HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 92-43 t � . . RESQLIITION NO. I292-43 A RBSOLUTION OF � CITY GC)IIAGIL G1F T� CITF OF FRISNDSW�'XYD, T'SX�AS GAL�.SR�EH�IS. �, A�IZII�G A�IU I�3B�CTII�tt= TS� M�O� AE�t3 TSg �I�St" SS�Y � B1�CITPE AND 14'1'�.`, R85P8�„°tIVSLY°, I� AG�tE� BY AND PST�ffi� SAID G�.'�Y' R�I� ST1�TR. f� TS7�S, PRGIVII.lI1�G F'f� TS'B: M�►T1�rT�7�CS C�F SIC��Y TRAFFIC SIGNALS/I�i-�T�►'�'TC�T AT TSS IdX:ATI� QF F.M. 518 AT WI1�flING W14Y. * � �r * * * * * * * * B8 IT RESOLV�D HY TSE CITY CCt�t�IL OF T�3'E. CITY OF FRIffi�, T�AS: SECTI�L+T 1. That the certain aqreement dated. December 7, 1992 between the State of Texas arxd the City of Friendswoac�, for the installati.on, constructic�n, existence, use, operatian, and maintenance of certain highxaa�r traffi.c signals/i.11um�.natic�n at the lacation af F. M. 518 at Winding Wa�r, attached hereta and made a gart h�r�of, ia the City af Friendswood, he and the same is here� apprav�d, and. Ma�or Evelyn B. Newman, is hereby authorized to exe�ute said. agreement on behalf of. th� Citg af Fri�ndswaod., and tc� transinit the same ta the State of Texas far apprQpriate actian. SBCTION 2. That this Resaluti.on shall take effect. immediately upan its passage. P1�SSBDi, AP�, ANT► R�L'� this 7th da� of Dec�er, 1992. ��...�. � � ��:��.� Evelyn . Newman Mayar ATTEST: . � � Deloris McKenz' e, City Secretary lst/R92-43.�C AGREEI�N`P FOR STATB TO I1�STALL, . OP$RATE AND PIAINTAI�' INDIVID'ITAL SIGN"ALS I1�' CITY UNDER 50,Q 0 0 OR FREE�A��L SIG�LS:. zx cr�t o�z 5 a,a a o Po�erz��ca� STATE OF TEXAS COUNTIES OF GALVES�.'�ON /HARRIS This RGREEMEt�T, dated this 7th day of D�cember, 1992, by and betweerx the State of Texas, herezna�ter called the "State,'� partg of the First Fart; and the Gity of Friendswood, Galvestan County, Texas, acting by an thra�ugh its duly authorized officer.s under an Res.ol.utican, gassed the "City," Party of the Secand Part, is made to became effective when full� exeeuted by bath parties. W I T N $ S S E T H WHRRRA�� the City has authorized th� installatian, ogeration, and maintenance af highway traffic signal. by Resalution, passed on the 7th day of Decem�er, 1.992, at the loca�ion of F.M. 518 at Winding Way. WHEREAS, the State under the pravisions e�f Title 43, Texas Administrativ� Cade, Section 25. 5, has auth+�rity ta install, operate and maintain traffic signals on freewa�r type highwa�s in all cities and on other highway routes in citi.es of less than 50,�00 populatiQn ( latest Federal Census.) ; and Wi�tEAS, the City has a populatian af over/less than 50,0!a0 populatian accarding ta the latest Federal Censtis, and WHBREAS, the State wishes. to caaperatc with tMe Cit�r in the installation af traffie signal at the loca.tian af. F. M. 518 at Winding Wa�r. 1 of 3 - A G R E E M E N T N�1, therefore, in consideratian of the premi�es and vf th� mutual covenants and agreements of th� parti.es. hereta ta �e by them resp�ctivelg kegt and perfarme�, as hereinafter s�t forth, it is agreed as fc�llows: 1. The State will furnish th.e neces.sa�y funds: far the actual constxuctian, prepa=e pla�s and sp�cificati��xs, install said �ighwa�r traffic signal, supersri�e constr�tiQn, and upon completion af canstructiQn, wi11 furxsish the pawer and operate and maintai.n saicY highsaay traffic si.gr�al,. 2. The City hereby consents to th� constructi�n caf the highway traffic signal at lo�atic�n Qf F.M. 518 at Winding Way by the approval of the location and mann.er of construetion as shc�wn on the plans. and descr:ihed in the. specifications. 3. The City will exereise n4 ��ntrQl whatsc�euer aver the operationf maintenance, u�e, or existence_ af the highway traffic signal without written autharity from the Te�as Department af Transpartatian. 4. The State sha11 have the authorit� to make such. changes in the design and operation af the highwalr traf.fic signal as it may deem necessarg and advisable to promc�te the safe, canvenient, and orderlg movem�ut of traffic. 5. The City will be respanssble for the palice enforcement reqta.ired for securing obedienc� ta th.e highway traffic signal. 6. In the event the signal installed in accardance with. this Agreement beeome unn�c�ssary or are remaved fcrr ang reasan, this Agreement sha11 terminate. 7. The State will n�t incur and. financial abligati.an. to the city as a result of this Agreement. 2 of 3 � I� TSSTI�O�'Y' tid�F, the parties hereto have caus�d these presents to be ex�cuted in dupli.cate an the date� s�awn hereinbelow. Ex�ecut�d an behalf af the Cit� of Fri.endswacxd, this 7th day af Decernbez, 1992 ATTEST: . , B�: Q �a � Deloris McKen ie, E�ely B. Newm �, Ma�or City Secretary City af Friertdswoad � SfiAT& OF �.'�E�S Cer�ified as being executec� fcar the purpas:e and effect of activatin� andfczr carrying aut. the or.ders, established pe�Zi�ie�_, ar wark pragrams heretafare approv�d ar�d authorized by the Texas Transportation Cc�mmis�iars unde� the au�hQrity of Minu.te arrie,r 10aQET2. APPRUVED: BY- �Traffic Qgeratians Engineer DATE• 3 of 3 lst/agree.Doc 12-g2 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTIES OF GAL�TESTON/HAKRIS I , Delaris McRenzie, the duly agpointed, qualified and a�ting City Secretary� of the Ci.ty af Friendswaad,, Texas, hereby c�rtify that the foregai.ng pag�s constitt�te a true and carrect copy af an Resalu�ion duly passed b� the Git�r Cauncil at a meeting held on December, 7, A.D. , 1992, at 7: Q0, o'c1a�k P. M. . Ta certify which, witness m�r hanc� and seal of the City of FriendswoQd.r Texas, this 7th dag af Decemb�r., 1992, at Friendswoad, Te�as. • � . Deloris McKenz� , CM City Secr�tar� c�f the City caf Friendswraod, Te:�as lst/certifgr.Doc 12-92