HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 95-37 " RESOLUTION I�O. R9`5-37 A RESOLUTION PRpVIilING FOR THE HOLDING OF A SPECTAL ELECTYOI� TO BE HELD THE 2QTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1996, FOR THE PUR.POSE OF SUBMITTING TO ��� QUALI�'IED VOTERS OF THE CITY A P1202�OSTTION RELATTNG TO WHETHER TH� CZTY SHALL BE AUTHORIZED TO IMPOS� A ONE-HA.LF 0� ONE PERCENT SALES AND US� TAX PURSUA2�7T TO SECTION �H OF ARTICI.,E 5190 . 6, TEXA.S REVTSED CZVIL STATUTES (THE D�VELOPMENT CORPOR.ATION ACT OF 1979) ; I7ESTGNATING THE POLLING PLACE AND APPOIN't'ING ELECTION OFFICIALS FOR SUCH �LEGTION; PROVIDING THE FORM OF' THE BALLOT AT $UC�-T �LECTI�N; DIRECTING THE GIVING Q� NOTICE OF SQCH ELECTTON; AND CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO TH� SCJ��7ECT. t * * * * BE IT RESOLVED BY TT-�E CITY COUNCIL OF TF�E CITY 4F FRIENDSWOOD, TEXA.S : Sect�.on X . It ie hereby ordered that a Special �lecti.on be held �n the City of Friendswood, Texas, on the 24th day of +3anuary, 1996, at which election thare ahall be aubmitted to �.h� resident qualified vdter� of the City, Eor their action thereon, the following prapasition regarding the authority ot the City to levy and collect additional ealea and use taxea within Che City pureuant to the p�avi.sions of Sectior� 4B of TEx. R�v. Cxv. STAT. AxN. art . 5190 . 6, the Development Corpdration AcG of 1979 . PItOI?�SxTIOIJ NO. 1 �The adoption a� an additianal sales and use tax w�th�n the City at the rat� of one-ha1� of ane percent to be used as authorized by Sectzon 4B, Article 5190 . 6, V.T,C.S. , ae amended (The Development Corpdration Act of 1979) , for the purchase, de�rel.opment, improvement, mainten�rlce, and operarion of the Centenni�l Sporta Complex, and for the maintenance and operation of other parks and recreaCion f�cili�ies. S�c��.an 2 . The ufficial ballot �or said Special Election $hall be prepared in accordanG� with the TEx�s ELECTION CoD� go a� to , . �___ , ' � . . - permit electare to vate "FOR" or "AGAINST" the proposition, with the ballots to conta�n such provision�, markingg, and language ae required by law, and wiGh the prppo�itions ta be expressed as followa : pRQPQSITIO�T N0. 1 FOR The adoption of an additional sales and use tax within the City at the rate of one-half of one percent to be used as authorized by Section 4B, Article 5190 .6, V.T.C.S . , as amended (The Development Cprppration Act of 1979) , for the purchaae, development, improvement, maintenance, arid operation of the AGAINST Centennial Sporte Camplex, and fOr Che maintenance and operation of other parke and recreational facili�tiea . Section � . For the purpo�es o� the Special Election ordered hereby only, the present boundarie9 of the City shall conetitue one election precinct, the polls shall be open for voting from �even a' clack (7:00) a_m. until se�ren a` clock {7 : OOJ p.m. at the following polling place, and the following officials are hereby appointed to conduct the elec�iori at gaid poling place : Pollina Place: City'�Hall 9�.� South Fri.ertd�woad Drive Friendewood, Texas �lect�an O��zCers : Barbara Clarey , Presiding Judge Lou Ann Nassiff „ Alternate Pre�iding Judge C�ntr�l Count�.aq S��.tiQni Presiding Judge: Ruth Prengle Manager: Deloris McKenzie Clerk: Kathleen Seng Clerk: EileEn Mehnert Tabulation Supervisor: Linda Thornton Tabulation Aesistant : Todd Yeager -2- Ra�Qlu�i4n Co�itte�_c Benny Baker Mary Prihoda Kevin Candee The City Secreta�� �s hereby authorized and directed to provide a copy af thia Resolution to each judg� a� wxitten notice of th� appaintment as r�quired by Section 32 . 009 af the T�xAS �LECTION CODE. The Preeiding Judge eha11 have the au�hority to appoint no more than three (3) qualified voters aa clerke to �esi�t in the halding af aaid election, but in no even� �hall, the Presiding Judge appoint less than two (2) clerks . < < Section � . Me . Delorie McKenzie, City Secretary, is hereby appointed clerk for early votzng; appointmentg by the City Secretary of deputy clerks for early voting shall be in accordance with Sec�i.on 8� .031 et �eq, ot the Tsxns ELECTION C�DE and the City Hall 910 South Friendswood prive Friendewood, Texas 77546 is hereby designated as �he place foz eaxly voting for �aid election. Said clerks �hall keep eaid pffice open for a� leagt nine t9) hours, that is, from eight a' clock (8 :00) a.m. until five o` clock (5: 00) p.m. , on eaGh clay for early voting whi�ch is not a Saturd�y, a Sunday, or an official gtate or federal holiday, begin�ling on the twentieth (20th) day and continuing through the tou�th (4th) day preceding the date of said election. Said clerks shall not permit anyane to vote early by personal appearance on any day which is not a regular working day for the clerk' s offiee, and - -3- under na circumstancee shall they pexmit anyone to vote early by personal appearance at any �im� when such of f ice zs nat open to th� public. The above-described place for early voting is alsa the early voti.ng clerk' s mailing �ddress to which ballot applicatiana and ballots �roted by mail may be sent . The early voting clerk, in accord�.nce with the provisions af the TEx�s E�crzox CODE� shall maintai.n a xoeter listing each person who votes early by personal appearance and each pexaan to wham ar� early voting ball.ot ttr be voted by mail is sent_ The roster shall be rna�ntained in a form appraved by the Secretary of State. � S�c�iQn � . Barbara Clarey is hereby appoi�ted as Preaiding Judge of the Early Vating Ballor Board. In accordance with Section 87 . 001 et seq, of the TExAS ELECTION CoDE, said Preaiding Judge �hall appoint at least two {2) other membere to said board, and ehall process early vQting results i.n accordance wi�h eaid T�x�.s ELECTION Co��. S�Gtion 6 . Said elECtion shall b� held in accardance with the Canstitution and laws of the State ,of Texas, and all duly qualified reaident el�ctars of the City af Friendswaod, Texae, shall be entitiled tp vote. �ectio� 7. The City Secretary is hereby authorized and dir�cted to furniah all neceasary election supplies to conduct such election. Section 8 . The voting at such election shall be by paper ballot . Early voting by ner�onal appearance at, such el�ction shall be by paper ballot; early voting by methods other than by personal appearance ahall be by paper ballot . -4- Section 9, Natice af th�e al�ction shall b� given in accordance with the pravisitsn� of the T�XA$ ELECTION CODE and returna of such notice shall, be made as provided for in eaid Code. The Mayor shall iseue all nc�cessary Qrdera and writs £or such elec�ion, and xe�urns of such elec�cion ahall be made to the City Secretary zmmediately after the clasing of the polls. �ectian 10 . Said eleetion shall be held in aecordance with the T�s ELECTION CODE and the �'ederal "Voting Rights Act of 1965, �s amended. PASSED, APPRQVED, AND RESOLVEb th�s 20th day of November , 1995 . ,9• Evel B. wman Mayor ATT�ST: D 1ors.a McKenzi , City S�creC�:x'y -5-