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HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 95-14 / , � � � ` RESOLUTION NO. R95-14 A RESOLUTION AMENDING CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF APPENDIX D TO THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY CODE RELATING TO UTILITY BILLING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES, INCLUpING, HYDRANT METER DEPOSITS, DEPOSIT REFUNDS, LATE PAYMENT CHARGES, DISCONNECTION OR DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE, LANDSCAPE SPRINKLER SYSTEM WATER RATES, AND CONSTRUCTION SITE WATER RATES; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS: Section 1. Appendix D to the Friendswood City Code, said Appendix D being a codification of fees and charges imposed by the City for various municipal services, heretofore adopted by various resolutions of the City Council and attached to the City Code for public and administrative convenience, is hereby amended as follows: A. Section (1) of the division entitled "Utilities" is hereby amended by adding a subsection (d) to provide as follows: " (d) Hydrant Meter Use (as security for loan of hydrant meter) , refundable if meter returned in same working condition: $500.00 "Hydrant Metered Accounts (as security for account for water purchased and measured through hydrant meter) , used tor temporary contract customers receiving water service through a hydrant meter, such as road construction contractors, hydro-mulchers, etc. ) , refundable when account closed, if zero balance: $ 75.00" B. Section (1) of the division entitled "Utilities" is hereby amended by adding a subsection (e) to provide as follows: " (e) The refund of a security deposit may be authorized if a customer has had no more than one late payment penalty and has had no dieconnection ot service for non-payment, during the preceding twenty-four (24) month period. Evidence af credit history with other governmental entities relating to utility billings and payments may be considered for such prior twenty-four (24) month period. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any interruption of credit history during such preceding twenty-four (24) month period because an applicant for a refund was not a customer of a utility service (e.g. temporary renter during home construction, etc. ) shall not preclude eligibility for a refund unless such period of interruption exceeds ninety (90) days. " C. The division entitled "Utilities" is hereby amended by adding a new Section (9) to provide as follows: " (9) Delinquencies. customers failing to timely remit payment for water, sewer, and or garbage collection services shall be subject to the following: "a. Late payment. An ad�inistrat�ve charge equal to ten percent (10%) of the unpaid balance, nat to excaed $150, shall be assessed each billing cycle for delinquent water, sewer, and garbage collection service fees. However, City management may waive one (1) such administrative charge, covering a period not to exceed one (i) billing cycle, if na other admirtistrative chargas �or delinquent payments have besn asses�ed during the preceding twenty-four (24) months, and if extenuating circurmstances exist which renders the assessment of such charge inequitable. "b. Disconnection of service. No disconnection of service shall occur unless in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 78-3 af the Frieridswood City Code. Upon written request of the customer one (1) extension, not to exceed ten (10) days, during each calendar year, may be granted by City management to extend the date by which payment must be made to avoid disconnection or discontinuance of water, sewer, or garbage collection service, if extenuating circumstances exist which renders the disconnection ar discontinuation of such services inequitable. If an extension is granted after meter technicians have begun the process of disconnecting a service, the customer will be required to pay the $25.O0 disconnect fee otherwise required under this division. " -2- D. Seotion (5) af the divis�on entitled "Utilities'} i4 � hereby amended by del�ting from suDaection "a" the words " . . .sp�inklers, or construction in pragresa" and sub�ti��tinq there�or the wo�ds "or construction eiteB, " by addinq ta the introductory paragraph of subsection "b'� the words "or any ot,her service �or whicb more tht�� one unit i� baing �ervad throuqh a sing]e meter, " and by adding a new subsectian "c" to provide as fallows: "c. Lawn and landscape sprirlkler irrigation system�. whexe water passinq through meter is uaed for no other purgose; 1. For fi]r6t 3, 000 gallons minilaum charqe $6 . 25 2. 3,00i to 50,00o gallons, per 1,OQ0 gallon� 2 .15 3. 50,Q01 to IOQ,000 qallotls, per 1040 gallorl� 1.55 �, ove� 100, 000 gallons, p�X 1000 gallans 1.25" E. Section (6) of the division entitled "Utilitfas" fs hereby amended by deleting from subsection "a" �he words " . . .canstruction in progress" and sutastituting tAex'efor the words ". . .a�` constructian sites, " and by adding to the ir►traductory paraqraph of subsection "b" the word� Ror any oth�r service for which more than one unit is being eerved through a single �eter." �ection 2. The provi�ions of this R�solution shall not act to exause or suspend any admfnistrative charge imposed or incurred prior to the adoption hereof. Seotion � . The effective date of this Resolutian shall be May 1, 1995. $,�ction 4. In the event any clause, phrase, prdvision, sent�nce, or part of thig Resolution ar the application af the eaute to any person or oi�rcumstnnce shall for any reasan be adjudqed rtiwwnuTV.�tes+a•,7.c -3- invalid or held unconstitutional by a court at competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect, impair, vr invalidAte this R�solutian as � whale or any part or pr�visian hereo! other than �he part decl�red to be invalid or uncon�titutional; a�d the City Counci� oP the City of FriendsWood� Texas, declar�� that it would have passed �ach and every part of the same notwithstanding the amission of any such part thus declarad to be invalid or uncanstitutional, whether there be one or mare parts. PASSED, APPROVED, AND RESOLVED an this 17tih day of April, 1995. ,l{��. u ` /� R- Evely . Ne n Mayar ATTEST: � . � DeloX s McKenz , � C city searetar�r MIC1uT1UTY.RCaloat tac �-4—