HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 93-04 RESOLUTTO� NO. R93-4 A R�SOLU�,'I�' F�N'DO�SING � U.S� ARMY GC�RFS �F ENGINL�ERS GI�EAR � FLCX3D C:t�� P�O�.TE�; AND UR�INC� T�E t]I�ITffi� S�►iTBS CC�I�88S�S TC) A� FAVORABLY C�1' TSE APPRQFi�IATIt� QF F`UI�?S CONTAINffi) IN THE F'Y7:�9 4 BUDGET � TFLCS P'R�7'S�. WHEI�ERS, a serious f locad prc�blem �xists in the Clear Gre�k watershed where existing residential and c�m�nnercial areas are periodical.ly subject ta extensive damages fram rising waters in the creek; and WHEREASr in the City of Frienc3swaad in July 1979, 1600 out of 3000 hames were flaoded with cainciden� econc�mic l.osses exceeding $38,OQO,QOt?; and �F.R1�A�� in the City af Friendswexad in Segteml��r 1979, 500 af these homes were again f loc�c�ed; and WI3ESEA�S, in the City af Frien�3swaca�d in January 19�0, 7 5 af these hames wer� again flac�d�d; and WF�AS, in the City� of Friendswoc�i in August 1�89, 5f�0 0� these hc�m�s �ere again flc�oc�ed; a.�d WHER�AS, th�. citizen� eontinue to suffe= e�an�i� lass and mental anguish as a re�ult af floc�ding; and. W�SREAS, the citizens have k�een don�ting their ti.m� and. labor in an effort ta elear the creeks and banks af ciebr.isr and W"�REAS�, the lacal drainage authorities are act�vely impraving th� Clear Creek tribut�ries; and WHBRB�.S, the United States Congress in 1939 autharized the U.S. Army Carps af Engineers to begin a stuc�.Zr af Clear Creek; and �F�.S, the United States Congr�ss in 1968 authorize� the U.S. Army Cc�rps of Engineers to design a fload contral project which wauld pravide a signifieant measu�e of pratection fram recurring floading prohlems in the Clear Creek Watershed; and WHF�S, the study has been completed a�d an con�ensus has been ac�ieved b� all lacal sponsars and entities and endorsed �g the 67th Texas Legislature; and W�g��S.F th� pr��ect has been aggraved by �he U.S. Arm� Corps nistrict in Galveston and the Garps Southwe�t Divisian; and W�IiBRBAS, fur�her dela�s will �ignifica�tly increa�e the cast af the gro�ect as well as the pro}aal�ility° of ad�itianal. floading; and WI�EREA�, the local spansors af the groj�ect hasre agr��d ta �rovide fundi.ng f or the local ca�ts af constrc�.�ticcn; and WH�AS, cangr�ss has provid�d. �undi:ng far tYxe first pha�e of canstru�tz.on; and W�RS, canstructi�n of the first ghase af the gro��ct began in Julyr 1989; and w��xAS, FYZ994 funding of t�� prajec� is ess��t�.a�. to the continuation of the gra3ec�. PiE7W� ��r BS IT B�St}LV!�i �€ TT�B �itlT CC�uI1�].lm�mbe:=s: E3f th� City af Frier�ds�c�ae2, Texas: THAT the Git�r �e-endorse the Ca�ngr��s Qf the Uni.ted States to adapt the budget and apprr�griat�. constr�ctian fu.nds sa tha,t th� U.S. �rmy Cargs of Engineers ma�p continue the rectificatiQn w�=k; and THAT the Citg urge the CQngress tca takQ whatetirer aciditional aetio� is neeessar� to expedite the projec� and thereby red�ce the ernotior�al, physical and ecanamic suffering due t� the floading; araGd THAT the City Seeretary forwa�d afficial cQpi.es Qf this resolutian to the I�res�den� of the United States, to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and President of the Senate of the LTnited States Cangress, and to aIl members of the Texas Delegation to the Cc�ngress, with the reqz�.�st that this resalution be affica.ally enter�d into the �'angressianal Record. R93-4 pASS�, �ROVEn �n �a�n s� � c�� ca�e�L o� �s crr� \Jr r it1�i7RVM1JW r i�� iAi.��. � �.3�iSl. Y►li� VF �4�.� �.7�.7 w � Mayar elyn B. Newman City of Friendsra�oad -`'���C.u�..� ; � , agor Pra-tem Mel Measeles Co �ilmem��r i.tt�n �aj�cate l � ,-+r'!r� -. Councilmeml�er Tam Ma�isan Councilmember Ed Stuart Gi�/��� � ' � o ncilmember Harold Ral Gauncilzn�e rank Frankavich A�'SST e Deloris McKen ie, CMC City Secretary lt/R93-4.DOC