HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 92-45 . /_. , �� �ESOZ.u�rlorr r�o. Rs2-45 A RESOLUTI� C1F THE CITY COUNCIL OF THI� CITY OF �zlBrmswooD, �,s, c�wvgs�tls�S cot�rrrrzES o�POS�� APPAC (�+mr.�s�g� PREGNANCY AND PAREt� A� 1�ISO�tY G�UNCIL) AND SIECUS (SEX INPt�MATI� AL�1D EDUCATIQ� COUNGIL OF THE UiiITSD STATSS 7 F'Rf�i I�OSING T�QGH LEGISLATIVS �AiACT�1T THEIR SSXUAL AGffi�D� O�i � CHILDRBt� QF T$XAS. * * * * * * * * * * * WHERE74S, the Adalescent Pregnancy and Parenthaad Advisory Council (APPAC) advocates thraugh. I.egislative ena.ctment the distribu�ian in Texas puhlic school systems of cantracegtives and off-campus repraduc�ive health care, inclt�ding ab�rtiQn, without parental kn��rledge or cc�ns�nt; and �RR71�� the Sex Informatic�n and Education Cauncil of the United States (SIECUS) adv�cates the campulsa�y teaching in pragressive stages fram graci�s K-12 that hamosexuality is equal to heterosexuality, that homosexua.1/le�bian marriages offer all th� advantages of tr�ditianal f�m.ilies, and that " . . .legal abortioa is verg safe and accegtal�l�" ; and W�, bQth APPAC and SIECtT5 advocate nat only compuls�rg public school instruction in visual and graphi.c techniqnes of conventional and deviant sexuality hut also a "Teen Bill of Rights" tha� would remave parental cQnsent and religiaus considerations as factors in teenage sexuality and abortion; afld W�, abundant, medical, gedagogical, and psychnlagical evidence contradicts and accordingl�r renders susgect the claims of APPAC and SILCUS; and WI�RSAS, the legislative agenda advacated by APPAC and SIECUS represents an unacceptable departure from the prevailing ethical values af the City af Friendswood� N(�W, THI�SFORl�, HE IT RESOLVffi� BY � CITY OF FRIffiZ�?S�Of7D. TE�xAS; THAT the City Cauncil of Friendswcsod make.s knawn its oppasitian to tYie pragosals of AFPAE and SIECLTS and t�rges that they be rejected by the Texas legislature. PASSBD, APPRC�tTSD A�D AD� b� the Mayar aIId. ' 8;. of Friendsr�rr�ad, Texas this 14ttt dag of Dece.mt�er,19�32. �G/- iyC'eC�1� ' ' Mayar elyn B. Newma:n City of Friendswaacl � / Pra-tena el Measeles Co c' emb Ki.tten Hajecate � � Councilmember Toin Manison Councilrnember Ed Stuart �o cilmember Harald Ral Co ci.lm er rank Frankavich ATTEST: c � . , Deloris McKenzie, MC City Secretarlr lst. 92.12/R92-45