HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 90-19 -- � -- — -- — ._ . . r' _ �.� S , R�SOI�UT�ON N0. R9o-19 A R�SO].UTYON P�OVIDYNG FOR THE �iO�.nING 4F A RUNOFF ELECTXQN TO AE �t�LD ON MAY ?.b, 1990, FOR TH� PURPOS� 0�' ELECTxNG A COUNC�I,M�M�3F,R FOR THE GITY OF �'RIFNDSWOOD, T�XAS. �Y 9c x � � B� IT RFSOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCI�, 0�' THE CYTY OF FRIENDSW00�, STAT� OF TEXAS : SecCion 1 . In accordance with Che ConsCitu�zon and gerteral �aws of. the State of Tex�zs , a Muni.cipal Ru�off �lecCion is tlereby cal.led and ordered for SaCurday, May 2b, 1990, at which elec��.on a11 quali.fied voters of the City may v4te for the purpose of elect�ng the followin� official o£ the City: Councilman, Position 5 Section 2. The Cwa candidaCes tor such runoff elect3.on shall b� ��arold Raley and Richard Jackson, same being Che two cr�ndidaCes in �he general election receiving the hf.ghes� number of votes for Councilman - Posit�.on No. 5. Section 3 • That said elections shall be held in each of the election precinets within said City and the polling places and election officials for each of said precinets shall be as follows : Election Precinet 56 : Boundaries the same as that portion of Galveston County election Precinet 56 lying within the City limits of the City of Friendswood . Polling Place: City Hall 109 Willowick Friendswood , Texas Election Officers : R . J. Blanken , Presiding Judge � _" - _ _ __ . . ._.... i- � J 1 Election Precinet 57 � Boundaries the same as that portion of Galveston County election Precinct 5b lying within the City limits of the City of Friendswood . Polling Place • Westwood Elementary Sehool � 506 West Edgewood Friendswood , Texas Election Officer : Coylyn White , Presiding Judge Election Precinet 60 : Boundaries the same as that portion of Galveston County election Precinet 60 lying within the City limits of the City of Friendswood . Polling Place : Friendswood Junior High School 402 Laurel Friendswood , Texas Election Officer : James R . Cumming, Presiding Judge The City Secretary is hereby euthorized and directed ro prov�d� a copy o� �his Resol.ution to each ,judge as written , notice of �he appointment as requi.red by Section 32.OQ9 0£ the Texas �:lection Code. �ach Presiding Judge shal.l have the au�hority Co Appoint no roore than rhree (3) quali.fied voters as clerks to assist in �he holding of sa�d electfon, bu� a.n no evenk �hall the Presiding Judge appoint less Ghan two (2) clerks. Seetion 4. Ms. Deloris Archer, City Secrerary, i.s hereby Appo�ctCed cZerk for absen�ee voCing; appointmentis o£ deputy clerks �'or absentee voting by Ghe C�ty Secretary sha11 be in accordance wi�h S�Ct�.0I1 33. 031 et seq, of Che Texas Electi.on Code and �he City Hall . 109 Willow�ck �'riendswood, Text�� 77546 is hpreby designated as rhe place �or ab$entee voCing for said elecGion. 3aid clerks sha11 ke�p said affice op�n £or at leasC n�.ne (9) hours , tihat i.s, from eight o'clock ($:00) a.m. until �ive o'clock (5:00} p,m. , on each day for absentee voting which is r►ot a Saturc�ay, g sunagy, or an official sCat� holidxy, beg�nning on rhe fi.rsC day on whtch ballots are available, buC i�z no even� earlier than twenty (20) days prior to the date oF such elecCion, and eontinuing through the fourth (�+th) day preceding the date o£ said election. Said clerks sh�11 not permit AnyOnQ to vote absentee by personal appearance on any day which is not a regulr�r working day for the clerk' s o£fice unless the clerk has ordered abaentee voting �o be held on r� Saturday and/or the Sund�y last pr�ceding the date of elec�ion, anci unc�er no circumstances shall �hey permit anyone to vote abs�n�ee by' p�rso�nal appearance at any time when such of��.ce is nat open �o the pubZic. The �bove-descri.bed pl�ce for absenCee votit�g ta also �he absenGe� c2erk' s mailing address ta which bAllo� applications and bal,ld�s vated by mail m�y be sent . The c�bsenCee voting cl�rk, in accordance with the provisions o� the Texas �lecti.ort Code, sha11 mainta3.n g ros�er listi.ng each p�rson who vo�es absentee by personal appearAnce and each person Co whom an absentee ballot ta be voted �y mail is sent , The roste�' s��all be maintained in � form approved by Che Secretary of St�te . SeoCion 5. R. J. 131�nken herehy appainCed as Presiding Judge of �he AbserlCee Ba11o� Board. In accOrd�nce with SecCion $7.0�1 , et sec�, o� the Texas El�ction Code, said pr�aiding - - - - — .v ._ .� -1 .. ...< .1 � o u ri F' _ �E7 "�-J e �udge shaX�. appo�.n� at ].east Cwo (2) �ther merobers Co 9A�.Ca board, and shal� process absenk�ee voCing resultis in aecordance with s�id Texas Electi.on Code� SecCion 6. Said election sha11 b� held in acc4rdance with the ConstitiuCion and Laws of the SCate of Texas , and all duly qt�alified resxdent electors oF the C�Cy of �riendswood, Texas, sha11 be ent�.Cled to v4tP. SecCion y. The City Secretary is hereby author���d and directed to �urniah all necessary elec�ion supplies to conduct such elecCfon. Section 8. The 4rder in which �he names of the canciidstes are to be printed on the hallo� in �he runaff elecCi4n shall be deCermined by a drawin� by Ghe Ci.Cy Secra�ary, as provided by Sectian 52. 094 of the Tex�s El�ction Cvde. The City Secretary shr�ll post a ndtice in her o�f�.ce, ati leasC �w�n�y-four (24) hours prior �o the da�e on which the drawing is to be held, of tha �ime and place af the drawin�, r�nd sha11 also giv� person�l noCice to Any candidate who makes wriCCen request for such no�ic� and furnish�s to the C�ty Secretary a �e2f�addr�ssed, sCa�p�d enve7.4pe. Each candiclate �nvolved in the drawing, or a desi�nated repre$ent�t�ve, sha�l have a �righ� to be presenC and observe Ch� drawin�. Section 9. Th� candida�e receiving a ma�or�ty of vo�es for Che posi�i.dn to be £i1led at such elecCian sh�ll be dee�areci elected. _ _ - - - � _ � � �,. _ �, � � ` � Ur, _ F _ i � SocCion 10. Th� vo�in� �t such elec�ion sha11 be upon voting m�chirtes. AbsenCe� voti.ng aC such election shall be by paper b�11oC . Section 11 . NoCice o£ this election sha11 be given i.n accordance with the provi�ions of the Texas �lection Code nnd retuxns o£ such no�ice shall be made as pravided for in said Code. The Mayor sh�11 issue a1I nr�cesagry orders and writs �or guch election, and reCurns af such electi.on shs11 be made Co the CiCy Secretary immec3iately after the c�osing of rhe polls. Sectian 12. Said election shall b� held in �ccordance with tihe Texes E1ecrLon Code anr� rh� Federal Voting Rights Ac� of 1965, as amended . PASSED, APPROVED, AND RESOLVED ehis the �� day o� May, 7.990. . c a er, ayar ATT'�ST; . o� s rc , City Secxetary