HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 94-07 x$so�v�r�a� xo. �s�-� , r A RSSQLIITI(�4" B�iDO�RSI� '�S. U..S. �Y C:�RF�. f 3F $NGINBERS: CLSAR CRE�K FI�i �: PRE�►7E�T; ATiD �IR�IN'C: Z� U'�iI����� CC� � A�' FAVC��F 0� � APPR�IA�� Q� �,S CO�IN�} �t Tfi� FFlg94 B�° �. T�� ��". WHBRBAS, a s�r.iaus f loc�d. �rc�l�l�n e�i.�ts i.n th� Clea� �r�ek Watershed wh�re existing r�si.dential and c��rcial. �reas are periodicall�r suhj ect to exte�ssi�ze darr�ge� from rising wa�ers in the cr�ek; and WI�RF�S., in th� Ci.t�r af Fri�n►dswc�c�d i�a Jul�r 1�7 9, 15 0� a�t of 3QaQ hQmes were f I.4ad�s3: �ith coincidea�t e�Qr�ami.e la�ses excee�di�ng $��,�(kQ�,at1,Q, ax�d W��, in the City of Frie�d�r�r�od in Se�t��r 1379, 5QQ of these hc�naes were again fla�c�ded; and W'�S� in the City of Friends�rczcac�. in Ja:�.uary 1.98Qe 75 af the�se hames w�re again f lc�ad�:c3; �nd WH$RL�►S, in the City of �riendswaa�d: i.n August 198.9, 50Q of these hames were again. f�..o�c�dec�; and W�, th� Clt1Z�AS CQA�121ll� t0 suffer ecrsncu�ic los� and. mental anguish as a �esu.lt of f lc�dding; a�d w���,,RnS, the ci.tizens have be� do�ati�:g their. time and labar in an effort to clear the cre�eks and banl�s af de�ar3s.; and WFIEBEAS,, the le�cal draiflage auth+arities axe ac�iv�l� improving the Clear Gr�ek tributaries; ar�d WH$RF�AS, th� United States_ Ce�ngress i.n 1939 authnrizec3. the U.S. Ariny Cc�rgs of Engineers to }a�gin a study of Glear Creek; and �nz�r�n��, the United States Cc�ngress in 1968 authc�rized, the U.S. Army Gca�ps o� Enginecr� ta desic�n. a f load contr�l gro3ect which would pravide a significa�t measure af pratectian fram recurring flc�ading p�able� in the Clea� Creek G�Iatersh�d; and. WHBRFAS, the study ha� be.en completed and an G�r,�:ensu� h�s bee� a�hieued �y all Iocal sgonsors and �nti.�ies_ and en�orsed b� the 67th Texa� L�gis.lature; a�d W�AS, the praject h�� been agg�av�d by the U.S. Army Carps District in Galv�sts�n and the Corp� Sauth�est Divisi�n; and W"�, further delays �aill si.gr�ifi.carftl�r ir�er�ase- th�: ca�t of tZ�� prQject a,s w�ll as the prak�ahi.lity af add.itiana.l. floQding; and. �S, the lacal spc�ns�r� af th� grojec� �ave agreed; �o provide fundi.n� for t�e: local costs of cans�r�;�ti.an.; anc3 �n!�a�s, c�agres� has; pravided. fu�i:�ag fc►r the. firs.t: ghase of cans�ructian; and WFi���-�c, �ca�strti:�ic�n: of the first p�e of t�Ze pra��ct began in 3uly, 1.989; an�. W�S, F'Y'1994 funding af ��e pr�ject i.� es�ent:ial to �he cantinuatian, af the prc�j ect. NtyF1, THSRBP'QRS., BE. IT R�S�ZY'�i3 � TB�: C�.t�,r Caurr�i���*��s: c�f the Cit� of E�ri.ends��od, Texas: TBAT the City re-endc�rse th� Cangre�s af the Uni�eci. States ta adc�pt the l�uc3get and agprapriate �anstruction funds so that the U.S. Arm�r �orp� of: Engir�eers may cQn.tins,ke the_ rectifi.catir�n �acxrk; �nd. �AT the C�.ty ur.g� the Co�ngr.es� tc� tak,e wh�tever additional actiQn is n�+��sa�y to �ged�.t� �he proJect and �he�eb� red�ce the e�►tio:�l,, ghpsieal. and econoz�r.i:c s.ufferinq d�e to the floc�+d:i�c�; and Tl�AT the City S�ecreta�r�r far�aarc3 ofticial copies of this rescalut.icxn ta the Pr�sid�nt caf the United States� ta th� Speaker of the. House of Represen�atives an�. Fresident caf the S�r.�aate af th� Uni.ted Stat�s Cangres�, and to aZl me�rs of the '�exas Dele�atican tc� th� Ganc�ress, with the rec�u��t. that this resQlution be affi�ially ent�red inte� th� Cangress�.onal. R.ecard. R94-7 - z - �'ASSSU, AF'PR,{yV'� ANi7� � B�' Tf�" �TSC C��IL f?�` �' � OF FRI�E7�D!',. �'ffi�.S ��. �:. 7TS DA`� t�E` �', 1'�9��.. _����� � C��%vt.�� Mayc�r E elyn B. N�w�tar� Gity of Friendsr�aad: L��C.� , �.IG.-/ Mayor PrQ-te�t itten H�j ecate Counci.lm e�r M�1 M�as��..�. 0 ,i���n�2s�� Councilme�sr Tom Manisom Counci.lmernb�*.r Ed. Stua.rt � �-�G� �ounc�.Imember Harald Rale. C ci.lme�e� 3anis I�a�re AT�S.T: C � D la�is Mc en ie, C� C�ty Secr�ta . lt/R94-'?.DQC - 3 -