HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 90-38 H U V4 — 1 4 — '7 kJ 1 1 —r � � � ._s a_ � v .� v. L. ._. —.+ ._.. . . ..„. . _ � _. RESOLUTION NQ. R90-38 � A RFSOLUTZON AD�PTING AN OR��R ESTABI.xSHZNG R.ATES WHICH MAY BE CHARGED FOR �I,ECTfZIC UTIT.ITY SFR�ICE W�THIN THE CORPORATE BOUNDAR� .F.S 0� TH� CITY Q�' 1�'RI�NDSWOOD, TF•XAS, BY TEXAS-NEW MEXIC4 POWER COMI'ANY. * * �r * �r �E XT RESOLV�D BY THE CITY COUNCIT� OF THE C�TY QF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS : Section 1 . That �he atC�ched RaCe 4rder, seme being an Ordar deny�ng an aQplicaCi.an o� Texas-New Mexi.co Power Company ta increase Che rates which m�,y be charged £or e�.ec�ric ut�.li.ty servl�ce within the Ci.ty, is hereby �.n sll Chinga adopted. PASSED, APFROVED, AND RF�OLV�D Chis 2p�t�h�„ day o� _A��l1Gt._�_`, 1s�o. � . crae ayar ATTEST: . e o s rc er, City Secretary AGENDA ITEM c��y co�n�i .�.. oa�• D p roved Denied O�DER � AN ORUFR R�I,ATING TO RAT�:S TO BE CHARG�D BY 7.'�XAS-NEW MEXxCO POW�R COMPANY FOR ELECTRIC UTILITY SERVICE WiTHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FRI�NDSWOOD, TEXAS; CONTA�NING FINDINGS AND PROV�SxONS RELATED TO TH� SUBJECT; PROVIDING A REPEAL�1t; AND PRpVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. * * � �e � WHERFAS, on ox about Apri.1 12, 1990, Texas-New Mexico Pawer Company (th� ''Campany") , �i1ed wiCh �he Ci�y of Friendawood a Statemer►C a� Intent to change its raCe� for el.ectric utility �erv�ce wi.Ch{.n �he City of Fr�.endswood ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resalution No. R90-16, �h� Ci�y Council suspended the effective date of such propo�ed rate increase pendictg evAluation and study; and - WH�REAS, the City Cou�c�l, having considered th� Cocnpany' s rate requeat, finds thaC such request is excessive and unreasonable; �nd WHEREAS, the C�ty Council, havi�ng orig�nal jurisdiction over the matter, £inds Cha� no increase in raCes should be prescribed fox the Gom�any; NOW, THERFFORE, BF IT ORD�R�A BY THE CITY COUNCII. OF TH� CITY aF. FRIENDSWODD, TEXAS: S�c�ion 1 . The City Council af the City oF Fri.endawood, Texas , hereby f�.nds Che request�d ratas of the Coznpany to be excessi.ve and unreasonabla. Section 2. The City has originel ,�urisdiction over zhis �- case pursuant to Section 43 of �he Public Utility RegulaCdry AcC. HIJC� - 1 E. - Oti� T J 1 4 = 2S OL � ON � OLSQN P _ 04 . Section 3. The CiCy hereby denios the Company's request to � change �.ts ratea £ar electric �itility services within the CiCy o� �riendswood, Texas , as set forth i.n irs S�aCemen� .�iled with the City on or abouC April 12� 1990. SecC�.on 4. The City Council hereby authorizes and direcGs th� C�ry Secre�ary to serve the C�mpat�y with a cert�f.ied copy o£ th�s Oxder which i.s the f.iri�l d�termination and order of the Ci.tiy. Sect�.ori 5. Notihing conta.ined in rhi.s 4rder sha11, b� GanB�ruect now ar herea�ter as l.imiting or modifying, in any ivanner, the righ� and pow�r o� �he CiCy under the law to regulate the rates and charges o� Che Company. Section 6. All o�derg or parts of orders f.n conflf.ct ? her�with are h�reby repea�.ed Co the ex�ant oE such conflic� anly. :a Sec�ion 7. If any provision, s�crion, �ubsectton, sentence, clause, or phrase of �hi� Ordex, or the applicatLon of same to any person or set af circums�ances ia for any reason held to be UnCOn�3CitUCional � void, or invaJ.�d, �he vali.dity oE the remaining portion� of thfs 4rder o�c �C� applicat�on ta other persons or sets o� ci.rcumstances ahall not- be �f�ecCed �hereby, it being the inren� of �he City Council in adapting Chi.a �rder that no p�rtion hereof or provisions ar re�ulaCion con�eined herein she�.� become inop�rati.ve o� fail by reason of any unconstituriona�ity, voi.dness , or inva��d�ty of any other partion he�reof, �nd all p�ov�.s3,ons of this Order are decl,ared ro be severable for thaC purpos�. -2- Section 8. The City Council off.ici�lly f�nds , determines , recites , and declares that a su��i.cient written npt�ce of th� daCe, hour, place, And eub�ecC ot this meer�ng of Che C��y Cou�cil was posted at a place convenient to the publ�c aC the CiCy Ha11 0£ the City £ar the �i�e requ�r�d by 2aw preceding �his meeting, ss required by th� �p�n M�etings Act, Art�cl� 6252-17, Texas Revised Civ�l SCACuGes Annotated (Vernon Supp. 1�89) ; and th�t Chis mee�ing haa b�en ppen to the publLc as required by 1&w at ��1 �imes �ur�ng which this Order and the sub��ct maCrer thereo� ha$ been discusse�, consl.dered, and fortnally acted upon. The CiCy Counc�l furth�r rat�fi�s, approve� , and confirrts such �ritten not�ce and tha contenCS and posGing thereof. -- PASSED, APPR4VED, AND ORDFR�p thi_& 20th �ay p� August � �...�.�... 1990, au . c ra er ayor ATTFST: � e or s rc er, City Sec�etary ..3..