HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 91-36 R�SO�UTION N0. R91-36 A R�SOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AND TH� CITY SECRETARY TO ATT�ST AN ORDER RELATING TO THE DENIAL OF A REQUEST BY T�XAS-N�W MEXICO POWER COMPANY TO INCREASE RATES FOR E�,ECTRIC UTILITY S�RVICE WITHIN THE CTTY OF FRIEND5WOOD. * � * * * BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCTL 0�' T�-I� CITY OF FRIEND5WOOD, TEXAS: Section 1 . The City Council of �he City of �'riendswood, Texa�, hereby adopts an Order denying the rec�uest of Texas�New Mexico Power Gompany to i.ncrease its rates for elec�ric utility service within the CiCy. A copy of su�h Order i.s attached hereto and .made � pa�t hereof for all purposes. Section 2 . The Mayor and the City Secretaxy ara hereby authorized and direc�ed to execute and attest, respectiively, the a�tached Order �elating to electric utilfty raties ta be charged by Texas�New Mexico Power Company. PASSED, APPROVED, AND RESOLVED tihis 15th d8x of July � 1991 . �' 1 � -������ Paul w. Schrader, Mayor AmT�ST: Dc� o is Arc?7 , MC C1.ty Secxetaxy ORD�� �0. 091-36A AN ORDER DENYIN� A REQUEST BX TEXAS-NEW MEXICO POWER COMPANY TO INCREAS� RATES FOR �L�C�RIC UTILITY S�RVICES WzTHIN THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, T�XAS; PRpVIDING FOR CONAITIONS; PROVIDING FOR REPEAI, OF ALL ORD�RS INCONSISTENT OR IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERA.BI�YTY. * * * * * WHEREAS, on Ap�i.l 11, 1991 , Texas-New Mexico Powex Company fi.led with the C�.�y oE Fxiendswood, Texa� , a xequest for an increage in e�.ectric utili�y rates to be charged withi.n the City; and WHEREASr the Ci�y, having reviewed and examined such application and suppor�inc� documentati.on, is of the opinion and � �inds thati exiating � rates of� Texas-New Mexico Power Company should not be adjusted; now, therefore BE TT ORA�R�D BY THE CITY COUNCIL 0�' THE CITY OF FRI�NDSWOOD, TEXASt �ec� on 1 . Tha� the changes in rates, �ariffs, and charges requested by Tex�s�New Mexico Power Company for electric utility serv3.ces, as more fully described in its S�atement of Intent to change raties submi�ted to the City on April 11, 1991 , are in all respects hereby dena.ed. Sec�ion 2 , The action of the City Council of the City of Friendswood enacting �his Order constitutes, on the date of adoptian hereof, a final de�.arminati.on of xates for Texas-New Mexico Power Company wi.�hin the City of Friendswood in accoxdance wSth Secti�on 43(e) of the Public Utility Regula�ory Ac�. l e �ect_i�or� . 3.. All orders ox parts of order� inconsistent ox i.n con�lict herewith are, ro tlig extent of such inconaistency or contlicti, hereby repea].ed. Sec�ion � . In the event any section, paragraph, �ubdivision, clause, phrase, provision, sentence, or part of thia Order or the applicati.an o� the same to any person ox circumstance shall for anX r�ason be ad�udged invalid or held unconstitutional by a court of competent �urisdi.ct�on, it shal� no� affect, �.mpair, or invalidate tihis Order as a whole or any part or prov�s.�ons hereof other than the part declared to be . �nva].xd uriCOrist�.tutional and the Ci.ty Council of the C�.ty o� Friend�wood, Texas, declares that it would have passed each and every part of the same notwithstanding the omission of any such � part thus dec�.ared to b�� znval.id or unconstitutional , or whether �here be one or more �arts . �'ASS�D, AI�PROV�D, AND ORDERED thi.s 15th ddy Of July � 1991 . ��u,,e�/. �.�-�..,-,-C._ Paul W. Schrader, Mayor AT'��ST s . �el� ia A�cch r CMC �ity Secretia�ry _2_