HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 95-31 . . . . � . ,. .. � .... • , .. . f . . RESOLUTION N0. R95-31 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF FRIII�IDSWOOD, TEY�AS, ADOPTING A SCf�DULE OF F'F�'ES FOR PERN�ITS ISSUID UNDER � CITY'S BUILDING, PLUNIDIPIG, GAS AND ME`,CHANICAL CODES. * * �r � * � BF IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDS4VCAD, 'I'EXAS: Section l: Fees fcr the issuance of pern�its under applicable building cc.�es of the City shall be as follaws: A. Permit Fees: Total Valuation Fee �l,OQ0.00 and less Na fee, uralFSS ir�spections are required, in which ca.se a $15.00 fee for each inspection shall be charged. $1,OOl.QO to $50,000.00 $15.00 for the first $1,000.00 plus $5.00 for each adc�iticnal thousar.d cr fraction thereo£, to and including $50,OOQ.00 $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $260.00 for the first $50,000.00 plus $4,OQ f_ar each additional thousand or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000.00 $100,001.00 tc $500,000.00 $460.00 for the first $100,000.00 plus $3.Q0 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof, to and including �500,000.00. $500,001.00 and up $1,660.00 fcr the first ��oo,000.dd plus $2.OQ for each additianal thcusand or fraction thereof, B. Moving of buildings ar structures. For the moving of any building or structure, the fee shall be $100.00 C. Demolition of buildings or structures. For the demolition of any building or �tructure, the fee shall be as follcnas: 0 - 100,00Q cubic feet $5C.00 100,000 cubic feet and over $0.50/1,000 cu. ft D. Where wcrk for which a permit is requirecl under the Cit�r's buildir.g codes is st«rted. or proceeded with prior to obtaining said permit, the fees herein specified shall be doubled, but t1-�e payment of such double fee �hall not relieve any person fran fully c�nplying with the require.ments cf said a�pl,icable cr�u.es ir� the e�ecution of the work nar fran any other peral.ties prescribed herein. E. Plan checking fees. When the valuaticn of the proposed c:onstruction �ceeds $1,000.00 and a plan is required to be submitted by Secticn 103.2 of the Standard Buildinq Code, as heretcf�r.e adopted by the City, a plan checking fee shall be paid. Said plan checking fee shall be equa.l to one-hali of tl:e �uilding permit fee a5 set fcrth in lA above. Such plan checking fee is in addition to the building peYmit fee. F, kefunds. If car�rk for which a permit has been issued is abaridcned •prior tc the ccurrnencement af construction, one-r�alf (1/2) of the permit fee may be refunded tc the person who paid same if the application for such refur�d is received by the City prior to the expiratian af six (6) months frcxn the date the �rmit was issued. Section 2. Fees for the issuance af permi.ts under applicable pl�r,bir3c� codes of the City shall be as follows: A. Perriit Fees: Far issuing each pern�it . . . . . , . � � . . . . . .$10.00 Flu� tY:e fallowir�g when provided: For each p1�J�ing fi.xture, floor drain ar trap (including water and drainage piping) . . . . .$ 2.50 For each hause sew�r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 5.00 Fcr each house sewer having to be replaced orrep�ire� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 5.00 Foreach cesspcx�l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� 5.00 For eacri septic tank and seepage pit or drainfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10.00 Fcr each water heater and/or vent . . . . . . . . . .$ 2.50 For in�tallatior�, alteration, or repair of water piping andJcr water treating equipmPn.t . . . . .$ 5.00 For repair or alter�ticn of dxainage cr vent piping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ �.00 For vacu�n breakers or backflow protective devices installed subsequent to the ir_stallation of the piping or equipment served: One to f ive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 2.50 Over five, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 1.50 Section 3. Fees for the issuance cf permits under applicable gas codes ef the City shall be as follaws: A. Fcr issuing each perr��it, a fee of $5.00 will be charged; B. The total fees for ins�ction of constmler's gas piping at one locatior. (including bath rough and final piping inspection) shall be $5.00 for ane to four outlets, inclusive, an� $1.00 each additional outlet; C. The fees �or ir.specting conversion burners, flcx�r furnaces, incin.erater�, k�ilPrs, cr central heating ar air c�nditioning units shall be $5.00 for one unit and $1.00 for each additional unit; B, '1'1-se fee for inspecting vented wall furnaces and water heaters shall be $2.50 fcr one unit and $1.00 for each additional ur.it; E. If a reins�ction is reat.tired, an ac�ditional fee of $5.00 will be c:hargE�.; F. If any person co�tiencPS any w�rk before obtair�ing the necessary permit and inspection, fees shall be doubled; and G. Any and all fees shall be paid by the persen to wham the Fermit is issued. Secticr� 4. Fees for the issuance of permits under applicable r.-�chGn.ical ccdes of the City shall be as follcws: A. Initia�. fee: For issuing each permit . . . . . . . . . . . .�10.00 B. Additional fees: (1) Fee for inspecting heating, ventilating �uctwc.�rk, air conditioning and refrigeration systems sha11 be �1Q.OG fcr the first $1,000.00, ar fraction thereof, cf valuation of the installation plus $2.00 fer each ad�itional $1,000.00 or fractian thereof. (2) Fee for inspectinq repairw, alterations and additional to an existing system �hall be $5.00 plus $2.00 for each $1,000.00 or fractian thereof. (3) Fee for insgecting bailers (based upon BT[J input) : 33,OGQ Btu (1 BHp) to 165,OOQ (5 $Eip) . . . . . . . .$ 5.00 165,001 Btu (5 BHp) to 330,000 (10 BHp) . . . . . . .$1Q.00 330,d01 Btu (10 BHp) to 1,165,000 (52 BHp) . . . . .$15.00 1,165,001 Btu (52 BHp) to 3,300,000 (98 BHp) . . . . .$25.00 Over 3,30Q,000 Btu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$35.00 C. Fee fer reinspection. In case it ber.cxnes necessary to make a rei.r�spECticr... o� a 1:eatir�G, ventilation, air conditioning or refrigeratian system or boiler installation, the installer of such equipment shall pay a reinsgection feE cf $5.00. D. Teng�orary operation inspection fee. When prel�inaxy inspection is rec�uested f�r pur_�poses of permitting temporary c�peraticn of a heating, ventilating, refriqeration or air conditioning system, or pc�rtion thereof, a fee of $5.Q0 shall be paid by the contractor requesting such prel�mi.nary inspection. If the systeir� is not approved far tP�nperary operation ar� tl-�e first preliminary inspectian, the usual reinspection fee shall be charged for each subsequent prelinunary inspection for such purpose. E. Self-ccntainc-�cl units less than twa (2) tcns. In all buildings, �cept cne ar� t�ti�c Far,�ily dwellings, where self-contair�e-d air cor.ditioning uriits of less th�n twa (2) tons are to be installed, the fee charged shall be that for the total cast af all units combined. (See Section 4B for rate.) PASSID, APPROVID AND RESOLVED this 2n� day of October , 1995. � � �� Evel Newman ���o yn , y r ATI'EST: . lor's A�Kenzie City 5ecretary