HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 90-10 RFSOLUTION N0. x90-10 A R�SOLUTION PROVID�NG FOR THE HOLDING OF A GENFRAL ELFCTX4N TO BE HELD ON r9AY 5, 1990, FOR TH� PURPOS� OF ELFCTING A MAYOR AND THREE COUNCILMF.MI3ERS FOR TH� CITY 0�' FRIFNDSWQOD, TEXAS. * � �c � � J3� IT RESOLVED BY TH� CZTY COUNCIL 0�' THE CYTY OF FKXENDSWOOn, STATF. 0�' T�XAS: Sec��.on 1. It1 accordance with the ConsCituti.on and general laws of the State of Texas , a General Municipal �lection �.s tiereby called and ordereci for the first Saturday in May, 1990, - - the sAme being the 5rh day of s�id month, at which elect�on �11 qualified voter$ o� th� City may vote for the purpose of electing Che following ofEicial� of the City: Mayor Councilmember - PoSi.tiOn I Councilmember - PositiOrl 3 Counci�member - Position 5 Section 2. No person' s name shall be placed uport Lhe ofEicial ballot as a candi.date for Mayor or any of the abov� mentioned Council posit�ons vnless such gerson has filed his or � her sworn applicaCion, as provided by Section 141 . 031 0£ the Texas Elec�ion Code, wi.th the City Secrerary of the C�,Cy at the Ci.�y Hftll , located at 109 WilZowick, Frie�dswaod, Texas 7754b, not later than five o'cZock (5:fl0) p.m. on the forty-fi.fth (45th) dAy before the dare of such election. The CiCy Secretary shall note on �h� face o� eaeh such applicat�on t�ie date and time of its filing. Sueh application shall include the number of the position the candidate is seeking. Section 3 • That said elections shall be held in each of the election precinets within said City and the polling places and election officials for each of said precinets shall be as follows : Election Precinet 56 : Boundaries the same as that portion of Galveston County election Precinet 56 lying within the City limits of the City of Friendswood . Polling Place : City Hall 109 Willowick Friendswood , Texas Election Officers : R . J. Blanken, Presiding Judge Election Precinet 57 : Boundaries the same as that portion of Galveston County election Precinet 56 lying within the City limits of the City of Friendswood . Polling Place : Westwood Elementary School 506 West Edgewood Friendswood , Texas Eleetion Officer : Coylyn White , Presiding Judge Eleetion Precinet 60 : Boundaries the same as that portion of Galveston County election Precinet 60 lying within the City limits of the City of Friendswood . Polling Place : Friendswood Junior Hi�h School �02 Laurel Friendswood , Texas Election Officer : James R . Cumming, Presiding Judge -2- Election Precinet 61 : Boundaries the same as that portion of Galveston County election Precinet 61 lying within the City limits of the City of Friendswood . Polling Place : Clear Creek Drainage District Building 1301 West Parkwood E 1 e c t i o n 0 f f i c e r : -�n����e-�vut�rrck;--i'-rea-i����-��rdge- Cynthia Hearn - Presiding Judge Election Precinet 378 : Boundaries the same as that portion of Aarris County election Precinet 37$ lying within the City limits of the City of Friendswood . � Polling Place: Forest Bend Civie Club Building �l300 Laura Leigh Fr-iendswood , TExas Election Officer : Gina Runnels , Presiding Judge Election Precinet �474 : Boundaries the same as that portion of Harris County election Precinet �7�} lying within the City limits of the City of Friendswood . Polling Place : Wedgewood Civic Building 5006 Pennystone Friendswood , Texas Election Officers : Phyllis Middleton, Presiding Judge �t�������t��������t��t�t�t��t��tt��t�t�t��t�*��*�**�*��t�***�t�*������**�t�* Absentee Ballot Board : R. J. Blanken, Presiding Judge f'1Ef9E�Ef�Eff#iEfIF�Ff#####iFiF�F#*iF�Ff##fff�Ftffirf�F�E�F�EIF9E��Ef�EiE�EfiFiFlEf�F�Ef�E�F��1F�F Central Counting Station: Clarence White , Presiding Judge Central County Station: Manager Jane Tollett Clerk Deloris Archer Tabulation Supervisor : Joy Williams Tabulation Assistant : Todd Yeager Resolution Committee : Benny Baker Robert George Phyllis Lee The City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to provide a copy of this Resolution to each judge as written notice of the appointment as required by Section 32• 009 of the Texas Election Code . Each Presiding Judge shall have the authority to appoint no more than three ( 3 ) qualified voters as clerks to assist in the -3- holding of said election, but in no event sha11 Che Pre$iding Judge appoinC less �han two (2) c3�rks. SecCion 4. Ms . D�loris _Archer CiCy SecreCary, is hereby appoin�ed clerk for absentee voring ; appoinrmenGs of deputy clerke for absentee votin� by �he City Secretary shall be in aceordance with Seetion 83. 031 e� seq, of the Texas �lecCion Code and the City Ha11 109 w�.J.lowick Friendswood , Texas 77546 - - � �.s hereby designated as the place �or absentee voting for said election. Said clerks shall keep sa�.d office open for at ].east nine (9) hours , that is , from eight o'clock (8:00) a.m. until ttve o 'c2oek (5 :00) p .m. , on each day For ab4entee voting which is noC a Saturday, a Sunday, or en o�£ic�al sCate hoiiday, beginn�ng on the twentieth (20th) d�y and continuing �hrough the fourth (4�h) aay preceding the date of said election. Said clerks shall not permit anyone �o vote absentee by personal �zppearance on any day which is not a regular work�ng day for _ Che clerk' s o�£�.ce, and under no ci.rcumstances $ha11 they perm�C anyone Co vote absenCee by personal appearancc at any � Cime when such office is not open to Che publ�c. The above-described p�.ace for absentee votin� is also the absentee clerk' s mai_ling address to which ballot applications and balloCs vo�ed by maiZ may be sent. The absenCee voting clerk, in accordance with �he provisions of the Texas Election Code, shAll maintain t� rast�r li���ng each person who votes absenr�e -4- by gersonal �Ppearance nnd each person to whom an absentee ballo� Co be voted by mail is sent. The ro�ter shall be rnaintained in a form approved by the Secretary of State. SecCion 5. R. J. Bl�nken hereby appo�nted as Preaiding Judge of the Absentee Ba12ot Board . Yn accordanee with Section 87. 00I , eC seq, of the Texas �1ecCion Code, said presiding �udge sha11 �ppoint at least two (2) other members to said board, and aha11 process absentee voC�ng results in accordance with said Te�as Election Code. Sectiori -6. ThaC said election sha11 be heZd in accordance w�Ch �hQ ConeCitiution and Laws o£ the StaCe o£ Texas , and aIl du�y quali£ied resident electors of the Ciry of Friendswood, Texa�, shall be entltled ta vote. Section 7. The City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to £urn�sh a11 necessery election �upplies to conduct such e�ection. Section 8. The order in which Che names of the candidates are Co b� pr�nted on the ba2lot in rhe general election shRll be determined by a - drawing by Che City Secretary, as provid�d by Section 52� 09�f of the Texas �lection Code. The Gity Secretary shall post a notice in her office, at least seventy-two (�2) hours prior to the date on which the drawing is to be held, of �he time and p2ace of the drawing, and $hall �Iso give personal notice ta any candid�te who makes wr�tCen request for such notice and �urnishes to the City Secre�ary a sel£-addresaed, sCamped envelope. F,ach candida�e involved in -S- the drawing, or a designaeed represenC�rive, shall have a right to be present and observe the draw����. Section 9. The candid��es receiving a majority o£ voC�s For Mayox and in each of the positions Co be filled at such elecCion shall be declared elected. See��on 20. The voting ar such elecCion shall be }�y electronic paper ballot. Absentee voting x�r such election shall be by paper ba�l.ot. Secrion 11. Not�ce of this el.ection sht�l� be given in xccordance with the provisions - of the Texas Flection Code snd reCurns aE such no�fce sha11 be made as provided for �n $aid Coc�e. The Mayor shall issue all necessary orders and writs for such elecCion, and returns of such elaction sha�l be made to the City Secrerary immediate2y a�ter the c1os�.ng of rhe po13s . Section 12. Sa�.d election shall be h�2d in accordance w3.th rhe Texas Fl.ection Code and the Faderal Voti.ng Rights Act of 19b5, as amended. PASSED, APPROVED, AND RESOLVED this �he 12th day of March, 1990. - - �' � au . . c ra er, ayor ATTFST: . e r s rc er, City Secre�ary -6-