HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 93-45 � RESOLUTYON N0. R93-45 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, GALVESTON/HA.RRIS COUAiTIE5, TEXAS, AU'I'HORIZING APPLICATIOlV FOR FUNDING FOR A PROJECT TO CONSTRUCT A NEW MAJOR THOFcOUGHFARE BETWEEN F.M. 528 AND F.M. 2351, THROUGH THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIDN ig95 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEI�ENT PROGRAM (TIP) . * * * * * WHERFF�s, the Cit�� of Friendswood desires to apply to the T�xas Department o€ Transportation for a grant to fund a street construction project thraugh the Department's 2995 Transpartation Improvement Pragr�m (TIF�) ; and WHEREAS, th� proje�t consists of constructing a new rnajor thoroughfare be�ween F.M. 528 and F.M. 2351 with a total project cast estimated at $4 .472 millivn, with a lacal matching share of $895,000; and WHEREAS, the City of Friendswood int�nds to include this project in fu�ure planning and budgetar� processes; now the:efore BE IT RESOLVED BY T�E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS: �ec� 1. The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed, for and an behalf of the City, to make applicat?an to the Texas Department of Transportation for funding for the above-described project, through the Department's �.995 Transportation Improvement Program. PASSED, APPR4VED AND RESOLVED this tha 15th day of November, 1993 . � .GCl.!''I�CQiL�J Mayar e2yn :� an City af Friendswood ATTEST: � Delar � McK nai , TRMC City Secretary Attachment to Resolution R93-45 � ATTA�A'�VT I Project Description Project consists of design, rightrof-way acquisition and construction of a new major thoroughfare fran F.M. 528 to F.M. 2351 parallel to Greenbriar Avenue appraximately 0.85 miles south. The roadway will consist of a boulevard cross section wi�h 2-24' wide roadways, 2 lanes each with a 16' median. The roadway will be curb and gutter with storm sewers for drainage. There will be tw� creek crossings over Chigger Creek and Coward Creek requiring construction of new bridges. Traffic signals have not been included but are anticipated early in the project life, The project will follaw an alignment depicted on the City's 1989 Major Thoroughfare plan and will ultimately link to Brittany Bay Blvd. in ,,r.., League City. � R E 8 O L O T I O N 8 � �ovember 15, 1993 Reaolution R93-44: Resolution authorizing application for major thoroughfare funding through the Tranaportation Improvement Program (TIP) to reconstruct Whispering Pines/Friendswood-Link Road. We had earlier indicated to you that we would submit the same projects to the H-GAC for consideration in the annual TIP Plan. The procesa this year ie more complex than last, requiring considerably more preparation time. In addition, it requirea a reaolution for each project aubmitted. Therefore, you see two separate resolutions on the agenda for two projects to be submitted. This project is for the reconstruction of Whispering Pines/Friendswood-Link Road. This project was submitted last year, but did not get on the funding list. One of the new criteria is to show the level of commitment from the local government. This will be considered when assesaing priorities from among all the projects submitted. In our case the level of commitment required is 20 percent, which for this project amounts �--�- to �436,000. As you know, we do not have this money budgeted for this fiscal year. However, the project, if approved, is to be added to the TIP for 1995. If this project is selected, we will have that long to set the funds aside. If not, then nothing is lost, and we can resubmit next year. Next year, by the way, may be our opportunity to work with other cities in Galveston County to determine county prioritiea for submission to H-GAC for the TIP. As you recall, Mayor Newman, Councilmember Stuart, David Hoover, and I met with other representatives of local governments from Galveston and H-GAC repreaentatives to diacuss the development of a process of prioritization for next year. If everyone works together, we may have a better indication, earlier in the procesa, whether our projects will be placed in the TIP for funding. This process, according to H-GAC officials, is working well in Montgomery County, and they are encouraging our area to do the same. This does represent a level of commitment, although it is not irreversible. However, if we are to submit any projects this resolution is required. �. Resolution R93-45: Resolution authorizing application for funding .� through the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to conatruct a major thoroughfare connecting weat FM 2351 to west FM 528. This project was also submitted last year. It is now on our major thoroughfare plan and is located along the right of way behind Wilderneas Traila Subdivision, on toward FM 528 near "Peyson Place." The same issues apply here as for the first resolution. If you want to aubmit this project, the resolution is required. If the project ie submitted, it will at beat be placed on the plan for 1995. Between now and then funds for the 20 percent match, in this case �895,000, can be aet aside. If no funda are available the project can always be withdrawn from coneideration. Reaolution R93-46: Reaolution Establishing Bank Account. Roger Roecker is recommending a change in our payroll account at TCB as a result of the new depository agreement. As indicated in hie memo on the depository designation, the fees have changed for checking accounts. In addition, the new account will be an interest bearing account. Thia resolution is now required by TCB and is recommended for .,.M--- your appraval. REC Attachmente 1. Resolution R93-44 Project deecription from Jimmy Thompson 2. Resolution R93-45 Project description from Jimmy Thompson 3. Resolution R93-46 Memo from Roger Roecker ,..... RESOLUTIONS Page 2 CMR9311.3F/KSN02/AGENDA November 15, 1993