HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 93-44 RESOLUTION N�. R93-44 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENBSWOOD, GALVESTOIY/HARRIS CO�r'NTIES, TEXAS, AUTHORT�ING APPLICATION FO�t FUNDZNG FOR A PROJ"ECT TO RECONSTRUCT PRILNDSWOCID LINK RQADJWHISPERING PINES FROM ITS INTERSEGTION WITH F.M. 518 TO A P'DINT 450 FEET N. E. OF TTS INTEl2SECTION WITH BLACKHAWK BLVD. (FRIENDSWaOD CITY LIMITS} , THROUGH THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1995 TRANSPORTATION I1�.PROVEMENT FROvRAM (TIP. ) * * * * ,� WHEREAS, the City of Friendswood desires to apply to the Texas Department of Transportation for a grant to fund a street improvement project through the Departm�nt�s 1995 Tr�nsportation Iraprovement Proqram (TIF) ; and wHEREAS, the project consists of reconstructing Friendswood Link Road/Whispering Pines from its intersection with F.M. 5is to a point 45Q feet N.E. of its intersection with Slackhawk Blvd. (Friendswood City Limits) , with a total projeat cast estimated at $2.i8o million, with a local matching share of $436,OQ0; and WHEREAS, ti�e City of Friendswood intends to include this project in future planning and budgetary processes; now therefare BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FR�EIVDSWOOD, TEXAS: Sectiq.,n 1. The M�yor is hereby authorized and t3irected, fox and on behalf of the City, to make application to the Texas Departrc3ent �f Transpartati.on for funding for the abave-described proejct, through the 2995 Transportation Improvement Program, PASSED, AFPROVED, AND RuSOLVED this the 15th day of Npvember, 1993. .Q.,Lt'�-7'tt¢/t/ Mayor Ev lyn ewman. City af �riendswood ATTEST: � Deloris McKen2 , TRMC City Secretary ' ` Attachment to � Resolution R93-44 ,.�- ATrACf�IT I Project Description The proiect consists of design, right-of-way acquisition and construction of Friendswocxi Link Road/Whispering Pines, a ne�w four lane roadway to replace an existinq tw� lane asphalt, open ditch roadway. The roadway will consist of a boulevard cross section with 2-24' wide roadways, 2 lanes each with a 16' median. The roadway will be curb and gutter with storm s�wers for drainage. There will be one creek crossinq over Clear Creek requiring widening of an existing bridge. Traffic signals have not been included but are anticipated early in the project life. The project will connect to a future extension of Eldorado Blvd. to the east. Harris County has long range plans to extend Eldorado Blvd. fran '"�" I-45 to the Friends��od city limits, when this project ends. ,A.�..--