballots The ballots for all elections held by �he City shall conform with the provisions of the Texas Election Code. " PROPOSED AMENDMENT N0. 11 Subsection C of Section 6. 04 of Article VI of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas , shall hereafter provide as follows : "Section 6. 04 Canvassing and Election Results "C. Run-Off Election. In the event no candidate for an elective office receives a majority of the votes cast for that position in the regular or special election or there is a tie for first place, a run-off election shall be held among the candidates who received the greatest number of votes for the first two places. Such run-off election shall be held in accordance with the Texas Election Code. " PROPOSED AMENDMENT N0. 12 Section 7. 01 of Articl� VII of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, shall hereafter provide as follows : "Section 7. 01 Division of Tax Administration "There is hereby established a Department of Taxation. The head of the Department of Taxation shall be the City Tax Collector. The City Tax Collector shall collect, or cause the collection of, a11 taxes due and owing to the City. " PROP05ED AMENDMENT N0. 13 Section 7.03 of Article VII of the Cliarter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, which Section 7. 03 provides for the assessment of property far tax purposes , shall be deleted in its entirety. PROPOSED AMENDMENT N0. 14 Section 7. 04 of Article VII of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, which Section 7. 04 provides for the -5- creation of a tax Board of Equalization, shall be deleted in its entirety. PROPOSED AMENDMENT N0. 15 Section 7. 05 of Article VII of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, which Section 7. 05 provides for the payment of ad valorem taxes, shall be deleted in its entirety. PROPOSED AMENDMENT N0. 16 Section 7. 06 of Article VII of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, which Section 7. 06 provides for the creation of tax liens , liability for the payment of ad valorem taxes, and collection of ad valorem taxes, shall be deleted in its entirety. PROPOSED AMENDMENT N0. 17 Section 7. 07 of Article VII of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, which Section 7. 07 provides for assessment and collection of ad valorem taxes for properties having divided ownerships, shall be deleted in its entirety. PROPOSED AMENDMENT N0. 18 Section 7. 09 of Article VII of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, which Section 7. 09 provides restrictions on the discount, compromise, and waiver of ad valorem taxes and penalty and interest thereon, shall be deleted in its entirety. PROPOSED AMENDMENT N0. 19 Section 7. 10 of Article VII of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas , which section 7. 10 provides for the adoption of rules, regulations , and procedures to enforce the collection of ad valorem taxes, shall be deleted in its entirety. PROPOSED AMENDMENT N0. 20 Paragraph 2 of Subsection C of Section 8. 03 of Articl� VIII of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, shall hereafter provide as follows : "Section 8. 03 Annual Budget "C. Public Notice and Hearing "2. The time and place, not less than ten (10) nor more than thirty (30) days after such publication, for a puhlic hearing on the budget . " -6- PROPOSED AMENDMENT N0. 21 Subsection E of Section 8. 03 of Article VIII of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, shall hereafter provide as follows : "Section 8. 03 Annual Budget "E. Adoption: The Council shall adopt its annual budget by ordinance, on one reading , by the lSth day o£ September or as soon thereafter as practical. Adoption of the budget shall require an affirmative vote of at least a majority of all members of the Council. Adoption of the budget shall constitute appropriations of the amounts specified therein as expenditures from the funds indicated. " PROPOSED AMENDMENT N0. 22 Subsection F of Section 8. 03 of Article VIII of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas , which Subsection F provides procedures in the event of fa�_lure to adopt an annual budget by September 15th, shall be deleted in its entirety. PROPOSED AMENDMENT N0. 23 Section 9. 09 of Article IX of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, shall hereafter provide as follows : "Section 9.09 Regulation of Rates. "The Council sha11 have fuZl power to regulate the rates , charges, and fares of every public utility franchise holder opera�ing within the corporate boundaries of the City except as specifically limited by state or federal law. No increase in any rate, charge, or fare of any public utility franchise shall be granted by the Council until after a public hearing thereon, at which hearing the franchise holder and any interested citizen shall be entitled to present evidence regarding such proposed increase. " PROPOSED AMENDMENT N0. 24 Section 11. 04 of Article XI of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas , shall hereafter provi�e as follows : "Section 11 . 04 Nepotism. "No appointment to the service of the City shall violate the prohibitions against nepotism set forth in Article 5996, Texas Revised Civil Statutes, as amended." PROPO5ED AMENDMENT N0. 25 Subsection B of Section 11. 09 of Article XI of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, shall hereafter provide as follows : "Section 11. 09 "B. Action By The Council : -7- "The Council shall receive and have published in the designated official public newspaper of the City the Final Report of the Charter Review Commission ; shall consider any recommendations made, and if any amendments be presented as part of such report, may order such amendment or amendments to be submitted to the voters of the City in accordance with the Texas Local Government Code, as amended. " PROPOSED AMENDMENT N0. 26 The Home Rule Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, shall hereafter be amended to remove references to office hol�ers by sex or gender. Section 4. The ballot for the special election on said proposed amendments to the Charter shall conform to the requirements of the Texas Election Code, as amended, and on such ballot s�all appear propositions corresponding to each of the proposed Charter amendments set forth above in Section 3, with the provision on such ballot permitting voters to vote "For" or "Against" on each proposition without voting "For" or "Against" on all propositions. Such propositions , numbered to correspond with the numbering of the proposed amendments listed in Section 3, shall provide as follows : PROPOSITION N0. 1 Shall the first paragraph of Subsection C of Section 3. 06 of Article III of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas , b� amended to provide that when a vacancy develops on City Council, the City Council shall , within thirty (30) days of the date such vacancy occurs, order an election to be held on the first available election date authorized by the Texas Election Code to fill such vacancy? PROPOSITION N0. 2 Shall Subsection 3. 09 of Article III of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, be amended to authorize the holding of special meetings of the City Council at locations other than the City Hall if the City Council finds that holding such meeitngs at other locations are necessary due to special circumstances where fact f_inding , planning, or on site inspections are required? -8- PROPOSITION N0. 3 Shall Section 3. 10 of Article III of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas , be amended to provide that voting on all motions other than procedural motions shall be by roll call only if requested by the Mayor or any Councilman? PROPOSITION N0. 4 Shall the third paragraph of Subsection B of Section 3. 11 of Article III of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas , be amended to provide that all ordinances other than emergency ordinances, budget/tax ordinances, ordinances relative to street development and improvements, and ordinances relative to borrowing for capital improvements, shall be read at two regular City Council meetings with at least two weeks lapsing between readings? PROPOSITION N0. 5 Shall Subsection D of Section 3. 11 of Article III of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas , be amended to provide that the reading aloud of the title of a proposed ordinance shall suffice as a reading unless four Councilmen request that the ordinance be read in its entirety? PROPOSITION N0. 6 Shall Subsection E of Section 4. 01 of Article IV of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas , be amended to provide that the City Council shall appoint an acting City Manager in the event of long t�rrn disability, resignation, or termination of the City Manager? PROPOSITION N0. 7 Shall Subsection E of Section 4. 06 of Article IV of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, be amended to provide for the adoption by the City Council of personnel policies ; and by deleting provisions requiring such personnel policies to provide for classification of City positions, pay plans, merit and fitness criteria, force reduction and removal of employe�s , hours of work, attendance, leave, provisional appointments, employee organizations, in service training, and other mandatory provisions? -9- PROPOSITION N0. 8 Shall Section 6. 01 of Article VI of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas , be amended to provide for the holding of regular City elections on the first Saturday in May; provide for the holding of special elections as may be required by law or deemed necessary by the City Council ; and provide that the conduct of City elections shall be held in accordance with the Texas Election Code? PROPOSITION N0. 9 Shall Subsection A of Section 6. 02 of Article VI of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, be amended to delete therefrom the requirements that a person be a qualified voter and not be in arrears in ths payment of taxes to be eligible to file as a candidate for an elective office of the City ; be amended by deleting the prohibition against an employee seeking an elective office of the City; and be amended by providing that the twelve month residency requirement be from the date of election as opposed to the date of filing the candidacy? PROPOSITION N0. 10 Shall Section 5. 03 of Article VI o£ the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas , be amended to provide that official ballots for City elections shall be prepared in compliance with the Texas Election Code? PROPOSITION N0. 11 Shall Subsection C of Section 6. 04 of Article VI of the Charter of the City of Frien�swood, Texas, be amended to provide that run-off elections shall be conducted in accordance with the Texas Election Code? PROPOSITION N0. 12 Shall Section 7. 01 of Article VII of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas , be amended by deleting the provisions providing for the assessment of taxes by the office -10- of taxation; and by changing the na�e of the director of the department of taxation to the City Tax Collector? PROPOSITION N0. 13 Shall Section 7. 03 of Article VII of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas , which provides for the assessment of property for tax purposes, be deleted in its entirety? PROPOSITION N0. 14 Shall Section 7. 04 of Articl� VII of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, which provides for the creation of a Tax Board of Equalization, be deleted in its entirety? PROPOSITION N0. 15 Shall Section 7. 05 of Article VII of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, which provides for the payment of ad valorem taxes, be deleted in its entirety? PROPOSITION N0. 16 Shall Section 7. 06 of Article VII of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, which provides for the creation of tax liens, liability for the payment of ad valorem taxes, and collection of ad valorem taxes, be d�leted in its entirety? PROPOSITION N0. 17 Shall Section 7. 07 of Article VII of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas , which provides for the assessment and collection of ad valorem taxes for properties having divided ownerships, be deleted in its entirety? PROPOSITION N0. 18 Shall Section 7. 09 of Article VII of the Charter of the City of Frien�swood, Texas, which provides restrictions on the discount , compromise, and waiver of ad valorem taxes and penalty and interest thereon, be deleted in its entirety? PROPOSITION N0. 19 Shall Section 7. 10 of Article VII of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, which provides for the adoption of rules, regulations , and procedures to enforce the collection of ad valorem taxes, be deleted in its entirety? -11- PROPOSITION N0. 20 Shall paragraph 2 of Subsection C of Section 8. 03 of Article VIII of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas , be amended to provide that notice of public hearings on annual budgets be given not less than ten (10) nor more than thirty (30) days prior to the date of such hearings? PROPOSITIONS N0. 21 Shall Subsection E of Section 8. 03 of Article VIII of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas , be amended to provide that t�e City' s annual budget be adopted by the 15th day of September �r as soon thereafter as pratical ; and by deleting the provision that adoption of an annual budget shall constitute a levy of the property tax therein proposed? PROPOSITION N0. 22 Shall Subsection F of Section 8. 03 of Article VIII of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, which provides procedures in the event of failure to adopt an annual budget by September 15th, be deleted in its entirety? PROPOSITION N0. 23 Shall Section 9. 09 of Article IX of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas , be amended to delete provisions establishing procedures and timetables relating to the regulation of rates of public utility franchise holders within the City? PROPOSITION N0. 24 Shall Section 11. 04 of Article XI of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, be amended to provide that no appointment to the service of the City shall violate the prohibitions against nepotism as set forth in Article 5996, Texas Revised Civil Statutes , as amended? PROPOSITION N0. 25 Shall Subsection B of Section 11 . 09 of Article XI of the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, be amended to provide that the City Council shall publish in the designated official newspaper of the City the Final Report presented to the Council by any appointed Charter Review Commission. -12- PROPOSITION N0. 26 Shall the Charter of the City of Friendswood, Texas, be amended to remove references to office holders by sex or gender? Section 5. It is hereby ordered that a special election be held in the City of Friendswood, Texas, on the 7th day of May, 1988, at which election there shall be submitted to the resident qualified voters of the City, for their action thereon, the following proposition regarding the authority of the City Council to discontinue the use of two tracts of land within the City as parks. The ballot for the special election on said proposition shall conform to the requirements of the Texas Election Code, as amended, with the provision thereon permitting voters to vote "For" or "Against" the proposition. The proposition shall provide as follows : PARK LAND PROPOSITION Shall the City Council be authorized to discontinue the use of that certain 0. 826 acre tract of Iand, more or less, located adjacent to Lot 1, Block 9, Dunbar Estates Section 2, out of Abstract 20, Perry and Austin League, as recorded at Record ��15, Map 54, Recording No. 96523, Galveston County, Texas, and that certain 0. 7286 acre tract of land, more or less, located adjacent to Lot l, Block l, Dunbar Estates Section 1 , out of Abstract 20, Perry and Austin League, as recorded at Vol. 10, page 79, Recording No. 415173, of the map records of Galveston County, Texas , as City parks? Section b. That said elections shall be held in each of the election precincts within said City and the polling places and election officials for each of said precincts shall be as follows : Election Precinct 56: Boundaries the same as that portion of Galveston County election Precinct 56 lying within the City limits of the City of Friendswood. Polling Place : City Hall 109 Willowick Friendswood, Texas Election Officers : R. J. Blanken, Presi�ing Judge Lila Ritter, Alternate Presiding Judge -13- Election Precinct 57 : Boundaries the same as that portion of Galveston County election Precinct 56 lying within the City limits of the City of Friendswood. Polling Place : Westwood Elementary School 506 West Edgewood Friendswood, Texas Election �fficers : Clarence White, Presiding Judge Coylyn White, Alternate Presiding Judge Election Precinct 60: Boundaries the same as that portion of Galveston County election Precinct 60 lying within the City limits of the City of Friendswood. Polling Place : Friendswood Junior High School 402 Laurel Friendswood, Texas Election Officers : Darleen Latimer, Presiding Judge Jan Peters , Alternate Presiding Judge Election Precinct 61 : Boundari�s the same as that portion of Galveston County election Precinct 61 lying within the City limits of the City of Friendswood. Polling Place : Fire Station No. 2 2605 F.M. 528 Friendswood, Texas Election Officers : Vicki Raley, Presiding Judge Lucille Koutnick, Alternate Presiding Judge Election Precinct 378: Boundaries the same as that portion of Harris County election Precinct 378 lying within the City limits of the City of Friendswood. Polling Place : Forest 3end Civic Club Buildin� 4300 Laura Leigh Friendswood, Texas Election Officers : Marge George, Presiding Judg� Robert George, Alternate Presiding Judge Election Precinct 474: Boundaries the same as that portion of Harris County election Precinct 474 lying within the City limits of the City of Friendswood. Polling Place : Wedgewood Civic Building 5006 Pennystone Friendswood, Texas Election Officers : Janis Fuss , Presiding Judge Phyllis Middleton, Alternate Presiding Judge -14- The City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to provide a copy of this Resolution to each judge as written notice of the appointment as required by Section 32. 009 of the Texas Election Code. Each Presiding Judge shall have the authority to appoint no more than three (3) qualified voters as clerks to assist in the hol�ing of said election, but in no event shall the Presidin� Judge appoint less than two (2) clerks. Section 7. Ms . Deloris McKenzie, City Secretary, is hereby appointed clerk for absentee voting ; appointments of deputy clerks for absentee voting by the City Secretary shall be in accordance with Section 83. 031 et seq, of the Texas Election Code and the : City Hall 109 Willowick Friendswood, Texas 77546 is hereby designated as the place for absentee voting for said election. Said clerks shall keep said office open for at least nine (9) hours, that is, from eight o' clock (8:00) a.m. until five o' clock (5: 00) p.m. , on each day for absentee voting which is not a Saturday, a Sunday, or an official state holiday, beginning on the twentieth (20th) day and continuing through the fourth (4th) day preceding the date of said election. Said clerks shall not permit anyone to vote absentee by personal appearance on any day which is not a regular working day for the clerk' s office, and under no circumstances shall they permit anyone to vote absentee by personal appearance at any time when such office is not open to the public. The above- described place for absentee voting is also the absentee clerk' s mailin� address to which ballot applications and bal- lots voted by mail may be sent. The absentee voting clerk, in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Election Code, shall maintain a roster listing each person who votes absentee by personal appearance and each person to whom an absentee ballot to be voted by mail is sent. The roster shall be maintained in a form approved by the Secretary of State. �15- Section 8. R. J. Blanken hereby appointed as Presiding Judge of the Absentee Ballot Board. In accordance with Section 87. 001 , et seq, of the Texas Election Code, said presiding judge shall appoint at least two (2) other members to said board, and shall process absentee voting results in accordance with said Texas Election Code. Section 9. That said election shall be held in accordance with the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, and all duly qualified resident electors of the City of Friendswood, Texas, shall be entitled to vote. Section 10. The City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to furnish all necessary election supplies to conduct such election. Section 11. The order in which the names of the candidates are to be printed on the ballot in the general election shall be determined by a drawing by the City Secretary, as provided by Section 52. 094 of the Texas Election Code. The City Secretary shall post a notice in her office, at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the date on which the drawing is to be held, of the time and place of the drawing, and shall also give personal notice to any candidate who makes written request for such notice and furnishes to the City Secretary a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Each candidate involved in the drawing, or a designated representative, shall have a right to be present and observe the drawing. � Section 12. The candidates receiving a majority of votes for Mayor and in each of the positions to be filled at such election shall be declared elected. Section 13. The voting at such election shall be upon paper ballot . Absentee voting at such election shall be by paper ballot. Section 14. Notice of this election shall be given in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Election Code and returns of such notice shall be made as provided for in said Code. The Mayor shall issue all necessary orders and writs for -16- � such election, and returns of such election shall be made to the City Secretary immediately after the closing of the polls. Section 15. Said election shall be held in accordance with the Texas Election Code and the Federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended. PASSED, APPROVED, AND RESOLVED this the 4th day of April, 1988. � v� . Ra p owe, Mayor ATTEST: C s De o is McKenz e, ty ecretary --17- �