HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 91-20 : Y �. City of Haustan ResoXution No.�,l-20 A RESOLUTTON AIITBORI�iTNO TH8 CTTY 08 � TO PARTICx�AR'� IN 'T�� COALITION oF C=TIEB FOR T$E PLiRpd8E8 QB INVEB�'IGIATINQ, EV7►�GATING, AND �?RESENTING �V�DENGE IN REQAYtD TQ T�� pROp08ED $CII�fiOW LIaIiT�N4 �c P0�1ER COMPAHY AP�LI�ATTON $OR INGR�BED RATEB; AOTHO�=aSNC�, I�' NECE$gARY, T�E �NTERQ'EDiTIdN O�' THL COALITIOI�f OF CITI�$ �DT ANY PROC�£DINQ �EFORE TH� PIIBL�C G'�ILITY C4MMI8gZ�?N 4P TESAS IN CONNECfiZON WITH T�E �tEVI�W oF AN'sr itATE FROCEEDINQ iNSTxTVT�D WrTR REc�ARD T� �HE PROPO$ED ls►PPLICAfiION FOR INCREABED RATEB; AOT$CRIZING T$� CITY ATmORN�Y OF T�E C�TY OF $OUBTON T4 ��PRE8EN'Z' T1�E G�A�,ITTOI�t O$ CI'�IEB TN AN'yC PREFILI�13 DISCUBSION$ A,ND YN �NY �ROCEEDINa . 8��'ORE THE pUBLxC GTILITY COMMIBg=QN pP' TEg.A$ YN R�QARA '�� TH� PRppOBED APPL�CATION �'OR INCREABEA RATES; A�tD CpNTAINxNf3 OTHE�t, PROVIBION$ RE�,ATINd TO TH� �3UHJECT. � � � � wIiEREAe, Hvuston Liqhting & Power Comparty (��HL&p�r) has adva.sed �he municip�la�ties in its service azea af it� proposal to �ile an application for increased ratea ("�propased ra�e case��) ; and WREREAB, tha Ci�y of Hot�stor� intenda to retain professional cqnsul�ants to conduct investiga�ior�s, prese�►t eviden�e, advise i�� City Counc�.l �tnd ass�,st with a»,y �.iti��tion relat�,ng to tha propased rate casQ; and WX�R�l�B, the City of Houston a�nd oth,�r municipa�liti.es th�t are regulatosy authvrities having or3qina�, jurisd�,ction over parts o�E the HL&P �ervice area have entered inta a coaliti.ors to cooperate in the proposed rate case; ar�d � W��REAB, �� is iri the City of �riendswood �$ (�+�ity") best interest ta pa�rt�.cipate in �hg �ropa��3 rats case trirough a Coa],itlan ot Cities in HL&P�s s�rvie8 area; and WHERLAS, it is in th� C�,ty's .best int�zest ta pa�tici�ate �ith the Cdalition og Citie� in praceedings before the public U�ility Commis�ion of T�xas ("PUC") concerni�g the proposed applicatian a� FtL&1� fvr increased rate� in the unincvrpox�ted bQrti�i� nr' ��s service area a»d fn any appea� to .the pUC o� the ci,ty's r�te oxder �n tha proposed rate. ca�e; naw, �here:�ore, $E zT dRDASNED 13Y T�iE C�TY �.'Ot7NCTL QF THE F r i e n d s w o o d ; �-1_ Sectfon 1. mhe fac�s and recitation set forth in t�e pxeam�le of this Resolut�an are hereby found tc be true and corxect. Seation 2 � Th� C3ty Counc�l hereby authorixes the paxticipation o� th� City in th� Coa�ition of Cit�es for the purpos�s of: (a) investiga�ing, eva�uat�ng, and presenting evidence fn oonnection with the proposed rate case; (b) �articipa�.ing i.z� any appellate proceeding� b�fox� the pt7G z�lating to �he proposed rata case; and (c) p�xticipating in any �re�fl�.ng discussions ooncerning tha proposed rate aase; (r'ly participating irt any proceeding beFor� � the PUC conCexning the proposed appkieation of HL&Q far increased rates in the unincorparated pQrt�.an of �.ts service area. Section 3 . �he City At�orney af the City of Houston is hereby authorized on� behai� of the City �o regresent the Coali,�ion of Ci�ies irt any appe112►te proc�edings be�ore the PU� rela�ing to the x�ate C3se, but on�y fn tha event that �he rat� orders of the City, t�he Gity o� Kou�tari and a ma�ority of oth�r member citi�s of th� CoAlition are app�aled by �IL&P ta the PoC. Secti,on 4. The ��ity of �ougton is hereby authorized on beh�if ot the City:�to repre�ent thQ Coalit,ion of c�ties in ax�y prefiling discussioris � and in any proceeding befoze the T?UC concern�,ng the proposed applica�.ion oF HL&P for a.ncreased rates in the unincorpora�ted por�ion aP its service area. PASBED, CONFIRMED ANll RES.OLVED this the 15th day of April , 1991 . Mayor Paul W . Schrader . City of Friendswood ATTEST: � C�ty Secretary Deloris Archer , CMC _2_