HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 93-01 RESOLUTIC�I R93-�. A RESQLIT`�IO� C)F T�IE CITY C�►tI�iCIL QF T�S CITY flF FRIENDSWOQD�, �B7�4S ESTI4BLIS�ING MISSIt?�i ST.?i�' AND GE?ALS AND OSJE3C1'IVES F� 9�iS GITY Ft7� �992/1993. NO�+t '��tr��'�, BE IT RESOLVBQ BY � CITY COtJ�iCIL OF TSE CITY OF FRIffi�D��A: WHERE�AS; The City Cauncil did hald a special mee�.i.ng Qn Navember Z4, 1992 to discuss missian statement, plann.ing goals and objectives for the City of Friends�c�od; and WHLRBAS; p,t the special meeting, Ci�y CQUnci1. established missiQn statement, planning gaal� and abjectives far the City of Friendswaod. W'�RSA.�S; It is the intenti.on af the City Counc.il ta take. apprapr.iate action ta implemment each ol�jeetive in a ti�ely manner. NCyW T�'ORE, P1E IT RESQLVED BY THE CITY COUN�IL QE TT�E. CITY OF FRIE�3DSWCX)D HEREBY �STABLISHE:U �ND A�UUPTED THE MISSION STA'►'�'��'•�'F', GQALS AI� OB.TEGTIVES, EXHIBI.T ►'A" �iD "B" ATTACHEI) HERETQ A� MADE A PA�tT QF'. PASS�!, A�P� A� AI�t3PTEDk TSI�S. 4th DA� OrF JAN[TARY� 1993.. fo�. Mayar, E �.yn B. New�an i��'ur�" ,��,Ct�/-.Y.��� Pra-tem Me1 Measeles Co ci Kitten F�ajecate • � i'i��r�-- - - - � ,.�..�,..r Coun ilmember Tom nison Councilm�e.r Ed St t C uncilmemher Harold Ra Co cilmemY�er Fr Erankovich� � ��� Ronald E. Cax, City Manager ATTE.�ST: . De oris McKen ie, C C City �ecretarlr Exhibit A MISSION STATEMENT CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD The Mission of the Council and Staff of the City of Friendswood is to provide the highest level of service to our citizens at the greatest value in a manner that warrants the highest degree of public confidence in our integrity and efficiency. Exhibit B GOAL A DEVELOP A COMPREHENSIVE PLAlv THAT WILL ENHANCE THE UNIQUE QUALITY OF LIFE IN FRIEI3DSWOOD 1. Place Comprehensive Plan in 93-94 Budget document. 2. Combine pending plans with Comprehensive Plan through meetings with project managers. * Coordinate Dickinson and Clear Creek Watershed Plans with all other planning. 3. Coordinate Master Planning with other planning entities - Harris County Flood Control, H-GAC, Dickinson Bayou Watershed. 4. Workshop on review of Major Thoroughfare Plan, * Estimates of construction costs for Greenbriar bridge. GOAL B ENCOURAGE AND SUPPQRT HIGH EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS IN FRIENDSWOOD. 1. Continue and implement Career Day. 2. Cantinue Community Education Sponsorship. 3. Develop a workshop with other local legislative or administrative groups no later than March 1993. 4. Continue the pursuit of joint use of City-school facilities, especially pool and gym. 5. Continue and finalize decision for joint election with FISD no later than January 30, 1993. b. Continue Youth In Government Day at both High Schools including 8th grade. GOAL C DEVELOP ECONOMIC PLAN FOR FRIENDSWOOD 1. Request the Planning and Zoning Commission to study and consider suitable areas for Economic Development, especially for business parks. 2. Restructure the Economic Development Committee. 3. Set up Brain Storming Session with Planning and Zoning Commission, Economic Development Committee, Friendswood Chamber of Commerce Board, and Clear Lake Area Economic Development Foundation. 4. Identify corporate executives that live in Friendswood. Page 1 GOAL D DEVELOP A PLAN FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF CITY FACILITIES AND SERVICES l. Inventory a11 city buildings and make recommendations for approval far maintenance and repair (including ADA) . * Develop a continuous maintenance plan for existing conditions and future needs of facilities. 2. Maintain a Rolling Five-Year Street Plan. 3. Continue Infrastructure Study for Water and Sewer. GOAL E DEVELOP A REVENUE PLAN TO SUPFORT PRESENT ANA PROJECTED GROWTH NEEDS 1. Develop the needs for use of additional sales tax and educate the citizens on this need and call vote in 1994. 2. Hold park fee schedule until completion of Parks Master Plan. 3. Continue dialogue with volunteer fire department concerning potential revenue producing sources. 4. Monitor franchises and work with the local area coalition on T.V. franchise fee. 5. Employ a consultant to investigate and recommend appropriate action on purchase of golf course. Recommendation due on March 1, 1993. GOAL F ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT A DRUG FREE FRIENDSWOOD 1. Continue to support school activities such as DARE and Project Prom at FISD and Project Graduation at Clear Brook High School. 2. Continue to support Bay Area Crime Stoppers. 3. Adopt ASAP and forward a resolution to Texas Municipal League to request their support to assess stiffer penalties to licensees of establishments that sell alcohol to minors. 4. Send letter from Mayor to licensed operators along with resolution. To be accomplished no later than February 1993. 5. Encourage enforcement of laws on underage drinking and support contin.uance of Teen Court. 6. Continue to meet with the Galveston County Mayor's and Council's Association, Harris County Mayor's and Council's Associations, and the Clear Lake Area Council of Cities to support and encourage action for matters of common concern. 7. Continue to support Teen Court concept. Page 2 GOAL G ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT ACTIVITIES TO SUPPORT DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL 1. Continue to support Clear Creek Corps of Engineer Project. 2, Continue to support Clear Creek Regional Watershed Master Plan. 3. Continue to support Clear Creek Drainage District Projects, including Galveston County, Flood Control District 4�3, and Harris County Flood Control District. 4. Support FEMA Community Rating System (CRS) . 5. Monitor City Master Drainage Contract. 6. Support Dickinson Bayou Watershed study. 7. Continue Clover Acres projects. 8. Identify funding sources for multi-jurisdictional drainage plans. GOAL H IDENTIFY NEEDS OF SENIOR CITIZENS 1. Develop a plan for a permanent Senior Citizens Center due September 1, 1993. 2. Seek financial funding from County and State for next above. 3. Continue to promote, support, and assist in consolidating senior groups into one group. GOAL I ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT TAE IMPROVEMENT OF COMMUNITY APPEARANCE OF THE CITY 1. Submit GranC Application to Keep Texas Beautiful for Recognition. 2. Coordinate with Best Waste - Special Pick-Up. 3. Continue program for Entrance Signs. 4. Better coordinate the Available Trees Program from the Clear Creek Drainage Districts. 5. Develop Streetlight Policy. Page 3 GOAL J ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT ACTIVITIES AND TRAINING THAT ENHANCE CUSTOMER SERVICE l. Continue the Five Star Spirit Awards. 2. Continue professianal development of all employees through seminars, conferences, and training programs. 3. Develop customer complaint response program. GOAL K ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT ACTIVITIES WHICH IMPROVE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY OF LIFE l. Support Brio and Dixie Oil. 2. Recycling. * Composting - Examine regional composting with other cities. Encourage backyard composting. Don't Bag It. * Purchasing Policy on. recycling materials - April 1993. * Support increased participation of a11 recycling. * Designate April as Recycling Month. * Review oil recycling available locations and possibly publicize. Encourage citizens recycling. 3. Alternative Transportation. * Continue to encourage Bicycle Advisory Committee. * Encourage bicycle safety for cyclists and citizens - newsletter. 4. Sidewalks * Develop sidewalk plan - five year. * Continue to fund at least one mile per year. GOAL L COMMUNICATE COUNCIL AND STAFF ACTIVITIES 1. Continue to encourage Council and staff to make presentations to groups. 2. Continue to utilize Cable TV for presentations of city issues of importance. 3. Continue to utilize Community Bulletin Board. 4. Continue to disseminate City information in Library. 5. Continue to explore ways to utilize Homeowner's Association for communication purposes. 6. Continue placing flyers in the monthly Chamber of Commerce newsletter. 7. Have all committees of the city report quarterly to City Council. Page 4