HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 89-26 RESOLUTI4N N4. R 89-26 ' A R�SOLUTION SUSPENDING THE CHANGE IN RATES FOR F.1��:CTKxC SERVICE WITHIN THE CITY OF FRIENDSWQOD, TEXAS, PROPOSED BY TEXAS-NEW MEXICO POWER COMPANY, TO B�COM� EFF�CTIVE MARCH 4, 19$3. � * * � � �c * WHEREAS , on J�ly 18, 1989, T�xas-New Mexico Power Compaay fiied a Statemen� df Inten� to change its rates tor elec��ric s�rvice wi�hin the City of Friendswood, '�exas, and ttas � reques�ed tha� said changea become eff�ctive on August 23, ].9$9 and WHEREAS , Texas-New Mexico Pvwer Company has fi.led revised � Tarift Schedules, together with statements speci�ying each proposed change, a rate �iling package, and supporting testimany ; arid WHER�AS , Section Z7(a) af the Public Utility Itegula�ory Act, Article 1�+�+6c, Texas Revised Civil Statures, gives the governin� body af e�ch municipality exclusive original ,jurisdict3.on over electric rates wi.thin its municip�l boundaries ; and WHEREAS , SecCion 43{d) di thP Pub�.ic U�ili�y Regulatory Act authorizes Che governing body af any municipali�y actiing Rs a R�gula�ory Author�ty �o suspend the operatian of any proposed change in ra�es for a period not to exceed nine�y (94} days beyond �he date on whi.ch the schedu-Ied rates would o�herwise ga into e�feet ; and WHEREAS, the proposed changes of Texas�New Mexico Pow�r Company and the material suppor�ing Chose changes require comprehensive evaluation and s�udy, now therefore, B� IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL QF THE CITY 4F FRIENDSWOOri, � STATE OF TEXAS: Sect��n 1. The changes �n raCes £or �leetriG ser��ice wi�hin the City o� Friendswaod, Texas, proposed by Texas-New Mex�co Pawer Company to beGame effective on AugusC 23, 1489, $hould be and they are her�by, suspended for a period o� ninaty I (9Q) days beyond said propoaed eff�ctive da�e for further s�udy, evaluation, investigation, presen�ation a£ evidence, and publi.c hearing. SecCion 2: That the City Secretary be, and she is hereby, directed Co forward a certified copy of Chis Resolut�on �o Texas-New Mexi.co Power Company. PASS�D AND APPROVED this 7th dgy o� �ugust , 1989. Or Paul W. Schrader ATTE : ty ecreta -2�