HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 93-15 RESOLUTIC�N NO. R93-15 A RBSQLUTI�T SITPP!ORTING THB CONSTRV�TIt� OF SPACE STATIt�+T FREffi�! �D URG� T�E C�NGRESS 14IiI7 'I�, PRFS�IDB� `�`Q RPPT�GI�RT1°f� TH� NSCBSSABY FtT�ING FUR 3� P�B�T. WHBRSAS, Space St�tian Freedattt is fundamenta.l ta United. States leadershig in science, technolagy and economic campetitiveness in th� 21st century; and WrHERBAS, Spac� StatiQn Freedam wi11 enhance U. S. eammercial comgetitiveness with new advanced teehnologi.es; and WHEREAS, Space Station Freedom will grovide critical. micragravitZr research in materials and life sciences which are not possible an earth; and W�REAS, Space Station Freedom will be the centerpiece for beneficial international cooperatian in space; and W'HEREAS, Space Statian Freedom is an integral cornpanent of the manned explaration pragram; and wIHER.F�AS, Space Statie�n Freedom is cr�xcial to future long duration manned space explaration; and WHEREAS, Space Station Freedorn will. provide the vi�ion and inspiratian for generations af Ameri.cans to pursue excellence i� educatian and the expansion af knowle�,ge; and. W�iERBAS, Reseaxch abaard Space Station FreedQm will benefit health care on earth. wIHEREAS, Space Station Freedom currently employs 3Q,QOQ pec�ple direetly and 75,Q00 to 1QQ,000 peogle indireetly. The fiscal gear 1993 Space Stati.on budget r�quest cQntrihutes to 2,OOQ businesses in 3Q states and the District of Calumbia. W�'RH�,S, The aerospace industry is ane of o�r most campetitive and vibrant industries. It accounts for aver 10� af all U. S. exports and continually maintains a trade surplus in a highly competitive mark�t. In 199Q, the aeraspaee industr� en7oyed a $26.3 billian surplus while the United States suffered a $1Q1 billion deficit averall. N� T�RE BE IT RESLII,VED� BY THE FRIENDSWC)OD CITY COUNCIL THAT WE SUPPO�iT THE CQNSTRtTCTIC�+7 �F SPACE STATI�N FREEDetM; AND FURTHffi2 BE IT RESOI�Vffi),, THAT WE REQUEST THAT THE CONGBESS ANI3 THE PRESIDENT OF TF3E UNTTEI3 STATES TQ CCINTINUE DEVEI,OPMENT 0!F SPACE STATIC7�N FREEDOM AS A �LE�RLY DEFTr�n GOAL AND PR�VIDE A St1STAINED COMMITMENT TQ REAGH THAT GOAL; AND FURTH�R BS IT RSSGL�, TFiAT WE URGE TI3E GONGRESS .�ND THE. PRESIDENT TO PRQVIDE THE td�CESSARY FUNDIN'G FOR THE_ PRQJEeT; AND FURTHER BE IT RESQL�fBD", THAT THE CI'l'� SE.CRETARY FC�RWARD OFFICTAL CQPIES OF Tf3IS RESQLU`rI.E?N TO THE PRESIDEL�iT OF THE UNITE'D STATLS, TG THE SFEAP.ER OF THE HaUSE OF REPRESEliIT15iTI�TE AND PRESIDENT' QF 7`H� SEN�TE OF THE UNITED. STATES CONGRESS, ADID TO ALI� MEMB.EI3S ��' THE T'EXAS DELEGATICIN TC3 T�E CQNGRESS F WITfi THE RE�I3E5T TSAT THIS RES�LUTIQN BE OFFICIALI.�Y" EN�'LR� �N'�C7 THE CtJ1�i�SSIOPIAI;. RECaRD. PASSF.�I, APPRi'�T'�I,1 A�D �, this the 5th dag of April, 1993. ��./ ���-/ Mayar velyn . Newman City of FriendswoQd Mayor Fro-tem Me Measeles Go nci emher tten Hajecate. ` � � Couneilmember Tom Manison Councilmem�aer Ed St•.:art � Councilmember. Harald ey ember F ank Fr cavieh ATTEST: � . Del ris MeK zie CMC City Secret ry lt/R93-15