HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 90-42 RESOLU710NS TO GOV�RN HANDLING OF ACCOUNT R90-42 (CORPORATION—ASSC3CtATION) T0: TEXAS COMMERCE BANK NATIONA4 ASSOCIATION, Houston,Texas IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the iif "a Corporatiun"+s checked below,check this box: ❑the Board of Directors ofl City of Friendswnc�d Bond and Coupon Account 01300001487 ❑a Corporation O an Association, hereinafter referred to as"Company,"at a meeting heid on the 5th day of November, 19 9� ,which was duly and regularly called,noticed and held,and at which there was present a quorum thereof,the foilowing resolution was unanimously adopted,ta wit: RESOLVED: That TEXAS COMMERCE BANK NATIONAL ASSOC4ATION, Houston, Texas ("Bank"), be and is hereby selected as a depositpry for the funds ot Company;that Bank is authorized to obtain such informatio�from such sources, including credit investigation, as it deems appropriate to satisfy itself as to Company's acceptability as a customer; that the funds of Campany be deposited in an account styled as follows that �he funds shal! be withdrawn from said account on the check of Company when signed by (SPECIFY NUMBER OF SIGNATURES REQ�JiRED ON CHECKS) ,�„'W� of the following officers of Company;that they are authorized for and on behalf of Company, to eridorse for deposit or for encashment,checks and drafts and to demand and receive the proceeds thereaf: PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT PLAfNLY BELOW THE NAMES OF THE AUTHORlZED SIGNATORY OFFICERS. (Designate specia{combinations,if any.) NAME TI7LE Ronald H. Ritter Council N!ember Position 1 Ronald E. Cox City Manager Roger C. Roecker __ __ Director of Finance Deloris Archer City Secretary ____ FURTHER RESOLVED: That any of the above-named officers shal! be authorized to sign individually for and �eceive the statements and cancelled vouchers of Company, or to appoint in writing agents to so sign for and receive such documents, and any one of the above- named officers is hereby further authorized to stop payment against checks of Company and to bind Company thereto. It is further resolved that any indebtedness created in connection with this account by any of the signing officers of Company, whose signatures shall be required on checks or drafts or other orders of payment or funds transfers,shall be the debt of Company. FUR7HER RESOLVED: That Bank is hereby authorized to receive such drafts, checks, notes or orders so executed for the credit of, or in payment from, the payee or any other holder without inquiry in any case as to the circumstances of their issue or the disposition of their proceeds whether drawn to the individual order of, or tendered in payment of any individual obligations of, any of the officers above- named,or other officers of Company or otherwise. FURTHER RESO4VED: That the Secretary or Recording Officer of Company be and hereby is authorized and directed to certify to Bank the foregoing resolutions and that the provisions thereof are in conformity with the charter, bylaws or articles of association of Com- pany and that the foregoing resolutions and the authority thereby conferred shall remain in full force and effect until Company notifies Bank to the contrary in writing and Bank may conclusively presume that such resolutions are in effect and that the persons identified from time to time as officers of Company by certificate of the Secretary or Recording Officer have been duly elected or appointed and continue to hold such offices. It is further certified that the foregoing resolutions have never been modified or amended and are now in full force and effect and that ;he above•named officers of Comp2ny have been d41y elected or appainted to hold otfics and are presen;ly hclding office a�d are em�c�vered to act for and on behalf of Company in any of its business with Bank within the authority prescribed in the foregoing resolutions. (1� If a Corporation,sign below: (2) If an Association,sign below: In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of In Witness Whereof,we have set our hands this day of this Corporation this�ay of �U ��� , , 19 19�0 . Secretary or Recortling Offlcer • Secreta Prasltlent or PreSltling Otticar SEAL APPROVED: Retlring SectY. Retlring Pres. � F•440-00220(Rev.9/84) � CANARY—8ank Copy WHITE—Customer Copy —RETAtN FOR YOUR FILES RESOLUTiONS TO GOVERN HANDLING OF ACCOUNT R90-42 (CORPORATiON—ASSOCIATION) TO: TEXAS COMMERCE SANK NA710NAL ASSOCIATION, Houston,Texas IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the (if "a Corporation"is checked below,check this box: O the Board of Directors of! City of Friendswood Contract Retainage Account #816835 ❑a Corporation 0 an Association, hereinafter referred to as "Company,"at a meeting heid on the 5th day of November, 19��,which was duly and regularly called,noticed and held,and at which there was present a quo�um thereof,the folfowing resolution was unanimously adopted,to wit: RESOIVED: That TEXAS COMMERCE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Houston, Texas ("Bank"), be and is hereby selected as a depository for the funds of Company;that Bank is authorized to obtain such information from such sources, including credit investigation, as it deems appropriate to satisfy itself as to Company's acceptability as a customer; that the funds of Company be deposited in an account styled as follows: City of Friendswood Contract Retainage Accoun� that the funds shall be withdrawn from said account on the check of Company when signed by (SPECIFY NUMBER OF SIGNATURES REQUIRED ON CHECKS)Tw1� of the following officers of Company;that they are autfiorized for and on behalf of Campany, to e�dorse for deposit or for encashment,checks and drafts and to demand and receive the proceeds thereof: PLEASE TYPE OR PRliV7 PLAINLY BELOW THE NAMES OF THE AUTHORIZED S{GNATORY OFFICERS. (Designate speciai combinations,if any.) NAME TITLE Ronald H. Ritter Council Member Position 1 Ronald E. Cox City Manager Roger C. Roecker Director of Finance Deloris Archer City Secretar_y i � FURTHER RESOLVED: That any of the above-named officers sliall be authorized to sign individually for and receive the statements and cancelled vouchers of Company, or to appoint in writing agents to so sign for and receive such documents, and any one of the above- named officers is hereby further authorized to stop payment against checks of Company and to bind Company thereto. It is further resolved that any indebtedness created in connection with this account by any of the signing officers of Company, whose signatu�es shall be required on checks or drafts or othe�orders of payment or funds transfers,shall be the debt of Company. FUR7HER RESOLVED: That Bank is hereby authorized to receive such drafts, checks, notes or orders so executed for the credit of, or in payment from, the payee or any other holder without inquiry in any case as to the circumstances of their issue or the disposition of their proceeds whether drawn to the individual order of, or tendered in payment of any individual obiigations of, any of the officers above- named,or other officers of Company or otherwise. FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Secretary or Recording Officer of Company be and hereby is authorized and directed to certify to Bank the foregoing resolutions and that the provisions thereof are in conformity with the charter,by�aws or articles of association of Com- pany and that the foregoing resolutions and the authority thereby conferred shall remain in full force and effect until Company notifies Bank to the contrary in writing and Bank may conclusively presume that such resofutions are in effect and that the persons identified from time to time as officers of Company by certificate of the Secretary o� Recording Officer have been duly elected or appointed and continue to hold such offices. {t is further certified that the foregoing �esolutions have never been modified or amended and are now in full force and effect and that the above•named officers of �ompary ha�e been duly electe� or appcinted to hoie� n„ice and are presently holding office and are e+npowered to act for and on behalf of Company in any of its business with Bank within the authority prescribed in the foregoing resolutions. (1) If a Corporation,sign below: (2) If an Association,sign below: In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of In Witness Whereof,we have set our hands this day of this Corporation this�.K!�"°ay of / �/L. , , 19 19 Sacretary or Racortling Officor , President or Presiding Otficer Secretary 5EAL APPROVED: Retiring Secty. Retirinq Pres. F-440-00220(Rav.9J84) CANARY—Bank Copy WH17E—Customer CopY —RETAIN FOR YOUR FILES ___. ___ _ "- RESO WT{ONS TO GOVERN HANDLING OF A�CCOUNT R90-42 (CORPORATI�N—ASSOCIATION) T0: TEXAS COMMERCE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Houston,Texas lT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the (if "a Corporatiun" is checked below,check this box: ❑the Board of pirectors ofl City of Friends�od Pavroll 001-321 ❑a Corporation ❑an Association, hereinafter referred to as "Company,"at a meeting held on the th day of November , 19��,which was duly and regularly called,noticed and held,and at which there was present a quorum thereof,the following resolution was unanimously adopted, to wit: RESOLVED: That TEXAS COMMERCE BANK NA710NAL ASSOCfATION, Houston, Texas {"Bank"), be and is hereby selected as a depository for the funds of Company;that Bank is authorized to obtain such information from such sources,including credit investigation, as it deems appropriate to satisfy itseif as to Company's acceptability as a cusiomer; that the funds of Company be deposited in an account styled as follows: that the funds shal{ be withdrawn from said account on the check of Company when signed by (SPECIFY NUMSER OF SIGNA7URES REQUIRED ON CHECKS) TW� of the foilowing officers of Company;that they are authorized for and on behalf of Company, to endorse for deposit or for encashment,checks and drafts and to demand and receive the proceeds thereof: PLEASE TYPE OR PRiN7 PLAINLY BELOW THE NAMES OF THE AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY OFFICERS. (Designate special combinations,if any.) NAME TITLE Ronald H. Ritter Council member Position 1 Ronald E. Cox City Manager Roger C. Roecker Director o f Finance Deloris Archer City Secretary FURTHER RESOLVED: That any of the above-named officers shall be authorized to sign individuafly for and receive the statements and cancelled vouchers of Company, or to appoint in writing agents to so sign for and receive such documents, and any one of the above- named officers is hereby further authorized to stop payment against checks of Company and to bind Company thereto. !t is further resoived that any indebtedness created in connection with this account by any of the signing officers of Company, whose signatures shall be required on checks or drafts or other orders of payment or funds transfers,shal{ be the debt of Company. FURTHER RESOIVED: That Bank is hereby authorized to receive such drafts, checks, notes or orders so executed for the credit of, or in payment from, the payee or any other ho�der without inquiry in any ease as to the circumstances of their issue or the dispasition of their proceeds whether drawn to the individual order of, or tendered in payment of any individual obligations of, any of the officers above• named,or other officers of Company or otherwise. FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Secretary or Recording Officer of Company be and hereby is authorized and directed to certify to Bank the foregoing resolutions and that the provisions thereof are in conformity with the charter,bylaws or articles of association of Com- pany and that the foregoing resolutions and the authority thereby conferred shall remain in full forca and effect until Company notifies Bank to th� contrary in writing and Bank may conclusively presume that such resolutions are in effect and that the persons identified from time to time as officers of Company by certificate of the Secretary or Recording Officer have been duly elected or appointed and continue to hold`such offices. it is further certified that the foregoing resolutions have never been modified or amended and are now in full force and effect and that the above•named officers of Company have been duly efected or appointed to hold office and are presently holding office and are empowered to act for and on behalf of Company in any of its business with Bank within the authority prescribed in the foregoing resolutions. (1) If a Corporation,sign below: (2) If an Association,sign below: In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of In Witness Whereof,we have set our hands this day of this Corporation this�.day of /(/UveI17.��/'C. , , �g 19 Secretary or Recortling Officor • Secretary Prestdant or Presltling Otficer SEAL APPROVED: Retiring Secty. Retiring Pres. F•440-00220 (Rav.9/84) CANARY—Bank Copy WHITE—Customer Copy —RETA�N FOR YOUR FILES ° � ' RESOLUTIONSTO GOVERN HANDLING OF ACCOUNT K90-42 , �CORPORATION—ASSOCIATION) TO: TEXAS COMMERCE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION,Houston,Texaz IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the 1if "a Corporation"is checked be{ow,check this box: ❑the Board of�irectors ot1 City of Friendswood Consolidated Cash Fund #001644 Oa Corporation C{an Association, hereinafter referred to as "Company,"at a meeting held on the Sth day of Npvember, 19 9� ,which was duly and regularly called,noticed and held,and at which there was present a quorum thereof,the following resolutio�was unanimously adoptec!, to wit: RESOLVED: That T�XAS COMMERCE SANK NATIONAI. ASSOCIATION, Houston, Texas ("Bank"), be and is hereby selected as a c�epository for the funds of Company;that Bank is authorized to obtain such information from such sources, including credit investigation, as it deems appropriate to satisfy itself as to Company's acceptability as a customer; that the funds of Company be deposited in an account styled as follows: CITY OF FRIENDSGJOOD , that the funds shalf be withdrawn from said account on the check of Company when signed by (SPECIFY NUMBER OF SIGNATURES REQUIRED ON CHECK5) �� of the following ofticers of Company;that they are authorized for and on behalf of Company, to endorse for deposit or for encashment,checks and drafts and to demand and receive the proceeds thereof: PLEASE TYPE OR PR1NT PLAINLY BELOW THE NAMES OF THE AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY OF�ICERS. 1Designate special combinations,if any.) NAME TITLE Rnnalc� H_ Rifit�r _,_ �Q�]c'.i� i�'t�m�er Position 1 Ronald E. Cox City Manager Ro�er C. Roecker Director of Finance Deloris Archer City Secretary FURTHER RESOLVED: That any of the above-named officers shall be authorized to sign individually for and receive the statements and cancelled vouchers of Company, or to appoint in writing agents to so sign for and receive such documents, and any one of the above- named officers is hereby further authorized to stop payment against checks of Company and to bind Company thereto. It is further reso{ved that any indebtedness created in connection with this account by any of the signing officers of Company, whose signatures shall be required on checks or drafts or other orders of payment or funds transfers,shall be the debt of Company. FURTNER RESOLVED: That Bank is hereby authorized to receive such drafts, checks, notes or orders so executed for the credit of, or in payment from, the payee or any other holder without inquiry in any case as to the circumstances of their issue or the disposition of their proceeds whether drawn to the individual order of, or tendered in payment of any individual obligations of, any of the officers above- named,or other officers of Company or otherwise. FURTHER RESOLVEO: That the Secretary or Recording Officer of Company be and hereby is authorized and directed to certify to Bank the foregoing resolutions and that the provisions thereof are in conformity with the charter,bylaws or articles of association of Com- pany and that the foregoing resolutions and the authority thereby conferred shall remain in full force and effect until Company notifies Bank to the contrary in writing and Bank may conclusively presume ihat such resolutions are in effect and that the persons identified from time to time as officers of Company by certificate of ihe Secretary or Recording Officer have been duly elected or appointed and continue to hold such offices. It is further certified that the foreqoing resolutions have never been modified or amended and are now in full force and effect and that the above•named officers of Company have been duly e!ected or zppointed to hold office and are presentiy holding office and are empowered :o act for and on behalf of Company in any of its business with Bank within the authority prescribed in the foregoing resolutions. 1) lf a Corporation,sign below: (2} If an Association,sign below: In Witness Whereof, l have hereunto set my hand and seal of In Witness Whereof,we have set our hands this day of this Corporation this�day of.,;�l�l� _A?Qz!/L, , . 19 19 O Secretary or Racording Ofticer Se retar P�esldent or Presfding Offlcer AL APPROVED: � Rettring Secty. Retlrtny Pfas. F•4d0-00220(Rev,9/84i CANARY—Bank Copy WHITE—Customer Copy —RETAIN FOR YOUR F{lES