HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 90-10 ORDINANCE N0. 90-10 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF A RECORDS AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS ; DESIGNATING THE CITY SECRETARY AS RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER; PROVIDING GENERAL OUTLINE OF DUTIES ; PROVIDING OWNERSHIP OF MUNICIPAL RECORDS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES WITH RESPECT THERETO ; PROVIDING FOR DES'I`RUCTION OF ORIGINAL MUNICIPAL PUBLIC RECORDS AND FOR OTHER MUNICIPAL RECORDS ; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCNES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVEEtABILITY. � k � �c sY WHEREAS, Chapter 1248, Acts of the 71st Legislature, Regular Session, provides rules and regulations governing the destruction, preservation, microfilming, electronic stora,e, and other disposition of the records of local governments ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 4. 04 of the Friendswood City Charter, the City Secretary is responsible for the maintenance of all records of the Council and for recommending to City Council rules and regulations for the protection, safety, and security of City records ; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Friendswood desires to provide for an ord�rly and efficient system of records retention, retrieval, and destruction; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSW00�, STATE OF TEXAS : Section l . Policy and Purpose. This Ordinance shall be known and be cited as the "Records and Information Management Ordinance for the City of Friendswood, Texas". It is hereby declared to be the policy of the City of Friendswood to develop a Records and Information Management Program that provides for efficient, economical , and effective control over the creation, distribution, organization, maintenance , use, and disposition of all City Records t�rou�h a comprehensive system of integrated procedures for the management of records from their creation to their ultimate disposition. Section 2. Definitions . For the purposes hereof, the following words or terms shall have the meanings ascribed thereto. "City Record" shall have the same meaning as a "local government record" as set forth in Section 441 . 151(8) , Texas Government Code. "Director and Librarian" shall mean the executive and administrative officer of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. Section 3. City Records Declared Public Property. All City Records as defined in Section 1 hereof are hereby declared to be property of the City of Friendswood, Texas . No City officer or employee shall have, by virtue of his or her office or employment, �ny personal or property right to any such records even though he or she may have developed or compiled them. No person shall destroy, remove, or use any City Record except as authorized by law, this Ordinance, or the policies and procedures of the City. Provided, however, no policy or procedure regarding use, removal , or destruction of City Records shall be adopted which conflicts with this -2- - , ' , , � Ordinance or applicable State or Federal law. Provided further, nothing contained herein shall be construed to authorize the disclosure of City Records which are exempt from disclosure under State or Federal law. Section 4. Records and Information Mana ement Responsi i ity Esta is e . There is hereby established a Records and Information Management Program. The City Secretary shall administer the Records and Information Management Program and shall be responsible for City-wide files management. In addition, the City Secretary shall have direction and control of the City' s records disposition program. Section 5. Duties of City Secretary. The City Secretary shall : A. Assist in establishing and developing policies and procedures for a records management program for the City; B. Administer the records mana�ement program and provide assistance to custodians for the purposes of reducing the costs and improving the efficiency of recordkeeping ; C. In cooperation with the custodians of the records : (1) prepare and file with the Director and Librarian the records control schedules and amended schedules required by Section 203. 041 , Texas Government Code, and the list of obsolete records -3- as provided by Section 203. 444, Texas Government Code ; and (2) prepare or direct the preparation of requests for authorization to destroy records not on an approved control schedule as provided by Section 203. 045, Texas Government Code, or requests to destroy the originals of permanent r�cords that have been microfilmed as provided by Section 204. 008, Texas Government Code, and of electronic storage authorization requests as provided by Section 205. 007, Texas Government Code; D. In cooperation with custodians , identify and take adequate steps to protect essential City Records ; E. In cooperation with custodians , ensure that the maintenance, preservation, microfilming , destruction, or other disposition of City Records is carried out in accordance with the policies and procedures of the City' s records management program, this Ordinance, an� rules adopted pursuant hereto; F. Disseminate to the City Council and custodians information concerning state laws, administrative rules , and the policies of the government relating to local government records ; and G. In cooperation with custodians , establish procedures to ensure that the handling of City Records by the recor�s management officer or those under the officer' s -4- authority is carried out in compliance with the records management program and with due regard for: (1) the duties and responsibilities of custodians that may be imposed by law; and (2) the confidentiality of information in records to which access is restricted by law. Section 6. Responsibilities of City Department Heads . All City department heads are responsible for the implementation and operation of effective files operations , record transfers and dispositions , and other activities in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance within their �reas of responsibility. They shall �esignate Records Coordinators within their offices and provide the City Secretary the names of such designees and of all file stations and file custodians und�r their supervision. Persons designated as Records Coordinators shall report directly to the head of their department on matters relating to the records management program and should have appropriate access to all files in their department. S�ction 7. Responsibilities of Records Coordinators. Each Records Coordinator shall coordinate the records management program between the City Secretary and personnel in the Record Coordinator' s office to ensure that the provisions of this Ordinance are followed. This responsibility shall include overseeing the application of records schedules within the office or department. -5- Section 8. City Offices to Use Record Schedules . All City offices and departments shall adopt records retention and disposition schedules and destroy, transfer, or otherwise dispose of records only according to such schedules . Section 9. Develo ment of Records Retention and ispos tion c e u es . Initial retention periods to be included in records schedules shall be established by the City Secretary, City Manager, and department heads . These retention schedules shall be submitted to the City Attorney for review who shall notify the City Secretary within fifteen (15) days of the approval or objection of any retention period. If no objection has �een submitted within the fifteen (15) days , the records schedule shall be adopted and have full force as sufficient authorization for records destruction or other action. If objection is made, the City Secretary shall amend the retention period to the satisfaction of the office or department concerned, the City Manager and City Attorney. Revision of retention periods shall be submitted for review to the City Attorney and City Manager in the same manner as the original retention periods . When a records retention and �isposition schedule is adopted, it shall thenceforth constitute full authority to destroy, transfer, or take other actions , and the City Council hereby directs that such actions be taken by the City Secretary or under her supervisision. The City Secretary shall notify the State Librarian of the intended destruction, as may -6- required by law, but no further notice to the City Council or other City office shall be required. Section 10. Destruction of Original City Records . No original City Record shall be destroyed if such destruction is contrary to any state or federal law. Prior to the destruction of any original City Record, the City Secret3ry shall obtain the advice and consent of the City Attorney. Any original City Recor�, the subject matter of which is in liti$ations , may not be destroyed until such litigation is final . Section 11. One-Time Destruction of Obsolete Records . Prior to adoption of records schedules for an office, one-time destruction of accumulated obsolete records of that office may be made by or under the supervision of the City Secretary. Prior to such destruction the City Secretary shall submit lists of records to be destroyed to the department head, City Attorney, and City Manager, who shall give notice within thirty (30) days of any records they believe should not be destroyed, and such records shall be retained for a period agreed upon. The City Secretary shall also submit notice as required by law to the State Librarian. Obsolete records shall include those no longer created by the office or department an� no longer needed for administrative, legal, _fiscal , or other research purposes . Section 12. Records Center. A Records Center shall be maintained by the City which shall utilize one or more locations to store inactive records , to insure the security of such records from deterioration, -7- theft, or damage during the period of storage, and to permit fast, efficient retrieval of information from stored records . Section 13. Preservation of Permanent Records . The City Secretary shall develop procedures to insure the permanent preservation of historically valuable records of the City. If City-owned facilities are not available, the City Secretary shall arrange for the transfer of such records to the Texas State Library for perpetual care and preservation in one of its nearby Regional Historical Resource Depositories , or shall make other arrangements for their permanent preservation not contrary to law or regulation. Section 14. Non-Current Records Not to Be Maintained in 0 ce i es . Records no longer required in the conduct of current business by any office of the City shall be promptly transferr�d to the Records Center or archives or the State Library, or be destroyed at the time such action is designated on an approved records schedule. Such records shall not be maintained in current office files or equipment. Section 15. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such inconsistency or conflict, h�reby repealed. Section 16. In the event any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, provision, sentence, or part of this Or�inance or the application of the same to any person or circumstance shall for any reason be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by a court oF competent jurisdiction, it shall -8- not affect , impair, or invalidate this Ordinance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other than the part declared to be invalid or unconstitutional ; and the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas , declares that it would have passed each and every part of the same notwithstanding the omission of any such part thus declared to be invalid or unconstitutional , or whether there be one or more parts. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this 5th day of March , 1990. P.ASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED on second and fina� reading this 19th day of March , 1990. , au . c r_a er, Mayor ATTEST : , e or s rc er, City Secr�tary -9-