HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 93-34 RESOLUTION NO. R93�34 A RE�QLUTTC�T t)F T8S CITY OI� FRIENDSWOO�, TS]�AS, �A6LVESTON/HARRIS G'atTNTIES AI�dPTING THE PARRS ANI3 OPEN SPAC$ MAST�R PLAN. * * * � * * * * � * �r � � � * * � * * � W�iEREAS, the City Council of the City of �riendswood adopt the Parks and Open Space Master Flan for the City �f Friendswood by Resolution on this 27th day af Septe�tber, 1993 . WHEREAS, the Parks and Open Sgace Master Flan is hereby recognized by the City Couneil of the City� af Friendswoc�d and the Parks and RecreatiQn Department of the City af Friendswaod as the official plan far future park develQpinent in t�e City of Friendswood; and WHEREAS, the �ity Gouncil of the Gity of Friendswood recognizes the need far park,s and ogen space in Friendswaod and will systematic plan for the current and future need� of the community as indicated by the Parks and Open Spaee Master Pian. NO'W T�REF�,7�S, BB IT RESQLVSf3, that the City of Friendswaod supports the continued development of parks and open space in Friendswood; and FUTHLR B& IT RESOLVgDi, that the Cit� of Friendswaod adopt the Parks and Open 5pace Master Plan for the Gity of Friends�raad and the Parks and Reereatior� Depart�aent to be used as the afficial plan for future park de�reiopment in the �ity of Friendswood, Texas. PASSEU, APPROVST�, Al�i'D ADQPTED by the City Co�.ncil of the City of Friendswoc�d this 27th day of September, 1993 . � � � � i�ayor elyn B Newman City of �'riends�rt�c�d ATTEST: �' Deloris McKe zi ., CMC City Secretary *Subj�ct to Annual Review RESOLUTIONS September 27, 1993 Resolution R93-33: Resolution adopting sewer rate schedule. In accordance with your budget directives, staff has prepared a revised schedule for increasing sewer rates. The current rates were adopted in 1987 by Resolution R87-17, so we prepared the proposed sewer rate schedule for you in the same manner. (We do have some inconsistency in the method of adopting rates--boCh by resolution or ordinance. We are attempting to make everything consistent, and hope to do that when the updated Code of Ordinances is adopted 1aCer this year) . The rates are reflective of those presented by Councilmember Stuart, and generally agreed upon by the balance of the Council as the budget was discussed. The minimum has been raised $.50 per month and the conswnption has been raised $.10/1,000 gallons, for an anticipated increase in income of $89,000. We have included a copy of the current rate schedule (Resolution No. 87-17) , and you will notice on close review the charge of $1.00/1,000 gallons of water usage has not technically changed. What has changed, however, is that the current schedule calls for the sewer charge to be based on the four winter months of November-February times a factor of 90 percent. We can find no real documentation on how the 90 percent factor came into being, and can only speculate it was a compromise of some sort in 1987. By removing the 90 percent factor, we arrive at an increase of $.lOJ1,000 gallons, as suggested, and at the same time streamline the calculation of the sewer bill for a customer. We recommend this approach. You may be wondering why we use water consumption as the basis for the sewer rates. As you know, most of the water used, especially in the winter months, goes into the sanitary sewer system for treatment. EPA mandated several years ago, that wastewater collection and treatment charges must reflect the costs and be based on water consumption. (Many years ago, most sewer charges were based on the number of fixtures in the home or business) . Since our costs are more than our revenue, we should have begun these rate increases earlier, to maineain compliance with EPA. ' � � � ' ResoZution R93-34: Resolution adopting Parks and Open Space Master Plan. We are enclosing the material prepared by J.T. Dunkin after the September 20 work session to be inclnded in the Master Plan. With this information, we believe the Plan is ready for your adoption, and have prepared this resolution. The resolution will be included in the Plan document when it is printed, and you will be supplied a copy of the final, adopted Plan, Resolution R93-35: Resolution endorsing appointment of Ellen Sue Overton to the registered nurse position on Galveston County United Board of Health. The attached information explains this item for the agenda. The resolution is recommended for your approval. Resolution R93-36: Resolution endorsing appointment of Lloyd Nordhausen to the registered professional engineer position on the Galveston County United Board of Health. The attached information explains this item for the agenda. The resolution is recommended for your approval. REC Attachments 1. Resolution No. R93-33 (proposed new sewer rate schedule) . 2. Memo fxom Roger Roecker regarding sewer rates. 3. Resolution No. R87-17 (current sewer rate schedule) . 4. Resolution No. R93-34. S. Proposed amendments to Parks and Open Space Master Plan from J.T. Dunkin. 6. Resolution No. R93-35 7. Letter dated September 13 from Galveston County Health District regarding appointment of Ellen Overton. 8. Resolution No. R93-36. 9. Letter dated September 17 from Galveston County HeaZth District regarding appointment of Lloyd Nordhausen. CITY OF FRIENDSWO�D � PRIVATE PARKS AND OPEN SPACE The park and open spaces listed below are developed fior recreational use as a part of a residential subdivision. Acreages indicated for facilities have been calculated from map information and are oniy approximate in area. Facifities listed are those principa! types of recreationai features developed on each respective site. These facilities do contribute to satisfying the community's overall recreational needs but are considered to be for member use. Except for Forest Bend, either the physical size or the park layout limits the recreational opportunities ihat can occu�o� most of these sites. Approximate Facilit Acreaqe Genera{ Facifities 1. Forest Bend 26.0 Acres Community building, pool, play apparatus, ballfields and backstops 2. The Park 16.0 Acres Pool, tennis courts, lake and trails 3. Wedgewood Village 5.4 Acres Trail, play apparatus and parking `�� 4. Polly Ranch 15.0 Acres Play apparatus and open space 5. Imperial Gardens 1.2 Acres Play apparatus, pool 6. Falcon Ridge 2.1 Ac�es Poo1 7. Renington Court .8 Acres Landscaping 8. Mission Circle .3 Acres Lawn 9. Eagfe Lakes 2.0 Acres Pool 10. Imperial Estates 2.0 Acres Pool, lawn 11. Kingspark/Whitehafl 2.0 Acres Pool, play apparatus and open space 12. Wilderness Trails .8 Acres Poo! 13. Sun Meadow 1.0 Acres Lawn r�°"' Approximate � Faci�itY Acreaqe Generai Facilities 14. Laurelfield .6 Acres Detention pond and park benches 15. Field Creek Forrest 1.0 Acres Lawn 16. Sunset Meadows Estates 1.0 Acres Pool, piay apparatus and open space 17. San Joaquin .3 Acres Lawn 18. Mission Circle .3 Acres Lawn 19. Wedgewooci Viilage 1.3 Acres Pooi, play apparatus and open space ..R-. ,� � 0 � o � o � � � PROPOSED l SOCCER � PROPOSED SOCCER � { ( � WEDGEWOOD ELEMENTARY '''" f SCHOOL � � PARKING TlMPANI DR. , PARKING � DETENTION ' ° � POND "B" DETENTiON POND "A" - ' 0 0 • o, . , . � — — -- — �_ FRiE�1DSW�tJD �INK RD. HIB{SCUS DAVID GLEN DR. �. WEDGEWCJOD �' ELEMENTARY