HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 90-16 RESOLUTION NO. R90-16 A RESOLUTTON SUSPENDTNG TH� CHANGE IN RAT£S FOR EL�C�RIC S�RVZCE WITHIN TH� CiTY OF FRr�NDSW00D� ��XAS, PROPOS�p �Y TEXAS-NEW M�XICO POWER COMPANY, TO BECOM� EF�'�CTIVE MAY 18, 1990. � * * * * WHER�AS, On April ].2, 1990, Texas-New Mexico Power Company filed a Statement of Intent to change its rates for electric service within the Gity of Friendswood, Texas, and has requestad that gaid changes become effective on May 18, 1990; and WHEREAS� Tex�s-New Mex�co Power Company has f�led xevised Tar�.f� Schedules, together witih s�atement� speaifying each proposed chang�, a ra�e filing package, and supporting testl.mony; and WHEREAS, Sect�on 17(a) of the Public U�ility Regulatory Act, Ar�i.cle 144b�, Texas 12avised Civil Statutes, gives �he governing body af each murlicipality exclusive original jurisdi.ction over electric rates w�.thin �ts municipal boundaries; and WNEREAS, Sec�iQn 43 (d) of the Public Utility 22egula�ory Ac� authorizes the governing body oP any municipality �cting as a regulatory authoz'ity �o suspend the operation of �ny proposed change in rates far a period not to exceed ninety (90) days beyond the data on which the scheduled rates would o�herwise go into effect; and WHEREAS, the proposed changes of Texas-New Mexico Power Company and the material supporting thos� changes require comprehansive evaluation and study, now therefore, BE IT RE50LV�0 BY THE C�TY COUNCx� OF THE C�TY OF �RIENDSWQ�D TEXAS: ��Gt�Qn �. The changes in ra�es for electric servic� w�thin the City of Fr�endswood, Texa�, proposed by Texas-New Mexico Power Company to become effective on May 18, 1990, should be and they �re hereby, �uspended for a pariod of ninety� (9Q} days beya�d sa�d propo5ed effec�ive date far fuxther s- ady, �:•��,ua�ion, investiga�ion, presentation of evidence, and pub2ic hear�ng. ,���ti�� 2. That the City Secretary be, a�d she is hereby, dixected �o forward � certified copy of this Resaluti t� Texas�New Mexioo Power Company. PASSED �� AP�ROVED this 7th day Of MaY , 1990. � / aul W. Sc rader Mayor __ - _. . . ATT��T: , . De a 1.s Archer, MC � City Secretary -2-