HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 92-11 RESOLUTION NO. R92-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, SUPPORTING THE APPROVAL OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE BILL 5-12 TO REVISE TIiE CABLE COMMUNICATI�N POLTCY ACT OF Z984, AND EXPRESSING GENERAL CONCERN ABOUT THE NEED FOR GREATER LOCAL GO�TERNMENT REGULATORY AUTHORITY AND URGING THE PRESIDENT NOT TO VETO TfIE FINAL LAW. * � * � x� * WHEREAS, the Cable Communicatians Act of 1984 restricted states and local governments abilities to regulate the cable television industry directZy; and WHEREAS, since the passage af the Cable Co�ununicatian Act of 1984, concentrations af awnership amaunting to manopolies have increased among cable ogerators, even though the Act was intended to pramote competition in cable communicatians and minimize unnecessary regulations that impQSe undue econamic burden on cable systems; and WHEREAS, municipalities throughout the nation, including Friendswoad, have been subject to substantial rate increases, reductions in service and programs changes that do not reflect consumers needs or the original intentions of their franchise agreements; and WHEREAS, more than half of the nations households, and more than 4405 of residents of Friendswood subscribe to cabZe, and cable television is increasingly becorning the main means of access to infarmatian and entertainment; and WHEREAS, cable subscrihers in Friendswood have been subjected to rate increases of 264 percent over the past 11 years, as weZl as increases in the casts af converters, installation and premium services. WHEREAS, cable television is rapidly being priced b�eyond the reach of lower income geople, including families with children and the elderly, wha are particularly in need of information and other services that are available solely thraugh cable television; and WHEREAS, the divezsity of information services promised by the 1984 Cable Communications Act has faiZed to materialize; and WHEREAS, the pramise of universal service, has not been fulfilled; and WHEREAS, existing Iaw provides this City and other franchising autharities no authority to control or question the imposition by cable franchises of exorbitant rates upan citizens whose rights-of-way have been placed a� the companies' disposal by virtue of the grant of franchises; and WHEREAS, the National League of Cities has adopted policzes in favor of increasing local gouernments' cable regulatory authority and in favor of more competi�ion in the pravision of cahle teZevision service to consumers; and WHEREAS, Iegislation that is now pending in the Congress seeks comprehensive changes in the Ca.k�le Communicatians Act of 1984; and WHEREAS, The Friendswaod City Council has declared it' s support far the restoration of local regulatory autharity over calale television systems; and WHEREAS, The United States Senate has adopted Senate Bill S-12 with particular favor on reregulation of subscriber notes, allowance of telephone company provision of cahle service under circumstances that respect local gavernment authority, system awnership transfers, the impact of vertical integration in the cable industry, and ather aspects of the Act that directly impact local regulatian and consumers. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COZINCIL QF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, THAT: SECTION 1. The Friendswood City Council urges the Hause of Representatives to act according].y for approval of Senate Bill 5-12 to restare lost authority over cable systems, to eliminate the barriers to competitian, and ta rectify ather aspects, of the 1984 Act that work to the disfavor of cable consumers and to further encourage the President of the United States of America not to veta the final law. � * * * * * PASSED, APPROVED AND RESQLVED THIS THE 17TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1992. Mayor Pau W. Schrader City of Friendswood, Texas ATTEST: Del ris Ar er, CMC City Secretary