HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 93-27 RSSOLUTIf� �fl. R93-27
A RES�[1TII�i C�.F T� CIT� CE7(I�CIL. O�' T:� GI3''g' f�F
SF.I�ATR BII.L NU1�S8R 8Z �IC'I� R�UIR'�S � B�7�i�C
AND �`�` Zl�L?'ACT S'�`'�i � Q� � �ILL,,
RLSOLL�t� E� C�CI� �" ISS'E11�D HY AI��''
SENAT$ QR I3t�USF. C0�lITT&� t}R 0'I�IS� CE�S�D�
HY R'HS U1�IT8I1 STA'.�S C�C�S:.
* �e * * * � * � * * � � * * *
WHBREAS, the Cangress of the Uni��d: States is continually
�nacting Legislatiazs that requires e�nditures c�f St�te and
Loea1 funds for implement�.ng and campliaace� ar��.
WHRRBAS, the F�d.eraZ Agenc�rr designated to write the
appropri.ate reg�zZatinns da so in a ane-siz� fits all met�ad.
which puts rec�uirements or restrictinns that are
inapprapriate for some sections af this Great Countr�r af
�urs; and
WI�AS, there dnes not ap�ea.� to be any rea� cax�cern as to
just how much and fror� where th�se ��zr�ds will come; and
WF�ERSAS, there agpears to be genuine cancern far these
exG�ssiv�, unfunded �asts being Fassed c�r� to State and Lacal
Gavernments b�r severa�l members of the United States Senate;
WHER�AS, those CQTYCEy�A�a Ser�atcrrs have introduc�d S��te
Bill 81 which will reguire the Comptra�ler General af the
United. States ta pregare a� e�anamic and emplc�ym�nt i.mpact
s�atem�nt to accampany any }aill, resalutic�n or canfer�nce
report issued by any cc��tittee af tYi� Hause ar Senat� or
otherwis�: canside�ed on the f loc�r gf ei.th�x House; and
WHEREAS, it is hop�d th�.t this Legislation will be passed.
and signed intc� existence; and
WH�S, at is further hap�d t2�at those Legsslative l�dies.
and Federal degartments will actua.11�t �onsid�� the cQSt
versus benefits received; and
NQ�, �RE.r B�'s IT BE�Y'SIt BY Tffi� �ITY' t�i�.. QE �
CITY C3F F�ffi�5�, '3'P�AS�:
�IAT the Cit� of Friefldsw� suggorts the interxt
of Senata �i11 82 }o bri�xg aut the fis��l im�a:�t
�f all LegislatiQn., rul�s and regulatio� an Sta�e
and LQCa.l GoverrYmer��, United States business and
�onsuAaer�, �mp�.a�rrm+�nt and the ahilitg ta comp�te
in international Trade, ancl.
TIiAT the City af Friendswood requests that c�ur
United S�ates Se�ators �nc� Ftepres�tativ�s suggc�.rt
t?�is proposed Legislatian.
P�SS�, AFPRt'riT�, � ADC� thY.s I2th. �ag af. Jul�r, 1313,..
Mayar elyn . N�wman
City of Fr�endswood
� C
Ma ar Pro-t I�itten �ajecate Coun er Mel Meas�l�s.
Cau�,c:ilme�er. 'I'c�xn Manison. Councilme�ez Ec3 S�uart
. (
�ouneilmeml�er Harald Raley C u eilt�ember J is Lowe
D laris MeKenz e, CMC
Cit� 5e�r�tary