HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 89-12 RFSdT,UTION Ntl, R$9-12 A R�SQLUTI�N AUTHORI7ING TH� MAYOR TO FXECUTE, AND THE LITY 5�CRETAitY TO 11T'l'�ST T� A RATE �RDFR RELATING TO EI.�.CTT�YC UTII,�TY RaTES Tp �iE c��ARGEn BY HQUSTON I�IGHTING Ai�D POWER WZTHI�T 'fHE GITY OF FRIENDSWOOD. * � Yt � �e B� IT RT�SaLV�:D �3Y TN� CZ'1'Y COI1t�C�F. OF THE C;ITY aF �iti�NnSWQ�ti, STATF OF T�XAS : Section 1 . '1'hat �hc Ciry Cauncil of the Ciry of Friendswc�od , T�x�s , her�t�y �dopts s Rate Order regardi.ng raCe� for electric uti.li.ty service to be charged by Hous�on Li,ght�ng & Power Camp�3ny within the c�rporate lim�its of the City of �zzendswoocl. A co�.�y oF such Rate Order is a�tached hereto and m�de � parc hereof. Section 2 . Tha� �h� Mayar z�nc� Che City Secrerary be , and they are herehy , nuthorized ai�d dir�cted to execuCe and �rtest , respectively , the ac�ached Rz�te 4rder re�.ating to electric u�i��ty r���es �o be char�ed by 1�ous�on Ligh�ing & P�w�r Gompany, �'ASSFD, APPROVED, ANT? RESOLVED this �f�TTi� day of March, 1989. r � ATTEST: ty ecretary _ ___�--.�--- �-..�...�. . _ --- ____ RATE ORDER N0. R89-12 A RATE ORDER RFLATZNG TO R.ATES TO BE CHARGED �Y HOUST4N �IGHTING & POWER COMPANY FOR ELECTRIC UTILI�Y SERVICE WITNIN TH� C4RPQRATE LIMITS OF TNE Cx�Y OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROV�SYONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND PROVIDING FOR A REP�A�ER ; AND FOR SEVERABILITY. � * * * * � WHEREAS, on or abouC November 23, 198$, Hauston Ligh�ing & Fower (Ch� '�Cr�mpany") , filed with �he City of F'�r�.endswood a SCa�ement of Intent and Petition far Authar�ry �o Change Rat�s relating �o �le.c�ric utility service; and WHE�iF,AS, by Resolutian No. R$9-12, the City Council suspended �he e£fective date o£ such proposed rat� increase unCi.l March 29, �.989; and WHEREAS , the City Council , having considered the Company' s rate reques�, finds that such requesC is excessive; and WHERFAS , the City C�auncil, having original �uri�diction over �h� mat�er, finds �hat no incr�ase �n rates should be prescribed �or the Company; NQW, THFR�FOR�, �1� IT ORDERED BY TH� CITY COUNCIL OF THF CITY OF k"RIENDSWOOD, STATE OF T�X1�5 : Section 1 . The City Council of the City� of Friendswood, Texas, hereby fincls th� requested raCes of �he Company tv be excessive and unreasonabl,e. SecCiun 2. The City has' original ,jurisdiction over this cASe pursuant Co Section 43 0� the Publi.c Urili�y Regulatory Acr . S�ction 3. The City hereby den�e$ �he Company' s Petition for Authority �o Change Rates. Section 4, Th� City Council her�by autho�i�ea and direcCs the City Secretary �o serve the Company wi�h a certified copy � o� Chis Rate Order which is the final deCermination and order of xhe C�ty. 5ection 5. Notihing containad in this Rate �rder shall be construed now ar hereaftier as lim�ting or modi�ying, �n �ny manner, the right and pawer of the Ci�y under the law tv regulate the rates and charges of the Company. Section �. Al.l ra�e ord�re ar p�rts o£ ra�e orders �n conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such canfl�cC only. S�ctfon 7. If any provisian, section, subseceion, sPntence, clause, or phrase of this RaC� Order, or the applicat�on of same tv any parson or set of circumstanc�s is for �ny reason held to be uncons��tutiona�, void or inv�lid, the va�idi�y of the xemaining portiona of this Rate Order or �heir applicat�on Co flther persons or sets of circum�Cances sha11 not ba affecCed thereby, it being the irttent of the C�ty Council in adopting this Ra�e Order that na portion hereo£ or provision or ragul�tiion con�ained Y herein shall become irioperative or f�i� by r�a`son o� any unconstituCionality, voidne�s, or inv�lidity o� gny other partion hereof, and all pro�isi�ns df �his Rate Order �re declared to be severable f.or that purpose. -2� Section 9. 'Y'he City Council officially finds, determines, rec�Cea, and declar�s that a suffiaienC written notice of the daCe, hour, place, and sub1ect of this meeting of the City Council was posted at a place convenient to the pubtic at the { ; City I�all of the Ci�y �or the t3.me required by law preceding this mee�ing, as required by the Open Meetings Law, Artic2e 6252-17, T�xas Revised Civi.l Statu�es AnnoCaCed {yernon Supp. 2989) ; and thaC this meeting has been open to the public as required by law at a11 t�.mes duri�g which �his Rate Order and the sub�ect matter �hereof ha� been discussed, considered, and �ormally acred upan. The Ci.ty Council. �urther xazifiea, approves, and co�firms such wr�.rren norice and the cantents and posting Chereo�. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ORDERED this 20th d8y o£ March , _______. 1989. �,. ay r ATTEST: t eczeCary _ _g_