HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 93-07 RESOLUTION NO. R93-? A RES��UTION OF THE CITY GOU�CI� QF T�iS CITY' OF FRIBNDS�D, TE'�AS GRLVRSZ`C7C�f�HAB�IS CC�'IE� IIR+GIN� TS�� PRAYBR BE�'. FtL�3RN8D TO � FtJH�I C SCH�,S ANH �T CITIBS �cxoss � sfrr�,� o� 2sa�s ao� r� � � �a ��:e�s��. PRAYER IN THE PUBLIG �CS�I�S BY FA�S� SI�III�R. RSSOLUTI(�iS �NT3 tINITING IN A GRASS� R�PS k�V�T FQl� T�AT P�E�QSE. * * * * �r * * * * * * * WI�RB�S, this natian was foundecc3 upan the raligiaus beliefs a�d ideals of settlers fram other aount�ic�s• anc�. WHR���, thraugh time, caurt decisions anci ce.rta�in interest graups have contrib�uted ta the deteriaratio�n af those religious beliefs and ideals ta the e�rt:�nt that prager has been banned from the gublic schaol system; and WHERF,1�, public schaals are in a unigue positian to influence and guide the lives of this nation' s yQUth; and W�3EREAS, the Cit�r Catzncil strongly believes that reinstitution of prayer in the ptil�lie. schoals will move this nation toward those religiaus ideals and b�.7.iefs upan which this nation was fQUn�.sd; anci W�RSA�, the City Cour�cil urges all citzes across this State. to join in an effart to reinstate prayer in the public schools by passing sim.ilar resolutians and uniting in a "grass raots" movement for that gurpose; NQW, �'l3ERSFt)R8, BS IT RESt1rLV8D HY T� CITY G�C`,IL QF T� CITY C1F FRIENDSWfX�D, �'SXAS:. Section 1. That the City Council of the Gity of Friendswood� Texas strangly urges tha� prayer be returnec3 to the pub7.ic school sZtst�s of this natian and invites all ci.ties acrass this Stat� to jain in an effart to reznstate pra�rer .in the p�ilalic schoals by passing similar resolutians and uniting a grass raot. movement for that purpose. PASSED, APPROV� AND ADaFTB'I�' bgz the Ma�vr and Cc�uneilmembers of Friendswaod, Texas this 15th day af February, 1993 . � Mayo Evel B. Newman City of Friendswoe�d "/"��� � ��� �/ { . .��(��� ..��f� ��oa..a�_ r ,} Mayor Pro-tem Mel Measeles Co ci].inemb�� itten HajeGate i�i�! � Councilmemb�r Tam Manison Councilmem��er Ed Stuart � C uncilmember Harold R.a.le Councilm Frank Frankavich ATI'E�T: . � Delaris MeKen ie, CMC City Secretary lst/R93-7.doc