HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 96-24 RESOLUTION NO. R96-24
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WHEREAS, it is the policy of the City of Friendswood that, giving due
regard to the safety and risk of investment, all available funds shall be
invested in conformance with the legal and administrative guideline set
forth in the City of Friendswood, Texas Investment Policy. The City's
portfolio shall be designed and managed in a manner responsive to the
highest public trust and consistent with this policy. Investments shall be
made in a manner which will provide the maximum security need of principal
invested through limitations and diversification while meeting the daily
cash flow needs of the City. It is the intent of the City to be in complete
compliance with the local law and the Texas Public Funds Investment Act.
FRIE..NDSWOOD, TSXAS: The City of Friendswood hereby adopts the Investment
Policy attached hereto as Exhibit "A".
PASSED, APPROV$D, AND RESOLV�.I this 23rd day of Sept�r, 1996.
� ��
Evelyn . Newm n
� � r
Deioris McKenzie, TRM
City Secretary
CC: R.E.C.
I. Policy - It is the policy of the City of Friendswood that, giving due regard to the safety and risk of
investment, all available funds shall be invested in conforxnance with these legal and administrative
guidelines. The City's portfolio shall be designed and managed in a manner responsive to the highest
public trust and consistent with this policy. Investments shall be made in a manner which will provide
the maximum security of principal invested through limitations and diversification while meeting the
daily cash flow needs of the City. The receipt of a market rate of return will be secondary to the
requirements far safety and liquidity. This policy will adopt passive investment strategies designed to
minimi�.�administrative expenses while obtaining mazket-average rates of return and incurring minimal
risks. It is the intent of the City to be in complete compliance with local law and the Texas Public Funds
Investment Act.
II. Scope- This investment policy applies to all financial assets and funds placed for investment by the
City. The City commingles its funds into one pooled investment fund for investrnent purposes for
efficiency and maximum investment opportunity. These funds are defined in the City's Comprehensive
Annual Financial Report(CAFR)and include:
General Fund
Special Revenue Funds
Debt Service Fund
Capital Projects Fund
Enterprise Fund
Trust and Agency Funds
And any new funds created by the City, unless specifically exempted by the City Council and this
III. Objectives-The investment policy of the Ciry shall be governed by these primary objectives: safety,
liquidity and yield. The suitability of each investment decision will be made on the basis of these
A. Safety-The foremost objective of the investment program sha11 be to assure the safety of the
invested funds. Investments shall be undertaken in a manner that seeks to ensure the
preservation of capital.
B. Liquidity-Funds will be invested with maturities necessary to maintain sufficient liquidity to
provide adequate and timely working funds.
C. Yield - Return on investrnent is of least importance compared to the safery and liquidity
objectives described above. Investment for speculation purposes is prohibited.
IV. Legal Limita6ons,Responsibilities and Investment Authority-Authority and parameters for the
investment of public funds in T�as are found in the Public Funds Investment Act,Chapter 2256,Texas
Government Code(the"Act").
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The Interlocal Cooperation Act,Chapter 791,Texas Government Code,authorizes local governments
in Texas to participate in investment pools established thereunder, That statute and reference to
authorized inveshnent in investment pools in the Act,is primary authoriry for use of inveshnent pools
by political subdivisions of the State of Texas.
V. Delegation of Investment Authority- The Director of Administrative Services is designated as the
Investment Officer of the City and is responsible for the implementation of these policies, and for
assuring that investment management decisions and activities fully comply herewith. The Investment
Officer shall develop and maintain administrative procedures for the operation of the investment
program which are in strict accordance with this investment policy,as annroved by the C�Council.
The Investment Officer shall comply with training requirements of the Public Funds Investment Act.
The Investment Officer shall designate a staff person as a liaison/deputy in the event circumstances
require timely action and the Inveshnent Officer is not available. The annointment sha11 be an,�roved
by�Council. However,no officer or designee may engage in an investment transaction except as
provided under the terms of this policy and the procedures established by the Investment Officer and
approved by the City Manager
VI. Standards-To be observed.
A. Prudence-The standazd of prudence used by the City of Friendswood shall be the"Prudent
Person Rule" and shall be applied in the context of managing the overall portfolio. This
standard states:"Inveshnents shall be made with judgement and care,under circumstances then
prevailing,which persons of prudence,discretion, and intelligence exercise in the management
of their own affairs,not far speculation,but for investment,considering the probable safety of
their capital as well as the expected incorne to be derived." In deternuning whether the
Investment Officer has exercised prudence with respect to an investment decision, the
determination shall be made taking into consideration:
l. The investment of all funds under the City's control, over which the officer had
responsibility; and
2. Whether the investment decision was consistent with the written investment policy of
the City.
B. Ethics-Officers and employees involved in the investrnent process sha11 refrain from personal
business activity that could conflict with the proper execution and management of the
investment program,or that could impair their ability to make impartial decisions. Employees
and investment officials shall disclose, in writing, any material interests, including personal
business relationships,with any financial institution with which it is proposed that the City
conduct business. They shall further disclose any personal fmancial/investment positions that
could be related to the performance of the investrnent portfolio.
G Liquidity-To meet the investment objectives of the City,the maturity of investments shall be
targeted to coincide with the cash flow needs of the City. Funds of the City shall be invested
in instruments whose maturities do not exceed approved periods as determined by their policy.
Unless matched to a specific requirement,the Investment Officer may not invest more than
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30% of the portfolio for a period greater than two (2) years. Unless matched to a specific
requirement,the Investrnent Officer may not invest in any portion of the portfolio for a period
greater than three(3)years.
D. Diversification - The investment portfolio shall be diversified to minimize the risk of loss
resulting from over concentration of assets in a specific maturity, specific issuer or specific
class of securities. Nevertheless,the City recognizes that in a diversified portfolio,occasional
measured interest losses are inevitable,and must be considered within the context of the overall
portfolio's investment return. At a minimum,diversification standards by security type and
issuer shall be:
U.S. Treasuries&securities with the
U.S. Government's guarantee Not To Exceed(NTE) 75%
U.S. Government Agencies and
instrumentalities NTE 60%
Certificates of Deposit NTE 30%
Money Market Funds NTE 30%
Local Government Investment Pools NTE 75°/a*
*(No more than 40%shall be invested in any�gle nool�
E. Yield-The core of investments shall be limited to relatively low risk securities in anticipation
of eazning a fair return relative to the risk being assumed. The earnings from investments shall
be used in a manner that best serves the public tnist and interests of the City in compliance with
applicable covenants or other legal restrictions.
F. Safekeeping and Custody-To protect against potential fraud and embezzlement,the cash and
investments of the Ciry of Friendswood shall be secured by the City, or through third party
custody and safekeeping procedures as herein designated. The third party custodian shall be
required to issue safekeeping receipts to the City listing each specific security, description,
maturity,cusip number,yield and/or coupon and other pertinent information. Each safekeeping
receipt shall clearly indicate that the instrument is held for the City of Friendswood. All
safekeeping arrangements shall be documented by the Investment Officer.
All investment transactions shall be executed on a"delivery vs. payment"basis to ensure that
securities are deposited in the eligible fmancial institutions prior to the release of funds.
VIL Internal Controls- The C�Council shall establish an annual process of independent review by an
external auditor. This review shall provide internal control by assuring compliance with policies and
VIII. Investment Committee-Upon adoption of this policy an Investrnent Committee shall be established.
Members include three un�aid private sector investment professionals appointed by the City Council.
The Investment Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity only. The Committee shall perform such
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duties assigned to it by this Policy and such other duties as may,from time to time,be assigned to it by
the City Council.
The Investment Committee shall meet at least quarterly. It may meet more often as desired. Two
members may request a meeting. Two members constitute a quorum.
The Investment Committee is charged with the dury of deternvning general investment strategies for the
Ciry and monitoring results. It shall include in its deliberations such topics as economic outlook,
investment strategies, portfolio diversification and maturity structure, potential risks to City funds,
authorized depositories,brokers/dealers and the target rate of return on the investment portfolio.
IX. Authorized Investments - Specific security instruments are authorized under the provisions of the
Public Funds Investment Act. The conservative philosophy employed by the City is to choose
investments in a manner which ensures safety,while promoting diversity of market sector and maturity.
The choice of high-grade government instruments is designed to provide for the safety of principal,
return an acceptable yield and assure marketability. City funds may be invested in the following:
A. Obligations of the U.S. Government,its agencies and instrumentalities,not to exceed three(3)
years to stated maturities.
B. Certificates of deposit issued by a state or national bank or a savings and loan association
domiciled in the State of Texas, guaranteed or insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation,or collateralized, in accordance with Section 2256.010,the Texas Government
Code,in face amounts not to e�ccced$100,000 and not to exceed eighteen(18)months to stated
C. Naload money market mutual funds registered and regulated by the Securities and Exchange
Commission, subject to the limitations contained in Section 2256.014, Texas Government
D. Te�'ool Investment Pool (TexPool), Lone Star Investment Pool (LSIP) and the Local
Government Investment Cooperative (LOGIC), provided such pools comply with Chapter
2256, Sections .016, .017, ,018 and.019,Texas Government Code.
X. Authorized Financial Dealers and Institutions - The Investment Officer shall maintain a list of
fmancial institutions authorized to provide investment services. In addition, a list shall also be
maintained of approved security broker/dealers selected by credit worthiness who are authorized to
provide investment services in the State of Texas. These may include"primary"dealers or regional
dealers that qualify under Securities&Exchange Commission Rule 15C3-1 (uniform net capital rule).
All financial institutions and broker/dealers who desire to become qualified bidders for investment
transactions must supply the Investment Officer with the following: audited fmancial statements,proof
of National Association of Security Dealers certification and proof of state registration.
Every broker/dealer with whom the City transacts business shall be provided a copy of this Investment
Policy to assure that they are familiar with the goals and objectives of the investment program. The
broker/dealer shall be required to return a copy of the Certification Form(E�ibit"A"), signed by a
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registered principal,certifying that the policy has been received and reviewed.
XI. Competitive Bidding Requirement - Securities may be purchased or sold only after a reasonable
review of the offers/bids,to verify that the City is receiving fair market value/price for the investment.
XII. Reporting-The Investrnent Officer shall prepare and submit to the City Manager and Ciry Council a
quarterly report of investment transactions for all funds of the City. The report shall include all
information as required by Section 2256.023 of the Act.
XIII. Limitation of Personal Liability-The Investment Officer and those delegated investment authority
under this policy,when acting in accordance with the written procedures and this policy and in accord
with the Prudent Person Rule, shall be relieved of personal responsibiliry and liability in the
management of the portfolio provided that deviations from expectations for a specific security's credit
risk or market price change or portfolio shifts are reported in a timely manner and that appropriate action
is taken to control adverse market effects.
XIV. Investment Strategy-The City of Friendswood shall maintain a portfolio which involves invesirnent
strategy considerations,designed to address the unique characteristics of the fund groups represented
in the portfolio. The objectives of each fund group must be considered in context of the structure of the
overall portfolio.
A. Operating Funds-Investment strategies for operating funds have as their primary objective
to assure that anticipated cash flows are matched with adequate investment liquidity. The
secondary objective is to create a portfolio structure which will experience minimal volatility
during economic cycles. This may be accomplished by purchasing high quality, short to
medium term securities which will complement each other.
B. Capital and Special Projects Funds-Primary strategy for these fund types is to assure that
anticipated cash requirements are matched to ensure adequate liquidity at the time of payment.
A portion of investments (at least 10%) should be highly liquid to allow for flexibility and
unanticipated project outlays. The stated final maturity date of any securiry held should not
exceed the estimated project completion date.
C. Debt Service Fund-Investment strategies for debt service funds will have as their prunary
objective the assurance of investment liquidity adequate to cover the debt service obligation on
the required payment date.
D. Overall Short-term Strategy - The City uses a consolidated cash system where cash is
commingled and ownership tracked by equiry accounts. From this a considerable amount is
available for investment in a highly liquid local government investment pool. Interest earnings
aze apportioned back based on equiry in the pool. Use of the pool enables short-term interfund
borrowing during the course of the year using"due-to/due-from" accounting methodology.
This gives considerable fle�bility to the immediate cash needs of an individual fund.
XV. Intent - It is the stated intent of this Policy to adhere by and to be in conforxnance with the statute
known as the Public Funds Investment Act, Chapter 2256, Texas Government Code,as amended by
House Bill 2459 enacted by the 74th Texas Legislature. Specific interpretation of a section contrary to
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this intent shall not void the remaining Policy.
XVL Adoption-This Investment Policy sha11 be formally adopted by Resolution of the City Council. The
Policy shall be reviewed on an annual basis by the City Manager and City Council.
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as required by Texas Government Code 2256.005(k)
The City acknowledges that the only means the firm has to preclude"imprudent investment
activities arising out of transactions between the firm and the City"is to confirm that all
provisions of the City's investment policy are followed in investment transactions conducted
between the firm and the City, and, the second paragraph below should be read accordingly.
I, as registered principal for the firm do hereby
certify that I, and the broker covering this account, , have
received and both have thoroughly reviewed the investment policy for the City.
We acknowledge that this firm has implemented reasonable internal procedures and controls in an
effort to preclude imprudent investment activity between this firm and the City arising from
transactions between the City and the firm.
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