HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 92-33 RESOLUTION NO. R92-33 A RESOLUTION OF TSS CITY OF FRIffi�ID5W�C7D, TEXAS, GALVSS�f7�!I/ HARRZS COUNTIES, SUPP08TING � RESaLUTIO�tS QF THE GITIBS. OF NASSRU BAY, TAYLOR LAKE VILLAGE, SEAB800R, FL LAC�, RECOG�iIZING TSB DUTY OF TSE TEXAS DBFAR'II!�iT OF TRANSPORTA�'IC�+T �O MEST � NEEIIS E�F' T� CIT�ZBL'iS O� TSS STATE OF TSXAS Ti�t�UG� PLANNING, C�!NS�IICTIt�i AND MAINTSNANCE QF HIC�W1hYS; A STA'i'�'�` QP' II�DIATR NEffi� TC� INCREAS$ CAPRCITY AND RAISE T� ELEVA�'IC�TT O� STATE HIGS�l14F NASA RQAD �E; TS�EAT � LIFE AND P1taFffitTY CREATEfl HY INADRQUATS TRAFFIC CAPACITY; ADVSRS� Il�lPlriCT �'O STATS" AND LOCAL LCCENOIMlIC D$V'SIAPi�T; STRC�T� POSITIVS IA�CAL SUPPC7R� FOR PRUMPT AGR'IUN AND URGIH� TSB DEE►ART�T OF TRANSPORTATIO�F TO �ULFILL ITS OBLIGATIf� �0 CY�L�TS L�l'ASA ROAD 0�'E I AS PROFQS�; INDIVIDUAL AND 30INT PROTEST OF ANY UNRBASO�TAHLE DELAY� AND R�SST FO� W&IZ`PF� ACI� AS TO TSE STATUS OF SZI�H PROJBCT ht�lI} EXPLANATIO�t OF ANY EVENT OR ACTIO� GIVING CAIISE FO� DELAY, IF ANY. WHER�P,S, the Texas Department of Transportation through its Division of Highway and Roads has the duty and obligation to meet the transportation needs of the citizens af the State of Texas through planning, canstruction and maintenance of highways; and W�,S, In southeast Harris Caunty there exists a faur- lane state highway know as NASA Road One that in a span af less than ten miles passes through ar adjoins the incorporated cities of Friendswood, Webster, Nassau Bag, Houston, Pasadena, Ta�lor Lake Village, El Lago and Seabrook and includes approximately twa miles of frontage at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration' s Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center; ana WI�REAS, the Texas Degartment of Transpartation has among its records, planning documents, traffic studies, and other valuable information that have canclusively identified the immediate need for improvements to NASA Road One that include widening to increase capacity and elevating portions to protect the roadway from flooding;and WI�REAS, the NASA Road One project had been represented by the Texas Department af Transportati.on to the various cities impacted directly and indirectly that this project has been scheduled, funded and is immediately pending rights-of-way acquisition; and � � � , . Wf�REAS, the cities of Nassau Bay, Taylor Lake Village, E1 Lago and Seabroak have not be given an�r direct or formal notification that the status of this praject has changed incidental delays; and WI�RBAS, an o€ficial representative of the Texas Department of Transportation has publicly disclosed that the NASA Roa� One project has been dropped. and will nQt likely be reconsidered far many years; and W�REAS, such statement is in direct conf liet with informatian provided to the cities of Nassau Bay, Tagle�r Lake Village, E1 Lago and Seabraok, each of whom are participants in the NASA Road One graject, and WHEREAS, the many and varieci justifications for proeeeding with the NASA Raad �ne praject have not dimznished, but have continued to escalate the need; and WF�REAS, there are na alternative roadways para11e1 to NASA Road One that connect Nassau Bay, Taylar Lake Village, E1 Lago and Seabrook, the use of NRSA Raad One is inescapable and makes travel a difficult feat, especially for �mergency vehicZes; and WH�RBA.S, traffic cangestian on NASA Road One regularly endangers lives and property by creating unavaidalale dela�s in the delivery of emergency services; and WHFR�'ns, NASA Road One serves as an essential arxd in many cases the only available evacuatian route for several coastal cammunities prone to flooding and subject to frequent hurricane threat; and wr�rR�bS, local jurisdictions are suffering a continuing 1QS� of employers and retail businesses who are relocating ta escape the increasing NASA Road One traffic cangestion; and WI�REAS, NASA Road One serves as the entrance to the National Aeranautics and Space Administratian' s Johnsan Space Center, a tremendaus emplolrer and econamie benefaetor to the State of Texas; and W'H�EAS, the State of Texas together with the eities af Nassau Bay, Taylor Lake Village, E1 Lago and Seabrook recognize tourism as a major industry beriefiting the sta.te and that such industry can be adverselg impacted by traffic congestion on state highways that fail to provi.de adeguate capacity ta meet traffic demands; and R92-33 W'�REAS, annually more than one million tourists an� visitors travel NASA Raad One, with future projections as elose as 1994 estimating an inerease in the num�er of vistors to reach two millian annually; and WF�'.RSAB, NASA Road One provides the only road�ay connecting the City of Nassau Bay w�th the remainder of the state, making its 4,320 residents, hundreds of businesses, four hotels, and 13Q-bed hospi�al and �ssociated facilities wholly dependent on NASA Road One with�ut any alternative or recourse; and WI�REAS, the ci�ies of �assau Bay, Taylor Lake Village, E1 Lago and Seabraok seek to grotect the interest of the 17,668 residents and citizens af the Sta�e of Texas we collectively repres�nt; and WHF.RRAS� it is the duty of the State of Texas and not th� cities of Webster, Nassau Bay, Hauston, Pasadena, Taylor Lake Village, E1 Lago or Seabroak to plan, construct ar maintain state highways such as NASA Road One. NO�W, T�FORE, BL IT RESOLV� HY � I�lAYQB AND eITY C�OUNCIL OF TSE CITY OF FRIEbTDSi�TCX)D, GA��TEST�/��►��s Cp�gg� T�XA.S. THAT, we are in unanimous sugpart of the Texas Department of Transportation' s NASA Raad One prc�ject and support the cities o€ Nassau Bay, Taylor Lake Village, Seabr�Qk and El Lago's requests; and THAT, we urge the Department to fulfill its obligation ta the citizens of Texas and immediately move to complete improvements to NASA Raad ane as prapased, cansidering the significant benefit ta the State as a whoZe; and FURTHSR TEAT, we individually and jointly seek to protest any unreasonable delay in the completion of this most important highway proJect and respectfully demand a prampt written acknawledge3nent as ta the sta.tus of sueh projeet and a full explanation af any event, actian or other consideratian that gives cause for delay, if any. R92-33 pASggp, p,ppRpy� AND ADOPTSD by Mayor and Councilmembers of Friendswoad, Texas this 2�th dag of July, 1992. � Mayor velyn . Newman City of Friendswaad • r -tem el Measeles Co ncil.member itten Hajecate �" p �'�'\ � ouncilmember Tam Manison Councilmember Ed Stuart o ncilmember Ha�old Rale Counci Ember Frank Frankovich ATTEST: . � Deloris McKe zi Arch r, CMC City Secretary lt/R92-33