HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 89-33 R�SOLUTION N0. 89-33 A RESOI�UTION ADOPTI.NG AN ORDER ESTABLISHING RATES WHTCH MAY �3E CHARGED FOR EL�CTRZ� UTILITY SERVICE WxTHIN TH� CORP�RAT� BOUNDA�tI�S OF THE CITY OF FRI�NDSWaOD, T�XA.S, BY T�XAS-NF.W MEXICO POWER COMPANX. � � � � � BF YT RESOI�VED gY THF CITY C4UNCIL OF TH�; CiT1' OF �'RI�NDSWOOD, TEXAS ; Sectian 1. Tha� Che atte�ched Rate �rder, same being an Order denying an application af T�xas-New Mexico Ppwer Com��ny �a increase Ch� raCes wh3.ch may b� chargeci for electric uCility service �ri�h�.n Che City, is her�by in all things adopted. PASSED, APPROVED� AND 12ESOLVEO thit� 4th day of December � I989. �zu . c rR er M�yor A'tTE:ST: . e or s rc e , City Secretar oRnrR AN pRDER RFI�ATING TO KAT�S TO BE CHARG�D BY TEXAS-N�W ME:XICO POWER COMPANY FOR ELECTRIC UTYLITY SRRVIC� WITHIN '�HE CORPORAT� LIMITS �F TH� Cr`fY OF FRI�NDSW�OD, TEXAS; CONTAINING FTNDINGS AND PROVIS�ONS RELATED TO THE SUBJ�CT; PROVIDING A REP�ALER; AND PROVIDING FOR S�VER.ABIT�TTY. * � � * � WHERF:AS , or� or about July 18, 1�389, Texas�New Mexico Powar Company (the "Cocnpany") , £i�1ed wi�h �he C3.ty c f Frier�dswoad a SC�Cement of In�ent to ch�nge iCs rates for electric u�ility service w�thin the City of Friendswood; and � WHEREAS, the City Council auapended �he effective da�e of such proposed ratie increase pending evalu�Cion nnd study; and WH�REAS, �he City Council, having considered the Camp�ny' s rate request, f�nd� that such requesC i.s �xcessive and unreasonable ; dnd WHERFAS, �he City Council, having original �urisdiction over �he maCrer, finds thaC no increase in rates should be pre$cribed for �he Company; NOW, T��ER��'ORE, BE IT ORDFR�D 8Y THE CITY CO�JNCIL OF THF CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, T�XAS : Section 1.. The City Council o£ the City of �`riendswood , Texas, hereby finds the requested raCes o£ Che Company to be excessive and unreasonable. Section 2. The City has ori.g�n�l �urisdic�ion over �his case pursuant �o Section 43 of the Public UCility Regularory Ae�. Section 3. The City hereUy denies ehE Company' � request �o chAnge iCa rates for elecCric uCiliCy services within the City of Frieadswood, Texas, A� set forth in its Sta�.ement fil�d with Che C�Cy on or abou� July 18, 1989. Sec�ion 4. The City Council 1lereby au�horizes and di�:ecCs the CiCy Secretary to se�:ve ���e Company with a certifi�d copy of �his Order which is the fin�l determinat�.an end order of rhe City. � Section 5. Nothing contained in this Order shall be consCru�d now or hereafter as limiti.ng or modifying, in any manner, �he ri.ght and power o� the City under �he law to regula�e the xaCes a�td charges o£ the Company. SecCion 6. All orders or pAr�s of orders in canflict hexewith are hereby re�eRled to the extent of such con£liat only. SecCion 7. If any provision, secCion, sub$ection, sentence, clause, or phrase o£ Chis Order, or the applicatinn of aRme to any person or set of cireumstances is for any reeson held to be unconsti.tutional, void, or invalid, rhe valxdity of the remaining portions of this Order or i�s applieation to other persons or sets o£ c�rGU�nst�nces sha12 not be affected thereby, it being the intent of the City Council in Adopring this arder rha� no portion hereof or provieiane or regulation contAined herein sha�l becom� inoperative or fail by reason of �ny unconstitutianality, vo�.dneas, or 3�nvalidiry of any other portion hereof, anc� all provisions of �l��s Order are daClRred to ba severable for �hat purpose. _2.. Section $. The City Council officially finds, determinea, reciCe�, and declares �hat a su�fieienti writtan no�ice of the daCe, hour, place, and suhjec� of this mee�ing o£ the Citiy Couc�cil was posted at a plac� convenien� to the public a� �he City Ha11 of the City �ox the �ime r�qui.red by law preceding �his meet�.ng, es required by tihe Open Meetings Act, ArCicle b252-17, Texas Revised Civil Statutes Annotated {Vernon Supp . 1989) ; and th�t this meeting has been open to the public as required by law a� all tiines during which Chis Order and Che sub,jec� maCCer thereo� hes been discussed, considared, and formally acted upon. The Ci�y Council fur�h�r ratifies, Approves, and confirms such wri�ten notice and tihe conCenCs Rnd postirtg �hereo£. � PASS�,D, APPROV�D� AND ORDFRED �his 4th day of De��mbez _. _ _� 1989. �u . c ra er Mayor ATT�ST: � e or s rc e , City Secre�ary -3-