HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 96-25 RFSOLUTION NO. R9 6-2 5 ---.-- A RESOLUTr4N OF THE CTTY QF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, APPROVING AND AUTH�RiZING E7�CUTION OF AN INTL�,QCAL COQPERATION AGREEMENT FOR PARTICIPATI()N IN A PUBLIC FC�NDS INVESTMENT C�OPERATIVE; DESIGNATTN'G THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COOPERATIVB AS AN AGENCY AND INSTR�IM�NTALITY TO SUPP.RVISE THE COOPERATIVE; Al'P1tdVING XNVESTMENT POT,YCT�S OF THE C�OI'E�.ATIVE; APPOINTING AUTH�RIZEU R�PRESENTATNES; AN!) DESIGNATING INVESTM�rI'T OFFICERS. * * * * * WH��AS, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791, TEXAS CrOVElZNMENT CUDE, as amended (the "Znterlocal Act")� permits any "local gavemment" tQ can�act with one or mare other "1oca1 governmonts" to perfdrm "govemmental functions and services" including investrneni of public funds; an.d WHEREAS, the Ynterlocal Aet authorizes the parties to an intcrlocal agreement w contract vsrith agencies af the State of Texas, within the meaning of Chapter 771, TEx�s GOVERNM�NT CObE; arid WHEREAS, tbe Int�rlocal Act authorizes the parties to an interlacal agreement to create an administrative agency ta supervis� thc perforn�ance af senrices provided under such interlocal agreement and to employ personnel, engage in other administrative �Gtiviti�s, and provide such other �dministrative services as may be necessary to execute the terms of such interlocal agreement; and WHEREAS, the Public �unt� Investmont Aet, Chapter 2256, T�cns Gov��x�t�rr Co�ae, as amended (the "P�'TA"), authorizes the �ntiaes described in Subsection (a) of the PFYA t� irYvtat their fur�s in an eligible publiC futtds imvea1ment podl, and thE Locsl FWDIFUNDINV.RPS109aS96 Go�rernment Investment Caoperative (the "Gaap�rative") intends to b�com� and remain an eligible public funds invtstment pool, �ncler the terms and conditions set forth in the PFIA; and 'W'��EREAS, th� Ciry of Friecuisw�od, a hr�me-rule municipality of the 5tate of Texas (the "Ciry"), desires to enter into that certain Interlocat Agreement (the "Agreement"), a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and become a participant in the Cooperative pursuant to the Agreement and under PFIA; and WH�REAS, the City is a "govemment entity" as that tcrm is defwed in the Agreemsnt; and W�T�REA.S, the City desires to cause administratian of the Cooperative to be performed by a board of direetars (the "Board"), which shall 6e an admiuistrative agency created under the Interlocal Act, and Vi�HEREAS, the Gity desires to designate the Board as its agency and inst�umentality with authority to supervise performance of the terms of the Agreement, employ personnel, engage in ottier admuustrative activities, and provide other �dministrative services necessary ta execute the t�rnis of the Agreement; and WHF,R�AS, each capitatized ierm used in ttuis Resolutian and not atherwise dcfu�cd has the sazne weaning assigned to it in the Agreement; now, t�urefore, �E IT RESOLVEU $'Y" TH� CITY Ct�UNCIL 4� T�IE CITY OF FRIENUS'GVQ�D, TEXAS: Sectian 1. The Agreement is hereby approved and adapted and, upan �xccution thereof b�r the Authorized Representative (defin:ed below) and receipt af the Ciry's application to �Oin tho CooFerativa by' tho Adtx�.ctisirator, thc City shwll become a Part+cipant in the rwn�rurmnvv.Resro�s� �, Cooperative for the purpose of investing its available funds therein from time to time in aecordance with the Agre�ment. Section 2. The Board is hereby dosignated as an agency and insuvmentality of the City, and the Board shall have the authority ta supervise the perfom�ance af services under the Agreement, to supervise thc activities of the Cooperative, to employ personnel, to engage in other administrative activities, and provide such other administrative services as may be deemed �ecessary by the Board to execute th� terms af the Agreement. cti n 3. The investment policies of the Cooperative, as set forth in thc documeat entitled "Tnves�nent Policies," as su.mmarized in the Information 5tatement, each as gublished by the Coaperative, and as may be arnended frorn time to time by thc Board, are her�by adapted as investment policies of the City with respect to money invested in thz Coogerative, and an� existing investrnent policies vf the City in conflict therewith shall not apply to investments in the Cooperative. Sec_ t'LO�4. The fallawing officers, v�cials, or em�layees of the Ciry are hcreby designated as Aurhorized Reprasentatives, within the meaning defined in the Agrament, with full power and authority Eo: execute the Agreement, execute the application to join thc Caaperative and/ar any other docum�nts required to become a Partieipant, dcposit money to and �ithdraw money fram the City's Cooperative accaunt fram tune to time in a,ccardance with the Agreement and the Infarmation Staterzunt, and talce all other acdons deeraed necessary or apprapriate far the investment af the City funds in the Cooperative Psvn«u�van�v.R�� 3 Signature: ��' PT1riCCd Name: Roger Roecker Tltle: Director of Administrative Services Signature: �� � � Pri�ntcd Name: Ronald E. Cox Tit1e: City Manager Signature: Printcd Name: � Title: In accordance with the Cooperative's procedures, an Authorized Representaciv�e shall pramptly notify the Cooperative, in writing, of any change in persons desi�nated by the City as Autt2orized Regresentatives l�reunder. ti n S. In addition to the foregoing Authoriud Representatives, each Investment Officer of the Coaperative apgointed by the Board fram time to time is hercby designated as an investment officer af the City and, as such, shail ha�re responsibility for investing th� share of the Cooperative's assets representin.g funds of the City. Each depository and custodian appointPd by the Board ftom time to time is hercby designated as a depository and custod.ian af the Ciry for purposes of holding the share of the Caoperative's assets representing funds af the City. rwau�urrotHV.�� 4 PASSED, APP�OVED, AND RESOX..�VED XF115 2 3 r d day of 5 e p t e m b e r , 1996. J Evelyn . Ne Mayor ATTEST: , o Delaris McKenzie, T C City Sccretaty CC: R.E.C. R.R. 9/26/96 PWA�PUNnuv�r.a�w9QS96 5