HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 89-32 - RESOI.UTZON i�0. R89-32
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Sec�ion 1 . The followin� rules of procedure shall govern
all meet�.ngs and proceedi.ngs of �he Planning and Zoning
Commission ("Comm�ssion") of the City of Friendswood , Texas ,
and the conduct of its members And persons in attendance a�
such mee�ings :
Rt�le 1 . Me_e�ings - Regular and Special .
(A) The Commission shall meet �.n the Council Chambers
of the CiCy Hall on the firsr and �hird Thursday of each
month, commencin� aC 7 :00 o'clock p.m. zn �he event
Thursday �all.s on a holiday, the meeting for �haC day shall
be rescheduled ss determined by the Co�mission. Any
meeting of the Commission mr�y be recessed from hour to hour
or adjourned from day to day by a ma3ority vote o� the
members present r�t such meeCinp„ anc3 such recessed or
ad�ourned meeting shall be held without further notice to
any member; provided further �hat while any mee�ing may be
ad�ourned from day to day, then any such meeting shall be
automatically fin�lly adjourned upon the commencement of
the next scheduled meeting or upon the commencement of Any
du2y called special meeting prior �o �he nex� scheduled
meQting. Provifled fur�her, no meeCing shall be �8,journed
�o a C�me later Chan forty-eighC (4$} hours afCer Che Cime
at which the action to Ad,journ any such meeting is taken.
(B) Special meeCings of �he Commission shall be held
by the call of the Chairman or of four (4} or more
members . Such meetings rnay be held aC Citiy Hall or A�
anothex locati.on wzthxn the City des�gnated by the
(G) Four- (4) members sha11 coi�stitute e quorum for
Che kr�nsaction of business and no action of the Comm�ss�on
shall be valid or binding unless adopted by �he affirma�ive
voCe o£ four (4) members of the Cpmmi88�0�. In Che event
�he Commission membership fa��s below four {4) , then �he
af£irm�tive vote of a majority o� the remaining members
shall be necess�ry Co take action and a ma�4rity o� the
remaining memb�rs sha�� constitute � quorum for the
t�ansaction of business.
Rule 2 . Chairman Ca11,� �o Order.
The Chairman, or �in his absence the Vice Chaixman,
sha11 preside : a� all meetings o� the Comm�ss�on. In the
absei�ce o£ the Chairman �nd the Vice Chairman, any member
elec�ed by a ma�ori�y of the Commissioii at such meeting may
preside unless anoCher member has been desig�ated by the
Chairmen for such purpose. At the hour of the meet�ng, the
Cha�rman or acting Chairman sha11 assume the chair, call
the Commission tio order, and the Secr�tary Bhall call the
Rule 3. Handling of Agenda Subjects.
The Commission sha11 be the sole �udge af i�s own
procedure And shall be in full control of Che business
before it. Nei�her the Chairman, �he Vice Chairman, nor
any member appoinred tio preside shall have any power to
ei�her recesa a meeting or ad�ourn R mCPC�ng� or prev�nt
the Commission from considering an n�enda item, or lay the
same out for consideration, except in accordance w�th Texas
Open MeeCings Act, �he Citiy Charter and as o�hcrwise
provided h�rein. If, notwithstanding the pos�tive
provis�ons of th�s Rule, the presiding afficer, whether
Chairman, Vice Chairman, or member presiding, shall attemp�
to prevent the Commission �rom taking any acCion on any
&$CIICIR item brought be£are it, �ny member present may call
£or a vote of th� Commission to consider the ma�Cer.
Rule 4. Conduc� of Chairman and Members.
Any membEr of th� Commission, including rhe Cha�rman,
who shall fail to observe decorous nnd orderly beh�vior
dur�.ag a meetzng of the Commiasion sha21 be sub,�ect to
expulsion from such meeting upon motion passed by
two-thirds vote of the Commission prescnC at the meeting.
Ru1e 5. Non-interruption.
Members of the��-''Commi.ssion shal� be permi�Ced ro
addresa �he Chair while ei�her seated or st�nding, r�nd
�£ter recogniti.on sha�l not be interrupted whi2e speaking
wi.thout his consent, exc�p� by a call or order of the Ch�ir.
-2- �
' Rule 6. Handling o� Question af Order.
All queations o� order sha11 be decided by the
Chairmnn with the righC o� Appe�1 0� such decision to rhe
members, and a majority of Che members present may overrule
the decis�on o£ Che Chair. When the Chair xu�es on a poinC
of order and one of the members stat�a "� appeal the ruling
of the Chair", or words �o such effect, no other business
shall be tranBacCed until Che question, "Shall the ruling
of rhe Chair be susCained?" be voted on. The Chairman
shall immediatel� put such question �o vote wi�hout debate,
snd , if he fails to do so immediately, any member of the
Commission mAy put the question to a vote.
Rule 7 . Pracedurc for 5ubm�tting Agenda Items .
Comm�ssion Agenda. Any person requesCing the
p��cement o� an act�on item on any Co�mission Meeting
ag�nda must notify the �lanning and Zoning Secretary of
s�me at least ren (10) days prior Co the meet�ng. A1�
backup in�orma�ion such �s plats , si�e plans, etc. , muat be
submi�C�d at that t�me. Agenda iCems which do noC require
ac�ion �t a Commission Mee�ing �ay be submitted up to
seventy-Cwo (72} hours �n advance of �he meeting.
�Cit_� Council A enda. The City Secre�ary shall by
noCifie�-o . propose recommendations for the City Council
Agenda no later �han nooil o£ the Thursday preced�ng the
meeC�ng at which the same is �o be considered. Written
recommendations must be recexved by the City SecreCary no
later rhan noon on Friday for placement �n counciL packets.
Rule 8. Mo�ion to Table.
Since �he CommiASion will alweys have regularly
schedu�ed meet�ngs , a motion to table, when carr�ed, does
210� permanently defeat a measure. If a morion or other
measure is tabled by a mg�ority vote of tihe Commission,
such mot�on, or o�her measure, ah�11 be considered always
to be ly�ng upon ehe �n�le and may be called from �he eable
at any �ime by a majority vote of the memb�rs presen�, and
again co�isidered.
Rule 9. Procedure to Debaee.
Upon any meASUre be�ng laid ou�, or aay mo�ion being
made, any member present, before there is any debate opened
on Che subject, may make a parl.iamenCary ob�ection to the
consideration o£ the sub�ect which need not be s�eonded.
No deb�te shnll then be permiCred, and the Chairraan shal.�
immediatel� put the �}quesCion, "Sha11 thc objection be
sus�ained? ' If the ob,jecGion is sus�ained by a vote of
two-thi.rds of �hc members presen�, �he motion or other
measure is permanently defea�ed for that me�tzng and ahgll
not be debated (except in accoxdance with Rul� 11) .
Rule 10. Procedure �o Debate.
I£; during debate u�on any mot�on or other matter
befora Che Commf�sion, any member moves that the sub3ect
under discussion be put to a vote without £urth�r deba�e
(and sucY► a motion need not be seconded) , the Chairman
shall immediately ask the Commission, "Is Chere any
ob,jecCion Co proceeding Co voCe on the motion or a�her
measure be�ore the Comma.ssion be�ng taken immediately?".
If any member objeGts, tha Ch�irman 8haI1 immedia�el.y nnd
w�.thout d�bate put the question, "Shall the svb,ject being
di.scussed be put to g vote withouC debate?", tio a vo�e of
the Commission, and i.f two�thirds of the members presenr
vote in favor of Qrdering the vore, debate on the question
shall be closed �nd a vvte on the motion or other meaaure
� shall be taken imemd�.ate�y.
Rule 11. Reconsideratioi� ot a Subject.
When a motion or other measure of any sor� has been
plac�d before tihe Commission and defeated, the same
question shall not aga�r► be considered by �he Commission
until � lapse of ninety (90) days .
Ru�e 12. Reduc�ng Motion to WriCing.
A11 motions must be seconded before being put �o a
vot� Uy �he Chair (except where otherwise provided in the�e
Rules) , and upan request of any other member or Ch�irman,
�he party making any such motion (excegt a moCion �o order
a vote on a subject being cons�.dered per Rule 10 Co �ab1e,
or o�her such procedural matter) shall reduce the same to
writin�, or request the Secretary to do �he same.
Rule 13, Secretaz��aJ� �'rocedure.
�'he Planning and Zonin� Secretary shall be �he
secr�tary of the Commission and shA11 act as reading and
recording clerk Co the Commissioii. By his or her
signature, the Secretary �hall eerCify the correctness of
the minutes And ,journals, shall record all actions taken by
the Comm�ssion, sha11 record �he vot� upon each measure
when Caken by Che ayes and nays , and shall perform such
oCh�r duCies as may be required of the Planning and Zoning
Secretary by the Ch�irman and Commission, In th� absence
os the Secretary, any suitable person may be �ppointed by a
majvr�ty vf the me�bers to serve as Secretary I'ro-Tem v£
r�ny mea t�.ng. _
�,: •
The Secr��ary shaZl keep a copy of Chese Rules and any
other requ�red documents nvai�able for re£erence.
Rule 1�+. Woti�zg.
Unless o�herwise required by state Iaw or the Charter
or ordinances di the City af �'riendswood or this
Resolution, all action required of the Comm�ssion shall be
mude by � mt�,jority vote af the members of tihe Commission
preser�� at such mee�ings . Excluding conflicts of inrerest
as seC forth by statie l.aw, the City' s Hom� Rule CharCer,
or by vote of . Commis�ion, all members presenC at each
meering must vore on each subj�ct preaented for voCe .
Ru1e 15. Citizen's Righ� �o b� Heard.
Any citizen sha11 h�ve a reasonable opportunity to be
heard nt any and Al1 regular and special meetings of Che
Comrnission in regard to any and a11 matters to be
considerec3 at any such meeting. A rime shali be se� aside
durin� each meeting £ar the Commission to hear from the
public. No memb�r of the pubZic shall be heard unless
recognized by the ChaxrmRn. Any member of th� public who
in�errupts the Commi.ssion proceedings, fa�.ls �o abide by
�hese rules of procedure in addressing the Commission, or
is atherwi.se disruptiive to the extent the Commiss�on is
unable to conduct its mee�ing in an orderly fashion, sha12
be sub�ec� tio removal from �he meeting pZace upon �he
direction of �he Commission. Records relxting to �.tems
be£ore the Commission Ahall be avail�ble for publ�.c
inspection �r the City liall or Public Works Bui.lding in
accordance with TF•X. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN, art. 6252�17a,
the Open Records A�t.
Rule 16, Order of Business - Regular Meetings .
Unless agreed to otherwise by ma,jori�y vote of
Commission, the normal order of business before �he
Commissio� in any regular meeting shall be as follows:
{1) Ca�.l Co order.
(2) The Secretary shAll mark the ab8ence of �he
Chairman or any other member of the Commission.
(3) The Secr��ery sha11 tes� and ACtESC to the
satisfactory op�ration o£ Che tape recorder, and
maintain proper functioning and CApe changes as
needed throughout �he meeri.ng,
(4} Communi.cations from the Chairman sh�ll be
(5) Reports from the members oF the Commission shall
be presented.
(6) The Commission sl�a�l receive peCitions and hear
anx of �he public as provided in Rule 15, an� �ny
appeal vr other matCer spscially set �or public
hearing shall rhen be heard by the Commission.
(7) UnLinished business shall then be considered.
(8) Then the Commission shall con�ider any business
that �s curren�ly before them.
(9) New business sha11 ehen be considered.
(10) The Commi`ssion shall correct and adopt or rable
the minu�es oF the previous meeting(s) .
(11) Ad3 ournment.
Rule 17. Order vf Business for Special Meeting8.
Un2ess agreed to otherw�se by ma,jority vote o£
Comroission, the normal order of buainess before the
Commission in any special meeting shall be as follows :
(1) Call to order.
(2) The Chairman shall call the ro11. and Che
Secretary shall mark the absence of the Chair�an
or any other member of the Commis�sion.
(3) The Secretary sh�l1 tes� and aCtes� to the
satisfacCory opera�ion of the �ape record�r, and
m�in�ein proper functioning and tiape changes as
needed throughout the meeting.
{4) The Chairmt�n shall s�ate the purpose(s) of ehe
(S) Adjourn meeting.
There shall bE no business discussed or acted upon c�t
�ny meeting unless Che sub�ec� hus been duly posted in
accordance with TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 6252-17, the
Open Meetings Act. -•
Rule 18. Susper�sion of Ru3es of Pxocedure.
Any one or all of thesP ruZes of procedure may be
suspencied i.n order to a���o�a a particular consideration of �
mAtter, provided that �t does not viol�te �tsCe law, or rhe
City' s ��ocne Rul.e Charter, Rnd not less than two-Chirds of
the members present vo�e in favor of such suspension.
Where any rule embadies a provis�on of state law,
identical�y or in substance, auch rule mRy not be
suspended. The requirement of two-th�zds� of inembers
presei�t to auepend a rule shall not apply to Rutes l.6 and
17, buC rhe order of business may be suspended by A
ma,jor�ty voCe.
Rule 19. Rules of Procedure.
Fxcept where i�n confltc� wirh sts�te �.aw, the Cityf s
Home Rule Charter,' city ordinance, or the rules of
procedure adopCed . by Chis Resolution, the rules of
procedure laid �down i.n Robert's Rules of Order, 75th
Anniversary Edi�ion, sha11 govern the proceedings of Che
Section 2. Rules regarding official i.nstrumen�s of the
Thc Commission shall utilize five (5) 3.rtstruments Co
formally report iCs work as follows :
Ii�strument 1 . Official Notice.
(A) Provisions �or advance general announcemen� of
Commisaion meetings.
(B) Provisions �'or special notice of abutCing ��nd
ad�ecent parties having interest in an �pptication before
the Comm�ssion.
Instrument 2. Agenda.
The a�enda of �he Commission shall h�tve coherent and
consistenC s�ructure, with s�.milar items grouped �ogeth�r
And relevanC staff reports clearly referenced or at�ached.
Znstrument 3. Staf� Report.
A staff report shall be prepared regarding e�.ch item
requi.ring action on the agenda and shall became a parC ot
the of�icial record o£ Commission proceedings. The staff
reporC shall consist of the following:
(A} Description o£ the propasal ;
(l3) Nota�ion of compliance wiCh exist�.ng adopted city
ordinancee and plans ;
(C) Anticipatied impact of the proposa�. upon exisCing
city streets, services and faci.Iitzes ;
(D) Reco�mendat�ons �o br��g �he proposal into
coropliacice wiCK adopted ordina�ces and plans, �f required.
XrisCrument �+. M�.nuCea.
The etrucCure of the minutes shall follow the order of
the agenda ae amended. The conCent of mi.nuCes shall
recogni7e all in�orcuation preser►Ced to the Commission
whether by sCaff, oth�r publi.c r�gencies or commissions,
cvma�unity groups, or in�erested parties. The minutes shall
provide formal record of the Commission' s ncrionr�,
including the name of the mover and seconder by mo�ions,
the speci.�ic construcCion of motions, and the voting
record. This record musC be provided for aZl motior�s,
whether passed or defeaCed. The minuCea of each meetin�
shr�ll be prepared, made publicly Available, and adopted by
the Commission at e subsdequen� meeting ; at that subsequent
meeting , revisions of the minuCes may be mAde by vote.
Ins�rucnent 5. Resolutions.
A resolu�ion may take the form of an offic�.al
recommend�tion, coupled with a recitation of reasona, to a
legis2ative or aciminisGr���.ve unit; or it may be a
deEinitive action of approval or disapproval over which the
Commission holds ,�urisdiction. Commission resolu�ions
sh�ll contaiiZ a clear and specific recitation of reasons
for the decision reported. These reasons are necessary �o
suppore a recommendation to City Council. They are
required when the Commission rejecCs or amends the
recommendation con�ained with rhe staff report. Here, the
findings and recommendation oF the staff should be cletzrly
separated from the £indings and recommendations of the
ADOPTED by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of
Friendswood on this the 4th day of January, 1990.
Benny B er , Chairman
Planning & Zoning Commission
���� � �K�l���
Ruth Henry, Development C rdinator
Pla ing & Zoning Commission
� ig go
Sig d this da e:
� � � � � t � � � *
APPROVED by City Couneil this the 15th day of January, 1990.
ayor Paul W. Sehrader
Deloris Archer , CMC
C t. Secretary
igned th date :