HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 93-42 �,S�LIJTIO�T NO. R93-42 �. R.F�SaLi7TI0� OF T�iS CITY OF FRI�ND�EISfi�TOC�?, T8X]�.S FNDORSING THS EFF�1�S OF THS PTATIt1R�'AL LBAGIIE flF �ITIES/TEXAS MUNICIP�I. LF�G[I8 AIZD STJ�'PC7RTING T�E 'SFFORTS TQ FULLY INFORM �UR CZTI ZFlTS AH�i3't TAS �I�ACT flF FEDEItAL 1'�NDATSS {?N t}UR Gt1'"�T. * * * * * * * * � * * * * * WHSREAS, unfunded mandates on state and �ocal governznents have �ncreased sign�ficantl� in recent years; and WI�iS, federal :nandates rec�u.ire ci�ies and towns tc perform duties withaut consideration of local circ�unstance, :.osts, or capacity, and subject municipa�.i�ies to civ�l ar �ri.mi�al penal�ies f or �oncampliance; and WH�REAS, federal mandates require camplianee regardless af �ther pr�ssi�g 3oca1 needs and priarit.;.es affecting the hea.lth, welfaxe, and safety of munici�al citizens; and W�SRBAS, excessive federal burdens on local governments foree same ccmbination af higher local taxes and fees and/ �r redu�ed local services an citizens �nd lacal taxpayers; and WHfSREAS, f�deral mandates are ��o often infle�r.i.�3.e, �ane- size-fits-all requirements that z�npase unrealistic time frames and specify procedures of facilities when less eostly alternatives might be just as effective; and WHERB�P,S, existing mandates impose harsh pressures on local budgets and the federal gavernment has impased a free�e izpon funding �o heip compensate for any� new manr3ates; and W�RBAS, the cumulative impact of t:�ese legislative an�. reguiat�ry �ctions directly affect ths citizens af our vit�es and towns; and WHERF.�iS, the Natzonal League of Cities and Texas Municipa� �eague, in conjunction with other state and loca3 government reprzsentatives, has begun a nat�onal public education =a��3iy� �� :�.e�P �i.�iuens understand and then redu�e the �urden and in.�lexihility of unfund�d mandates, beginning �ith a National ',�nfunded Mandates Da1r on �ctober 27, 1993; 3T1� Nt7W, Tf3SRSFORE B8 IT RBS+aLVffi'1 that the City of Friendswood, Texas, endarses the efforts of th� National League of Cities and Texas Muni�ipal League supporting the eff�rts t� fully infarm aur citizens �.bout the impac� of federal Inazr.dates on our governnent and the packet�ooks of our c�tizens; an.d B$ IT FU'RTS88 RSSOI�VED that the Cit� of Friendswoc�d, Texas endorses organizing and participating in e�ents ta begin. this �rocess on Qctaber 27, 1993; and finally BE IT FUR�.�R RF.�(�L� that the C�.ty �f Friendswoad., Texas resalves ta redouble our effarts to inform and work with �nembers of our Congressiona2 delegati.on to educate them abau.t tha impact of f ederal ��aat�s �a actians necessa.�t �-o reduce their burden on our citizens. PASSSD, APFRO�EU A� ADt3P'�,£B�►, this the 1.Sth dap of Octol�r, 1993. �d• �.l.U7J� Mayor �lyn . Newznan City of Friendswood ATTEST: c . 3 Deloris McKe zie, C City Secretary ��t/R93-42