HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 96-11 RESOLUTiON' NQ, R9 6-11 A RESOLUTIOl� �1tQVIDING FOR THE HQLZ3ING �F A GENLR.AL ELECTION TQ BE H�.,D QN MAY 4, l99b, 1�QR THE PURFdSE aF ELECTING 'I'VVO (2) CDUNCII MFM�ERS FOR THE CYTY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS. * * � * � BE IT RESOLVED B`S'T�TE CiTY COUNCIL QF TT�E CITY OF FRIENASW�OD, TEXAS: Section . In accordance with the Constitudon and gen�ral laws of the State of Texas, a General Municipal Electian is hereby calted and ordered for the first Saturday in May� 1996, the same being the 4th day oF said month, at which election atl qualified voters af tha City may vate for [he purpose of electin� the fallawing officials of th�e City: Councihnan, Positioa 2 Councilman, position 5 Seetion 2. No person's name shall t�e p�aced upon the official ballot �s a candidate for any af the abave-mentioned Council positiarus unless such person �as �ied his or her sworn application, as pravided by Section 141.031 Of the TEXAS ELECT[ON CODE, with the City Secretary of tbe City at the City Hall, located at 910 Svuth Friendswood brive, Friendswood, Texas '7754b, not later than fi�ve o'clock(5:00)p,m. on thc fart�►-fifth(4Stt�) day before the date of such election, The City Secretary shall note on the face of each such applicatian t�e d.ate and time of its filing. Such application shall include the number af the position the candidate is seeelcin�. - Sectio� 3. Said electio:ns shall be held in each of the eIection prtcincts within said City and the polling places and electian of�cials for each of said pr�cincts shall be as fallows: Eleetian Precinct 456: Boundaries the same as that pnrtion of Galveston County Election Precinct 456 lying within the Ciry limits of the City af Friendswood. �ol.lin PIace: Public Safety Buiiding 109 East Willowick Friendswood, Texas Election �tficers: R. J. Blanken, Presiding Judge Election ��i�a�t 457: Baundaries ihe same as that partion of Galvest.�n County Electian Precinct 457 lying within the City limits of the City oF Priends�voad Polling Plac�: Westwood Flememary 5chooi Sd� West Edgewood Priondswood, Texas C1�tRe�t�C Election tafficez�s: �eWhite, l�residing Judge Election �'recind 460� Boundaries the same as that partian of Galveston Caunty �lection Precinct 46Q tying within the Cxty limits of the City of Friendswood Polling Place: Frienci�woad Library 416 Sauth Friendswaod �rivo Fciends�raod, Texas Electian af�icers: Barbara Clary, Presiding Judge El��a� Precinct 261 & Electian 1'recinct 362: Boundaries t6e samE as that portion of Calveston �ounty Election Precincts 261 ar�d 362 lying within the City limits -� of the City of Friendsvv�ood. 11' Flace: Clear Creek braina�e Aistrict $uilding �.605 F.M. 528 Friendswood, Texas -2- Etection Oft3cers: Patsy Y'okum� Presiding 7udge Ele�ti�n Precinct 378 & Part of El�on P'recinct � Boundarios the same as that portion of Ha.rris Caunty Election Precinct 378 lying within the City limits af the City of Friendswood and that portion of Wedgewoad Village Subdivision lying within Harris Counry �ctzan Precinct bSS ]ying within thc Gity limits af the City af FriendswoQd, Pollin�P1acE: Forest Bcnd Cirric C1ub Building 4300 I.aura Leigh Friendswood, Texas Elect�o�;,4fficers: Bettye $owerman, Presiding Judge Election Precinct 47�L 8� f t ion Pr �;. Boundari�s the same as that portion of Harris County �lectian Precinct 474 lying within the City lim;iis of thc City of Friendswood and that pordon of F��est Be�d Subdivisian lying within Harris County Election Prccinct 6S5 lying v�rithin the City luniis of th� City of Friendswood. Pollin P1ace: W�dgewaod Elementar� Schoal 4404 Friends�raod Link Road Friends�uvood, Texas �lection Officers: Phyllis Middletvn, Prosidin�g Judge Central Countia� S��n: Presiding Jud�e:� Ruth Frcngle Manager: Deloris McI�enzie �1�� Kathleen Seng Clerk: Eilecn Mehnert Tabulation Supervisor: Linda Thatnton Tabulatiort Assistaint: Todd Yeager -�- 02i29i96 15:36 OLSON & OLSON � 4821634 N0.169 P005i007 luti n � B�nny Baker ICcvin Cande� Bob K.erfonta e.ar r Dr ' Disstrict: Ginger Calk The City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to pravide a copy of this Resolution to each judge as written natice of the appointment as requ'ued by Sectian 32.009 of the �'ExAs ELECTION CO�E. Each Presiding Judge sha11 have the authoriry to appoint no more than thra� {3) qualified voters as clerks to assist in the holding of said electi�n, but in no event sha[l the Presiding 7udge appaint less than two (2) clerks. Section 4. 1VIs. I�eloris McKenzie, City Secretary, is hercby appointed clerk for eaxIy vc�ting; appvintments by th� City Secretary af deputy clerks for �arly vodng shall be in accardance with Section 83.Q31 et seq, of the TExns E1.�ECTiorr Can� and the City Hall 910 South Friendswood Drive Friendswood, Texas 7754� is h�reby desiguated as the place far early voting for said election. Said elerks shall keep said of�ice open far at l�ast nine (9) hours, that is, from eight a'elack {8:Q0) a.m. until fivc a'clack (S:OU) p.m., on each day far early voting which is not a Saturday, a Sunday, Qr an o�cial state or federal holida�, beginni.ng on the twentieth(20th)day and cantinuing ttuough the fourth(4th) day preceding the date of said election; provided, hvwever, extend.�.d early voting shaIt be held on Saturday, Apri129, 1996, from eight o'clock (8:00) a_m. until five a'clock(5:00)p.m. 3aid clerks sha11 npt permit anyone ta vote eazly by persvnal appearance on any day which ia nat a �- 02i29i96 15:36 OLSON & OLSON � 4821634 N0. 169 P006i00� regular warkin�day for the clerk's o�f'ice, and under na circumstances shall tt�ey g�rmit anyor,e tfl vot�sarly by personal appearance at any tune when such o�ce is not apen ta the public. The above-described place far early voting is also the eaxly voting ckrk's mailing address to which ballot applicatians and ballots voted b� mail msy be sent. The early vating clerk, in accordance with the provisions of the TExns �LECrto�v Coz�E, shall raaintain a raster tisting each person who votes early by pers�nal appearancc and each person to whom an earl� vating ballat to be voted by mail is sent. The roster shall be maintained in a form appr�ved by tlie Secretary of State. ti n . R. J. Blanken is hereby agpointed as Presiding Judge of the Early Voting Ballot Baard. In accordance with Section 87.001 et seq, of the TEXAS ELECI'ION CODE, said presiding judge shall appoint at least two (2} other rnernbers to said boaxd, and shall process early voting results in aecordance with said 1'Exns F.�,EC'rtoH CoD�. eti n . Said election shall be held in accordance with the Constiturion and Iaws af the State �f Texas, and alI duly qaalifi�d resident electars of tt� City of Friendswaod, Texas, shall be entitled to vote. Sectian 7. The Giry Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to furnish aU necessary ele�ction supQlies ta conduct sueh election. �ectian 8. The order in which the names of khe can�didates are ta be printed on the ballot in the general election shall be determined by a drawing by the City Secretary, as pmvided by Sectian 52.094 of che T�s EL�c'rroN ConE. The City Secretary shall post a notice in her office, at least ser►ettty-two (72} hours prior to the date on which thc drawing is ta be held, of the time and place of the dr�wing, and sha11 also give person�l notice to sny candidate who malces vvritten request for such notic� and furnishes to the Ciry Secr�tary a self-addressed, -5- bG/�y/yb l�:Jb ULSUN � ULSUN � 4��1b34 ItiU. lb7 rbb'(/�b'( stamped enveloEae. Each candidate in�volved in the drawing, or a designated represemative, shall ha�ve a right to be present and abserv�e thc drawing. ction . The candidates receiving a majarity of votes in each af the positions to be filled at such election shalf be declared ele.cted. Sect'o 0. The voting at such election shall be by paper ballot. Early voting by persanal appearanc�e at such electian shall be by paper ballat; early voting b�methods ather than b� personal appearance shall be by paper ballot. ection 11. Notice of this election sha11 b� given in accordance with the provisions of the TEx�s ELEC'rioN CoeE and returns af such notice shall be made as provided f�r in said Cade. The Mayar shall issue a1l neccssaiy orders and writs far such electian, and retums af such elecdon shall be made to the Ciry Secretary immediately afiter the closing af the polls. Sectian 12. Said election shall be held in accordance with the T�AS EL�art CoDE and the Federal Vating Rights Act of 1965, as amended. PASS�D, APPROVED, AND R�SOLVED this 4th day of March , 1�9fi. � � � Evelyn . Ne Mayor ATTEST: � . - . I3eloris McKeuxie, C City Secretary -6-